North Cyprus Tourist Board - Gold in the TRNC
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Gold in the TRNC

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Joined: 08/06/2008
Posts: 201

Message Posted:
29/08/2008 15:00

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Thatchers Gold Cider has reached the shores of North Cyprus, and will be available next week, from the following: Essetepe Villa Hotel-kings bar-The Popin-Moulos bar-The fez-Steve's Bar Tatlisu-Alkans-the China Garden-the Courtyard-the Grove restaurant, I will up date end of next week.

Cpt John


Joined: 31/07/2007
Posts: 1091

Message Posted:
29/08/2008 15:03

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Message 2 of 3 in Discussion

Excellent I'll look forward to sampling a few bottles. Don't suppose you could get a few gallons of Black Rat as well could you


Wilts Girl

Joined: 16/07/2008
Posts: 159

Message Posted:
29/08/2008 15:09

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Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

Black Rat! Now thats a proper West Country drink!

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