North Cyprus Tourist Board - Can we control the multi postings about lost/found pets
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Can we control the multi postings about lost/found pets

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 08:27

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I know I will get criticism and I know I am being pedantic and all of those people who sympathise with the owners of the lost pets will think they are quite within their rights to have sepaerate posting but come on, 4 out of the first 5 posting you see at the moment are for different lost or found pets.

Before I get too much flack I should point out that I am a dog lover and would be frantic were I to have lost my pet but if you can only have 1 post about a restaurant regardless of how many people have individual questions about the restaurant, why can't we just have one post per day about lost and found pets.

I realise I am 1 of the first to say, if you don't like it don't read it but the first thought to pop into my mind when I saw the 4 posts was "Does nobody train their dog to stay".

OK, let me have it but I would be interested to see if anybody actually agrees.



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 08:30

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Paul I think the one posting per restaurant has gone by the wayside, as some have as many as 5 (yesterday advertising thier events). I do not know how it would work re pets as other poster would not know who is posting x


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 08:32

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You can only have one post for a PARTICULAR restaurant so an individual post for an individual dog is nothing to get worked up about

I have to say that in my opinion, finding the owner for a missing dog is more important than where to find Kingsmill bread or the cheapest pint of Efes




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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 08:37

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I totally disagree and think it is right for folk to post a new thread when they wish so that particular pet is the one which is fresh on peoples mind, eg if the missing pet went missing in your area you would me more likely to look out for it.

Just my opinion.


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 08:39

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whilst I agree with what you are saying, the reason for the 1 post per restaurant was as far as I remember people complaining that they are sick of seeing posts about restaurants.

I would have to say that if I were trying to get tourists to come to NC I would prefer to have a multitude of posts about the attractions to NC, not the fact that there are pets missing and even worse being found on all sides of the island.

I suppose what I am trying to say is that it depresses me to know about all the pet incidents in NC and no matter how hard the people trying to help do try there is still no respite from the problem.

Maybe I just needed to vent, sorry folks, I hope the pets involved are returned to their owners but I do also think it would be an improvement on the forum iif there could be 1 post for lost pets and 1 post for found pets.



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 08:43

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The answer to your problem is quite simple Paul, dont open the thread !!


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 08:55

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cooper, I don't open the thread but when you see it on 4 thread headings out of 5 it kind of jumps out at you.

I don't remember ever thinking that about restaurants or bars but then I suppose it is different strokes for different folks.

It was just a thought that might reflect slightly better on NC in my opinion but I suppose peoples pets are more important to some than peoples livelyhoods. I am afraid I tend to look at things a different way, my viewpoint is that if the business goes down the tubes the owners/proprieters will leave the country and the pets will probably be abandoned and the cycle keeps on going. The strays get together and form a pack, the trained house pet sees the pack and because it is instinctive joins, the pet is then lost, the owner is distraught and here we are again.

I know that is a bit of a stretch just to get my point across but why not, I demand my right to be heard, after all I had enough of the seen and not heard from my mother



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 08:59

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One of you might as well close the thread, I realise I am fighting a losing battle.

I do find it a concern that so many people are happy to create a system that can affect human beings and make life harder for them just because they don't like it personally but are quite allright with the pets issue.

It does seem to keep coming back to the British screwing over each other (Just how it seems to me but I am glad I didn't start a business in NC)


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:07

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Bloody hell Paul take a chill pill, nobody is saying they are alright with the pet issue and i for one am far from alright with it. I was just giving my opinion on your take on multi pet posts.


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:15

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cooper, I am about as chilled as I can be, it is my impression based on quite a lot of things on the threads posted recently and I can assure you I am not the only one with the same impression.

Maybe I should have put some smilies or lol's in the post but I wasn't trying to be funny, I also wasn't trying to be angry. I was just stating things as I find them and you may notice also asking the thread to be closed so it wouldn't really matter.

It does worry me cooper, that was all I was trying to say. sorry if you thought I was being OTT.



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:19

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So what you are saying then, is that if one person has lost a dog that day, any one else who loses one should just tag it on the end of someone elses in the hope that readers on here will scroll down to see if anyone else might have lost a pet that day too? Very helpful suggestion Proger....I will certainly bear that in mind whilst I worry myself sick about my dog who was taken and dumped somewhere...god why didnt I teach her to stay??


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:20

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No worries Paul, we will just have to agree to disagree on this issue.

