Response to incident at Cactus RestaurantNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 31/08/2008 Posts: 6
Message Posted: 31/08/2008 18:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 36 in Discussion |
| The comments on this site regarding the incident three weeks ago at our restaurant/bar have only just been brought to my attention by a customer. I cannot tell you how hurt I feel about these libelous comments. We have been extremely supportive of this lady and her daughter in the absence of her husband, who works abroad for long periods of time. On many occasions Murat has made it his business to drive them home late at night to ensure their safety. On the night of the 'incident' one of the children in the care of the couple (a nephew of 9 years) had been in the car all the evening sleeping. I left the bar at about 2am as there were few customers left. Apparently soon after this the wife (AKA PUSSYCAT) also went to the car to sleep having had sufficient to drink. The husband then joined the table of the 3 men in question I believe his daughter (age 14) was still with him. Perhaps if he had taken his family home at this point all the subsequent trouble could have been avoided. Instead the three chaps and the husband turned from beer onto Vodka. The first anyone knew of any trouble was when Murat and our karakoe chap turned to see that Mike had one of the men pinned to the floor. The incident escalated and of course every attempt was made to break things up. Eventually the three men left but unfortunately returned about 10 minutes later. It was at this stage that the injury was sustained. As I understand it in the ensuing minutes a glass was broken in the husband's hand. Who was originally holding the glass probably only those involved will ever know. The police were called IMMEDIATELY but did not respond. Murat rushed the injured man to hospital in Girne from where he was transferred to Lefkosa. Murat followed in his car. Murat was at the hospital all night to give support to the family and did not return to Lapta until 12 noon the next day. In the meantime our karaoke guy was constantly phoning the police. He in fact slept in the bar waiting for them. I arrived at the bar at 7.30am in order to clear up. Our friend was still there and still trying to get the police to come down to the restaurant. During the morning the injured man's mother-in-law (whom I had met previously when she came in with her daughter) and her partner came to the bar. They came to apologise for all the trouble and we sat and chatted for about an hour. They like I was surprised that Mike had become violent as it seemed so out of character - they were aware, however, that he had started the incident - hence the apology!! According to the mother-in-law apparently the 4 men had originally got on so well that the subsequently injured man (her son-in-law) had invited them and their familes to the barbeque that they were holding at their home the next evening - so perhaps no one will ever know 'what' started the problem. In the following days Murat visited them several times and I rang the wife and also spoke to the daughter to see if there was any more we could do to help them. The wife rang me twice to say that there had been reports of the men being in the LA Hotel asking Murat to go and check if it was them - this he did on both occasions. Murat spent a lot of time with them and the police only to later be asked to recant his original statement and say that it was not the husband that started it. Murat refused to lie and was humiliated in front of the police and had abuse from the mother-in-law. They have been to our restaurant several times since the incident - the last visit being only 3 days ago but as Murat now feels very hurt by their betrayal and does not want to discuss it any further they have in the last week ceased to visit. I am so disappointed that this couple and their lovely daughter now longer consider us their friends and have used us to further their own ends. Murat put himself out for them befo |
girne 29

Joined: 06/12/2007 Posts: 1488
Message Posted: 31/08/2008 19:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 36 in Discussion |
| I for one did not doubt the story, and should have thought there might be another side.So for that ,my apoligies. In our defense ,the thread did carry on somewhat and its only now we have the opportunity of hearing the other side. |

Joined: 24/02/2008 Posts: 2953
Message Posted: 31/08/2008 19:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 36 in Discussion |
| Hi Carole Thanks for your full and frank account of this incident. I actually think you are both owed a huge apology and hopefully everyone will now see that there are always two (or more) sides to every story and the gossip will stop. Best wishes to both you and Murat because I know you are working hard and doing your best in this very difficult financial climate to run a successful business for the benefit of expats and tourists alike. Jo (and Jel) |

