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Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 24/07/2008 11:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 45 in Discussion |
| Can anyone tell me what the maintenence /water fees are in place there , must say it is looking very nice . |
punk rocker

Joined: 24/07/2008 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 24/07/2008 12:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 45 in Discussion |
| This is my first post and I will gladly tell you about our WONDERFUL SITE it is the pits they have dirty and green pools you could not have looked very well pipie, they have just hit us with another £200 bill for changing the water meter into our names this is on top of £800 already paid this is on top of the 30 odd percent increase in fees and they are talking about putting them up again so think on girl |
punk rocker

Joined: 24/07/2008 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 24/07/2008 14:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 45 in Discussion |
| and i nearly forgot We thought when we all paid our £800 per apartment it was to buy into our own desal plant but now we are being told that the extra £200 is to get the meters transferred into our own names thru the belidere, it seems they now own the plant ?? well 411 X 800 = £328800 and 411 x 200 = £82200 and we seemingly own puff all. DIRTY ROADS PATHS, UNFINISHED PIPEWORK, LITTER, SPEED BUMPS WITH NO MARKINGS ON THEM, I could go on but whats the use |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 24/07/2008 15:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 45 in Discussion |
| Sorry to hear that Punk rocker but we were out there last week and we can honestly say Turtle bay looked nice , they have started planting , the grass looks lovely , we did have a good look around and it appeared to be looking good , i did not swm in the pools , but they looked good from a distance , i did not see dirty roads or any rubbish around , the playground looked good also , i was just interested in the maintainence fees etc as they appear to be doing a good job . Maybe there are other owners out there who could comment ? |
punk rocker

Joined: 24/07/2008 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 24/07/2008 17:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 45 in Discussion |
| Pipie your 'honesty' astounds us I think you need to come over and we will show you personally pipie, we have followed very carefully on this and other forums the sentiments expressed by a few - we will be willing to show you the leaks and mess next to block 10 the collapsing road surface, the mess on the roads and also the mess around 24- 29 - 30 - 31 and the exposed pipes everywhere, we could name more but whats the point, you should maybe have spent a little longer seeing the things that are wrong on Turtle bay, and the unmarked speed hunps ect so why do you want the usual suspects to give you their tuppenceworth we could name them before they even reply, all magnificent seven of them. The maintenance fees are over £60 a month and rising take that along with all the other expenses we have had to bear for the past year and then say what you are saying, or are you hurting over something else and just want to stir things up - come on lets hear it!!!!!!!!!!! |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 24/07/2008 18:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 45 in Discussion |
| Punk rocker you obviously have a problem . Can i ask re you're post who are us ? it seems i have touched a sore point with you although i cannot understand what it is ? shame it is people like you who try and openly bully people who just want to pass on info and ask a few simple questions . Shame on you .i wonder if other people could comment on these posts cause it is baffling to say the least . |

Joined: 02/07/2008 Posts: 323
Message Posted: 24/07/2008 19:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 45 in Discussion |
| punk rocker Pipie asked this forum for advice for which it is for for everyone to share their views and experiences. It did not warrant your aggressive answer. |

Joined: 21/09/2007 Posts: 1727
Message Posted: 25/07/2008 01:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 45 in Discussion |
| Pool at back of my flat is spotless - I swam in it every day week before last and at least some of the other 5 pools looked pretty clean to me. Many were swimming too including children. Bins were only half full & roads clean. I could see lot of improvements. But, yes, we are not happy with the latest bill they trying to hit us with for water meters when we already paid for desalination plant & meters, nearly £1000 |
punk rocker

Joined: 24/07/2008 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 25/07/2008 09:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 45 in Discussion |
| I merely wanted to know why pipie was so interested in out site when she has no connection with it what so ever what does she need to know the fees we are paying, no 2 places are the same, and frankly We are fed up of whingeing brits stirring things up as we have to live here full time and the locals are starting to turn nasty |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 25/07/2008 09:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 45 in Discussion |
| phylray I really like the lowlighting at Turtle bay , the other touches like the little bridges and the shop you have is so well stocked , sounds expensive though ? |
Toon Army

Joined: 09/04/2007 Posts: 132
Message Posted: 29/07/2008 21:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi Pippie We were out there 6 weeks ago and yes the site is looking a lot better than when we were out there earlier in the year. Our pool was clean and was cleaned twice while we were there. Bins were emptied and we saw no rubbish around us and we live around the 28/29/30 apt area. But I have to agree there are still things to sort out and the latest increase for the water needs to be looked into. We are all back out there the end of August and we will be going to see our solicitor to get her to look at the increase. Don't be put off by aggressive replies We are still in love with our dream apartment, can't wait to get back, never want to leave even though we ALL know there are problems. Hope you,your husband and daughter are all keepig well. Kind regards Christine |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 30/07/2008 01:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi Christine great to hear from you , we are all fine hope to see you soon . |
punk rocker