Of to work now, have a nice day all )


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:21

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Yes Tinkie, that is exactly what I meant, have a gold star.


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:25

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Perhaps we should have one Lost Dog thread that everyone who has lost a dog can post under. I have to say that there does seem to be a lot of lost dogs here. Why is that?


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:26

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Well thank you for the great suggestion and I am sure that everyone who has a missing dog with temperatures up in the 40s, worrying about whether they have access to water or god forbid have been poisoned or run over, will bear in mind that you are just a little bit tired of seeing multiple postings about missing pets and try their very best not to offend you.


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:27

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Sorry Tinkie, you didn't deserve the sarcasm, I was out of order with that.

It was an idea of mine because I really don't like to see so many thread titles about lost pets, I thought I would ask if it could be done in a better way but then started getting drawn into explanations about my thoughts which I shouldn't have done, then I thought it best to close the thread or in fact if a mod wishes to delete it alltogether and then it won't get the attraction that the closed sign sometimes brings.

Lost pets/found pets are a concern especially to the owners but it seemed to me that there was a little to much emphasis on it whilst on the same forum people seem to try very hard to dissuade people from having a business that might just scrape it through. See I have gone and done it again.

Time for me to go anyway, see ya all l8r


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:40

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What a usless thread this is. Someone has a lost dog, they post it on 44.


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:56

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Troodo, thank you for that invaluable statement.

I do have a question though, why do people post it on 44, I realise that there are many people on 44 who might be able to help but it doesn't lend itself very well to being a good tool for finding a lost pet.

You can't attach a photo and not everyone is confident enough to create links to free photo storage sites

You don't have the ability to flag a posting so that it can be obvious if there is a change to the situation

You can have 100 new postings between postings on the pet thread which would move it to a second or further page which would mean it is not easy to find to reply to

What I am getting at Troodo is that you might think it is useless or usless as DC would jump on but there are some merits to keeping it on its own thread page or even using another site that has photos and page specifics for each pet, that site could even be linked to the 44 thread for all you very pet concerned people.



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 09:57

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In message 8 you say that you are fighting a losing battle. I don't believe that any battle is being fought here, as you state in a later post, people are just expressing an opinion which differs in this case to yours - the basis of debate !!

I also don't believe that anyone on this thread has complained about restaurants posting on here, I most certainly don't have a problem with that, so I don't believe that anyones livelihood is being threatened.

As to whether it paints the TRNC in a bad light, only other users can comment on this. However, it is a fact that pets get lost almost everyday it seems AND the island has a problem with stray dogs. Should we just brush this under the carpet because it is unpalatable to some ??

As with all posts, it you don't wish to open it, then don't......simples !!




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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 10:05

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I think I agree with some of what you say and you are probably correct in your understanding of what I have written as it is my fault for not getting across what I was thinking in a better way.

The exception to that would be, if you don't wish to open it statement.

I don't open them but I do have to read the title to see what the post is about in order not to open the post.

Since opening this thread there have been 3 more posts opened about dogs/pets so the fighting a losing battle does seem to be a little more apt.

Regardless of how I feel about it, the system looks destined to stay the same, I think that is a bad idea but then it is only my thoughts so I can't be too surprised or upset after all as I said in another thread "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" and that is how it should be.



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 10:10

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proger I disagree I believe that cyprus44 has helped many a doggie to be reunited with its owner or helped others with feeding doggies...... Lillie for one

If it helps so be it let them run with it

I know you have helped with another site DD Rescue Kyrenia (i think thats the forum title) so you are a doggie lover

But if someone is frantic to get their much loved doggie why not post it on here?, its far more important than 'how to spell' - 'how great your meal was' or even 'what the score was in footie'

smilie just for you as I know you like them


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 10:18

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Thanks for the smilies, it is nearly the title of the site. I won't write it because people will think I am trying to self advertise.

I genuinely thought to myself when I saw the 4 thread titles about pets, Oh dear not more of the same but obviously I was the only one. I shouldn't have opened the thread but I did and have to puit up with some of the enlightening comments unless of course it gets closed but that's life.

I would point out though that the site is called a travel guide.

As I said earlier, I hope the owners and pets find each other, I just thought it could be done slightly better on the site.

Smilies to everyone, by the way, maybe Izzet could turn on the rest of the smilies set that is available and then we could do other expressions.


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 10:26

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I might think this is a usless thread but you obviously do not, so I will defend your right to post it.


