the best tv system recomendations pleaseNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 11/01/2009 Posts: 268
Message Posted: 26/07/2010 12:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 42 in Discussion |
| which is the best system to have here in north cyprus. |

Joined: 15/08/2008 Posts: 724
Message Posted: 26/07/2010 13:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 42 in Discussion |
| depends on your definition of the word "best" What is your expectations from a TV system? |

Joined: 14/11/2008 Posts: 302
Message Posted: 26/07/2010 15:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 42 in Discussion |
| not Dopi as I am sure you will be advised Charlotte |

Joined: 11/01/2009 Posts: 268
Message Posted: 26/07/2010 17:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 42 in Discussion |
| looking for people who are pleased with there system. |

Joined: 02/07/2008 Posts: 1519
Message Posted: 26/07/2010 17:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 42 in Discussion |
| I am perfecty happy with Digiturk but I expect there will be plenty of people who disagree. As said above, it depends what you like to watch. (would love Sky but too much money) |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 12:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 42 in Discussion |
| Dear The truth, As iceman as said, the 'best' system is one that best meets with your expectations.. Please advise us of your likes .e.g. UK TV / soaps / sport - which ones?) , budget / can you fit a big dish ? and we can answer ! |

Joined: 01/04/2009 Posts: 723
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 16:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 42 in Discussion |
| I'd say Digital Supreme, unless you have very deep pockets. The guy has local servers so there is no freezing and its a very cost effective way of ensuring you have as many channels available as possible for a minimal cost. If you were to pay for all of the channels available you'd be paying in excess of 5k a year. I have 2 dishes and receive almost 700 channels! No you wont watch all of them I know, but I'd rather have them then not lol...always find myself using a channel I'd never heard of when looking for a film or sport. Basically the guy opens up most packages/channels on the dish with official cards he has. I currently pay 60Lira a month.... |

Joined: 02/02/2007 Posts: 2070
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 16:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 42 in Discussion |
| Sky and the iceman is the best to fit |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 16:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 42 in Discussion |
| DS are just another pirate sharing one legit card amongst many 'clients' who don't have a leg to stand on when things go 'wrong' with the card / server / internet... At least they let you pay monthly Can we confine this thread to non -pirate services? |

Joined: 01/04/2009 Posts: 723
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 17:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 42 in Discussion |
| The question that was put to the forum asked for "the best tv system recomendations please". At no point has the person who posted the initial question indicated that he/she would prefer to look only at non-pirate services. mmmmmmmm.....have you ever tried DS. You'll notice I never offer any comments on systems unless I have tried them. Ive been with DS now for 3 years. The service is now excellent. I don't lose channels nor do they freeze. When the internet goes, the service still works.... I would suggest you try the service yourself before being so judgemental. If you were to pay the offical rate for the packages , you'd be paying over £3k a year in subscriptions. |

Joined: 26/04/2008 Posts: 7993
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 17:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 42 in Discussion |
| If you want really cheap with some English speaking channels then the Nilesat FTA package is available for a one-off payment of about 400 TL. If you want better but are not a British Soap junkie then Digiturk is fine. You can get loads of Movie Channels and Sports added. Next up is SKY with a 1.8 metre dish... Sky subscription required from UK If you are up for the lot, then for about £2,000/£2,500 - 4.2 metre dish installation plus monthly SKY subscription it's possible to get the full UK Sky Package... and live next to Jodrell Bank. |

Joined: 20/07/2010 Posts: 37
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 17:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 42 in Discussion |
| So big dish,multi-room in uk,bring box and card then bingo your on?? |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 17:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 42 in Discussion |
| GB >>The question that was put to the forum asked for "the best tv system recomendations please". << Yes, the request was mine.. DS are not a true proviider - they pirate legit tv services.. >>mmmmmmmm.....have you ever tried DS. << YES >> You'll notice I never offer any comments on systems unless I have tried them. << Same here .. >>Ive been with DS now for 3 years. The service is now excellent.<< ... at the moment - may be - but IF you lose the ability to receive the decryption info the channels won't work >> I don't lose channels nor do they freeze. << they will ... >>When the internet goes, the service still works.... << NO .. most pay channels will not work - it is impossible to receive pay tv channels without a constant streaming - 'verification' process ...sorry, that is plain nonsense. >>If you were to pay the offical rate for the packages , you'd be paying over £3k a year in subscriptions<< If I didn't pay for legit things I could save more than |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 17:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 42 in Discussion |
| (cont) that .. but I know that in the end, it isn't WORTH cheating the system .. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 17:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 42 in Discussion |
| Dear LW re msg 13 If you try to take a M/R box abroad, you could find a letter waiting a the UK address warning you of the fact that the box in CY isn't plugged into a UK phone line and are about to pay the full rate for both boxes :( |