Joined: 24/07/2008 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 12/08/2008 12:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 45 in Discussion |
| I need to ask this from you people who said that the pools were all spotless and gave the impression that all was well on site, why has the maintainence of the pools on Turtle bay changed hands recently if they were being kept in such a good and hygienic state, Toon army I try not to be aggresive but as you can see from our own forum we are being shafted right left and centre, and the truth must come out. at least on some of the other developments locally owners know where they stand and what charges are. Continued inuendo from pipie and the likes does no good to our cause at all, she just nibbles away and puts backs up. Lets all bear in mind that we have been asked to pay our maintenance now for over a year so the development should be coming along as any normal minded person would expect, but we still have a builders encampment slap bang in the middle of it. |

Joined: 21/09/2007 Posts: 1727
Message Posted: 12/08/2008 15:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 45 in Discussion |
| punk rocker I for one did not say that all the pools were spoltless, as I know this has not been the case. There have been problems on some of the 6 pools The pool behind my flat has always been clean every time I have visited - 8 times in the last 18 months - and have seen them being |
Toon Army

Joined: 09/04/2007 Posts: 132
Message Posted: 12/08/2008 16:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 45 in Discussion |
| Punk Rocker Firstly I can only comment on what I see when I am there and our pool was clean and was cleaned twice while we were there. However I agree that some of the pools were green, but they were sorted in a couple of days. Also give SM some credit, as if they found the first pool cleaning company was not up to the job, as you have stated, at least they have changed companies ,so let's all hope this one is better. I agree that not everything is ok with our site but it is still, I feel, the best one in the TRNC and we shoud try and stay friendly with our neighbor's. I have met Pipie and she really is a nice lady and I am sure the inuendo's are not intentional as her daughter has bought on Turquise Bay next door so she does have a genuine interest. I am going out there the begining of September, so Punkrocker, if you are out there let's meet up for an Efes, after all, with a name like that you, must be my kind of person as I was also a Punk in my younger days. Kind regards Chrisitne |

Joined: 21/09/2007 Posts: 1727
Message Posted: 12/08/2008 19:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 45 in Discussion |
| Toon Army Afraid my post didn't come out very well, but you said pretty well what I meant to say about the pools. As regards them changing the cleaning company for the pools that hopefully is a good thing, but I have had a problem with an air conditioner not working since I reported it early July while there, and they told me it was a firm they no longer deal with who had fitted it. They were supposed to be contacting the old firm, but when my nephew & young family (with baby) arrived on the 3rd this month it was still not done. He reported it & I am hoping it is fixed by now but no confirmation yet. |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 12/08/2008 19:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 45 in Discussion |
| Punk Rocker All i said was that Turtle beach looks nice , and i asked about cost of fees , now if that upsets you ,Tough I stand by what i say Turtle beach does look nice , now all complexes have teething problems and i dare say Turtle/beach have also . Christine i bet PUNK ROCKER becomes quite reclusive while you are out there , as a matter of interest does punk rocker make himself known on the T/beach forum ???? now this i would really like to know .??? |

Joined: 21/09/2007 Posts: 1727
Message Posted: 12/08/2008 22:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 45 in Discussion |
| Pipie Not to my knowledge, but may have missed him! Turtle Bay is lovely, & have met some great neighbours there Progress is being made but there are some problems to sort out. I am still happy with my purchase & can't wait to be out on 24th. |
punk rocker

Joined: 24/07/2008 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 13/08/2008 09:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi Phylray & Christine, We also like our place on TBV and overall we are pleased with it however there are problems and even as we speak there are still ongoing problems with the pools even the new people cannot cope with the amount of usage certain pools are having and with all the various factors people are using, my point is however why does pipie glorify our complex which is far from complete or satisfactory why does she not direct her feelings etc in the direction they should be, or has she got a vindictive motive for her actions, again she attacks me and would "really like to know" about me and TBV so again I ask what damned business it is of hers unless she just wants to sit behind her keyboard touting for trouble, perhaps she should direct her enthusiasm for the keyboard in a more meaningful and fruitful manner. |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 13/08/2008 10:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 45 in Discussion |
| Punk Rocker , do you participate in the Turtle beach forum ???? |
punk rocker

