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no kocan no money !!!!!!

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Joined: 27/02/2010
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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 21:53

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Message 1 of 73 in Discussion

I keep reading this advice from some members. With the ptp taking so long surely this cant happen.

So are these members really saying dont buy untill things change or are there ways too buy with a kocan upfront that i dont know about ?

Enlighten me/us please

Thanks Alan


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 22:06

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Message 2 of 73 in Discussion

Simple answer, I would not buy here until things changed. Too many people have been ripped off by everyone including builders, lawyers, estate agents and those supposed to be in government.

I am sorry to say that the only way to make things change is to bring the building industry to a stand still and even then some here will still not get the message.

You mention PTP, why does it take so long??? There is no need for it to do so, it is just an excuse to screw with peoples lives.

There is a new law supposedly coming into force where you will get a part kocan on signing contracts. What a load of rubbish. It is supposed stop the scam of builders taking out mortgages on the property and other things. It did not need a 26 page law all that needed to happen was a marker on the deeds in the Land Registry. Once again a government without a clue.

If you have money to gamble then buy here, if not keep away until things change drastically.


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 22:23

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Message 3 of 73 in Discussion

Alan...msg 1

You are right to be confused.

"No kocan , no money" is the path to follow , but as you rightly point out,this is a practical impossibility due to the prejudicial PTP laws applicable to foreigners wishing to purchase in the TRNC.

For years potential buyers have been told that this is just a just takes time ( Cyprus shrug )

Don't believe a is NOT just a formality....and whilstever you don't have it,you cannot have title deeds in your name.

PTP takes from 18 months to COULD be done in a matter of weeks....ask yourself why us foreigners are made to wait so long.There are more overpaid civil servants than actual jobs to do in TRNC so it can't be that they are too busy !

And one final point....don't do as we did and buy Pre-74 Turkish Title deeds thinking you are "doing the right thing" will never be granted PTP as a foreigner ( covert policy since 2006 )


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 22:26

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Message 4 of 73 in Discussion

There is no reason for ptp to take so long but it does. i agree its a gamble but in the past it was a gamble with great return when/if the property was finished well thats what most people thought.

never turned out that way if purchesed after 2006 and actually got some where built.


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 22:33

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Message 5 of 73 in Discussion


i would think that you have done the right thing with pre 74 surely you will get ptp on it in the future.

so they only way for no kocan no money is to go for ptp first then when its granted then look for a fully finished property.


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 22:38

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Since 2006 there has been a covert policy NOT to grant PTP to foreigners on Pre-74 Turkish Title deed property.

No-one will admit this openly of course,but it is a fact.

We got fed up of waiting after over 4 years,to then get a cursory refusal on "military" grounds....despite being in the middle of Ozankoy and miles from any military area !

Secondly....unfortunately your idea won't work.

You cannot get PTP and then find a property......your PTP application is for a specific property and for you personally.

Catch-22 isn't it ?


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 22:47

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PTP is granted for a particular property NOT to the individual. So you identify the property that you want to buy, then apply for PTP. Wait for 3 years and hope that it will be granted. In the meantime, your builder can borrow money against 'your' property or if the builder has debts, then a memorandum can be placed on your property to recover that debt.

If you get PTP then you will probably have to wait at least another 3 years before you get your title deeds. Again, during this period you are open to the builder borrowing against 'your' property or having memorandums placed upon it. Hopefully after about 5 years, you will have your deeds and everything will be rosy - that is until a GC takes you to court for living 'illegally' on his land.

The 'joys' of property buying in the TRNC.


It is an absolute joke.


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 22:50

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Message 8 of 73 in Discussion

Paul..." It is an absolute joke."

Yes....if you like sick jokes !


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 22:55

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Message 9 of 73 in Discussion

Thanks for this info it still sounds like people should stop saying no kocan no money as this is not possible it should say only gamble what you can afford to lose.


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 23:01

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Message 10 of 73 in Discussion

Fosterscan....and with the cheapest property being about £30K , can anyone truly afford to lose that amount of money?


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 23:29

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Message 11 of 73 in Discussion

I think renting is the only way to go at the moment.The only reason to buy is to make money which in the current market wont happen.put the money that you would spend on a property in the bank and earn some interest ....hindsight what a great thing


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 23:30

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if you won't get your knickers in a twist about losing money, then the TRNC is the place to be.