Joined: 01/04/2009 Posts: 723
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 17:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 42 in Discussion |
| If the request was yours then why are you using several nics on the forum? >>When the internet goes, the service still works.... << NO .. most pay channels will not work - it is impossible to receive pay tv channels without a constant streaming - 'verification' process ...sorry, that is plain nonsense. Before you comment on weather a point I make is valid or not, go and speak with the guy who runs the service. We are now able to receive all ART and Showtime even when the net is down. I'm sure I can provide links but go and speak with atil...I'm sure he'll expalin how it works. I'm sure your point have a lot of depth, pity its only on the surface. |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 18:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 42 in Discussion |
| GB >>If the request was yours then why are you using several nics on the forum? << no need to be obtuse.. I said the request to discuss legit service providers was *mine* [ as in MMMMMM ] >>Before you comment on weather a point I make is valid or not, go and speak with the guy who runs the service. We are now able to receive all ART and Showtime even when the net is down. << Until the legit card receives an update which you will miss... >>I'm sure I can provide links but go and speak with atil...I'm sure he'll expalin how it works. << You could ask him to fix the website .. "This site is down for maintenance. Please check back again soon." This topic should be confined to companies that sell their own content - NOT a 'company' that steals that content and has the cheek to charge for it... >>I'm sure your point have a lot of depth, pity its only on the surface.<< No basis in fact : |

Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 19:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 42 in Discussion |
| So mmmmm, you're saying that using a Sky card in Cyprus is legal? I'll see if I can apply for one from Sky for a Cyprus address then. Thanks |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 22:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 42 in Discussion |
| Hi TT re msg 19 SKY have a deal companies to supply pay tv content in UK / IRL - so isn't 'legality' -it's a question of rights..they have to be seen to be respecting those rights. They know very well that many folk have SKY outside the regions they have the rights to.. If you tell SKY you have a system in CY they are likely to turn you off . SKY are very happy to accept your subs if you appear to be in the UK / IRL...approx 20-25% of premium subscribers are outside the UK. Breaking SKY's Ts and Cs in this respect is not illegal... There is a conflicting EU Directive that says TV should not be restricted by national boundaries. TV companies are mindful of this.. SKY is hard to crack and getting harder.. they have led the way in giving away subsidised receivers - plugged into UK / IRL phone lines to ensure rights compliance... However, if you pay them 25 GBP they will waive their insistence to the phone line |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 22:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 42 in Discussion |
| cont: Sat TV cos. aren't really after 'grey market' pirates - those 'selling' cards abroad.. they are after the pirate companies 'reselling' their content... from whom they derive b'all income. UK SKY is hard to pirate - and the others are catching up.. |

Joined: 14/07/2009 Posts: 103
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 22:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 42 in Discussion |
| So really it's no more legal than Dopi or DS then really ;-) |

Joined: 30/08/2009 Posts: 71
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 23:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 42 in Discussion |
| I am a sat geek I know that here you need a 1.8 mtr dish to get what we would call sly uk so with that in mind I would say you need a 2 mtr (just to be sure) with a motor so that you can view any satellite & a technomate 5400 set top box this box can be flashed ( means u can put a file on it via your pc) which can open lots of channels If your ok on a pc you can flash the stb in 10 mins to clear lots If you want to know more have a look here I am an administrator of the site so if you have any problems just pm me... I hope its ok to put a link on here? let me know if its not... |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 27/07/2010 23:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 42 in Discussion |
| Hi Kaysera.. perhaps i'm not making it clear.. What part of receiving SKY via legit SKY sub to a UK address - but watching it outside the UK / IRL is an act of breaking any criminal law? Dopi / DS are charging punters for pirating the services of sat tv cos .. The legit sat tv cos derive b'all from the payments.. THAT is *theft*.. pure and simple.. ! |

Joined: 03/05/2010 Posts: 59
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 02:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 42 in Discussion |
| HI, If you like to have Nile sat for some free English channels then please call on this number 05428651149 or E-mail: Complete installation and box only one payment (No Monthly or Annual Fee) Special Offer for short time £130 (300 TL) |