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 10:30

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Thank you Troodo,

I do appreciate that, I really wasn't trying to upset anyone at all.

I just don't think C44 is a very effective way of finding a lost pet or owner with the exception of it being probably the most used site in NC.

What I see on the main forum page is lots of lost/found need a new home for animals and I wondered if it could be improved upon. If not then I will just have to live with it, not a huge problem for me, really.


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 10:31

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you are right its a 'travel guide' site, but it has a forum within it. A forum is for discussion whatever that maybe, obvioulsy some have stronger opinions on issues than others.

Personally I am pleased the threads for restaurants has changed to one a day it's better that way, personally I have no issue with owners trying to find new homes for doggies so I don't mind the posts. personally I don't like football threads, but it floats mens boats, so its just a case of its not all about 'one person' whether thats you me or Joe Bloggs, if you see what I mean

Right I will stop rambling now have a greta day )))


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 10:31

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Proger....I think your post is valid and strengthens the argument for having sub-sections on the forum ie Pets/animals.....Sport....Jokes.....Bars/Restaurants....etc etc.


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 10:32

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whoops great !


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 10:34

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OK, I had better take off the Garbo dress again, make up your mind please sienna


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 19:30

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rather than start a new post, I thought I would add more thoughts on here as it relates to the same thing.

For the people that believe the postings for each individual pet should continue and I do understand the reasons, maybe someone can explain why it is important to still have a post entitled Missing XXXX XXXXXXX !!!!!!!!! when the dog has been found and the conversation has moved onto different things.

As I said earlier, C44 is not a great tool for lost/found stuff but as Tinkie pointed out, if you have lost a pet you will do whatever you can.

I just find it depressing to see all the posts about it and then to see the posts continue after the pet has been found is even worse. The mods could possibly change the title to FOUND, that would look much better in my opinion but maybe only mine.


daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 20:18

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It's funny that this is the first thread that jumped out at me, as only this afternoon, someone mentioned to me about how odd it is, that there are suddenly loads of lost dogs on Cyprus 44...and i have to agree...what is going on??

As for there being a sub section for lost and found pets, there is of course... RESCUE US KYRENIA .com!! It has been a tool for quite a few people, as i get a fair few calls every week from folk asking me questions about animals...

There really is no need to keep posting lost and found animals here, when is a perfectly good website that can help with can even post your own pictures and video recordings of said animals on there...then i would simply post links to other websites.

But saying all that...there is a small 'however'...i know that if either of mine went missing, i would be posting on every relevant website as well...but i would also be pounding the streets, putting up posters, badgering KAR and every available vet that would ...c

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 20:21

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give me 5 minutes!, i would be talking to local police and the local fact i would be out 24/7 talking to just about everyone that would listen to me! I would not ever simply rely on a posting on a website....there would be many ways to try and find my dogs, and i swear, i would do every single one of them!!

so, if you have lost your pet...take note of a few of these may turn out that you are one of the lucky's not as if Cyprus is THAT big of a place....



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 21:20

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DD, I realise that you are probably just trying to be helpful, but frankly I find your post more than a little patronising.

''so, if you have lost your pet...take note of a few of these may turn out that you are one of the lucky's not as if Cyprus is THAT big of a place.... ''

Do you seriously believe that the people who have lost their dogs, myself included, would just sit on their behinds and not actively pursue other avenues??...we are not all a bunch of idiots.

I apologise if this sounds harsh but give us some credit for heavens sake! Cyprus is an enormous place when you weigh 7kilos, stand a foot high and your whole world is usually one street in Alsancak!

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 21:23

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Tinkie...not so long ago you were moaning about your dogs escaping all the time, and you wanted to find homes for them...even then i offered a little simple advice, which you massively misconstrued as an attack...i am not interested in your posting was meant for others, not just for you.



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 21:27

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Actually DD you should probably get your facts straight it certainly was not me who had a problem with their dog escaping and it was not me who was trying to rehome a dog. I was standing up for the person who you were so quick to attack on here.

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 21:31

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I apologise for mistaking you for someone else (perhaps)....but i was most CERTAINLY not attacking anyone...i was simply saying that there were other avenues to explore rather than just posting on 44....strange how you again think i am attacking....maybe you and Pogle are friends?