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Message Posted:
29/07/2010 23:33

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Message 13 of 73 in Discussion


so its the place to be renting then.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 04:07

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Message 14 of 73 in Discussion

so even if you have the kocans are in your name and your are not a builder but the old land owner and have a trnc id card and wish to transfer to the buyer and if not buying from a builder or estate agent would the same rules apply ????


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 06:02

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Message 15 of 73 in Discussion

But still there are a couple of builders and estate agents whom I can trust and buy/built with them.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 06:05

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Message 16 of 73 in Discussion

could you please email the estate agents details please, thanking you Marisa


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 11:41

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Message 17 of 73 in Discussion

If there has been a so called covert policy since 2006 not to give out the ptp, why is my kochan dated march 2007? I also have friends who recieved theirs in 2008. both are pre 74 Turkish title.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 12:23

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Message 18 of 73 in Discussion

Blade....msg 17

The 2006 cut off refers to the date at which you first APPLIED for PTP.

If you and your "friends" have genuinely received kocans for genuine Pre-74 Turkish Title Deeds property,on which you applied for PTP AFTER 2006 I would be interested to hear more details,location etc,and so would Marian at the HBPG.

Maybe you applied for your PTP BEFORE 2006 at which time PTP's were still being granted,albeit slowly.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 12:33

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Message 19 of 73 in Discussion

msg 17,

If kocans were dated march 2007 and in 2008 they will have applied for PTP sometime before 2006, receiving kocan is not the issue here.

We have friends who had PTP submitted in late 2004 and had it accepted for pre 74 title, it is since 2006 that applications for PTP's are being refused. I think many of us would like to hear about any PTP's being granted that were applied for AFTER 2006.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 13:57

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Message 20 of 73 in Discussion

Fosterscan, do your homework first, buy a resale with title deeds in owners name and you wont have the problems some have experianced.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 14:00

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Message 21 of 73 in Discussion

Robinhood..."buy a resale with title deeds in owners name and you wont have the problems some have experianced."

Unfortunately none of that will guarantee that the new prospective owner will get either PTP or an unencumbered kocan.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 14:04

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Message 22 of 73 in Discussion

Cronos, you do talk out of many buyers from the UK with title deeds in their name have encumbered kocans?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 14:31

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Message 23 of 73 in Discussion

Robinhood.....your comments have just shown you up to be exactly what you are.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 14:35

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Message 24 of 73 in Discussion

cronos ... my comments have just shown you up..... that you do not know what you are talking about and have no answer.....??? cronos I am still waiting for the numbers of UK buyers with title deeds in their name that have encumbered kocans?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 14:40

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Message 25 of 73 in Discussion

robinhood....are you saying that provided that you buy from a fellow Brit who may have an unemcumbered kocan then a safe purchase is guaranteed?

Is that what you are saying?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 14:44

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Message 26 of 73 in Discussion

Cronos, i am asking you to tell me how many UK buyers who have kocans in their name have their kocans encumbered?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 14:50

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Message 27 of 73 in Discussion

we all have something to say but at the end of the day wether brit or n cypriot land owner villa owner or aparment owner we know what might happen or not but still are taking a gamble. do your homework 2,3 times over still no garante ;;;;


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 14:50

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Message 28 of 73 in Discussion

Robinhood....I suppose that is eaier than you actually answering my question?

How could I possibly answer that with an accurate figure?

How about you tell us all the number who HAVE an encumberance?

My point....although I suspect you don't want to that even if I bought from a charmer such as yourself,who may have an unencumbered kocan at the point of sale ,then during the intervening 18 months to whenever whilst waiting for my PTP,there is nothing to stop you running up debts,defaulting on loans etc and memoranda being placed on the deeds which are still in your name until such time as they become mine !

Get it now ?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 15:04

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Message 29 of 73 in Discussion

Cronos you are answering my question with another question... my point is you dont know of any UK buyers who have encumbered kocans that are in their name.....

I have no idea how many have encumberance over there property, but i suspect that however many there are, they do not have the kocans in their name.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 16:45

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Message 30 of 73 in Discussion

msg 29

Not sure what tou actually mean are you asking if any UK buyers have kocan in their own name and have since got encumberments ie memorandums on since having them in their names. meaning they have some debt. I can only think thats what you mean as if the kocan had memorandums etc on then the vendor wouldn t have been able to transfer them to the buyer anywhere.

