Obtaining a TC Driving licenceNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 10/03/2010 Posts: 253
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 15:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 27 in Discussion |
| Need some sound advice on this please, I want to buy a car in the near future, as hiring is becoming too expensive, but I understand you need a NC driving licence to drive a TC registered car you own, someone told me you need to get residency before getting one, we have also been told there is a driving school near to the Colony Hotel where they can arrange to get a TC licence on production of your UK licence and passport plus evidence of owning a property in NC. Need to get the correct version on this please. Thank you in advance. Peter |

Joined: 26/01/2009 Posts: 571
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 16:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 27 in Discussion |
| Best of luck, hope you get the right responses as I could do with the info too. :=) |

Joined: 25/06/2008 Posts: 1370
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 16:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 27 in Discussion |
| You don't need residency to own a car or to get a NC D/Lic., provided you own a property. Simples? Geoff |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 1343
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 19:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 27 in Discussion |
| Try the driving school on the left on the road to the Wednesday market .. Just before the police station .. Probably pay a bit more, but not worth the hassle .. Will tell you what you need & maybe able get it if you don't meet all the criteria required .. I think the name of the driving school is Ozbek |

Joined: 10/03/2010 Posts: 253
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 19:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 27 in Discussion |
| Thats fine Geoff but how do I go about getting it, help please :-o Peter |

Joined: 12/07/2009 Posts: 28
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 19:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 27 in Discussion |
| Hi Peter, The first time you apply for a TC license, you need to go to the driving license office in Lefkosa. This is located behind the Cyprus Turkish Airlines and road tax office, on the main road from the big Lefkosa roundabout down to Ledra palace. As far as I know you will need to take your passport, driving licence, 2 photographs and probably an Iktametgah belgesi (proof of address from your local muhtar). You need photocopies of these documents. The cost of the licence depends on how long you want it for. I recently paid 300 lira for a 5 year license. |

Joined: 10/03/2010 Posts: 253
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 19:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 27 in Discussion |
| Thank you harita any chance of elaborating, when you say pay a bit more, pay who? What hassle? And what criteria? Need to know answers before coming out mid September, so I can have anything required ready. Peter |

Joined: 10/03/2010 Posts: 253
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 20:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 27 in Discussion |
| Thanks for that nikki, it seems every time I post a reply, the threads seem to pass each other mid cyber space. |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 1343
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 20:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 27 in Discussion |
| Thought it would have been obvious ... Pay the driving school for their services .. Hassle .. Try doing things here .. Backwards/forwards .. This office .. That office .. Criteria .. It can change from week to week what you need .. The school will tell you .. From memory they will want your passport .. UK driving licence .. What is required today could be changed in September .. It's not cheap .. Gone up since I got mine in 2006 .. I paid 200TL for a 5 year licence |

Joined: 02/12/2009 Posts: 1288
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 20:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 27 in Discussion |
| I did my TC licence myself. You can drive 3 months on your British Licence then you need the TC one. When you opt to purchase a car, make sure you either check yourself with the police station or get the garage to check for you that there are no previous convictions or outstanding MOTs on the car (they follow the car and must be paid up before you can register it in your name). Also, just for your own peace of mind, make sure the chassis number and engine number match the ones on the log book. Getting your TC licence is easy. Go to the office in Lefkoşa (left at the old central Turkcell office on the corner which is just being refurbished now) and the offices are on the right next to the tax office (car park opposite). There's a form to complete (I took a dictionary just in case but the woman behind the desk helped anyway). You'll need your passport, two photos, current licence and details of residence or work permit and a cheque. I paid 300tl for a 5yr one a couple of m |

Joined: 02/12/2009 Posts: 1288
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 20:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 27 in Discussion |
| By the way, if the car you purchase was pre-owned, it's also worth checking when the insurance is due on it. The insurance also follows the car, not the driver, so if you're lucky you might have some insurance left on it! Also, about the things to take with you, take all the originals because they want to see them but take a copy of them all too because they require copies and the cost in the office where they'll send you (where they make the coffees!!) can be quite steep. |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 1343
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 20:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 27 in Discussion |
| Chelpet .. The above posts are what I would term as hassle .. No need to go to Lefkosa .. Saving on petrol & time .. Oh ! I bought my car from Ozbek (fingers in many pies) maybe you could do a deal & have the licence thrown in .. LOL |

Joined: 07/11/2008 Posts: 578
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 20:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 27 in Discussion |
| You cant get a TC licence unless you have residency, its a catch 22 situation, i have been told that if you purchase a car and insure it you will be covered even though you are not a resident and are using a EU licence, the same as if you were hiring a car. Another way round it is if you purchase a car and put it in a good reliable friends name they insure it and then you drive on their insurance, but their name will be on the log book etc. You can apply in the UK for an International Driving Licence its about £8.00, but its not required in Turkey or TRNC as they accept the EU one for the period of your visa. |

Joined: 02/12/2009 Posts: 1288
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 21:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 27 in Discussion |
| Michele, residency or work permit is ok for the driving licence application. Just elaborating on Michelle's post about the car purchase, the other thing you could do Chelpet - not sure of your circumstances - is if you have a company here, let the company purchase the car and then it is the company that will insure it. |