Joined: 24/07/2008 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 13/08/2008 10:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 45 in Discussion |
| my business and nothing to do with you as you cant be on it (or did your friend do you a favour No wonder people attack you on the forums as you are becoming increasingly objectionable with your continued inuendo. If you have problems face up to them and get them sorted, we live on TBV and you do not 'SIMPLE' butt out |

Joined: 13/08/2008 Posts: 7
Message Posted: 13/08/2008 17:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi Wejust bought in TBV and having problems contacting Sharon does any one have any suggestions about what is going on with them? cheers. |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 13/08/2008 17:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 45 in Discussion |
| Message 21 PUNK ROCKER strange you are not on the Turtle beach forum , i would have thought that if you were that unhappy about the complex you could have aired youre views on there still there you go , very strange , or is it ? Re People attacking me it is just the one person all 3 all rolled into one , people just have to look at the posts , not rocket science . |

Joined: 21/09/2007 Posts: 1727
Message Posted: 13/08/2008 21:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 45 in Discussion |
| grimseys If you go on the Turtle Bay Owners' forum you will find out more about it Yes, there are problems with Sharon & I am also waiting for answer to my query about why they billed me for 6 months maintenance I have already paid (with increase) & was receipted by them. Over l month ago I reported a/c not working in main room & now have young relations in with baby & it's still not fixed, just promises, promises. |

Joined: 13/08/2008 Posts: 7
Message Posted: 13/08/2008 22:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 45 in Discussion |
| Thanks Phylray, thats disapointing to hear. We met with them in May and they seemed spot on. I have heard that their server is down, which is equally as worrying. Havent been granted acces to the owners forum yet..... regards Grimeseys |

Joined: 21/09/2007 Posts: 1727
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 02:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 45 in Discussion |
| I had message from them yesterday so don't believe server down! |

Joined: 14/05/2007 Posts: 1179
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 13:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 45 in Discussion |
| Must back up Pipie.As a visitor to TBV and Turquoise whilst visiting Greg at Glencoe and using the supermarket last month. We both commented on the general state of the developement compared to others we have seen, in particular those from our own developer. The obvious standards we thought were very high including the external finishes, the layout and the landscaping which was still underway. As for unmarked speedbumps, they make you drive more slowly if you cant remeber where they are thus doing their job and protecting you and your children. |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 14:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 45 in Discussion |
| Thanks breezyboy , great minds think alike , good point re speedbumps . |

Joined: 15/03/2007 Posts: 1254
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 19:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi just come back from TBV. Yes there are teething problems and we had a problem with our pool - it was looking slightly dirty but have to say some kids were walking on the soil and then jumping straight into the pool without showering and being honest all the kids had lots of sun cream on which can't help at all. I have heard the SM changed pool companies to try and help the owners out and improve the service. I told SM I thought the pool was looking a bit misty and within 10 minutes someone from the new pool cleaning company was there trying to sort the problem out. I came across a couple who have had a few problems with SM but they said in all honesty they felt the problems werent necessarily with SM but should be more directed at the developer i.e. lights around pools not consistently on, lack of grass, snagging problems. We were told by a friend who has lived in TRNC for many years that he felt TBV is developing quicker than most developments and once it is all completed it will be a great place and hopefully all the teething problems will be sorted and we can all start to get along because at the moment there is a lot of bickering on the owners forum and yes people are concerned but I think in time these issues will be resolved if all us owners can work as a team and not against each other. This doesnt stop people feeling anxious though but we have to appreciate we are in another country and things are done at a slightly slower pace than the UK. Nevertheless we had a great time out there as always and many people who were renting said how lovely it will eventually look. People who dont own on TBV have to appreciate that some of the owners are upset and maybe some of the comments on here are just their way of letting off steam. |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 20:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 45 in Discussion |
| Great post 29 , i personaly posted saying that T/B looked nice , we were driving around the complex with a friend who is looking to buy , i agree all complexes have teething probs , hope you all get there in the end , you can't beat team work to make it quicker , good luck . |

Joined: 21/09/2007 Posts: 1727
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 21:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 45 in Discussion |
| Couple stayed in my flat 2 weeks end of May/early June & like it so much they bought flat opposite! |

Joined: 12/11/2007 Posts: 891
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 21:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 45 in Discussion |
| me and my wife and our daughter stayed in our freinds two bedroom appartment at TBV two weeks ago and loved it! the pool outside our appartment was spotless and when all the shrubs and grass are complete it wlll rival anything in the north , we have bought at sweetwaterbay tatlisu but after staying at turtle bay village my wife wishes we had chose turtle bay ! |