Joined: 31/03/2007 Posts: 2381
Message Posted: 31/08/2008 19:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 36 in Discussion |
| Carole, Well done for a measured and sensible response. You are the second bar/restaurant owner recently who has come onto this BB to respond to specific allegations. May be this will make people think before they make allegations where they think they are free to say what they like. If your comments regarding the children are even remotley correct then there are some issues that this family need to address among themselves before attacking others. As with Jo, I hope you can continue at this difficult time. David |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 31/08/2008 20:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 36 in Discussion |
| Carole could i ask do the police normaly not come out , or was this a one off ? |

Joined: 24/12/2006 Posts: 3594
Message Posted: 31/08/2008 20:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 36 in Discussion |
| as a very nice chap said theres the victims side the thugs version the owners side and the TRUTH .............. what ever i am sure cactus bar carole it's customers do not need brawling. |

Joined: 26/07/2008 Posts: 2012
Message Posted: 31/08/2008 20:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 36 in Discussion |
| There's two sides to every story, sorry for the guy who was injured but it isn't going to make his injuries go away putting the bar out of business. It's great to have a drink or two and a laugh but sometimes people don't know when to call it a day and go home. I've found that most family arguments/feuds can be put down to people having too much drink. Good to hear your side of the story Cactus! |

Joined: 14/10/2007 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 31/08/2008 21:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 36 in Discussion |
| Cactus My sympathies Your comments are written sincerely honestly and wthout predujice unlike those who alledged the details of the incident whose responses on the face of it seem less than plausable very disjointed and fragmented which is why I did not post a comment at this point I am pleased you have made your piont on the Forum board, maybe some people will now wake up and smell the roses There are definately two sides to every storey I hopethis doesnt affect your business and reputation It appears that you went out of your way to help this family and you got shafted I for one wont let it stop me visiting your place when i come over in October As for cyprusis homes commets about the children,I concur . Pan |

Joined: 07/07/2008 Posts: 393
Message Posted: 31/08/2008 22:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 36 in Discussion |
| maybe pussycat should make a reply to this......... David |

Joined: 24/02/2008 Posts: 2953
Message Posted: 01/09/2008 10:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 36 in Discussion |
| It's a shame that those people calling for this bar to be blacklisted haven't got the common decency to respond to Carole's posting. |

Joined: 25/06/2008 Posts: 222
Message Posted: 01/09/2008 12:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 36 in Discussion |
| Well done for the reply. As is shown here and on the other thread regarding this unfortunate incident there are two and maybe more sides to a story. I have yet to visit Northern Cyprus (still hoping to get there before the year is out though) and will have a visit to your restaurant on my list of things to do. |

Joined: 26/03/2008 Posts: 454
Message Posted: 01/09/2008 13:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 36 in Discussion |
| Hi Jackeen, The Cactus Bar is definitely worth a visit, Carole and Murat really put themselves out for their customers, John and I eat there everytime we visit North Cyprus, nothing is too much trouble, and she goes to great lengths to feed me as I am a veggie! Loking forward to seeing them again soon! Chris |

Joined: 31/08/2008 Posts: 6
Message Posted: 03/09/2008 16:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 36 in Discussion |
| To those of you who have sent their support - a huge thanks. Those of you responding from England - hope we are still there to greet you when you return to North Cyprus. As for Pipie's question about the reponse of the police ..... having spoken to other bar owners we feel the police are more inclined to respond if there is a noise complaint from locals than if there is an actual problem which requires their assistance. It would appear that in the early hours of the morning they feel their job is done for the night and they can't be bothered. But as you have all agreed there are two sides to every story so I hope that this lack of response from the police is not normal and we were just unlucky. Regards Carole |

Joined: 05/01/2008 Posts: 5499
Message Posted: 03/09/2008 16:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 36 in Discussion |
| Thanks for reply Carole , take care . |