Maybe Im being a litte bit stupid and correct me if Im wrong


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 17:20

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Message 31 of 73 in Discussion


exactly!! try explaining this to Cronos,

why is no kocan no money being touted across this forum as the best way to buy a property, if by cronos's view this make no differance to a pontential buyer....? why would you need the kocan in first place if it makes no differance....??


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 17:28

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Message 32 of 73 in Discussion

As far as Ive understood it and I its taken me a long time to fully understand but then dont know sometimes if I do!

Even buying a completed property from say a respectable vendor I say that meaning on the surface all seems in order. They have kocan in their name and no memorandums etc on the property. You then wait for PTP and in the meantime hope that no unforseen cirs etc happen to vendor or that any were in the pipeline and someone wins a court judgement against them for money ets and places a memorandum then you wont get the kocan transfered to you . Am I correct so far


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 18:17

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Message 33 of 73 in Discussion are misunderstanding the situation.

The "No Kocan , No money" slogan refers to a kocan IN YOUR NAME.

Most properties have a kocan...or "title deeds ready" as estate agents like to say....but the existence of that kocan is no use to you at all until it is in your name.

And until the TRNC reforms the PTP procedure so that is granted in weeks rather than years,then buyers will NOT be able to get a kocan in their name until years after they have handed over the money !

Do you understand now?

I would not feel any confidence in buying YOUR property just because you had a kocan in YOUR name.

That is no guarantee that I would get PTP , or that memoranda could not be placed on it if you ran up debts in the interim years beteween me buying it off you and finally getting deeds in my name.

I hope this is clearer now....maybe I'm not explaining myself properly?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 18:18

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Message 34 of 73 in Discussion

honestie, you are correct.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 18:54

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Message 35 of 73 in Discussion

Robinhood - " you do talk out of arse...."

I find it much easier to discuss things without the nastiness and insults.

Why don't you try it?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 18:59

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Message 36 of 73 in Discussion

Does anyone think they will actually change the process or will the property market stay stagnent ?

and will the unfinished sites be finished or demolished.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 19:21

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Message 37 of 73 in Discussion

So you buy a property with Kocan- this Kocan cannot be put in your name until you have received PTP.

On purchase you as the buyer, with a sale contract, register the property in your name and place a memorandum on the property.

Will this then protect you until you get PTP?

Then you can have the Kocan transferred to your name.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 19:28

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Message 38 of 73 in Discussion

Charlie15.....that sounds such a simple but brilliant idea but I'm not sure what criteria have to be established in order to place a memorandum on any property.

If it were that simple surely our advocates would have advised us accordingly?.....wouldn't they ?

I do know that when Memoranda are placed on properties,it is strictly first come first it would make sense were it an option,to get in early and lodge your own before anyone else does !

Any legal eagles on here who can give Charlie15 a more definitive answer?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 19:42

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Message 39 of 73 in Discussion

msg 37

After signing the contract, you need to pay tax, and you can then register the contract with the Tapu Office (Land registry) - from what I could see, they include a copy of the contract in the file relevant to the plot, and make a note in the file that there is a sales contract. You can also ask if there are any mortgages or other 'encumberances' while they have the file out in front of them, although they are supposed to tell you if there are any.

As for the next part - well that's the theory - it seems as though it would need testing in court to find out if it was effective - e.g. if someone managed to get a judgement for a debt against the current Kocan holder's assets, would your registration/memorandum etc be sufficient to protect the property? - I think that the truth is that no one can be certain.

The last line should read 'Then the seller transfers the Kocan to your name at his expense IF HE FEELS LIKE IT'

Sadly, there is no law that compels him to do that...

the butler

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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 19:52

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Message 40 of 73 in Discussion

Keithcaley is absolutely correct when he says there is no law to compel builders or developers to transfer Kocan in to your name. As well as the ptp this is the law that needs changing.

The butlers wife


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 20:36

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Message 41 of 73 in Discussion

No Deeds, No Money and PTP first ...


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 20:42

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Message 42 of 73 in Discussion who do you think will be able to apply enough pressure to the TRNC govt to process PTP applications within say 4 weeks after submission of Police checks?

Without this happening,nothing else can follow.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 20:56

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Message 43 of 73 in Discussion


is this possible at this moment in time ?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 21:08

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Message 44 of 73 in Discussion

Cronos, Fosterscan,

It is the only way ahead. No other amendments or changes in Estate Agency Law will matter or change things.

