North Cyprus Tourist Board - To little to late, the state of tourism in the TRNC.
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To little to late, the state of tourism in the TRNC.

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Joined: 23/06/2008
Posts: 757

Message Posted:
24/07/2008 10:05

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North Cyprus Tourism and its Government agencies are the laughing stock of the world tourism industry, apart from the Girne High Street project they have done absolutely nothing to make attractions and places of interest accessible to locals and tourists alike.

They have reached into the pockets of Turkey and the EU for funds which now can not be accounted for, and to make matters worse and prove to the TRNC citizens and previous tourists what they feel and felt about their imput into the economy they have now decided that since the Lokmaci border has opened to the neighbours it is now time to clean up Lefkosa, pedestrianize the streets, bring in traffic wardens e.t.c.

This kind of project should have been done years ago, to think that the money bought into the tourism industry over the years had no relevance until the EU money from the South came over is a complete snub to all tourists past and present, no wonder they do not return and prefer to go to south Nicosia where you find paths with no cars parked on them, clean buildings, clean streets and yes families walking and smiling pushing new borns in prams with out being stared at by 200+ gormless1 squaddies and squatters with nothing better to do.

This goverment and past government have one thing in common, they are under the dillusion that they have been there, seen it and got the T-shirt when infact they have not got a clue and worse of all they don't have the balls to admit it and ask other nations with more experience for consultation on how to make North Cyprus a place to visit, enjoy and want to come back to.

. gormless adj. Brit. informal, lacking sense or initiative.

Dixie Normus

Joined: 22/02/2008
Posts: 820

Message Posted:
24/07/2008 13:59

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Hi aslan,

Aggree on your points, the chance has come and gone to put NC on the tourist map, the downturn in the european economy will add further gloom to the tourist economy here, and god forbid if ever an agreement with the south comes off the Euro will be the final nail in the coffin.

Have been in Paphos for a couple of days, the prices are the main topic of conversation with many voicing that they won't be back again, bars and restaurants are empty, some closing in the tourist area.

The Goverment here is cash strapped, lacks the ability & knowledge to be able to invest for the future of the country never mind tourism, now Turkey has stopped bailing them out, rough times are ahead.

Have a nice day, don't slash yer wrists yet, it may be a good time to pick up a couple of bargans from the property speculators that once graced our litter strewn shores.


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