Joined: 21/09/2007 Posts: 1727
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 21:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 45 in Discussion |
| Couple stayed in my flat 2 weeks end of May/early June & like it so much they bought flat opposite! There are big problems with management. Repair to a/c not fixed after over a month is a pretty basic thing in the heat there at present. Would they like to work in such condition? |

Joined: 15/03/2007 Posts: 1254
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 21:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi Phyllis - It must be a nightmare without air conditioning. We really relied on ours - isnt this more of a problem for KD rather than SM to sort out as this would come under snagging?? I have heard that SM are being given snagging lists as a means of communication with KD but they are only passing on work sheets so at the end of the day its then down to KD to fix these problems. I know several people with snagging issues - even we have some but are told only urgent ones are being done now and others will be done during the guarantee period. The people we made friends with are enquiring about an apartment there too as they really love it there. |

Joined: 21/09/2007 Posts: 1727
Message Posted: 14/08/2008 21:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi BHW - Yes, it is not for me as I am used to even greater heat but young family there. I know what is happening as I reported it first to KD & Ali told me that they no longer use the firm that supplied the first a/cs - Airfel, but they would call them. I feel really embarrassed as I would have thought after more than a month it would be fixed for my nephew & family. He says all is really excellent, but still it can't be too comfy for them. |

Joined: 21/08/2008 Posts: 1
Message Posted: 21/08/2008 17:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 45 in Discussion |
| Have just returned from TBV as a renter. It was great and are now thinking of buying (very seriously). A couple of days with no pool but it was not a problem as just had to cross the road for another one. Maybe this is not what your paying for but even the top class hotels we have stayed in the past have pool problems. Made some great friend whilst we were there and if w don't buy will certainly revisit as renters if possible. |

Joined: 15/03/2007 Posts: 1254
Message Posted: 21/08/2008 19:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hey Lynne!!!! Nicky here!! What a lovely post you put on here. Did you get in touch with that guy? Will mail you later. x |

Joined: 15/03/2007 Posts: 1254
Message Posted: 21/08/2008 20:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi Phyl - sorry I forgot to reply to your message - glad you finally got your air con sorted just as the hot summer months are slowly passing by!!! Bet you are glad you didnt have to fork out any money in the end!! Well done for persevering! |

Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 24/08/2008 00:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi TB purchasers,as one of the Thalassa buyers if you've had any experiences of dealing with Kensington that you think we might need/like to know can you drop by http://www.thalassaowners.com and let us know,as we are all now paying our first installments,as the building pace is frighteningly quick. Cheers, Stu P.s sorry for the thread creep! |

Joined: 25/09/2008 Posts: 34
Message Posted: 30/09/2008 05:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 45 in Discussion |
| Im just back from TBV and most impressed by the planting and general site improvements. We have had to wait a bit for the snagging mainly because we targetted SM who merely pass on the sheets. To get results you need to see the impressive Ali Guler working for Kensington who delivered the goods on time with a friendly smile and repeat telephone calls to confirm it had been done. Pools were clean, our first aparment clean was excellent, and the supermarket was reasonable and well stocked. |
mickey rourke

Joined: 27/08/2008 Posts: 157
Message Posted: 30/09/2008 07:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 45 in Discussion |
| A retired man from 'LAPTA' holidaying in TBV Mmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!! |

Joined: 09/10/2008 Posts: 66
Message Posted: 09/10/2008 21:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 45 in Discussion |
| I purchased an apartment on Phase 2 in Febuary, & I have visited three times since then.. Things are really starting to take shape.. Parts are still like a building site, but it is a new development & the builder hasen't left yet!!.. Fingers crossed it will be something amazing when it's finished !.. I will be returning in November.. |

Joined: 30/01/2008 Posts: 145
Message Posted: 10/10/2008 09:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hello Gin & Tonic, Welcome!! Good name by the way Looking forward to seeing you in November, wait until you see the grass I have now!! Mellie |

Joined: 09/10/2008 Posts: 66
Message Posted: 10/10/2008 17:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 45 in Discussion |
| Hi Mellie, I didn't have to think long about the name as I had one in my hand.. Nothing new there !.. Do you live out there now ?.. |

Joined: 09/10/2008 Posts: 66
Message Posted: 11/10/2008 01:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 45 in Discussion |
| I have a question not sure if anyone can help.. I was told that some of the banks in North Cyprus are now offering to do direct debit. Has anyone tryed this ?.. If it's possible I would like to pay my Electricity & Water this way.. Cheers |
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