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Joined: 02/10/2010 Posts: 9
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 11:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 81 in Discussion |
| Can anyone tell me a good school for my grand kids please, my daughter has split with partner and coming to live with us, we live in Lapta area, many thanks |

Joined: 02/06/2010 Posts: 121
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 12:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 81 in Discussion |
| What ages are the children? |

Joined: 06/02/2009 Posts: 5934
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 12:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 81 in Discussion |
| The nearest one to Lapta would be 'Sunny Lane' in Alsancak it actually has a new name but can't remember it. There is the "English School of Kyrenia' which is of Bellapais road. And finally the GAU school which is Karoglanoglou. Chris |

Joined: 26/07/2008 Posts: 2012
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 12:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 81 in Discussion |
| Sunny Lane is now the British Academy I think Maggie |

Joined: 30/09/2010 Posts: 40
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 12:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 81 in Discussion |
| sunnylane/british school seems to be the better of the lot at the moment the kids seem to enjoy it there and they seem to be doing the job nowadays i find their fees to be reasonable as well. we done a lot of research before we enrolled my son. weve heard some awful stories about ESK, they have no anti-bullying policy at the moment and there are 7 lessons of Turkish per week multilingual seems to be the headteachers priority. science lessons are substandard and no geography. weve met a few parents that have moved from esk back to sunnylane. their fees increasing from month to month and poor standards of food at lunchtimes.they also dont have a licence to award the kids with the qualifications (i cant spell) bacculautiate. this qualification depends on the child passing every subject - so if theyre bad at maths they have nothing at the end of their school life GAU would be overwhelming for kids who came from small villages and they doesnt seem to have any discipline for the younge |

Joined: 30/09/2010 Posts: 40
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 12:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 81 in Discussion |
| sunny lane has reduced class sizes so more attention is given to each child. i have found the teachers to be very approachable and they are happy to discuss the childrens progress. all classes are taught in english and one class of turkish per day. the school is multicultural and there are even russian children in my sons class who speak no english and no turkish.. theyre young enough to pick it up and are enjoying their time there. my son is the only british child but has had no problem making friends. they also have a british-type education system that awards a qualification for each lesson. the school day is from 8.30 - 4pm and 3.30 on fridays |

Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 12:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 81 in Discussion |
| Sunny lane is the best. |

Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 12:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 81 in Discussion |
| You need to visit all 3. We sent our children to an excellent private school in England and the schools here dont match up to that one but that is because half the time is spent covering the turkish curriculum, all private schools have to do this by law. English School of Kyrenia has grown from 300 last year to 600 this year so the figures speak for themselves, maybe you will get the odd one move back to their old school.. but out of 300 new students!!! This is our childrens 2nd year there and they are doing very well and are very happy and doing well. And the fees do not increase month on month at ESK, each mother has an opinion which is the best school for their child and 600 opinions are in ESKs favour. It is true that other schools class sizes are smaller, but believe me, if they could get the students, they too would have larger class sizes. Esk maximum is 24 hence they now have 2 or 3 classes in each school year. |

Joined: 06/05/2009 Posts: 71
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 12:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 81 in Discussion |
| Nicolab do you work at sunnylane or does your partner? ESK is far better than sunny lane and does have a no bullying policy in place and they are very strict about this. The facilities are far superior and yes they do have more Turkish lesson.. but hey you are in a Turkish country not British... sunny lanes classes have been reduced as most of those children now attend ESK and not for any other reason. they do have a licence and all qualifacations are reconised, please get your facts right ! |

Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 13:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 81 in Discussion |
| Correct, Anti Bullying policy is well in force at ESK and the headmistress of primary used to be head of a task force that had to turn around non performing schools in the uk. You will have a job finding any negative posts on here about ESK or GAU for that matter. The only thing I did not like about GAU is that the Turkish and English children were seperated and I want my children to interact with the Turkish children and culture. ESK is 50/50. |

Joined: 10/01/2009 Posts: 359
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 13:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 81 in Discussion |
| If the kids are Infant School aged.. Miss Judy is extremely well recommended. |

Joined: 02/10/2010 Posts: 9
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 17:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 81 in Discussion |
| Thank you all for your input, my grandchildren will be in year 6 and 9, I think Sunny Lane/Britsh Acadamy would be best for travel. Do we know whay they have changed their name, if a company did this in UK would ring alarm bells, will ask friends questions over weekend and prob go to school on Monday and talk with Teachers, parents and children, thank you all again will keep you all updated. |

Joined: 09/09/2010 Posts: 134
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 17:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 81 in Discussion |
| The school changed its name as they were starting A levels and had a few more older children join so the name Sunny Lane did sound rather childish. They dont like any form of bullying there and help all the children on different levels. The school dinners are a bit hit and miss so i have heard could do with someone having a look at what they serve up but i think its depends on your taste |

