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Joined: 30/03/2010
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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 14:35

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Message 1 of 21 in Discussion

In 2004, with a local hotelier, I visited government offices (fisheries, tourism etc) to encourage them to see the potential of the fishing in reservoirs for locals and tourists. Was given permission to fish and report my findings which, included catches of double figure Carp but, regrettably, masses of rotting litter and rubbish. In general, the foreigners remove their rubbish and return their catch. Not so the locals. Government were keen to take fees but no interest in using some of the income to keep reservoirs healthy. Thus I withdrew my interest and felt sorrow for those who have since tried to start clubs or walk the banks. It now seems that the locals have the reward of free fishing whilst "non citizens" have to pay a fee in excess of that paid to use well stocked and cared for waters within other parts of Europe. I for one, will keep every last coin in my pocket, and with great frustration and regret will also keep my fishing tackle permanently at home.

girne 29

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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 15:00

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As said about the MP's" They still dont get it"

You would think there were to many tourists coming for the place to cope with, and methods were being tried to discourage them from returning.


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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 15:06

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Message 3 of 21 in Discussion

I want to start a petition to have a law passed so that only TRNC citizens can play golf without a license - however, as I came here so I could live a little longer than in the UK, I better climb back under my rock and keep my head down!

Well I thought it was a good idea, honest.


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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 17:49

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Message 4 of 21 in Discussion

The licences are discriminatory and are fully intended to be, against all non-citizens of the TRNC. The hunting federation "chairman" states that "There's nothing wrong with that" Ouch!

If there is "widespread ignorance" about the angling rules/laws in the TRNC who's fault is that? Non citizens I suppose? Where are the multi-lingual posters and leaflets to educate one and all?

Observe "local" citizen fishermen on Girne seawall and other locations and glance in their buckets at their immature, undersize catch, then you'll understand something of the real problem. Don't even mention the dangerous rubbish that these heroes of the TRNC fishing fraternity leave behind. The discarded line, hooks, carrier bags, empty tins etc. are an eyesore and I suspect illegal - but they're citizens so that's all right then. Disgusting.

In Europe fishing licences are affordable and easily purchased annually, the waters and environs patrolled and monitored by dedicated organisations and their wardens


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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 18:17

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Message 5 of 21 in Discussion

You've got to say it's such a good start from the new regime... NOT!

A new bit of racial discrimination on the legislature...

The dafter thing is, who on earth is going to police this load of rubbish? If you are taken to court you could of course apply to the ECHR to have the decision over-turned on the grounds that any law which enshrines such blatant racial discrimination is against natural justice. Turkey (and in turn the TRNC) is a signatory to the ECHR and can not ignore their findings.


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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 18:38

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Dear Groucho, I stopped short of mentioning racial discrimination not wanting to deflect opinion from the point that I tried to initiate something for the good of ALL anglers, tourism, and the environment and was used as a exploration into where more revenue might be raised with nothing in return. That said I agree with you that it could not be such a selective fee in any country in the EU or even in any country with totally brainless politicians.


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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 20:20

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Message 7 of 21 in Discussion

Serious question from me, for a change - Is there any other country in the world that makes you have a license to fish with rod and line from the shore?

Only ask because I honestly do not know the answer.


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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 20:33

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Message 8 of 21 in Discussion

A loophole in the law as follows : First, tackle up as normal using suitable floats, weights etc; BUT OMIT THE HOOK! Thereby, you may have a day's fishing which will be just as productive as with a hook and technically YOU ARE NOT FISHING. Oh what fun when you are apprehended for doing NOTHING wrong. Give them plenty of exercise.


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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 20:38

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Message 9 of 21 in Discussion

NO 7, not that we are aware of. It is perfectly legal to fish from the shore anywhere in the world, even in Channel Islands ( where, if you asked a policeman if he had the time, you'd be done for soliciting!)


Joined: 30/12/2008
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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 20:57

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Message 10 of 21 in Discussion

Waddo wrote: "Is there any other country in the world that makes you have a license to fish with rod and line from the shore?"

Bit of quick research has come up with the answer YES. Certainly in Andalucia (Spain), Lanzarote and certain states in USA. The last one is interesting as it seems that in some states residents do not need a licence whilst vistors do.

How strictly policed they are, I do not know.



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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 22:31

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Dear Mitsi, I like your idea but even that has risks. Once sat my Wildebeest (bless her) on the banks of a river with rod and line but no hook. I told her to be quiet for several hours as happiness was a rod in the hands ! Within minutes a tiny Barbel was landed, caught by the gills in the tiny loop where the terminal tackle and hook would normally be ! Seriously though, the BRS tell us that though we have no vote in Cyprus they have a voice. I am wondering if they will be willing to take up this obvious unfair nonsense over selective licensing fees which, if nothing else, would be a small test to see if they do have a voice that is heeded ?


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Message Posted:
01/05/2010 23:01

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Message 12 of 21 in Discussion

Hi waddo,

" Is there any other country in the world that makes you have a license

to fish with rod and line from the shore?"

YES :-(

We lived in Denmark before we moved here, and I had to buy one, still in my tackle box.

