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Did you know Gary Robb IS in TRNC.

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girne 29

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Message Posted:
30/08/2008 12:27

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Just saw the article below.

Good piece of journalism ,must have taken a lot of investigation,at least 5 minutes in a local boozer.


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Message Posted:
30/08/2008 12:59

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I thougt he had done a runner to the south in the boot of a car ??


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Message Posted:
30/08/2008 13:41

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he got so much of other peoples money he can hire a doppleganger. worked in ww2 and for saddam.


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Message Posted:
30/08/2008 22:20

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Saw him yesterday in his black bmw 7 series on catalkoy road,he has got a shaved head now


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Message Posted:
30/08/2008 22:22

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I expect he still has his body guards around him though.


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Message Posted:
30/08/2008 22:31

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Robb in name, rob in nature!

Our local Cleveland Police would still like him to drop in for tea.

Shameful that the man hasnt been bought to justice.


killer dog

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Message Posted:
30/08/2008 22:33

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sorry for sounding dumb


who is he?


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Message Posted:
30/08/2008 22:39

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Wanted by Cleveland Police for drug dealing.

Did a runner just before the trial. Brother went down for (Ibelieve)12 years for same offence.

Really came into his own in The TRNC when he decided to "churn" his ill gotten gains.

Others are better able to describe his career in The TRNC past, present, and future?


Aga Buyers A G

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Message Posted:
30/08/2008 23:11

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killer dawg




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Message Posted:
31/08/2008 09:22

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I would say he is extracting the whotsit out of the authorities.

Given the lack of real security at the smaller crossing points I am sure it is easy to cross back and forth in boot of a car. If he actually did of course and not just part of his usual **********.

As said before, If indeed he does own all this land where he plans to build a further 500 properties why doesn't government just confiscate and sling him out. OK, yes I do know the answer as do most of us!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/08/2008 09:30

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Poor old Gary is getting it again.


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Message Posted:
31/08/2008 09:44

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Gary rob gary glitter to many garys free that should be in the nick

Any chance we can put em in together ??


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Message Posted:
31/08/2008 17:53

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I have an 'orrible' relative called Gary - can we shove him in too? and I hate garibaldi biscuits, like dead fly pie!


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Message Posted:
31/08/2008 18:18

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i also know a gary . can he come too... nasty piece of work.

Aga Buyers A G

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Message Posted:
31/08/2008 18:23

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have A Good Sunday Everyone - We are !




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Message Posted:
31/08/2008 22:41

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i need body guards the birds keep trying to get mi thong off !!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
01/09/2008 00:10

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just pay the people off and start again with a clear conscience, i`m no angel just like to see some fairness...


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Message Posted:
01/09/2008 00:37

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Slipper1 ( not Pikey again?)

Strange postings. Whose yer mate?

Now I was looking at my television just the other night, and this Police Superintendant comes on. He says Cleveland Police are dying to get their mits on Mr Robb (one b or two).

Enough evidence he says to bang him away, until the cows come home.

Now I am just an innocent bystander, but he looked real to me, nice uniform, very sincere.

Who am I to argue?

What I do know is that there is a lot of his victims from his Construction endeavours in the

TRNC, would like to see him returned to the UK, to face his accusers.

British Justice.....Innocent until proven guilty. Good enough for me. Bring it on!!



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Message Posted:
01/09/2008 20:29

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Slipper !,

Why doesn't the man return then and face his accusers!

Innocent until proven guilty? Not if you have skipper the country before trial?

Evidence was good enough to get his brother 12 years.

Where did he get his money?

Its utterly sickening to decent people!



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Message Posted:
01/09/2008 20:49

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he's going home he's going home fat old gary is going home


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Message Posted:
01/09/2008 22:55

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I don't need to go there right now or anything, but where is "wife-swappers valley"?


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Message Posted:
01/09/2008 23:39

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I believe he has just lodged plans for his latest affordable housing scheme for the TRNC which he claims will go a long way to answering some of the grossly unfair crticism recently levelled at him

fire starter

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Message Posted:
01/09/2008 23:53

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i like the part of the interview where he says what a lovely crime free place the trnc is for his kids to grow up in. forgetting all of other peoples kids he pedalled drugs to in the uk.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 00:05

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Why do people fall for the idiots every time. Just ignore them Wyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please read carefully his tag. Then remember who is being played with. Sorry.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 00:08

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Can you try again. No connection.

Firestarter. A good point. Something else the good people of the TRNC need to keep an eye on

Anyone know who Slipper1 is? Is this Mr Robb? or just a friend? Remember....................