Joined: 01/12/2009 Posts: 255
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 21:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 81 in Discussion |
| nicolab Re post 5 I think the awful stories you have heard are just that “stories” which should be files in the fiction section of a library. The horrors you quote have not been our experience and we are very happy with the school. I take exception to the quote that the fees go up every month that is NOT true. All that has been promised has been delivered and the teething problems of last year have been dealt with. No school is perfect but the ESK listen and are will to change when change is needed. We have two children in the junior school and one in the senior (just started) they are all very happy and we are glad with choice we made. As for school dinners yes our kids sometimes complain but they also complain about their mums cooking however they never complain about a Big Mac! |

Joined: 01/12/2009 Posts: 255
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 22:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 81 in Discussion |
| Also what I should have said and I am sure we all will agree that the most important thing is that the children are happy and I am sure there are happy children at all three schools... |

Joined: 30/09/2010 Posts: 40
Message Posted: 02/10/2010 23:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 81 in Discussion |
| to defend what i said earlier i asked around like yourselves about the schools. the "stories" were from parents and children alike. one of the boys i met was 11 and had been tortured, as was any child that he desperately tried to make friends with and the school didnt do much about it.. except make the victim sit apart from his class at lunchtimes to allow the bully to eat in peace. his parents asked to see this policy and were told there wasnt one. i also noted that the person posting this thread is a grandparent. as a single mother i understand that a recent split has MAYBE cut the mothers spending habbits. Therefore i find Sunnylane the best option for this particular family - and myself if im honest. obviously the parents ive met recently have been the ones that have moved back to sunnylane so may be a little biased i have also met teachers from ESK who are fond of their job and love the school but i didnt find it the best option for my son. |

Joined: 01/12/2009 Posts: 255
Message Posted: 03/10/2010 07:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 81 in Discussion |
| Nicolab... Glad you have found right school for your son as we have for our children. It is refreshing that in the TRNC we have a choice on this matter. I found what you had heard upsetting because it had not been our experience but I should not have been as bold as to have said they were “fiction” just because it has not been our experience. Sorry. |

Joined: 02/10/2010 Posts: 9
Message Posted: 10/10/2010 23:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 81 in Discussion |
| Hi all, thanks for your comments. I have been to British Academy on a few occasions now to talk with parents, children and staff. Little worried with the moral amongst all. Parents worried that some staff are still in negotiations for a reasonable contract, children not sure if their teacher will be there one week to another and staff worried about bullying from senior members of staff and owners into signing the contract.............can anyone else give me update on this. I don't really want to travel any further to take my grandkids to school (unfortunately my daughter dose not drive).........look forward to your replies. |

Joined: 01/08/2010 Posts: 86
Message Posted: 11/10/2010 11:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 81 in Discussion |
| minnie-me, I can't comment on the others as I have had no dealings with them but our son (12) started at the British Academy this year and has settled in really well. He has seven classmates and has been unfazed by the change in school. He has regular homework and when he did have a problem with a subject he was given extra tuition during a break. This was brought to out attention the same day whereas in bigger classes this may not have been possible. The main thing is that he is happy and I believe that to be important if the child is going to get on. |

Joined: 18/05/2009 Posts: 227
Message Posted: 12/10/2010 13:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 81 in Discussion |
| I have no experience of BA as my child is in year 10 at ESK and we are, and she is very happy there. As far as travel is concerned there are two options open to you from Lapta (we live there too!) 1. There are a lot of kids attending ESK from Lapta and I am sure as we have done you can link up and share the school run. Worth asking the admin staff (who are very helpful) at the school if they can help put you in touch with parents in Lapta. 2. There is a school bus from Lapta although this of course has a charge. As you can see from previous posts there are always stories and rumours about schools (of course there is an anti-bullying policy at ESK, of the course the fees do not go up each month) so the best way to judge is to go and visit and talk to the staff and kids yourself. If it would help we can get our year 10 daughter to talk to your year 9 grandchild. I do not have a vested interest, if BA is the right school for your grandchildren then best of luck likewise ESK or G |

Joined: 29/11/2009 Posts: 1333
Message Posted: 12/10/2010 14:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 81 in Discussion |
| Perhaps you should read what Miss Carol has posted on the forum today and have a word with her. If staff are unhappy, then in my experience as a teacher, there has to be a reason. |

Joined: 06/05/2009 Posts: 71
Message Posted: 12/10/2010 17:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 81 in Discussion |
| If miss carol would not sign a new contract after 7 years at sunnylane/BA then something has to be wrong. There has always been a very high turnover of teachers at this school , only the teachers can tell you why so many leave or are forced to, perhaps a few will tell us why???? changing the name and colour of the buses will not make it a better school |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 3
Message Posted: 15/10/2010 19:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 81 in Discussion |
| Yeah about the Sunny lane don't get too exited... Just a advice. Not as good as it seems to be... |

