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diabetics in trnc

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Joined: 07/07/2008
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Message Posted:
13/07/2008 21:07

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Hi all,

I am a type one diabetic,and I am coming over to live in trnc may/june 2009 I just wanted to know,if any one knew about the way to get medication etc,do I have to pay if i am paying tax etc,if i do have to pay then this is not a problem does anyone know prices,if any one knows of any hospitals,eczanes,diabetic doctors etc.thanks for everyones help.David


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Message Posted:
14/07/2008 02:02

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Surely someone must know about this?


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Message Posted:
14/07/2008 09:32

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My husband is a diabetic. We get his insulin & other medication sent out from the UK. You can get it here, but it is expensive. A months supply of 2 types of tablets that he takes cost 150ytl. I suggest that you talk to your doctor in the UK. Ours lets us have 3 months supply at a time. We email the prescription request to him & our son collects the medication. My husband goes back once a year for a check up. We either get someone who is coming out to bring it, or post it to a po box in the south that we share.


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Message Posted:
14/07/2008 17:46

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Hi thanks for this,I just have to be careful because, i will need to go twice a year for check ups and if you don't turn up they can be very funny towards giving you prescriptions,but will have to speak to the doctor.thanks


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Message Posted:
14/07/2008 17:50

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Hi sunnyday,could i just ask you if i set up a po box address in the south, is this for getting it free on e111 etc,just trying to find out if i don't have to pay then there must be a way to do this.thanks


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Message Posted:
14/07/2008 19:24

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Whatever you do you will have to pay.

E111 is for emergency treatment in EU.

I would not feel safe relying on postal system for drugs. Best thing is to contact Eczane when next here and ascertain costs and availability for you particular prescription. They are always very helpful and provide an excellent back up to doctors often they will prescribe things that are unavailable in UK except by doctor.

Personally take 2 drugs for my illness one costs next to nothing other costs a fortune!!!!!


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Message Posted:
14/07/2008 20:31

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Hi cyprusishome,

thanks for your help, i have heard the same as what you are saying,was just seeing if anyone knew anything more.thanks


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Message Posted:
14/07/2008 21:02

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David, Im type 1 and the diabetic nurse told me that a GP gets £12K a year to take on a diabetic patient in his surgery,

Also Im told a bottle of fast acting insulin costs about £6 plus all the other screening tests that are done regularly.

Don't want to put you off or anything but you really do need to give this a great deal of thought.

All the best and good luck

PS have you contacted Diabetes UK for help and advice ?


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Message Posted:
14/07/2008 23:54

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Hi turtle

thanks for your reply,I am allowing around £60/70pm for this so if it is cheaper then good,I have contacted diabets uk, and they did not know a lot apart from sending me an info sheet,saying that trnc is not in the eu,so

I said thanks for telling me,I did go and vist a pharmacy and they told me that I will have to join the hospital in nicosia,and when you do you become part of the diabetes club there and you then get checks and discounts on medication for a fee every year but do not know how much this is,just seeing if any type 1 diabetics are already living there with this.David


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Message Posted:
15/07/2008 19:58

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any more info.....


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Message Posted:
15/07/2008 20:43

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Hope to have some later, a friend who lives here is diabetic. Trying to contact him.


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Message Posted:
16/07/2008 00:18

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Hi cyprusishome,thanks for that,will look forward to hearing from you,you are a great help thanks.David


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Message Posted:
16/07/2008 03:46

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I am a insulin controlled diabetic who moved to cyprus 18 months ago, I fly home every ninety days to collect my prescriptions, I do this for a number of reasons, but mainly because I found it is impossible to get health insurance in the TRNC if you are a diabetic. Also I wanted to maintain my position on my GP listing and to do that you cannot be out of the UK for more than 90 days at a time.

Yes it costs me to fly home, but it is well worth it as i can collect my prescriptions, see the doctors etc and i have purchased a good travel insurance that will also cover me for trips of 90 days at a time.

Expensive some might think but we budgeted for it when making the decision to move here and in my opinion worth it.

Regular checks and the correct medication are so important, please consider your options very carefully before making your move, I have been diabetic for over 20 years and have avoided any stays in hospital in that time.moving here has been good but has needed some major changes in the way i manage my diabetas, its not easy but you can do it.