I cannot see an immediate improvement but short to medium term changes should be possible if the right amount of lobbying, pressure is applied and media coverage is used ...

Direct Military involvement can be taken out of the equation and everything controlled by the government Land Agency. As you quite rightly state, once the Police Checks have been completed and are available, the PTP should not take more than 4 weeks! The PTP should be for general property searches with the Land Registry involved in confirming any restrictions for foreigners after a specific property is found to purchase. This way, as long as everything else is in place, monies can be exchanged for unencumbered Deeds!

The more people who support the "No Deeds, No Money" campaign, the better.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 21:46

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you say "It is the only way ahead. No other amendments or changes in Estate Agency Law will matter or change things. I cannot see an immediate improvement but short to medium term changes should be possible..."

On what basis? Have you got a crystal ball?

You sound like a Soothsayer!

Also: "Direct Military involvement can be taken out of the equation and everything controlled by the government Land Agency"

It may have escaped your notice, but EVERYTHING in TRNC is controlled by Ankara - do you think that they are going to let ANYONE take that control away from them? - Because I don't!

Quote: "once the Police Checks have been completed and are available, the PTP should not take more than 4 weeks!" You seem to miss the point that the Military and the Police are ONE when it comes to policy and direction.

The Commandership of the TRNC Security Force is held by a serving Turkish Military Officer, who controls ALL police activity - where do you he gets HIS orders from?


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 21:51

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Message 46 of 73 in Discussion

Well said Keith; the voice of reason, as always. (Which is more than could be said of me)


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 21:56

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Message 47 of 73 in Discussion

Again Keith,

Pedantic is now bordering on the obnoxious!

If you wish to debate in detail every word, then please correspond with me directly through an email address or wait till we meet in person ...

I am well aware of the political and military agenda and workings of the TRNC!


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 22:19

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Message 48 of 73 in Discussion


it maybe the way ahead but how far ahead is it. Its ok to surport the campain but people want homes to live in now or soon so the only way at the moment is to take a gamble and cross you fingers .


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 22:32

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Message 49 of 73 in Discussion

"it maybe the way ahead but how far ahead is it. Its ok to surport the campain but people want homes to live in now or soon so the only way at the moment is to take a gamble and cross you fingers . "

If one has to live in the TRNC, then renting must be the safer than taking a gamble.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 22:55

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Message 50 of 73 in Discussion


If you wish to stop posting your views on this forum, and conduct the debate on a one-to-one basis why are you posting on here in the first place?

Do you expect to be able to pontificate, and make sweeping statements which have no demonstrable factual basis without being challenged?

You say "I am well aware of the political and military agenda and workings of the TRNC! "

If that is the case, then I am tempted to ask "Why do you keep spouting such meaningless, unsuportable rubbish then?"

You frequently make imprecise statements with such an air of authority that any newcomer might mistakenly regard them as FACT.

It might be a good idea if you prefaced what are, after all, only your OPINIONS, with the words 'In my opinion'...

Just my opinion, of course


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 23:04

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Message 51 of 73 in Discussion


I do think you are correct renting is the only way to go as the prices are stagnant and easy to get out when you need or want to.


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Message Posted:
30/07/2010 23:07

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Message 52 of 73 in Discussion

And another thing

On another thread, 'Builders - latest cash grab?' - you stated:

"By law, no monies are supposed to change hands before you have your PTP in place."

Can you provide a reference to this startling revelation?

If it IS actually a fact, then a LOT of advocats have not merely misled and mis-advised their clients, they have (in my opinion ) advised those clients to commit criminal acts, and then 'aided and abetted' those clients in the commission of the crime.

And please, give us a SOLID reference, for once!


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 10:37

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Message 53 of 73 in Discussion

Robinhood - you should learn some manners and acquire some humility.

Cronos is actually correct. Just because a foreigner managed to get their PTP does not automatically mean that another foreigner will be as fortunate.

There are laws and there are people in high places who get involved with decision making who have contributed to the almost complete collapse of the property market.

Furthermore, there no such thing as logic on this part of the island.


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 10:46

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Message 54 of 73 in Discussion

To fully protect your investment, whether the kocan is in the name of the builder or the last purchaser, you can only do this by putting a charge on the property.

You must have the consent of the registered owner, builder or otherwise. The charge can only be in favour of a TRNC citizen (what a surprise!) so your best bet would be your lawyer (in most cases!).