Joined: 26/11/2007 Posts: 315
Message Posted: 12/09/2008 16:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 36 in Discussion |
| I also agree that there are sides (many) to all stories. The reason for visiting the Cactus after the incident was to support Carole as I felt that all this was nothing to do with her or her business. When the police were at our home, Caroles friend and Murat both said that they did not see the argument start, this I agree with. The reason they gave though was because the Entertainment was still playing. At to which time does the music finish please Carole? I dont want this to all blow out of proportion and people be accused, us and you of things we never did. I agree my mother would have apologised for the incident but nor for the fact it was my husbands fault. The reason we have stopped going to the cactus is the response we get when we get there. I have also apologised to Murat only to be ignored. As for the food in the cactus it is second to none. I do hope people go there still I would hate the business to go down as the owners both put so much into it. I only wanted to warn people that these people may be around and do something to someone else. My husband is not one for fighting and was very unusual for something like this to happen. I can only say what I know and that is why my posting was a little fragmented (as previously mentioned in another posting) I didnt want to put anything there that was not told to me my daughter and she has no reason to lie. Yes, Murat has been very helpful to me and my family and has spent a few nights at our home drinking Vodka till all hours in the morning too. |

Joined: 07/09/2008 Posts: 8
Message Posted: 12/09/2008 17:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 36 in Discussion |
| I would like to respond as the "abusive" mother in law. I attended Lefkosa Hospital on the morning of the incident not knowing any of the facts. I was met by Murat in the hospital car park to be told that my son in law had been attacked by 3 men in his bar and had been slashed with a glass or bottle. He also told me he was going later that day to report the incident to the police. I thanked him for taking my son in law to the hospital and staying with him until another friend of the family could bring my daughter and the children to the hospital. My partner and myself were horrified to find out the facts behind the incident and that is why we went to see Carole and apologise for any distress that had occurred. We believed that Murat had reported this matter as what ever the events were this was a malicious attack with a glass or bottle we do not know which what I do know as I work in a private hospital and our consultant looked at the wound and it was conducive to a slash wound along with the slashes on his forearms which would not happen with a bottle or glass breaking in someones hand. We urged my son in law to follow things up with the police and eventually he did to be told it had never been reported. This made me very angry as to why had we been told it had and yet they had no record of it. We visited their home on the Sunday to find one police officer,Murat and the dj there asking my son in law to withdraw his statement regarding an attack. Murat and the dj stated that no attack had happened and that he had broken a glass in his hand, the timings that they also stated were wrong and Murat said that he had got an ambulance to come to the bar to take him to hospital, why lie when he took him to Girne then an ambulance took him to Lefkosa? This is what made me very angry, why tell me he was attacked and then say he was not? Why tell me the attack took place at 5.00am and then tell the police the music was still playing and it was 12.30 when it happened? Why tell me that he had reported it to the police when they had no record of it? Why tell my son in law that both him and a plain clothes police officer had been searching the bars of Lapta for them on the Saturday night? Why was an independent interrpreter required when my son in law went to the police station to make a statement, yet when Murat brought the police to their house on the Sunday the dj was allowed to be the interpretter? Like everyone has said there are two sides to a story and I agree that there are issues about the time my grandchildren were allowed to be out, something I do not condone and totally disagree with, but these people could have killed someone that night and if not then they may go on to do so. |

Joined: 07/09/2008 Posts: 8
Message Posted: 12/09/2008 17:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 36 in Discussion |
| Carole just noted that you state you left the bar at around 2.00am how come you did not see anything if as Murat states it happened at 12.30? |

Joined: 04/09/2008 Posts: 102
Message Posted: 12/09/2008 17:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 36 in Discussion |
| cactus, Please advise where your bar is so we can visit there on our next holiday in October, the reviews that people have been giving it seems to be a nice place, I make up my own mind on what I like, not by third party gossip, we are new to the North side, so please make the directions easy, after all I am a man |

Joined: 24/12/2006 Posts: 3594
Message Posted: 12/09/2008 18:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 36 in Discussion |
| it maters not , I hope the cactus bar thrives and carole and murat have good forun and good health, the are nice people and their efforts will be rewarded. |

Joined: 24/12/2006 Posts: 3594
Message Posted: 13/09/2008 11:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 36 in Discussion |
| I have been told that the Catus bar is now under " new management " Good luck to carol and murat in what ever they havee chosen to do. If it's true. And good luck to the new management you will need it. |

Joined: 26/11/2007 Posts: 315
Message Posted: 13/09/2008 15:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 36 in Discussion |
| Any ideas who has it Nige? Wonder if they have kept the chef on as he is a great cook |
Baspinar Bob

