North Cyprus Tourist Board - An excellent meal at The Old Mill last night
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An excellent meal at The Old Mill last night

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Joined: 30/11/2009
Posts: 646

Message Posted:
10/06/2010 09:59

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Had a fab meal at the Old Mill last nite and am well impressed.

Sarah's new chef certainly know his stuff.

I had chicken wrapped in bacon with a delish cheese sauce and Jo had beef & ale pie which she loved and was too big a portion for her (but she is a skinny petite thing ;-)

The vegs were ratatouie which is my least favourite veg but this was homemade and i have to admit was rather nice, carrots as always and dauphinoise potatoes which is my favourite pots, sarah told us they are trying to get away from chips and wedges !! makes a lovely change.

Dont listen to me, try it out yourselves, well worth a visit

Oh and the restaurant is upstairs with that fab view of Bellapais and the sun setting over Kyrenia

Yes Brinsley, they do sell south African wine lol !!


Joined: 09/03/2008
Posts: 498

Message Posted:
10/06/2010 14:32

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Thanks Mark, glad you enjoyed it. Menu will be changing requently and there will be specials on every day from tom (Friday)

See you again soon x


Joined: 04/04/2009
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Message Posted:
10/06/2010 14:36

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Msg 1

Where did that come from?! Any Cloudy Bay at your place!



Joined: 24/12/2008
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Message Posted:
10/06/2010 16:07

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Sarah, dont forget we still have your baby stuff!

Nick x


Joined: 12/10/2008
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Message Posted:
10/06/2010 22:20

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we have been a couple of times , great value and service , cant fault it ,

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