The cost of this will be depend on how much you want the charge for and the lawyer's fee for doing it. It is likely to cost a couple/few thousand stg but is well worth it.

It would take precedence over any memorandums.

Incidentally, memorandums can only be obtained via court proceedings (e.g. cost several thousand stg). Memorandums only have a limited shelf life and have to be renewed (not sure of time frame).


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 11:12

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Message 55 of 73 in Discussion


I agree with every thing that you've said.

Could I just add a little 'rider' though?

I believe that you are perfectly correct to say that if you put a 'charge' (i.e. Mortgage) on the property,"It would take precedence over any memorandums." - BUT if the charge / mortgage was for less than the value of the property, could there not still be the danger of the property being auctioned under a court order, so that a 'memorandum' could be paid of with the balance of the sale proceeds?

If that is the case (and I would bow to superior knowledge on this...) then you would need to make sure that any charge/mortgage that you put on the land was sufficient to exceed any likely sale/auction value.

That way, if the seller were to be taken to court for unpaid debt, I would hope (HOPE!) that your particular piece of property would be assessed as having a 'negative value' and be excluded from the proceedings.

Or isn't it that 'easy'?


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 11:29

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Message 56 of 73 in Discussion

Molly.....thankyou very much for succinctly outlining how a charge upon your own property would work.

Having been involved with the TRNC for the last 5 years it is only in the last 3 months that I was made aware of what a memorandum was !

I'm sure a lot of people still mistakenly believe that as long as they register their contract then they are protected.

On the subject of a you point out this is no surprise that this will involve having to find a TC you can trust and also a few thousand pounds !


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 15:54

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Message 57 of 73 in Discussion

memorandums are when a party wins a court judgement in their favour against someone usually for debt . If your builder kocan holder has been taken to court for debt for example and that person wins a judgement for an amount of money , usually with interest of course. then that person can place a memorandum on the builder/kocan holders assests which surprise surprise is your land or house.

A memorandum has to be executed in 2 years I stand corrected but that is what I have been told by solicitors and the same memorandum cannot be replaced. Im sure Ismet will correct me if I am wrong.

the problem with memorandums are that they can be used easily now with dare I say some collusion between builder and the alleged person he owes money to. The reason memorandums have taken over is because of the registration of contracts in 2008 which was a protection for the purchaser from having mortgages being taken out on their land. It didnt cater for memorandums


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 16:01

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Message 58 of 73 in Discussion

There is supposed to be an argument that registration should take preferance over memorandums but not sure if this has been tested yet but the whole process like anything here is open to who you know what you know and how much money extra do they want!

There seems to be som much that hasnt been tested in the courts as the attitude is we will never win etc etc but if we dont challenge we will never know and thats what Im doing at the moment.

As for PTP the changes that need to be made will certainly not be overnight if at all.

Off plan buying is risky but even buying from established properties still has the same problem of kocan and PTP so we can only keep on for change . Keith thats my opinion for what is worth



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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 17:22

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Message 59 of 73 in Discussion


I don't disagree!


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 18:18

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Message 60 of 73 in Discussion

I was told by my lawyer a few years ago that a charge would cost 1.5% of the contractual value of the property.


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 19:49

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Message 61 of 73 in Discussion

Lovely comments but people fail to realise that if every man and his dog could buy a property here and it was an easy transaction then the flood of buyers here would eliminate the Cypriot ownership as the price of property is well under its real value taking into consideration the prices in the south. theres 250.000 TRNC citizens here !! How long would it take for them to be a minority if it was easy to buy here? Try thinking about the other side of the coin, if what people want was possible there would be more English businesses and residents than the Islanders, a bit like London !!! who wants that? This is after all North Cyprus !!!


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 20:35

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Message 62 of 73 in Discussion

fair point and understand some of the logic. Its happened in many other places like Spain etc when prices were cheap and the foreigners were snapping them up forcing the prices up for locals same as in uk where many have had second homes and locals subsequently couldnt afford. Thats why in Spain certain taxes were implemented by law for that reason to non residents.

I can understand permissions to buy for pre 74 deeds unless youre turkish cypriot but come on be honest about it and then we know but just because its not easy (again I can understand each country to its own)but this isnt about being difficult its about criminal offences being committed by certain ,not all, unsrcupulous builders banks etc.

