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Message Posted:
23/07/2008 13:44

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Message 1 of 44 in Discussion

Are there any Indian families here in TRNC?


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Message Posted:
23/07/2008 13:49

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There are plenty cowboys !!!


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Message Posted:
23/07/2008 14:38

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legal or builder cowboys ?


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Message Posted:
24/07/2008 00:38

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There probably are, and I know of at least one young male bartender.

My nephew will be out with family next month, he is half-Indian, half-Austrian

wife Turkish & they coming from Germany! lovely family. My children are

also half Indian, & I still have my late husband's Indian (Punjabi) name.

Unless, of course, you mean American Indian!?


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Message Posted:
24/07/2008 07:36

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I know an Indian family who live here. Why the question TRNCVaughan?



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Message Posted:
24/07/2008 10:23

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I have an Indian friend moving out here with his family and they are looking for fellow countrymen with whom they can discuss issues like schools etc.


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Message Posted:
24/07/2008 15:07

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I have 2 indian freinds (work colleagues) who I am sure would be happy to help.


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Message Posted:
24/07/2008 16:22

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I will PM my friends number and perhaps your friends would be kind enough to ring him.


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Message Posted:
24/07/2008 16:26

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There are loads of Indians at The Grove, or they could be pakistanis, they all look the same to me.


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Message Posted:
24/07/2008 17:39

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Message 10 of 44 in Discussion

thats an awful thing to say !


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Message Posted:
24/07/2008 20:02

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Well, I suppose all us Europeans look the same to non-Europeans

White faces & frizzy hair was once quoted.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 15:29

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Some inappropriate comments, I think.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 15:34

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I think this thread should be deleted before it gets out of hand.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 15:42

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Perhaps it shoud be moderated.TRNC is asking for genuine help for a friend and Kitty1 has offered assistance.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 16:24

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Agree with you Chessman.

Hot Hornet

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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 16:52

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hi all

would say that most of the time people get them mixed up unwittingly perhaps! There are certainly more pakistanis here than indians though.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 18:09

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This board doesn't go in for moderating posts which is why I rarely visit it.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 18:28

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batterboy58's comment may be a little non p/c to some However I am sure it is not meant in an offensive way.

Perhaps batterboy58 would like to confirm / deny this.

I agree with philray all europeans look the same.

You can be sure t spot the dutchman though..................................

hij zal een grote glimlach op zijn gezicht en een pint effes in zijn hand hebben.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 18:35

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Message 19 of 44 in Discussion

I don't see why it is offensive to say Pakistani and Indian people look the same,they are the same race!It is only the fact that they have different religions.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 18:38

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I don't know about a smile on his face Nige!


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 20:17

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Pakistanwas a part of British India until 1947 so it is safe to say pakistanis and indians will look alike exluding any religous body / hair styles etc.

Ao pperhaps it is only the P/c europians that would /could find it offensive to say


There are loads of Indians at The Grove, or they could be pakistanis, they all look the same to me. "

There is no reason for them to look any different as they come from the same region and prior to 1947 the same country !!

The Indus Valley civilization, one of the oldest in the world and dating back at least 5,000 years, spread over much of what is presently Pakistan. During the second millennium B.C., remnants of this culture fused with the migrating Indo-Aryan peoples. The area underwent successive invasions in subsequent centuries from the Persians, Greeks, Scythians, Arabs (who brought Islam), Afghans, and Turks. The Mughal Empire flourished in the 16th and 17th centuries; the British came to dominate the region in the 18th century. The separation in 1947 of British India into the Muslim state of Pakistan (with West and East sections) and largely Hindu India was never satisfactorily resolved, and India and Pakistan fought two wars - in 1947-48 and 1965 - over the disputed Kashmir territory. A third war between these countries in 1971 - in which India capitalized on Islamabad's marginalization of Bengalis in Pakistani politics - resulted in East Pakistan becoming the separate nation of Bangladesh. In response to Indian nuclear weapons testing, Pakistan conducted its own tests in 1998. The dispute over the state of Kashmir is ongoing, but discussions and confidence-building measures have led to decreased tensions since 2002.


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 21:16

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Wow I'm really impressed with your knowledge of the Indus Valley civilization(one of the oldest in the world)!

Top man!


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Message Posted:
25/07/2008 23:46

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I am sorry to say you must spend little time on the internet, either that or you are being sarcastic!!!!!!!!!