Hope this helps


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Message Posted:
16/07/2008 08:26

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hı count me ın too ı am also dıabetıc dıagnosed here ın trnc

go see DR Hasan Sav.

specıalizing ın thyroıd dıabetes osteoporosıs parathyroıds obesıty ınfertılıty pıtuıtary & adrenals

phone 0392 228 2272

fax 0392 227 7878

offıce ın nıcosıa

hope thıs helps ı paıd 60 lıra ı thınk he sent me for lots of blood tests the results were faxed to hım and he phones me regardıng the results so ı dont have to go all the way to nıcosıa



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Message Posted:
16/07/2008 09:53

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hi oxoners.thanks for your help i will consider doing this,i have allowed around £60/70 pm for medication and test etc,thanks again.David


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Message Posted:
16/07/2008 09:58

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Hi Linda,thanks you for your reply,this is what i am most likely going to do,i have heard there is a diabetic clinic here (Nicosia)and you join it,you then get medication and test at a discount,do you know if this is true,and how much do you pay for medication and joining this clinic,i only really need to buy insulin and have my tests done,blood testing sticks i can get off the internet cheaper,thanks.David


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Message Posted:
16/07/2008 20:48

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Hi there is a diabetic association in TRNC. If you email Emete Imge: she will give you the info about the clinics etc. She is a very nice and helpful lady. I spoke to her a few years ago because my husband is also insulin dependant and we wanted to find out about getting insulin etc. At the time she advised me there were diabetic clinics at the state hospitals but until now we have been able to get repeat prescriptions in the UK. This has now stopped so when my husband runs out of insulin we will need to get it here. If anyone does get any further info on the clinics or obtaining insulin, I would be very grateful to het some info on it.



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Message Posted:
16/07/2008 23:18

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Hi Sible,i cannot thank you enough for your info,if i do find any more info i will make sure it gets to you,also i will give you feed back on what happens,thanks again.David


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Message Posted:
16/07/2008 23:24

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I too went to see Dr Sav, very nice man and appeared very good, did not continue with the option of continuing to see him as he informed me that none of the insulin I am being prescribed in the UK is available in the TRNCand neither are the test strips i use. Also tried in the south and neither were available there. Somewhat surprising as i use the most prescribed insulin for UK diabetics . Did not consider going through the process of having to change insulin and getting all the side effects and ups and downs was a good idea. Dr Sav told me that insulin is only available in the TRNC with a doctors prescription and is all supplied through a central store. He did offer to try and find me an alternative and to arrange for me to change but as i said not for me.

i would however recommend him, he was very helpful.


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Message Posted:
17/07/2008 00:01

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Message 20 of 31 in Discussion

Hi Sibel, look at above info on dr Hasan Sav, I think he is the person to speak to, I have emailed him just waiting for a reply, but if you are over there in trnc give him a call.thanks


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Message Posted:
17/07/2008 01:00

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Message 21 of 31 in Discussion

Hi Oxoners, thanks for your info,what insulin and sticks do you use ?, I am going to go and see him and see what he will advise, I dont take a lot of insulin a day and in the UK ( 30 units pd) they are always swaping me because they give my one type and then discontinue it so they swap me again,thanks again. David


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Message Posted:
17/07/2008 09:55

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Hi all, thanks for everyones help,just waiting for replys from doctors etc now,but you have been very helpful. David


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Message Posted:
17/07/2008 17:09

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Hi all, docs are just looking into the best route to take so should all be good thanks.David


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Message Posted:
17/07/2008 18:18

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Sorry, my friend is apparently a little lax in his management!!!! Still using a supply he brought from UK but I think I have given him a prompt thanks to your posting.



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Message Posted:
17/07/2008 20:53

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Message 25 of 31 in Discussion

Hi Cyprusishome, thnaks for your reply,I have been looking into it and just waiting for docs to get back to me,but will give everyone feedback on what i find out,thanks again. David


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Message Posted:
17/07/2008 21:24

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most of the info that you will need, will be from the doctors above from such members,petsitter,oxoners,sibel,thanks to you all .David


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Message Posted:
17/07/2008 23:34

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I currently use Novarapid and Insulatard Insulin and Accu Chek test strips


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Message Posted:
18/07/2008 09:43

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Hi , oxoners thanks for that. David


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Message Posted:
20/07/2008 11:31

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Message 29 of 31 in Discussion

Hi all, anyone with anymore info, please send in thanks. David


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Message Posted:
21/07/2008 21:37

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Hi all, have emailed docs but still no reply, I am going to call them to see if that helps, emailed them over a week ago thanks. David


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Message Posted:
22/07/2008 16:29

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Message 31 of 31 in Discussion

Hi all, called dr Sav,very helpful man I will book an appointment with him,and he will sort all medication out for me, he told me the insulin I am taking he can get, he will also sort out all checks suck as ,eyes, blood,etc, thanks to eveyone for the infomation,and petsitter you have been great anyone with diabetes needs to see this man.David

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