Joined: 18/04/2009 Posts: 2919
Message Posted: 15/10/2010 20:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 81 in Discussion |
| Here is a stunning thought, maybe all pegs don't fit in the same holes. My daughter is at British Acadamy and although there have been some issues, mainly with the other students and their behaviour and not the teachers, her studies have improved dramatically. I won't criticise any other school except to say that GAU did not resopond to me continued mails when trying to get information. That is all I will say because it is all I know. Panchocat, if Miss Carol wants to talk about the school, I am guessing she probably would have by now. This is someone asking advice about the schools benefit for their grand childs education, not asking about your objective opinion on how the schools are run and the contractual disputes between teachers and their employers. I would say that regardless of how the school seems to be run by the what appears to me biased people posting on here, the school is good for my daughters education. |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 761
Message Posted: 15/10/2010 21:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 81 in Discussion |
| Paul is exactly right, what is good for one child may be not so good for another. Also remember that if any child is lacking a little in any subject, it may just be that they do not have as much natural ability at the subject, but they may well excel in others. It's very much about what is right for the individual, and children adapt very quickly. The most important issue for me would be if any certain school failed to enforce the rules it portrays. Sadly this is not always the case for some schools. If you do find (whichever school) you have maybe not chosen to the best initially, albeit either for financial reasons or because of poorly founded information, at least in NC it's easy to move, though don't necessarily expect to ever see the deposit returned. |

Joined: 13/08/2009 Posts: 208
Message Posted: 18/11/2010 21:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 81 in Discussion |
| My eldest daughter is at the GAU international prep school. She is very happy there, and I am also very happy. She is doing very well, the school is disiplined, has a anti-bullying policy, and in fact had a special anti bully day last week. |

Joined: 24/10/2010 Posts: 245
Message Posted: 18/11/2010 23:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 81 in Discussion |
| Do a personal check on each school. you can normally tell after 10 minutes in an international school if it is the 'real deal' or just in it for the money. Surely nothing is more important than making the right choice for your family. Do not listen to hear say, check them out yourself. |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 27/11/2010 00:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 81 in Discussion |
| My recent contact with high school students doing science subjects at GAU, clearly shows very amateurish conduct by such an establishment! 2 months into their studies, and they are still waiting for some of their course books! Two people who have requested private tutoring seem to be very unhappy with the course structure and do not have a clue as to what is going on! These schools cost a small fortune for the families who want the best for their children, yet the current educational system in Cyprus seems to issue free tickets for abuse! I am seriously considering a visit to the Ministrry of Education to find out what on earth they intend to do, to remedy the current situation. |

Joined: 05/06/2007 Posts: 80
Message Posted: 27/11/2010 18:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 81 in Discussion |
| The British Academy of Northern Cyprus (formerly Sunnylane School) invites parents of all children in the TRNC to the school's Open Day on Monday 29th November between 8.45am and 3pm. Parents are invited to walk around the School, view the facilities and meet the staff and students. If you are not available to visit the school on that day, but would like to visit on another day then please contact the School Tel: 0392 821 2011, Mobile 0533 865 3692 or email: info@britishacademy-cyprus.com. The British Academy teaches the British National Curriculum and is a recognised exam center for CIE (Cambridge International Exams) and Edexcel examination boards. The school also now offers AS and A Level courses for Sixth Form Students and has a proven exam success track record. 23% of students who took 2010 exams achieved A or A* grades. 72% of all students were awarded a C grade or higher. These percentages are a matter of public record and are not fictitious. |

Joined: 18/03/2010 Posts: 48
Message Posted: 07/12/2010 15:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 81 in Discussion |
| Gidday all, I spotted this thread and thought I would load up a question. I had a scout around and tried to find the answer but couldn't so I hope I am not wasting everyone's time. Can someone tell me if there is an English language primary school over near Famagusta somewhere? and if it is OK? (if there is one) I am Australian and my wife is Russian, and we have a kid (just turned 4) who I want educated in English (and well educated). In the long run he will go to a school in Australia, but if there is somewhere where I can at least give him a decent start in North Cyprus (and we will be living over near Bogaz), I would be mighty appreciative in knowing about it. Kind regards |

Joined: 14/02/2010 Posts: 191
Message Posted: 07/12/2010 22:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 81 in Discussion |
| Can you clarify for me please - is the 'British National Curriculum' actually the English/Welsh Curriculum or does it include the Scottish Curriculum too? |

Joined: 14/06/2008 Posts: 908
Message Posted: 08/12/2010 08:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 81 in Discussion |
| International GCSEs and AS/A levels are offered and, in my experience, are widely respected in UK. Did O-levels and Highers myself but that was many years ago in Scotland - are they still part of the Scottish curriculum? |

Joined: 12/05/2010 Posts: 316
Message Posted: 08/12/2010 15:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 81 in Discussion |
| My son has been at Sunny Lane (BANC) for three years, the staff are very friendly and my son loves it there. They have a very good record for GSCE grades. Its a small school so the children make friends quickly. turn over of staff is high but can not be helped. I have looked at ESK and yes it is very good and the facilities there are very good, its a new school and i have friends that go there and also teach, they are happy and impressed with the school. They have very strict uniform policy and behaviour policy. The also encourage afterschool activities which are included. GAU is also good but i have heard that they seperate the english children from the turkish which i wanted my son to learn turkish as we live here and hopefully will be working here when he is older. The school is also everso big which can be a bit off putting for new comers. As long as the children enjoy going to school that is the main thing and my son is happy there. |

Joined: 14/02/2010 Posts: 191
Message Posted: 08/12/2010 18:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 81 in Discussion |
| Come on Aylin - Scottish quals Standard Grade, Intermediate or Higher and Advanced Higher. But this is in the process of changing again - that's why I retired early! |