This is after all north cyprus thats why many wanted to be here and support the economy and accept the restrictions but does it being difficult mean we have no rights at all

I excpected it to be difficult but didnt expect the amount of


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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 22:13

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Message 63 of 73 in Discussion


So should we all be grateful to the TRNC govt for making the property buying process so tortuous and discriminatory,just so that it doesn't make TC's a minority in their own country?

Are you serious?

If you want to keep the TRNC for TC's then don't sell property to's that simple.

But no...what the TRNC have been more than willing to do is take millions of pounds from foreign buyers,and then use their corrupt and discriminatory legal system to deny them true ownership.

How people can continue to make excuses for these practises beggars belief.


Joined: 22/02/2009
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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 23:13

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Message 64 of 73 in Discussion

disnt expect this amount of corruption ansd as cronos says dont sell to foreigners what aaould happen then


Joined: 02/06/2010
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Message Posted:
31/07/2010 23:17

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Message 65 of 73 in Discussion

cronos msg 63

So should we all be grateful to the TRNC govt for making the property buying process so tortuous and discriminatory,just so that it doesn't make TC's a minority in their own country?

check the numbers (setlers,army...etc) cronos tcs ARE (FOR THEIR Misfortune) a MINORITY already.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2010 14:00

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Message 66 of 73 in Discussion

hmmm nice points and no i don;t agree with the corruption but they all work together, the ministers take a back hander for a loan , then then bank manager takes a backhander for a loan then they agree to charge a high interest and the builder gets a cut then they auction it off, and to top it off we are a minority already so it seems !!! dam what a life I personally think its discusting and I am not condoning these unethical practices but the truth of the matter is that it is as is and everyone knows it yet they still want to buy instead of just renting !! Whats that all about then ? But you got to admit it this is a nice place . They treat me just as bad as from UK but just lucky i got a id card that, saved my bacon for sure, lots of my mates had to go back to UK after getting shafted so its not just the English its anyone !! Theres an old Cypriot saying the blind man shafts whoever he can get his hands on !!


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Message Posted:
01/08/2010 20:17

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Message 67 of 73 in Discussion

good cypriot saying but didnt notice the people ive dealt with were blind. Must have been me thats blind although I havent in the nicest possible way of course shafted them yet. hope my day is yet to come


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Message Posted:
02/08/2010 10:28

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Message 68 of 73 in Discussion

every dog has his day !!!!


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Message Posted:
02/08/2010 11:24

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Message 69 of 73 in Discussion

some dogs do some dont and could start another thread on that one cyprusman 3. But thats going off the thread now, which is no Kocan no money!!! and the reasons for saying no Kocan no money. When the majority of people bought off plan several years ago none of this corrupt practise had actually come to light . Its only in the last few years when people havent had their deeds etc etc and subsequent auctions that many of us have learned a hard lesson. I think you will find the off plan sales have dropped considerably.

Also pre 74 deeds were to be the ones to go for only to find out the rules have changed.

As I said I agree with some of your comments and TCs being in the minority but as you said thats how it is. It is a nice place thats why we wanted to be here and people bought as they wanted their home here in hinesight, which is a brilliant thing isnt it, we should have rented first.

Just going to take the dog for a walk to contemplate hindsight


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Message Posted:
02/08/2010 14:59

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Message 70 of 73 in Discussion

HA ha ha ha nice on your right but its sods law, what can you do? a lot of english builders and estate agents also contributed to this crap too ! They just took the money and there still in business !! and people are still buying off them. Taking the dog for a walk is the best thing a man can do hee hee and i'm sorry the poor sods that buy off plan. including me !! I bought a apartment for investment purposes took me 4 years to get the kocan and i have an id card !! so its all not rosses for anyone here when it comes to kocans !


Joined: 17/06/2010
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Message Posted:
02/08/2010 15:11

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Message 71 of 73 in Discussion

it doesnt mater id card or not only if you have relatives in high places then all is sweet .


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Message Posted:
02/08/2010 15:25

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Message 72 of 73 in Discussion

been for the walk trouble is dont have a dog and no it isnt me!!!

youre right english builders, estate agents contributed to this crap but have only been allowed to by the corruption of the government etc.

Maybe its becos Im a londoner as the song goes that took you so long who knows.

But this is where the forum comes in to advise of the failings here and with that I think Ive now said enough on the subject.


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Message Posted:
02/08/2010 15:39

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Message 73 of 73 in Discussion

can I get someone to adopt me and all the others but would we run out of relatives

On a more serious note youre spot on and we all know that but as we havent we just have to battle on

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