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Renting - Long term tenant rights

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Joined: 12/06/2010
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Message Posted:
16/06/2010 13:01

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Message 1 of 12 in Discussion

There have been some threads about long-term tenants recently and I wondered just exactly what are the circumstances of tenancy, when I am told that the law is protective of tenants rather than the landlord.

I have been told that once a long term tenant is in arrears and then taken to court, he is ordered to pay-off arrears in 28 days. If that is done then he has the right to continue occupancy. I have also been told that once a tenant has had occupancy for 366 days then the law supports the right to occupation in perpetuity and there can be no grounds for eviction. Are these views correct in the experience of some of you who have let flats in these circumstances?




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Message Posted:
18/06/2010 14:23

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Message 2 of 12 in Discussion

I posed this question a few days ago following comments on tenant evictions by some members.

So am surprised that there are no comments on the law regarding tenancy. Therefore do I take it that one goes about eviction with no regard for the law - if any ?

I would still welcome constructive comment.



the butler

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Message Posted:
18/06/2010 17:20

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At the risk of being shouted down, I made the decision not to rent my property out to Turkish or Turkish Cypriots after two of my friends did this and they were left with big debts to pay off. They had problems getting the tenants to leave, even though they hadn't paid rent for months. It would appear that TRNC citizens do have more rights than the landlord. I have rented to UK tenants on a 6 month shorthold tenancy and did not have any problems with either the rent or any outstanding debts.

The butlers wife


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Message Posted:
18/06/2010 21:53

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I too will not rent to main landers our Cypriots, I got stung big time even when it finally got to court she was told to pay in installments but didnt and didnt leave till water and electric was cut off leaving me all the bills to pay plus damage and now she has gone missing.

so if any one know where Sema or Rifat Cagatay are please let me know and beware, the landords seem to hae no rights at all.


Joined: 12/06/2010
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Message Posted:
19/06/2010 10:07

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Message 5 of 12 in Discussion

Thank you both for your contribution.

You appear to both confirm the legal bias that appears to exist in favour of the tenant, and of course confirm more of the stories that we hear about bad tenants from the local community.

But does anyone know the legal position ?

My concern comes from several developers who are pushing their purchasers to hand over their holiday homes for 'guaranteed' long term tenants, most of whom appear to be TC's or those from the mainland. Not only does this dismay owners of neighbouring family 'holiday' flats, but also encourages some doubt about the premises being avaialble when the owners want to use their properties for retirement etc. at the end of the alleged tenancy contract.

I am sure that there may be no problem with the tenants as neighbours etc., but circumstances can change when it is their time to move at the end of their term. As alluded to above.




Joined: 12/06/2010
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Message Posted:
22/06/2010 17:56

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Message 6 of 12 in Discussion

Back to message 3/4.

You might have seen in another thread that some letting companies do not seek a damages deposit from tenants nor insist on pre-payment electricity meters before letting out.

Do you both now take these precautions in the light of your experiences, or have you given-up renting to all but holiday tenants altogether?

I would still like to know the position regarding the legal protection afforded to long-term tenants though. Also if local people have greater rights as tenants than foreigners.



the butler

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Message Posted:
22/06/2010 19:13

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I will be doing holiday lets during the summer but if I could get a winter long term let I would but only to Brits. I do not use an agent but I take a £500 damages and breakages deposit. As we will be retiring to

Cyprus in the spring of next year this will be our last year of letting. Don't expect to make a lot of money, as our service charges are high it covers this, plus the insurance. then there is the rental tax. The advantage of a winter let means the property is aired and heated throughout the wet season.

The butlers wife


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Message Posted:
22/06/2010 23:42

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Message 8 of 12 in Discussion

What is the rental tax ? what do you need to take along to tax office to set up a rental ? just curious


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Message Posted:
23/06/2010 00:42

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Message 9 of 12 in Discussion

I also had non paying t/c squatters that i got rid of by not going to the courts, to much money and to much hassle. A threat from mr big and they soon got out, always the best way


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Message Posted:
24/06/2010 09:35

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Message 10 of 12 in Discussion

RE: Msg 9

The old uns are the best uns aren’t they ! I am in property investment in another country nearby, where sending the boys round is standard and evictions don’t get to court, as the boys are effective. But in NC things are different especially in how the law apparently sees foreign landlords.

Msg 7

I understand you are very comfortable with your arrangement and it suits you best, especially keeping things aired.

I am happy with my little place out in the NC sticks but I also invest for others in rental property for real. I have been constantly encouraged to invest in one large development by friends who own there. But some things don’t add up. In addition the developer’s guard dog – or is it the developer himself? – keeps attacking me on other threads and driving me away.

But still the legal position on tenure for long term concerns me. Investing in say 10 flats for sale in 2 years time on the basis that I can only repossess using the boys does not have such great


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Message Posted:
24/06/2010 09:36

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Message 11 of 12 in Discussion

Pt 2

.............appeal !



Joined: 02/09/2009
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Message Posted:
18/07/2010 17:49

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Message 12 of 12 in Discussion

I have this problem - who is Mr Big? I need him!

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