Joined: 06/06/2010 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 12/12/2010 21:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 81 in Discussion |
| I would like to learn the results of the IGCSE exams done this Summer at Girne American College and the British Academy. In message 29 Tutor4u wrote these results are a "matter of public record". Can someone provide a link to them or do I have to go to the schools and ask for them? |

 Joined: 04/07/2008 Posts: 16617
Message Posted: 12/12/2010 21:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 81 in Discussion |
| Sunny Lane gets good reports |

Joined: 06/06/2010 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 12/12/2010 22:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 81 in Discussion |
| Re ; msg 36 - "Sunny Lane gets good reports" I'm sure they do No1, but how can I see for myself the results of both GAU and BA? |

Joined: 02/10/2010 Posts: 9
Message Posted: 16/12/2010 22:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 81 in Discussion |
| Hi all don’t know if you remember me but you all helped me when i was looking for school for when my grandchildren come over in the new year. Well i took on board all you said and spoke to teachers at the school. Was impressed by British Academy and a few weeks ago spoke with both head of schools. The senior school head was very helpful a really pretty lady, Turkish with fluent English. She sung the praises of the school where as the gentleman was more vague and was not to sure how long he would be in post. I returned this week to obtain application forms only to hear that both these teachers have handed in their notices and been replaced and apparently this has happened while the senior head was away in turkey on a school trip and unaware. I was also told that the school owners have not acknowledged their letters of resignation. Can anyone enlighten me as this sounds unbelievable, i do hope to talk with them both next week when the lady returns. |

Joined: 02/10/2010 Posts: 9
Message Posted: 16/12/2010 22:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 81 in Discussion |
| Re above.........cont I am also told the school owners have a hand in this site is that true?, if so can they tell me?. |

Joined: 01/04/2009 Posts: 723
Message Posted: 16/12/2010 22:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 81 in Discussion |
| I know all the schools allow you to bring in your child for a few days to try out the new school and to see how he/she gets on with the other children. I'd suggest you try that option with all three schools. |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 16/12/2010 22:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 81 in Discussion |
| As far as I am aware, you seem to have been hearing a lot of gossip! I am sure the lady will be returning and you will be talking to her next week. But talking to anyone in any school few days before Christmas will definitely be a very hard job... |

Joined: 02/10/2010 Posts: 9
Message Posted: 18/12/2010 22:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 81 in Discussion |
| bigOz............i have been able to talk with staff and students and this is not gossip, the lady head has been replaced while on a school trip and her replacement has been working in the school while she was away but not the last two days of the week as this lady was due back at work but has been unwell, i assume the owners feel they can do what they like with their staff, is this the same with students, i do hope not, but then they would be getting money in not paying it out, i can only think, over this weekend i will be meeting others involved in the school from all directions so hope to find out more, some of the other stories i havfe heard are not good and can only hope they are gossip, if not my grandchildren will not be going to this school.......can anyone tell me more? |

Joined: 03/09/2010 Posts: 145
Message Posted: 18/12/2010 23:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 81 in Discussion |
| My son is in year 3 at the Prep School in GAU, he has been there for the best part of 3 years, I would say it is well disciplined and he seems to be getting on very well. Unfortunately, here in Cyprus, you will learn that amongst parents schools is the biggest topic of conversation and the British are continually moving their children around to go with the current trend on what is and what isn't a good school! Stories are rife amongst all the schools and there are good and bad views on all of them. It really is a case of where your child fits! I initially thought GAU would be far to big and sprawled out for my son, but he has adapted really well. I did look at the new ESK school last term but decided not to make the move as I believe most of the "International" schools are on a par anyway. |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 00:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 81 in Discussion |
| minnie-me;.......... I have found out more about the subject from a very reliable source and this is the latest. The lady in question wanted to end her employment by the end of January (no adverse reasons), so she handed in her notice (before she met you). Another very experienced head has been recruited (apparently someone from a similar school in Crete) to take over end of January when she goes. Subsequently, the lady decided to stop work sometime early January. She did catch cold when in İstanbul(it was snowed under during their trip), that's why she did not return to School after the trip. But I still do not see what the above has to do with the standart of teaching at this school. People come and go for many reasons... |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 00:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 81 in Discussion |
| Ozangirl;......... I teach physics & maths (privately) to two students attending GAU. The standard of teaching is abhoring! Three months into IGCSE courses and they still haven't been issued any text books! The boys note down what's written on the board but they haven't the faintest about what's going on. Unfortunatyely, the level of teaching has gone from bad to worse, in line with the rest of Europe! |

Joined: 04/08/2009 Posts: 3283
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 01:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 81 in Discussion |
| Dear bigOz - message 45. I appreciate the fact that you teach physics and maths, but, could I please draw your attention to the spelling/verb/noun use of the word "abhoring". I do believe the word is "abhorrent" Although I must say that it is perhaps a little strong. I apologise in advance for being a "nit picker". I am. I will forgive your spelling of "unfortunately" as this is clearly a typo. On a more serious note, though, I would like to ask your opinion on the standard of teaching, both in TRNC and "the rest of Europe". Do you honestly feel that the level of teaching has fallen within the whole of Europe, or just the UK? I, for one, find the standard of teaching here in the UK to be abysmal; however, my son (who is now 30) went to an excellent state grammar school and received a first class education. What do you, as a teacher, think? This is a genuine enquiry and please feel free (if you wish) to contact me off board on paul@millfield27.fsnet.co.uk . |