Fishing license

A fishing license is obligatory when fishing in natural waters in and around Denmark. The license is valid for one year and costs DKK 140,00. The license is obtained from the Danish post offices. For tourists, a license valid for one day or one week can be obtained at DKK 35,00 (day) and DKK 100,00 (week). In addition to the post offices, licenses can be obtained from local tourist offices, and tackle-shops of some size.



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Message Posted:
02/05/2010 01:24

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Message 13 of 21 in Discussion

I would willingly pay a small fee to fish in reservoirs here but only if the locals also pay. In England and Wales a rod license is £27 per season (£18 for pensioners, those under 18 years and some on benefits) for coarse and Trout fishing. This accesses quality fishing for numerous species to record sizes on a host of well kept venues. I am not prepared to pay 150 lira every 2 years to fish whilst trying to close my eyes to the pollution which surrounds me and limited to a few reservoirs which might or might not have water in them a few months of the year. I also do not want to look at those fishing who pollute the water but will not have to pay to fish as this will reinforce my view that anyone legally resident here and paying their taxes should be treated the same as the locals. This new legislation is exhorbitant in price and alienates in nature if not a breach of human rights.


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Message Posted:
03/06/2010 18:42

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Message 14 of 21 in Discussion

So hello there this is my first post and i would like to comment the fishing license only for aliens . if a "country" starts toand separate their population where is going from that .the right to too is all to pay or none. (my opinion discriminate on to pay for shore fishing its outrageous ) In 2004 when the borders open all Turkish-Cypriots issue passports an IDs from the Greek-Cypriot government and they consider (AND THEY ARE CITIZENS OF THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS )

For them hospitals and schools are free of charge .Me as a citizen of the same country i have to pay for all the above.

For me we all are CYPRIOTS TURKISH GREEK .And if we stop to say "turkishcypriots" and "greekcypriots"and say CYPRIOTS many problems will be solved in seconds So when i have to pass the 200 meters of the border line and be recognized as an alien and had to pay for shore fishing no thanks.


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Message Posted:
03/06/2010 22:20

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Message 15 of 21 in Discussion

Waddo message 3;

Anyone who wishes to play in golf tournaments must have a federation handicap

To get one of these you must be a federation member

The (license) fee for this is 50TL, last year it was 20TL

All people regardless of nationality pay this fee

So they say!


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Message Posted:
03/06/2010 23:29

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Message 16 of 21 in Discussion

msg 14,


Judging by your name you are Greek Cypriot,not that I have any problems with that.However,since you are Cypriot and live in Cyprus which is an island,why on earth would you feel the need to come over this way just so that you could fish??????????The very same sea is also in the southern part of the island as well.

As for your political wiev:

If you think for one single second that the Greek Cypriots had eccepted to open the borders at their own will,you are only kidding yourself.

Face the music,you had f**ked up big time by joining the EU.

As for myself,I shall carry on enjoying all the nationalities I had gained through whatever reasons in a so called ISOLATED but beautiful island.


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Message Posted:
05/06/2010 14:31

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Message 17 of 21 in Discussion

hello yorgozlu

First i never said that the borders open by the will of the GC idon't know if you are a Turkish-Cypriot so Im telling you that the sea in the south is not the same at all.And first of all i leaved in the north and i feel like home when i,m there (Iam not a reffuge) i have no land or house over there .

Its in deed a beautiful island why we cannot leave in it without any lines (green blue red etc.) armys and settlers .

the only thing coming in my mind according what you wrote above ( ,why on earth would you feel the need to come over this way) its that you dont want as there (is that right) .


Joined: 16/06/2009
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Message Posted:
05/06/2010 16:29

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Message 18 of 21 in Discussion

msg 17;

Hello tracer;

I do NOT have any problem visiting TRNC for whatever reasons whatsoever.But,at the same time I do not make the rules either.

You replied to a tread nothing to do with politics by including your political wievs is the reason I replied back to you the way I did.

I live in Lapta,next time you are over I'll show you my hospitality if you have any doubts.


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Message Posted:
05/06/2010 17:23

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Message 19 of 21 in Discussion


But you can not convince me that these fees you explain are a law passed by the legal government of the country? Surely these fees are set by a committe (won't go there) and must only be adhered to by people who use the facility.

Now if you would care to introduce me to the person who provided the fishing facility that exists around the coastline, I will be most happy to make my case again and pay - in cash - right into the hand! I will still require a printed license mind you, complete with a 1TL stamp and signed by my local Muctar before I will consider it legal!!!!!

I just knew I would take some stick over mentioning the walkers in msge 3 (that would be a good walk ruined) so once again I am back under my rock..............................


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Message Posted:
05/06/2010 18:34

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Message 20 of 21 in Discussion

hey yorkozlu

I never doubt that you are a good guy and i don't want to turn this to a political conversation (politicians drove as here) I am visiting those places a lot and i have a few friends over there so i have no problem at all meet you .

you can e-mail me for more .


Joined: 23/04/2009
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Message Posted:
05/06/2010 18:58

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Message 21 of 21 in Discussion

Where do we have to pay for the licence?

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