Joined: 15/02/2008 Posts: 618
Message Posted: 13/09/2008 17:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 36 in Discussion |
| The new owner of the Cactus bar is a Portugees lady called Teressa.Yes she has kept the same chef Bob |

Joined: 26/11/2007 Posts: 315
Message Posted: 13/09/2008 18:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 36 in Discussion |
| well hope she does well. Good luck for her future. |

Joined: 13/09/2008 Posts: 42
Message Posted: 13/09/2008 23:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 36 in Discussion |
| cactus is a very nice bar with mainly very nice people ocasionally u do get the trouble makers around, but you get them where ever you go. i no the owners of cactus very well and they are very nice people. This is one of the very few good english bars/ restaurant in lapta. |

Joined: 26/11/2007 Posts: 315
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 02:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 36 in Discussion |
| yes but you work would say stuff. I hope the new owners do very well and they have done the right right thing in keeping the cook as he is very good at what he does. |

Joined: 26/11/2007 Posts: 315
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 02:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 36 in Discussion |
| I was there for three weeks before my husbands accident and there was trouble fighting every week. Hope this changes with the new owner. Its a good location and worth the investment should you get the right clientel |
Baspinar Bob

Joined: 15/02/2008 Posts: 618
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 08:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 36 in Discussion |
| pussycatuk.So although there was TROUBLE FIGHTING EVERY WEEK; you were quite happy to take your 13 year old daughter until the early hours of the morning? that beggars belief . Bob. |

Joined: 25/07/2007 Posts: 1994
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 09:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 36 in Discussion |
| Kids and bars do not mix. |

Joined: 24/02/2008 Posts: 2953
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 09:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 36 in Discussion |
| Pussycatuk you are still having a dig at Carole and Murat even though they have left. If there was fighting every week while you were there perhaps the common denominator was you and your husband. I have been to Cactus on numerous occasions and have never seen any trouble! Give it a rest please. |

Joined: 02/07/2008 Posts: 323
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 12:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 36 in Discussion |
| Pussycatuk. You seem very prolific all of a sudden, and yet it took you 12 days to respond to caroles explanation, were you waiting for them to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!. |

Joined: 04/09/2008 Posts: 450
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 16:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 36 in Discussion |
| I have once again been directed to this site by a friend - since I do not normally have computer access. For all the support and lovely comments I thank all those concerned. I would just like to point out that no-one and certainly no bar/restaurant owner wants trouble on their premises - it is hardly conducive to good business. There is no point in going over old ground so the only point I will comment on regarding 'the incident' is that music finished at between 12.30 and 1am and I left at 2am - to my knowledge the incident occurred at around 3am. It is all history now and lets hope it stays that way with no hard feelings on either side. Yes we have left Cactus bar now ...... we were offered a chance to get out and we took it. I wish Teresa and her family every successive - she knows that we will be there for them if ever they need us. I would certainly hope that everyone will visit Cactus and support them as much as possible. To all our customers thank you for all your support and I hope that we will keep in touch with many of you and run into those of you we know less well. Those who have posted messages from England - please still go to Cactus - all bars and restaurants in North Cyprus need all the support they can get. Regards Carole |

Joined: 26/03/2008 Posts: 454
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 16:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 36 in Discussion |
| Hi Carole, I wish you and Murat all the best in what you are now doing, if it is another bar/restaurant, could you let us know where you are!! Chris and John |

Joined: 26/11/2007 Posts: 315
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 21:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 36 in Discussion |
| chick, I never answered as I never knew the posting was there. Carole, all the best in what you are doing now. Need any help homing all the cats that are around your old bar and let me know. You know how soft I am when it comes to animals. |

Joined: 02/04/2008 Posts: 117
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 21:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 36 in Discussion |
| Where is the Cactus Bar in Lapta? |

Joined: 23/10/2007 Posts: 3386
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 22:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 36 in Discussion |
| You cant miss it, just look for all the little pricks ! |

Joined: 26/11/2007 Posts: 315
Message Posted: 14/09/2008 22:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 36 in Discussion |
| next door to Celebrity Hotel. opposite the speed camera. |
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