Joined: 09/09/2010 Posts: 134
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 09:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 81 in Discussion |
| So what teachers have left the school now?? |

Joined: 16/06/2010 Posts: 12
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 13:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 48 of 81 in Discussion |
| I understand both school head teachers are going poss more to go in new year (not gossip), I also hear the senior head handed notice in at start of Dec and this still has not been acknowledged by owners so all my suspicions from before when I have been blocked from this site are fulfilled, will I be blocked again do you think guys?, I also understand that a lot of staff have purchased all their own school resources since Sept, there is more but this sites owner would not allow me to tell the truth before so best not to now if I would like to cont to chat with you all....minnie-me good for you to research and ask questions........please know I am not a teacher or an ex member of staff or work for another school or estate agents either, just a very worried parent who will be moving their children in the new year as well |

Joined: 16/06/2010 Posts: 12
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 13:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 49 of 81 in Discussion |
| bigOz.......just seen your reply 44 to minnie-me........i think you may need to ask a few more questions my friend, why would this lady suddenly resign after many years at the school and remove her child if there was not a prob?, you wrote "the lady decided to stop work sometime early January" this is not true i can only assume she will be 'outed' by owners then!.............let us know when you know more and I will then answer your questions as like I said before if I tell the truth I will be blocked........ |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 14:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 50 of 81 in Discussion |
| icpboy; I was only referring to what I was quoted by others at that school - trrue or not, who knows? I just contributed with what little I heard. For that reason, I will not be going round and asking questions. However, I am a firm believer in that there are two versions to any story. Since you are a parent perhaps I can expand on what I already found out. Firstly there is a frantic effort by the management to recruit good teachers to teach the students at BA. The problem seems to stem from the inadequacies of some of the previous teachers who HAVE NOT TAUGHT ANYTHING IN THE PAST 3 MONTHS! Teaching is not handing printouts of lessons (which all students have on CD disks anyway) and leaving them to their own devices for the rest of the lesson. Apparently this is what has been happening with all the teachers that had left (or were made to leave) before. (Continues below...) |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 14:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 51 of 81 in Discussion |
| Furthermore, this is a claim by the students themselves and not by third parties. So the first thing I ask myself "was it a case of teachers leaving school before the s... hit the fan?" rather than the management getting rid of them? All the stories so far, I have not heard a good reason as to WHY they left! C'mon now! Why would any establishment decide to remove their valued staff half way through the season? Can any of these "sacked teachers" show us a copy of an official letter/notice asking them to leave their jobs, with the reasons given by the establishment. If not, then I am not interested in any hearsay. Now the school will face a more serious problem (which suits me fine as a private teacher!). Over the past 3 months, the students have got used to the idea of doing what they like in a class, after being given print-outs. Can you imagine what kind of an effort would be required by a new teacher to make them stand to attention and listen to lessons instead? (continues) |

Joined: 09/09/2010 Posts: 134
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 14:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 52 of 81 in Discussion |
| isthe new head of primary leaving to its a shame the secondary teacher is leaving as i believe she was very good and very well liked |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 19/12/2010 14:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 53 of 81 in Discussion |
| Jeannie; I am very busy (being a very popular teacher of course! ) hence I am allowed to make spelling errors when writing in a hurry. But I am a Turkish Cypriot & very proud of my standard of English language (soon taking an exam to be an official translator, as a member of British Chartered Institute of Linguists in London). I am open to constructive criticsm at all times, So I am not offended at all I might contact you off board soon and tell you exactly where the education system is failing in UK (not Europe). I am glad your son has done well & there are many state grammar schools that offer good education. BUT you may ask yourself "Was it my son who had his head screwed on correctly, Was it the encouragement and support we gave as a family or he had the right environment?". The failure of the system is a chain of events starting from the family unit/values, to the lowering of teaching standards - the data bank is there for those who really wish to make an effort & learn.

Joined: 16/06/2010 Posts: 12
Message Posted: 21/12/2010 00:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 54 of 81 in Discussion |
| bigOz.........I am confused!, you say in 50 “I am a firm believer in that there are two versions to any story", but you are not open minded to the fact there may be a problem with the owners of the school and in fact lay this blame in saying "The problem seems to stem from the inadequacies of some of the previous teachers who HAVE NOT TAUGHT ANYTHING IN THE PAST 3 MONTHS!" and that "Teaching is not handing printouts of lessons (which all students have on CD disks anyway) and leaving them to their own devices for the rest of the lesson", what do you think, lack of resources supplied by owners?, then go on to say "Apparently this is what has been happening with all the teachers that had left (or were made to leave) before", I dont think so do you, just tell me how would you feel as a teacher who needed to teach a subject, but put an order in for supplies in the June for them not to be here now and why would students know this if the teachers are as professional as they should be?(in 51) |

