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If you could do something completely impossible

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» North Cyprus Property Rental Guide

daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008
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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 12:43

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...and i don't mean get your Kocan....

What would make you happy knowing about, for the rest of your life?

Personally i would give my right leg, to have complete access to the whole of the Vatican unconditionally...all those old documents we're not allowed to see...all the secret tunnels.....all those SECRETS.......i could be kept amused for the rest of my days...providing of course the Google Translator gets a massive overhaul for all that Latin and other dead languages....oh yeah, and a working compass would be good too, for navigating my way around!

I'd also like to know if Area 54 really does house alien aircraft and bodies....



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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 12:46

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Are you sure you wouldn't be more interested in area 51?

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 12:48

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ooops....yeah, that one too....i think i was referring to Studio 54!! Although i bet that place held a few secrets of it's own!!



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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 12:58

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Message 4 of 46 in Discussion

Go back in time and stop Oracle's mum and dad ever meeting.


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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 13:03

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Message 5 of 46 in Discussion

Who killed JFK and who is responsible for 9/11. Oh and who keeps dumping animals in my street so I could return the favour.

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 13:17

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Message 6 of 46 in Discussion

I'd like to know what happened to the Arc of the Covenant....



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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 16:47

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find out who keeps drinking my beer, i never see them but someone is


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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 16:52

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message 5

maybe this man knows!


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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 20:13

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Message 9 of 46 in Discussion


Why would you want to spend your days hopping around the Vatican? Better give them your right arm, at least then you could wander around on your own.

I would like to see what the earth looks like from the other side of the moon, whilst on my way back from the round trip to Mars! Failing that, just one quick trip around in the space shuttle would do for me - the sights must be (forgive me) out of this world!!


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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 20:55

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Message 10 of 46 in Discussion


Could you see earth from the other side of the moon !

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 21:00

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Message 11 of 46 in Discussion

you might want to try Google can get a view from any side you wish....



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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 21:03

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I would like to touch the ground in the deepest area of the ocean. Dnt know how deep that would be!

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 23:28

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I think that would be as impossible as you could get...what a fab wish!!!



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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 23:32

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Message 14 of 46 in Discussion

That the idiots on here didn't post meaningles trivia such as this.


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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 23:36

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"That the idiots on here didn't post meaningles trivia such as this."

Well spotted Krypton... your post was meaningless...


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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 23:39

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Message 16 of 46 in Discussion

Absolutely Groucho. same as yours then


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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 23:39

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I think next time you post, you read the subject and post and talk with some respect!


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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 23:50

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Message 18 of 46 in Discussion

Please tell me though the actual point of this thread. It has nothing to do with anything


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Message Posted:
22/09/2010 23:55

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Message 19 of 46 in Discussion

OK it's a light-hearted discussion that given a special power you could do something otherwise impossible - what would it be....

You don't want to take part in the thread but you feel you must admonish those who do... get over it.


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 00:07

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Message 20 of 46 in Discussion

Groucho, get over what - twaddle


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 00:35

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Message 21 of 46 in Discussion

Get over yourself it would seem... if people want to engage in twaddle what business is it of yours?

We have enough thought police on here as it is....


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 00:41

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Message 22 of 46 in Discussion

Time travel is obviously the greatest attribute one could wish for... there would be nothing you couldn't do or fix.

Just think... stop the takeover of the 9/11 planes... stop Hilter being born...


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 00:42

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Message 23 of 46 in Discussion

You could never make Liverpool's game against Northampton look good though...


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 00:51

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Message 24 of 46 in Discussion

I would like the power of persuasion, think about it you don't need to be invisible or any other power, you just talk and get what you want, brilliant!

I await the insults.


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 00:58

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Message 25 of 46 in Discussion

I would like fighting...harmony...


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 01:03

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Message 26 of 46 in Discussion

For me the same as blackbird , peace, no fear of wars no threats , in cyprus for ex pats to be kind and help each other. For no animal to go without food or water, god my list could go on and on x


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 01:12

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Message 27 of 46 in Discussion

Lilli, It's like I already know you. Your such a nice person. Wishes could go on and on...


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 01:20

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Message 28 of 46 in Discussion

Yes Lilli it would be lovely...


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 01:28

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well all we can do is our best,i was always taught to treat others as you would wish to be treated. I have ben so lucky as i meet the lovelist people face to face. I cant say the same about certain people here that put you down without knowing you. To me that is so sad. I cant and wont change it , they can live with it. Im happy knowing what i do , bring happiness to others and help where i can to the causes i choose and the animals i help. thats my mission statement . Blackie still wish I was in wales though xxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 01:29

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would like the power of persuasion, think about it you don't need to be invisible or any other power, you just talk and get what you want, brilliant!

Have you been talking to my wife?


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 01:32

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Message 31 of 46 in Discussion

Lilli.............Blackie still wish I was in wales though xxxxxxxxxx................

It's pissing down here - and the guy on the radio this morning said that it was to be the last good day of the summer....what bloody summer???

I think it's a tad better over there?


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 02:49

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Message 32 of 46 in Discussion

Vickie for PM !!!

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 09:25

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msg 31....all this summer, people in the UK have posting on face book about how hot it's been....then all of a sudden, they're now posting what a crap summer it's been...............very strange!

But back to the subject in hand............i think it would be amazing to fly without aircraft..................

And to not need to breathe in water..................



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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 11:45

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Message 34 of 46 in Discussion

My power of persuasion is working already! Thank you for your vote eager.


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 11:58

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msg 6 DD....... the 4by2s pinched it


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Message Posted:
23/09/2010 13:13

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Message 36 of 46 in Discussion

Impose a world wide ban on bingo and karaoke,sports bars..Bring back the English country pup on the village green, listening to the sound of "LEATHER ON WILLOW"those were the days,NO Mobiles, No F......g I pods just peace, lovely!!!

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 18:43

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Message 37 of 46 in Discussion

what's 'leather on willow'?



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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 19:05

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Message 38 of 46 in Discussion

cricket Daisy, ball on bat, lovely !

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 19:55

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aaaaaaaah, terminology for cricket! I am not a lover of watching men standing around for hours on end rubbing their balls on their legs to get a shiny ball....LOL

So no, not a fan! But if makes men feel great rubbing their balls in public, who am i to moan??

(please take the content in my post as fun)



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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 19:58

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I feel sorry for the pup...

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 20:00

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Message 41 of 46 in Discussion

i thought i was the only one that caught that...hahahhaa



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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 21:13

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Message 42 of 46 in Discussion

Sam, instead of giving your right leg, you are more likely to get access to the Vatican by offering a small boy.

Personally I would like to be more like a dog, why? ................ because they can!


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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 21:40

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Message 43 of 46 in Discussion

Re message 33. I dunno where they are 'cos the summer has been crap here!


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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 21:41

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Message 44 of 46 in Discussion

If there is only one one thing, that I might ever be certain of, in my life, it would be ...................

"That is definitely Schiehallion!!!!!"

(Scottish Hill Walkers only)


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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 21:43

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Message 45 of 46 in Discussion

daisydukes/msg 39:

Nobody plays 'pocket billiards' like the Cyps!


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Message Posted:
25/09/2010 22:28

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Message 46 of 46 in Discussion

getting back on topic ............i spend a lot of time on my roof watching the shooting stars . if i could i would like to be up there with them .............

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