Yes until 1947 this was one country with several religions and numerous languages and dialects.

However, given that littlenige spends half his life attached to a computer keyboard it is very easy to get the info he has printed.

The other half of his life, especially while the boss is away, is in his thong oggling the young ladies at Club Simena!!!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
26/07/2008 07:21

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cyprus is home, the one that is to be obeyed has returned and the thong is back in mothballs,

I am getting arround a little more but still find it hard to walk more than a few yards, hence I am tending to spend to much time on here.

I can be spotted in the semina pool betweeen 10 and 2 most days doing leg exercises.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2008 08:43

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Will dig out the binocs and if we see a large object floating in the pool will trundle down.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2008 18:31

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The only people likely to be offended by my remark are the politically correct brigade.

Surely all whites look the same too whether they be French, German, English or American.

Sorry to disappoint, I'm sure some people have been waiting for me to admit that I am a racist.


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Message Posted:
26/07/2008 18:52

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"Whites", unlike Asians or Africans, do come in different colours.

Pale people with blonde/red hair (Scandinavians)

Dark people with brown/black hair (Southern Europeans)

and all the combinations of the above.

Orientals all look "the same" to the untrained eye - having lived in the far east for 4 years, I can tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese, and if you put the two side-by-side most would see the difference.

Having said that, it does come across as arrogant and dismissive to say "they all look the same to me".


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Message Posted:
27/07/2008 08:59

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I knows some whites look like Walrus so what he he

only a joke


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Message Posted:
27/07/2008 09:26

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and the joke being ????


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Message Posted:
27/07/2008 20:02

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If you know trnc v you will understand if not no problem


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Message Posted:
27/07/2008 23:27

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i spy captain birds eye


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Message Posted:
28/07/2008 09:50

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To be politically correct how can you tell the difference between Indian and Pakistanis? without talking to them first.

This is a serious question not meant to be derogatory .

Just like asians( Korean, Vietnamese etc: Chinese and Japanese I can tell or how about all the latinos, . Sorry if people get offended but how can you tell without asking ?.


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Message Posted:
28/07/2008 09:55

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turbo as pakistan was only created in 1947 I do not think you can,unless 1 is a devout hindo and the other a devout muslim.


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Message Posted:
28/07/2008 10:07

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Why is it majoritys have to accept the " rights" and " view" of minoritys or be all a ??? ist or ??? phobic

Why can't minoritys accept the ways of the majority and either confirm or keep quiet.

Should i wish to build a church or hold christian parades in trnc would the authoritys be christianophobic by refusing me ?


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Message Posted:
28/07/2008 14:59

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ıam blonde haıred and pale skınned but born ın ıreland maybe my granma was accosted by mauraudıng scandınavıans


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Message Posted:
29/07/2008 00:31

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Many people in U.K. & Ireland are blonde/red-haired & pale skinned, not only

Scandinavians & many of them are not actually.

Some Pakistanis say they can tell the difference between Indians & themselves

just by looking & think it is to do with facial expressions or something.

It is quite complex the whole thing. My Hindu father-in-law had Urdu poetry

books which he read & loved.


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Message Posted:
28/10/2008 04:26

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Message 37 of 44 in Discussion

Brazilians and Argentines look the same to me.


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Message Posted:
28/10/2008 13:23

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"Brazilians and Argentines look the same to me."

To a plod with a gun on the Underground they all look like terrorists - and it takes seven rounds in the brain to stop them.


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Message Posted:
28/10/2008 13:40

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People are entitled to make mistakes PP. I'm sure the officer will have to live with it the rest of his life.


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Message Posted:
28/10/2008 13:43

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I think it took two of them just to make sure, Doyen.

Mr Vince

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Message Posted:
28/10/2008 16:31

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Pte Pike

Message 39

Brazilians and Argentinians look the same to me.


brazilians leave a tiny strip of hair, Argentinians are naturally more hairy


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Message Posted:
28/10/2008 16:36

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Yes, it was a sad state of affairs. Hopefully lessons will be learnt and it'll never happen again.


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Message Posted:
28/10/2008 17:33

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Vince, that's the Mk 2 Brazilian, isn't it?


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Message Posted:
28/10/2008 17:38

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Message 44 of 44 in Discussion

well said mr vince

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