Joined: 16/06/2010 Posts: 12
Message Posted: 21/12/2010 00:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 55 of 81 in Discussion |
| bigOz reply 51 cont........their are no 'letters' asking these teacher to leave they are simply forced to leave (and escorted off the premises) or not paid all or part of their salary's, if they do leave on their own accord they are given a bad reference, watch out head teacher's (and watch me get blocked for telling the truth people), bigOz your making yourself sound like a dictator “stand to attention and listen”, how is Dickens? lol.......53!, glad your making mistakes as well lets hope you don't get any more private work as a result of the inadequate teaching at AB, more work more mistakes!, please explain further, why are you talking about UK education? and moving away from the originality of this thread by minne-me, education on TRNC! and AB in particular now........hope my observations have not offended?. |

Joined: 02/10/2010 Posts: 9
Message Posted: 21/12/2010 01:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 56 of 81 in Discussion |
| BigOz I think jcpboy has some good points, I would like to ask you about your post in message 44 about staff coming and going for any reason but you are not happy to accept this could be because of BAD reasons on anyone else but only the staff, but as jcpboy has also pointed out you say you think there is two side to every story but some of your statements are not very open minded!, can anyone tell me why I should recommend British Academy to my daughter if my first enquiry has sparked such adverse interest. |

Joined: 02/10/2010 Posts: 9
Message Posted: 21/12/2010 01:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 57 of 81 in Discussion |
| One more thing bigOz re 44, do you think the lady in question would tell you or anyone if she had a problem with any staff or the owners as I understand from my friends she is far too professional for any of that and if she dose leave in Jan and I have not had the opportunity to meet her by then, I hope to do so afterwards so she can tell me as it really is, good and bad if there is both!, or maybe she could teach my grandchildren privately....... |

Joined: 20/09/2010 Posts: 234
Message Posted: 21/12/2010 09:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 58 of 81 in Discussion |
| minnie-me, I have two children already at British Academy and will be sending my third child there in September. Both of my children love being at British Academy and thoroughly enjoy everyday at school. They have been at the school for a year now and we have never had any problems with any of the teachers, people running it or the education they are receiving. They are both happy, have made many new friends and their education level has improved drastically since starting there. I would recommend this school to anyone but I would also recommend that you go and visit all of the schools with the children so that you can all get a good feel for the environment. Not every school is right for every child. Good luck and I hope that your grand children find a happy and healthy learning environment. x |

Joined: 06/06/2010 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 21/12/2010 18:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 59 of 81 in Discussion |
| Let me ask again as to how I can learn the results of the IGCSE exams done this Summer at Girne American College and the British Academy. In message 29 Tutor4u wrote these results are a "matter of public record". Can someone provide a link to them or do I have to go to the schools and ask for them? |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 01:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 60 of 81 in Discussion |
| icpboy; You have serious problems man! First of all YES - I do find your comments insulting. AND if you weant my honest opinion, I thgink you and minnie-me are cartoon characters! I did not change the subject to standard of education in UK specifically, but I was responding to a direct question by Jeannie (see message 46). In any case, the only "dictator" in this threat is you, since you cannot tolerate anything except having a go at BA. This is a public forum and I am entitled to expand on any subject in any thread as a member. I do not question other people's qualifications or morals, yet you dare to question my teaching abilities! My qualifications, my students and my success history speaks for itself and I do not care less for your personal complexes or thoughts. AND I do have better things to do than finding myself having to respond to silly remarks by your kind self. If you are to read the continuing post below, then you might find out why I think you two are taking the ...

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 01:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 61 of 81 in Discussion |
| You are paranoid about being blocked or banned (to no avail); You seem to have a personal vendetta against the owners of this school, and God help anyone who might try to suggest anything positive. It looks very much like you are on a mission to harm this establishment and you are using this forum as a tool. That in itself is a good reson for banning you! Minnie-me’s last post reflected everything. He was supposed to see the lady in question on Monday – now the lady is back, he is talking about seeing her in January! And what’s all the appraisal in favour of the lady? No one has said anything bad against her anyway! If minnie-me is so not happy with BA, and genuine, he can stop nattering and go to one of the many other schools for the alleged grandchildren(?) THE TRUTH IS, IT DOES NOT TAKE A GENIUS TO WORK OUT WHAT YOU ARE AFTER! DURING THE 6 MONTHS OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP, YOU HAVE 8 POSTS, 4 OF THEM IN THIS THREAD – ALL AGAINST THE B.A. NO OTHER POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO THIS FORUM! con |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 01:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 62 of 81 in Discussion |

Joined: 06/06/2010 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 14:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 63 of 81 in Discussion |
| Please allow me to paste what I wrote in message 59 : "Let me again ask as to how I can learn the results of the IGCSE exams done this Summer at Girne American College and the British Academy. In message 29 Tutor4u wrote these results are a "matter of public record". Can someone provide a link to them or do I have to go to the schools and ask for them? " With no one being forthcoming in providing a link I myself have been doing some research, and I have found the following British Council web page: http://www.britishcouncil.org/cyprus-exams-results.htm As you can see, it gives the Edexcel and CIE results for various centres in Cyprus. I presume most of the centres are schools. So, all I now need is the codes used by Girne American College and the British Academy. Surely someone knows them ... I presume Tutor4U knows the codes for the British Academy ... |