Joined: 10/03/2010 Posts: 253
Message Posted: 18/07/2010 22:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 27 in Discussion |
| This is exactly what I had before more than one version of obtaining the licence. Unfortunately harita, it isnt obvious to me, as I have only been to NC 6 times and I am still learning about the vagaries of the TC system, so therefore I am looking to you people who live here to help me. I do have one ace up my sleeve, we are very good friends with a policeman who is based in Kyrenia, unfortunately his English is very limited, and my Turkish is limited to hello, goodbye and ordering a beer, so I still need some help please. Peter |

Joined: 25/06/2008 Posts: 1370
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 08:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 27 in Discussion |
| I repeat! You do NOT require residency to obtain a TRNC D/Lic, provided you own a property. Geoff P.S. Nikki' advice on the procedure tp follow is correct. |

Joined: 31/03/2007 Posts: 2381
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 09:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 27 in Discussion |
| I remember we could not get a dl until got our residency and because of bayrams etc went well over the three months. You do not need a licence to buy a car. Do not pay someone to do this simple task for you as nikki and pippie state above. You go to the office with all appropriate paper work, if struggling with forms the staff will help you. It is the easiest and simplest procedure to do in TRNC You do have 3 months grace on arrival, so if you are staying for less than 3 months you do not need to get TRNC licence. I hate this perpetuation by some that you must pay somebody to get things done. Just go to the office you need, explain what you want and you will always be helped. It is the people who continue to pay others that actually create the problems. It is part of life and the way to learn is to do things yourself and I am sure you will get lots of offers to take you places if you wish. Enjoy TRNC and its vagaries and you will be made welcome. |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 1343
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 10:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 27 in Discussion |
| cyprusishome .. I don't want to get into a slanging match with you .. When someone here has done something without HASSLE (a word you used in a previous Kibris sigorta post) it is so simple, till you try it yourself .. Then you hit the brick walls .. I have lived here for almost 5 years & doing everything now without having to pay anyone .. The original post was for a "First time licence" .. The people are coming here "green" Unless they seek help & not from someone who says "it's easy", they will be banging their heads against a wall .. |

Joined: 29/06/2009 Posts: 190
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 10:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 27 in Discussion |
| We were stopped by the police in Lapta on one of their regular road checks and were told we needed a TRNC driving licence and to get this we had to have residency first. They suggested calling in to the Driving School near the police station in Girne, which we did. We also asked the BRS and they told us the same procedure. The Driving School will charge for getting your residency and for getting your TRNC licence, but our experience of others doing it themselves has been nothing but a hassle, backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards and they have recommended we pay someone to do it for us, sit back and let it happen.....they wish they had! |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 1343
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 11:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 27 in Discussion |
| Well said Chicken .. Couldn't agree more till you know "the ropes" .. BTW cyprusishome .. Getting off builders electric is easy .. When you know how .. |

Joined: 02/11/2009 Posts: 217
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 14:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 27 in Discussion |
| I was involved in a minor accident last week, nio injuries, hit from behind. Police turned up, we had to go to the police station to make a statement etc. Policeman told us, as we had a TRNC Reg car, despite us being swallows going back to uk, spending no more than 90 days in one year in the TRNC, we should have a Turkish D/L . Checked with helpful guy from BRS on Sat at the Lambossa Market, who said that was not the case, you may drive for up too 90 days on a UK liicence in a rental car or local. Terry |

Joined: 31/03/2007 Posts: 2381
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 16:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 27 in Discussion |
| I repeat do not pay anyone. Gettin a driving licence is the easiest procedure here. All you are doing is keeping people like harita in a job. You go to driving licence office with all your papers, leave money and signed paper and collect new licence about 2 weeks later. |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 1343
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 16:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 27 in Discussion |
| Like I said before .. It's easy when you know how .. It doesn't cost a lot to pay at the driving school & helps to keep someone in a job.. Well worth not having the hassle .. You get it right first time & saves 2 trips to Lefkosa .. The only people keeping me in a job are the Pension People .. Been OFFICIALLY retired now 5 years .. |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 17:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 27 in Discussion |
| There are benefits in using the driving school as when we first used them we got 10 year licenses which was unheard of at that time. I think most only got 1 year at the first attempt and on renewal others were getting a maximum of 5 year for a license. AJ |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 1343
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 17:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 27 in Discussion |
| I believe that when you have to renew your licence it can be done in Girne .. No hassle & no need to pay anyone .. |

Joined: 31/03/2007 Posts: 2381
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 18:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 27 in Discussion |
| aj, may have been appropraite when things changed almost daily but now. Take all your documents and photo copies hand over money and go back in 2 weeks and collect licence. What is hard about that????? While in lefkosa you take advantage, do some essential sight seeing, have lunch etc make a day, or two in this case. DO NOT PAY ANYONE perpetuating the myth that things are difficult always here, they are not.. Doing the driving licence breaks you in gently with no hassle |

Joined: 10/03/2010 Posts: 253
Message Posted: 19/07/2010 18:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 27 in Discussion |
| Well thank you all for advise given although I truly cannot say that I am not totally clear regarding the procedures, I think my campaign plan will be to ask at the driving school, I emphasis ask, as I will not be parting with any hard earned wonga unless they are going to hand me a licence there and then (highly unlikely) then I might see if I con my policeman friend into taking me to Lefkosa, and maybe with his help I might make progress. My biggest problem is I do not want to waste precious time wandering around offices during a fortnights break, its not as though I have all the time in the world. I really do appreciate the trouble you people have taken in replying and trying to help me, and when and if I get it sorted, will tell exactly how on this thread |
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