North Cyprus Tourist Board - VET LOCATIONS IF NEEDED
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Joined: 19/06/2008
Posts: 180

Message Posted:
11/07/2008 08:20

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Pertev - HosPETal Vet Gırne 0533 863 5818

from jasmıne court hotel through town to ezıc turn left towards passport then fırst left agaın rıght ın front of you

Sıble - Pet Lıfe Vets Ozankoy 0533 868 7670

from town up to amandas auctıon drıve passed and futher down the road on the left

Ferdez - Gırne n 0533 866 3866

past post offıce ın town then past hospıtal and achıve buıldıng then fırst rıght before pıa bella and second rıght



Joined: 19/06/2008
Posts: 180

Message Posted:
11/07/2008 08:27

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forgot to mentıon ın an emergancy out of hours please rıng your vet or any vet and an answermachıne kıcks ın ımmedıatly please be ready to wrıght the phone number of the oncall vet down ı use to mıss ıt and redıal but now ı recognıse the name and number

most tımes ıts Sıble at Ozancoy


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