Joined: 18/05/2009 Posts: 227
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 07:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 42 in Discussion |
| mmmmmmm, I can't believe that I am going to have a crack at this as I do respect you views on pirated TV (I don't agree though as I use DS). Sky is not allowed to broadcast signal to North Cyprus the only way of restricting their broadcast is by restricting their receivers so therefore hoodwinking them into believing that you are receiving in the UK when you are receiving out here is wrong by your own standards. As far as I am aware receiving goods/service by deceit is against the law and that is what you are doing. I also recall you sharing a VPN password and login recently on this forum, isn't that the same? All of this will come crashing down if the TRNC is recognised, so it would appear that pirated TV will be around for a while longer yet! |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 10:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 42 in Discussion |
| Dear Simbar 1/ FYI Sky *could* restrict the ability for folks in CY /Spain / TR et al to receive their signal -by using a weaker footprint - they choose NOT to - it is only the likes of BBC / ITV - who broadcast in clear that use a lower powered satellite Once again - paying for a service but using it outside the ir tv rights regions is NOT piracy - nor theft 2/ I gave folks access to *MY* VPN - for free - use of a VPN to watch FREE geo-limited content is NOT piracy, either - I PAY for my TV licence ! >>All of this will come crashing down if the TRNC is recognised, so it would appear that pirated TV will be around for a while longer yet!<< NO.. it is a criminal offence to view pirated content in EU nations - as it is theft .. The sat tv cos are concentrating in spoiling the experience for the 'punters' - by making the pirate service unreliable - you will need to be increasingly IT savvy to continue to watch pirated TV, AND to watch live UK TV. |

Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 11:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 42 in Discussion |
| Well, all this has put me off getting a TV system in NC, think I'll just but pirated DVD's instead! |

Joined: 18/05/2009 Posts: 227
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 11:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 42 in Discussion |
| hi mmmmmm 1/ FYI Sky *could* restrict the ability for folks in CY /Spain / TR et al to receive their signal -by using a weaker footprint - they choose NOT to - it is only the likes of BBC / ITV - who broadcast in clear that use a lower powered satellite - I agree but they control it by receiver access and they do not supply receivers to TRNC, unless you buy a system by deceit! I am not saying I disagree with doing this but it seems to me that by your standards it is wrong. Using a service outside of it's regional restrictions is wrong! isn't it? 2/ I gave folks access to *MY* VPN - for free - use of a VPN to watch FREE geo-limited content is NOT piracy, either - I PAY for my TV licence ! - But do the people who borrow your VPN have a licence and what about the loss of revenue to VPN suppliers? This is exactly the same as buying one card system and distributing the signal. Of course you don't charge, but it's good idea isn't it? lol |

Joined: 14/05/2010 Posts: 64
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 12:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 42 in Discussion |
| Just to change the subject from the legalities of watching TV in North Cyprus, has anyone tried using a Humax Foxsat box? If so, is there any reception and what size dish would one need? Perhaps mmmmmm with his experience can answer this.? |

Joined: 27/08/2008 Posts: 85
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 14:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 42 in Discussion |
| I have experienced in the UK with pubs that 1. use of a cam or flashed box to view pay for tv intended for another country, the outcome when this was found out was a prosecution. 2.A legal subs card purchased for say digitalb (albanian) or sly italia used in a pub in the uk , the outcome when this was found out was a prosecution. You can not legally take a subs card to another country & use it legally, but if this is for personal use the chance of getting found out is very slim... @Sugarpuffbear, A Hummy foxsat hdr is a fantastic stb & there is no reason why this would not work outside the UK it also has a "non freesat" function which with a diablo cam & expired white sly card will get sly 3 & channel 4 in HD |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 17:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 42 in Discussion |
| re msg 29 simbar 1/ >> I agree but [sky] control it by receiver access and they do not supply receivers to TRNC, unless you buy a system by deceit! << Folks register at their UK address or one supplied - SKY still derive the revenue for the sub. >>I am not saying I disagree with doing this but it seems to me that by your standards it is wrong. Using a service outside of it's regional restrictions is wrong! isn't it? << As long as the tv co is getting paid - AND - they are seeing the receiver is in the UK / IRL they are happy - as I said sky know that Phil Collins watches from Switzerland ;) 2/ >>But do the people who borrow your VPN have a licence ? << don't NEED one to watch non -live content on iplayer , etc. >>and what about the loss of revenue to VPN suppliers? << Er the VPN is MINE ;) |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 17:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 42 in Discussion |
| Dear SPB re msg 30 Humax kit is VERY good, and you'd get all the Free to Air stuff you'd get with a sky box on a 4.2m BBC1-4, ITV, C4/ five - but not SKY 3/ News ( card needed) or BBC HD - doesn't reach CY a 1.8m would get you very little as a card is needed to get the strong ITV, and only BBC News 24/ parliament would work :( So forget the 1.8m and the humax - sorry :( |