Birds of a Feather, flock together!



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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 00:10

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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 00:17

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RE slipper1 : (...) ? 10,000 pounds worth of pills,speed,,coke,,weed,,and water else the customers threw on the floor when the club was raided. (...)

===> Just for my information: what's Gary's alleged crime in the UK? As far as I can see it, he charged too much for the pills, speed etc. The whole lot wouldn't cost you more than 10-50 Pounds in Amsterdam. And it wouldn't be illegal either (so nobody would steal you CD-player from your car, because the government controls the drugs scene).


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 00:20

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Perhaps that explains a lot!



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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 00:30

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RE wynyardman : (...) Perhaps that explains a lot! (...)

===> The UK has the highest drugs related crime rate in Europe. Maybe that explains why the Dutch government wants to control the sad users and so protect the non-users, eh, Wyn?


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 00:33

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I prefer them to be illegal, and users and peddlers arrested.

My thoughts thats all.


Aga Buyers A G

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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 12:42

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Love it when you talk dirty WSV.......aka Slip per 1



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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 12:46

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when YOU are as Handsome as I am slipper1 you will realise I do not need mirrors.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 12:47

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I must be having a senior moment cos none of the above makes any sense to me, and is there any need for it, if you have a point to get across why not try to do so in a slightly calmer way.

Aga Buyers A G

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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 12:52

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But the major qesution WSV aka Slip per1 is - who will market the project ? can't wait to view the mirrored valley



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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 12:53

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slipper: "wifeswappers valley is the amarta valley project,,,,,the people who have bought there have asked for a place in the centre of the valley to be built,,were all can happily swap there wifes!"

Cheers for that, slipper. But I reckon most of them would be a bit old for that kind of thing, although I suppose that's a specialism in itself.

Aga Buyers A G

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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 12:54

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best we do not answer them then eh darling



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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 12:57

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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 12:58

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you are not having a senior moment hatti , i think slipper has lost the plot he's positively ranting , poor boy , but he obviously knows gr well to be able to comment so richly about his circumstances.



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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:00

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there, there , calm yourself slipper

Aga Buyers A G

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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:00

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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:02

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there, there , calm yourself slipper


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:10

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im' sure you do aga's , more than himself i would say , hope you are all keeping well

regards , simbas

Aga Buyers A G

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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:13

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Have one for us on the boat slip per1 - efes that it



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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:23

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See Removal of Messages. ( thread.)

MarkvPiazza message to Izzet.......He's seen all this before!



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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:26

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yeh , more than once i bet


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:27

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Same Fruitcake with the age again 38 listed on the member’s info.

He must have sent Susanne’s dress to the dry cleaners and can not get back in to character until its return. Better off to be known as “slippery pike”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

mornin to you Simas.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:29

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Says the self-confessed "former virgin convertor."

To be sure.


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:46

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hi tiggy , hope you and linda are well , is she back yet ? remind me now , was that the same one , who had the blonde on his desk doing all the work for him , while he swanned round in the top of the range biggest bestest range rover or could it be another ???

reagards , simbas


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 13:53

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Has he sailed away yet !!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 14:00

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.PP at least it is on the member’s info for all to see! Unlike you hiding behind several names. I await no doubt another one of your poisonous comments. The sad person that you are, to which many on this forum agree. With a bit of luck we may meet up some day


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Message Posted:
02/09/2008 15:19

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No thanks slipper, I do not want a sail on your boat. keep rowing.


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Message Posted:
03/09/2008 06:36

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did somebody say something ?????????


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Message Posted:
03/09/2008 08:44

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I understood that Robb was robbed.

It is my recollection that while in Thailand Robbs business accounts were plundered and his site equipment stolen. This was not Robbs money but homebuyers money. There are TC’s walking around Girne with stolen homebuyers money in their pockets and the TRNC government will do nothing about it. Surely, this is the main scandal and this is where the homebuyers should be concentrating their complaints.

This Robb guy may, or may not, be wanted in the UK, but there are TC’s here that should be in jail and their ill-gotten gains returned to the homebuyers.

What I really do not understand is how these TC’s villains are still able to walk – we Brits are getting too soft. Perhaps Robb is waiting until he gets an invite to tea with the Chief of Police, so he can swear, ‘it wasn’t me gov.’


Happy to live in the safe area – I think.


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Message Posted:
03/09/2008 13:13

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Message 54 of 54 in Discussion

I hope you feel better now you,ve got all that off your chest, now, have you anything to say that makes any sense.

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