Joined: 26/04/2008 Posts: 7993
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 15:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 64 of 81 in Discussion |
| For Cambridge exams, GAU is centre CY125 - I don't think Sunny Lane/BANC results were published as we couldn't find my son's results. Try calling the schools and asking them. |

Joined: 20/09/2010 Posts: 234
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 15:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 65 of 81 in Discussion |
| If you go to the British Academy website http://www.britishacademy-cyprus.com and click on the NEWS button the third section down is EXAM RESULTS. It only has a brief summary but I am sure that if you contact the school they will be happy to give you more information. |

Joined: 06/06/2010 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 17:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 66 of 81 in Discussion |
| Re ; msg 65 The figures given on the BA's website are the same as those given in message 29, which states that "23% of students who took 2010 exams achieved A or A* grades, 72% of all students were awarded a C grade or higher" That has to be incorrect. I presume Tutor4U means that in 23% of all EXAMS taken by BA students the grade achieved was A or A*, and in 72% of all exams C or above was awarded. If however, Tutor4U actually means that only 23% of students achieved an A or A*, then that is not a figure to be proud of. Yeah, I will call the schools after the hols ... hardly a "matter of public record" though is it ? |

Joined: 05/06/2007 Posts: 80
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 18:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 67 of 81 in Discussion |
| Whilst I do not wish to become embroiled in what I consider to be a pointless discusion, http://www.britishcouncil.org/cyprus-exams-results.htm is correct and the IGCSE results for BA are CY056 UK 2010 GCSE Exam Results (Source BBC News 24 August 2010) Results published on Thursday show 22.6% of exams sat in England, Wales and Northern Ireland were awarded an A* or an A, up from 21.6% last year. British Academy 23 % of all students have been awarded an A or A* grade, again we continue to exceeded the UK exam results. UK 2010 GCSE Exam Results (Source BBC News 24 August 2010) The proportion of entries getting A*-C grades is up again, by two percentage points on last year from 67.1% to 69.1% - the highest ever. British Academy 72 % of all student have been awarded a C grade or above, again we continue to exceeded the UK exam results. cont: |

Joined: 05/06/2007 Posts: 80
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 19:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 68 of 81 in Discussion |
| Cont: But the education of any young person is not just about results, even though the IGCSE is regarded as being more demanding than a UK GCSE, its about developing the whole person. Staff and students at BA are proud of what they have achieved and I would any ask any parent/carer to come and talk to us at the school. Just ask for Mr Kennedy I would be only too pleased to meet you and answer your questions . Our Mission “The highest possible achievement for all” |

Joined: 22/12/2010 Posts: 7
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 20:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 69 of 81 in Discussion |
| Is Mr Kennedy the new headmaster or is he just a teacher? Or is the senior head teacher just a spare part? I understood from my child that Mrs Jessner was head of senior school until the end of January when she handed over to the new head of senior school, my son could not remember his name but I think I heard he is coming from Crete,I am sure I would have remembered if it was Mr.Kennedy he is just a teacher isn't he?. I am sure all the teachers at the British Academy would be pleased to help any parent who had questions if they were asked to do so by the owners of the school or the head of senior school present or future. |

Joined: 06/06/2010 Posts: 95
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 20:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 70 of 81 in Discussion |
| Re ; msg 67 Tutor4U wrote "the IGCSE results for BA are CY056" CY056 is just for CIE. What about the grades for Edexcel? Tutor4U wrote "Results show 22.6% of EXAMS sat in England, Wales and Northern Ireland were awarded an A* or an A, up from 21.6% last year. British Academy - 23 % of all STUDENTS have been awarded an A or A* grade, again we continue to exceeded the UK exam results." I am sorry Tutor4U - You're not comparing like with like :-( |

Joined: 22/12/2010 Posts: 23
Message Posted: 22/12/2010 23:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 71 of 81 in Discussion |
| At least the CIE results (CY056) look quite good ... |