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 21:43

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Sorry where in post 32 did I mention you attacking any one??? There is no (perhaps) about it DD, if I had been so desperate to rehome my dog, do you really think I would be frantically trying to find her now, when someone has taken her? Mmm, doesnt really add up does it? Yes you are correct Pogle and I are friends, what has that got to do with me posting on here about trying to find my lost dog?

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 21:53

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Because somewhere down the line i remember one of you were saying how your dogs were constantly escaping, and instead of accepting advice on how to dog proof the garden effectively...and immediately went on the defense....and as it turned out, it was rehoming you wanted, not help on keeping them safe from an angry i wrong in remembering this...or have i had a few too many coffees?



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 21:58

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No that wasnt exactly how the story went...Pogle was very worried as her neighbours had threatened to kill her pets...what a memory you have, considering it was a year ago in November! Not entirely sure why you felt the need to dig that up, hopefully we will be able to look back on this in another year and have another 'to do' on here...Oh how I will laugh, if I have my dog back...and she doesnt end up dead like Pogles very sadly did.

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 21:58

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erm might want to reread msg 34....i believe it says there that you think i am pair of glasses maybe?


daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 22:00

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I take it, she didn't get her garden made more secure then? Oh dear...i am so sorry to hear this...



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 22:07

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I bet you are being such an animal lover...

How is that fostering scheme working out for you by the way? Great idea in principle.

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 22:10

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Actually, thanks for seems to working out really well....4 dogs fostered last month...3 of which were adopted....fancy taking on another one? Actually best not, you and your friend don't seem to have much luck with dogs...i have 2 kittens available if you like....they're much easier to look after....



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 22:13

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Now now that was below the belt want it DD...very insensitive in fact considering the circumstances.. do you have a sensitivity cut off?...thought this was just a little bit of banter but clearly you are just spiteful.

Its been great..... thanks!


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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 22:14

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Message 44 of 53 in Discussion

DD stop being such a bitch !!

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 22:17

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I never get to be a bitch on here....everyone else gets to be mean, why can't i have at least one go...DC gets to be a bitch all the time....well i'm making a stand!!! I AM BEING A BITCH....ggGGRRRrrrrr....



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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 22:18

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Go for it DD! )

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/08/2010 22:21

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DD No1 bitch


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Message Posted:
24/08/2010 11:02

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Lost dogs ...... New Indian Restaurants .....

Bit of a worry I reckon ... anyone found a collar in their lamb madras yet !!!!


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Message Posted:
24/08/2010 11:11

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Well, this has really got people going. I read the lost and found, and if the animal is lost anywhere near where I live, I look at the picture if there is one, write down the telphone number and when I am out keep an eye out. I have never seen a missing animal that has been posted on the board, see loads of others of course. I think it's an excellent idea, and as for people in other countries looking on this board and seeing the postings, I just think it shows what a caring society it is here. Personally I'd rather others think we are a caring group rather than a lot of alcoholics, only interested in which bar has a special.


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Message Posted:
24/08/2010 11:19

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Hi Stella i did find one that went on the missing list, it was posted on here, which helped me find the little lady. You know what i am like re animals so i do read every dog or cat, donkey etc posts. I hope and pray tinkie finds her pet, i can imagine the worry in this heat, she does not need any added pressure x


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Message Posted:
24/08/2010 12:32

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I agree entirely!!!

Talk about lack of sensitivity.

I would be physically sick if one of my animals were stolen and it was bad enough when my beloved cat of 7 years of age was killed at the end of April just outside our villa gates ...... on a very quiet narrow private road.

The last thing anyone needs at this time is people having a go at them.


Show some compassion please.


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Message Posted:
24/08/2010 19:21

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Tatum1, thank you for your opinion however please consider the fact that it was an idea that was questioning whether people agreed with me.

To call me insensitive, uncompasionate and to wish shame on me just for having an idea that differs from your beliefs is just ignorant.

Just because I believe human survival to be higher in importance than animals is not a reason to judge me, I after all don't call people sad individuals because they have more love for an animal that should just be a companion not considered a family member.

That by the way is me making a point, I do have a great deal of concern for animals which if you read my posts is the reason I made the suggestion in the first place. I get saddened when I read about all the lost/found animals, how is that insensitive.

Anyway, obviously people would rather it stayed the same as it is now so if there any active mods on could you please close the post. Thanks


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Message Posted:
24/08/2010 19:33

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Message 53 of 53 in Discussion

This thread is now closed. Reason: Not specified.

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