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BBC Inside Out 15th Nov @ 7.30pm - about South Developer

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Message Posted:
03/11/2010 20:46

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Message 1 of 27 in Discussion


Whilst there are a few high profile cases concerning Cyprus Developers, who have left clients high & dry, those ripped off by Adrian Mills, Managing Director of MDE Nest Homes, have been quietly persuing their case against him.

Some properties were built at Nata, but never finished & suffer Major problems & no final build certificates.

Others sold at Choletria, have never even been started. It is alleged Mills has taken in excess of 2.5 Million Euros, since 2004, from his customers and several lawyers have allowed monies to be paid direct to him, instead of being paid into the company bank account. After years of painstaking effort, some 18 South Cyprus Court hearings, have failed to bring Mills to justice, with the criminal case being dropped, after several non appearances, followed by him fleeing to the North, & then back to the UK. Be sure to tune in & see the results of the BBC interviews here in Cyprus & Mills confronted back in the UK.


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Message Posted:
04/11/2010 00:40

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Message 2 of 27 in Discussion

Methinks that you have an 'axe to grind' as this is the only topic you post on... Care to tell more ?


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Message Posted:
09/11/2010 21:01

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Message 3 of 27 in Discussion

No axe to grind. As this guy has ripped off so many people in the South and he lived in the North for a considerable time I thought it only fair to let people know just in case he owes people money your side. He fled from the South as he was being hunted down here and moved to Lapta.

Not only has he taken money for properties he has not built but he befriends people and then borrows money which he never pays back. If anyone has had dealing with this man I would like to hear from you.


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Message Posted:
09/11/2010 21:29

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Message 4 of 27 in Discussion

Adrian Mills Managing Director of MDE Nest Homes, sounds like he might have a lot in common with Gary John Robb, Managing Director of Aga Developments? except Gary John Robb along with the TRNC Government took a lot more from their victims than 2. 5 Million Euros!

When did Adrian Mills move North walkinthedog?


Their are many victims both North and South of the Cypriot border who have axe's they must grind to alert future victims that the whole of the Island is corrupt! there must be no more naive lambs going to slaughter either side of the green line, any future victims can't say they haven't been warned

Anyone buying anything in Cyprus as a whole under the present circumstances would have to be as mad as a hatter to want to join the thousands of victims at the mad hatters tea party!


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Message Posted:
09/11/2010 21:46

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Message 5 of 27 in Discussion

I am going to watch this BBC programme.

I know from contacts that he may well have a property in Dubai on the Palm!


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Message Posted:
09/11/2010 22:22

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Message 6 of 27 in Discussion

walkerscott (mess 5)

So from your contacts (Mr Adrian Mills) may have property in Dubai? just like (Mr Gary Robb) from my contacts may have property in Thailand?

Mr Robb's entrepreneur tendencies called his new development (that's obviously not developed for reasons outside his control) "The Palms" in Cyprus?

I think I will watch this BBC programme as well!


"Inside out" is regional in the UK! do you know in which region it will be shown?


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Message Posted:
10/11/2010 03:50

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Message 7 of 27 in Discussion

BBC West

'walkinthedog' are you 'Nazareth' on "Anglo info" ? The post is nigh on identical - and that's why I asked about the 'axe' - as someone REALLY wants us to know about this guy !


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Message Posted:
10/11/2010 03:55

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Message 8 of 27 in Discussion

BTW - the link folks will need to view the show ( after the live broadcast) on iplayer is:

Nazareth needs to modify their msg on angloinfo - as folk who get BBC West by default will see it on 101 - not 986 - via SKY...


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Message Posted:
11/11/2010 11:32

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I am not Nazareth on the other forum. This message has been copied from other forums here in the South. As stated I do not have an axe to grind but am aware of his dirty deeds and feel that anyone who had contact with this man needs to know about it.

He moved to the North in March 2009 and went to the UK in January 2010 so lived up there for a while so someone must have come into contact with him - hopefully he does not owe anyone money there.

986 is if you do not get BBC West by default. 101 on my system is BBC London.


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Message Posted:
12/11/2010 21:04

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Message 10 of 27 in Discussion

walker scott

interesting that your contacts say he may well have a property in Dubai - can this be substantiated as the people who have lost money are trying to find where it may be ?


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Message Posted:
15/11/2010 21:34

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Message 11 of 27 in Discussion

on right now 986 ( BBC west 101)


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Message Posted:
15/11/2010 21:42

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Message 12 of 27 in Discussion

So.. the subject of the 'investigation' by the BBC found him and he admitted that he might be a "bad businessman as he trusted Architects, and planners, Govt Officials" and he bounced chqs as he was "let down by them" and "all the dosh went into the business"


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Message Posted:
15/11/2010 22:06

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Message 13 of 27 in Discussion

mmmmmm. any idea where i can watch inside out now. i could not see it on my bbc1, it was something diffrent,and iplayer is saying it wont be repeated?


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Message Posted:
15/11/2010 22:24

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Message 14 of 27 in Discussion

re message 16

he's apparently living in Gloucestershire according to the BBC.

He used to have a 2 Bed Townhouse with its own mooring on The Palm in Dubai. Contacts do not know whether he has sold it or not.


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 00:09

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Message 15 of 27 in Discussion

Not yet live on the iplayer but coming soon


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 12:40

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Message 16 of 27 in Discussion

I have just watched it on the link Mark put on.In u/k.


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 13:14

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Message 17 of 27 in Discussion

Lordy, he is living near me... I missed the bit wher they said near Dursley.. looked like Uley.. or may be North Nibley


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 13:34

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Message 18 of 27 in Discussion

It's DEFO Uley

He was filmed outside of 44 The Street, Uley

There is a BMW 5 series ( silver in colour) parked outside the place on the Google Street map view of about a year ago.. that's NOT saying that's' where he LIVES.. just where he was interviewed

Go to


44 the street uley

in the dialogue box underneath

double click on the 'A' pin and then the photo and then compare it with the view @ 9mins 29 secs in the BBC prog..



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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 13:36

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if you have MY vpn you can download the prog - but it will eventually be deleted due to DRM - digital rights management..

I'm sure there is s/w available to overcome this


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 14:02

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Message 20 of 27 in Discussion


so you are a local person too. wasnt difficult to locate where it was filmed


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 14:04

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Message 21 of 27 in Discussion

re msg 20

You are 'welcome' ..


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 14:17

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Message 22 of 27 in Discussion

thought i recognised the street but you confirmed it. can you imagine what the locals must think


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 14:29

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Message 23 of 27 in Discussion

I expect they will talk about it in the Top Crown, and if Mr Mills is a regular he will be welcome as long as he doesn't ask for credit or to borrow a fiver..


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 14:33

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Message 24 of 27 in Discussion

i would say that i dont think he would have the guts to show his face there but then he would just lie to any questions that are asked - he has no scruples


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 14:42

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Message 25 of 27 in Discussion

Says, a person with 'no axe to grind'.. it is not for us to 'convict' Mr Mills..

The RoC can issue a warrant for his arrest and apply for a European Arrest Warrant - to remove him to Cyprus.


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 14:45

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Message 26 of 27 in Discussion

If his UK address is known, a creditor can apply for an County Court Order and enforcement if not satisfied or unanswered.

BTW Bouncing a chq in CY is only a criminal offence if the issuer knows that there is no chance it will be covered.


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Message Posted:
16/11/2010 15:13

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Message 27 of 27 in Discussion

i know a person who is involved and has lost a lot of money so just feel very sorry for them. thanks will advise them about county court order - hopefully justice will prevail

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