Joined: 16/06/2010 Posts: 12
Message Posted: 05/01/2011 00:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 72 of 81 in Discussion |
| bigOz.........I have been on 44 many a time but I dont use this "nic-mane" all the time, sorry to say I do know you and you me, some of my info comes from you direct and you should be happy I have not used all what you have told me, please dont try and support people you put down and make out I have a problem with the BA owners, hope to see you soon........... minnie-me..........Whoever you are, sorry looks like we have been marked as cartoon characters, if bigOz thinks, he will know i am far from that and he is no Popeye!, with or without the ispanak |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 05/01/2011 12:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 73 of 81 in Discussion |
| icpboy; "cartoon character" in this instrance refers to a false ID, wher one would use specifically to attack a certain subject. It is not meant for pseudonyms and avatars. If someone is a regular in a forum - and lets admit it, even with pseudonyms most regular peoıple in this forum know each other, they are clearly welcome to express their opinions no matter how critical it is. I have no objections to that, and even open to criticism myself at all times. What I object to is, creating a character, solely for the purpose of constant criticism of a person or an establishment. Looking at your posts and minnieme's I have seen nothing but cricitism of British Academy! Mate - if I have a problem with BA I would walk into Mr Unwin's office and tell him straight. And if that does not work, then I would discuss the issue with the resty of the staff and try and take some form of a joint action to remedy the problems that may exist (as they do in every establishment). (cont.) |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 05/01/2011 13:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 74 of 81 in Discussion |
| I never said I would or would not support people on this subject but kept an open mind about it. But even if I had to support the correction of the wrongs that may be going on, it would not be in a public forum like this! This would only do more harm then remedy the situation. I repeat - I strongly object to constant mud slinging in a public forum! That does not mean I am ignorant in other subjects that do go on. Having lived in Cyprus so long, I assure you the problems you have touched on in your posts are pretty same in all private establishments of this nature, and that includes most of the Universities here! Since you may know me then you should also know that I am in good physical form and had all the spinach I need when I was a young boy - spinach with "köfte" is a delicious Cypriot speciality! Lets be critical constructively and help improve things wherever they are failing, for the sake of young people & their education who are caught in between all these arguments. |

Joined: 16/06/2010 Posts: 12
Message Posted: 05/01/2011 22:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 75 of 81 in Discussion |
| Well 'mate' we could start with resources which would help all our students but I fear you are not as “open minded” as you say, so with that I intend not to post anything any further, read into that what you will, Happy New Year to you all. |

Joined: 16/06/2010 Posts: 12
Message Posted: 15/01/2011 14:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 76 of 81 in Discussion |
| OMG I have been away for a few days and it has all happened, I hear Mrs Jessener was not allowed to complete her notice at British Academy and so in turn not completed topics as she wanted to do or seen her classes through the exams, sorry I was unable to say good bye and thank you for all the help and support you have given my children, myself and the school but I will track you down soon and let you know who I am and how/why I feel the way I do . I hear the new head was not impressed lol, nothing like a baptism of fire to clear your head poor man, Mrs J if you are out there now might be a good time to tell us how it is but bet you are far to professional to do that, bigOz hope your car got sorted other week and could not get into school about the same time as you were on here lol, didn't have time to say much about it before I left island, by way have you been into directors office and complained about Mrs J's treatment or was that an 'ok' thing to do. CONT............... |

Joined: 16/06/2010 Posts: 12
Message Posted: 15/01/2011 14:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 77 of 81 in Discussion |
| CONT...............I hear parents have been in to complain as well and students have been behaving badly, I also heard that you were asked politely not to post on here under threat of pain but that all can only be a coincidence, keep safe all and good luck for the future I am moving the kids asap suggest you do the same, or Mrs J what about starting your own school up? If you do pass the word round. |

Joined: 25/11/2010 Posts: 5
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 23:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 78 of 81 in Discussion |
| What a load of drivel this has become. I have experience of both schools as my son has been a pupil at both of them. Both have some exceptional teachers and one or two who are borderline...in other words they are like any organisation, educational or otherwise. ESK was brand new when my son went there and we felt that it was run a little like a dictatorship with no parental in put. The food was abysmal and the policy confused...thus children could not take packed lunches but could buy cookies and muffins! However that may have changed. The management were certainly over stretched but they have recruited extra staff. BA is a warm friendly place, the food is better from an English childs point of view, there is even a parent teacher organisation. There is less homework, you decide if that is good or bad, niether school seems keen on marking written work. In all I believe we have too schools trying to deliver slightly different, quality products. Let the consumer decide. |

Joined: 21/01/2011 Posts: 368
Message Posted: 22/01/2011 17:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 79 of 81 in Discussion |
| My child attends the ESK & spends most of evenings doing homework.The school lunches are an issue we pay for them however,my son vary rarely eats them maybe one lunch in the week. They are not allowed to take a healthy packed lunch so I give money everyday so he can purchase something to eat to keep him going. They sell cake, biscuits & muffins but they are not a healthy option. They do need to look at this as it concerns the parents. I feel parents are far more excluded here in schools than in UK, they need to work together having good communication, remembering that parents are important & the key educators to their children. |

Joined: 22/12/2010 Posts: 23
Message Posted: 22/01/2011 21:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 80 of 81 in Discussion |
| Re; message 77 In what I presume was a message to Mrs Jessener (the former Head of Secondary at the British Academy), IcpBoy wrote "I also heard that you were asked politely not to post on here under threat of pain". Have the owners made such threats in the past? |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 22/01/2011 22:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 81 of 81 in Discussion |
| Harriet; There was never such a threat to anyone by the owners! I had responded to jcpboy using a new post for the simple reason that this thread was simply becoming too annoying and personal for no good reason. You may read my response in http://www.cyprus44.com/forums/53847.asp In fact I am very surprised why the moderators have not closed this thread yet! It has clearly become a "mud slinging arena" As for your final question, I have never heard of any such threats, and the owners' lack of response to these silly posts is probably an indication of them not giving a toss for jcpboy's lies and blabberings! If that is the case, then good for them! Message 78 - I agree with your comments fully! |
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