Joined: 30/08/2009 Posts: 71
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 20:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 42 in Discussion |
| a non sly set top box is much better as it can also be used on any sat & believe it or not there are much better packages than sly uk... but more importantly a non sly stb can recieve free to air channels from other sats which a sly box can't but this is at the cost of a full epg, mmmmmm am I correct in thinking a 3.5 mtr would be needed for bbc? A sly fta (free to air) card which provides some channels which are free to view but not free to air (this is sly uk controlling us) this card would get sly 3 some of the movies for men & the channel 5 package (or did) not sure if this is current & as mmmmmm has posted a massive bin lid would be needed |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 28/07/2010 21:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 42 in Discussion |
| re 34 >>non sly set top box is much better as it can also be used on any sat & believe it or not there are much better packages than sly uk<< Can you name ONE ? !! ;) BTW TOTALLY agree that a Nilesat system - esp. if you don't want to subscribe - is a good bet for Cyprus No.. a 3.5m ( who makes one - are they new ? -I've heard of a 3.3 and 3.7m ) will not work unless you are WAY to the west.. example a 3m will work well in Paphos and a 3.3m in W.Limas(s)ol - but you need to go to a 3.8m (4.2m is cheaper) to get reliable in Kyrenia/ Girne / Nicosia and certainly a 4.2m east of this The FTV card isn't just SKY 'controlling' .. ITV Central E ( avail on a 1.8m) , Five (unless 4.2m) require a card, too ! |

Joined: 26/04/2008 Posts: 7993
Message Posted: 29/07/2010 07:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 42 in Discussion |
| thethruth I could tell you that we are very happy with DigiTurk as we get to watch - Films, Later with Jools Holland, So You Think You Can Dance, House, CSI, Numbers, Criminal Minds, Premier League footie, F1 GPs and Tour De France plus loads of other stuff we like to see... but then we are not that interested in soaps etc. Before looking for people who are happy with their system, you need to decide what YOU want to watch and how up-to-date the series have to be. Why not list your viewing 'must-haves' and then folk like Mark (6 m's) can match up your requirements to the most suitable set-up. No point spending any money until you've found the ideal system... otherwise it's like going back to buying a Dansette when you really wanted HiFi! |

Joined: 18/05/2009 Posts: 227
Message Posted: 29/07/2010 11:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 42 in Discussion |
| having read through all of this I am now considering changing to a Nilestat legal system with the family and movie packages. mmmmmm, do you recommend anyone who can supply this, or do you think another system is better remembering that I am limited in funds and the missus would never let me have a 4.2m dish! |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 29/07/2010 12:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 42 in Discussion |
| Hi Simbar Just to e clear.. the Nilesat signals you receive in CY aren't MEANT to be received here.. just like the ITV/ BBC signals ;) They are simply broadcast in clear. There are no official SKY / MBC ( Nilesat ) dealers in Cyprus... The benefit of Nilseat is the smaller dish - I'd recommend a 1m dish - nothing smaller - ( wait until it rains to find out why !) I'd recommend buying a receiver that CAN take a subscription card - one with a REAL CAM [ conditional access module ] slot - as then you CAN upgrade to a pay package later.. This system will cost more, but you are wasting your money if you buy a system with too small a dish / the wrong receiver ( IMHO) I see many folks are advertising on her e- I don't know them -( that doesn't imply negativity ) I just know one guy who has been around 10+ years .. and has a brilliant reputation Iceman ( ) |

Joined: 30/08/2009 Posts: 71
Message Posted: 29/07/2010 19:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 42 in Discussion |
| @mmmmmm, "Can you name ONE ? !! ;)" Am I limited to one :lol: Surely a man of your knowledge has used a cam or 2 to view lets say Sly Italia on Hotbird , RCS Digitv on Thor ot Premier on Astra 1 ? All of the above have been open with either a flashed box or Dragon & Diablo cam in the last couple of years Purely for educational reasons lol |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 30/07/2010 01:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 42 in Discussion |
| Dear Homeri I am no longer an expert on the latest 'fix' / crack / hacks ... Some folk get PAID to try these things out ;) I just want to sit down and watch tv - without 'playing games' ! |

Joined: 26/04/2008 Posts: 7993
Message Posted: 30/07/2010 06:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 42 in Discussion |
| "I just want to sit down and watch tv - without 'playing games'" Definition of a couch potato? |

Joined: 30/08/2009 Posts: 71
Message Posted: 30/07/2010 22:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 42 in Discussion |
| Tut tut tut, what happened to the thrill of clearing it not actually watching it ? lol have you really swapped the cas3 for a pipe & slippers ? lol |
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