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Has the door closed for ever?

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Joined: 21/11/2010
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Message Posted:
25/11/2010 10:46

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Message 1 of 13 in Discussion


Joined: 29/11/2008
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Message Posted:
25/11/2010 18:10

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Message 2 of 13 in Discussion

I truly believe that the door, if there ever was such a thing, was not only slammed shut but nailed closed by the actions of the RoC in 2004. Since their vote of NO the remaining time has been filled in with expensive visits to all points East, West, North and South by both sets of leaders in a forlorn attempt to prove to the world that they were both right and unjustly treated by everyone else.

It is a sad situation that has no chance of recovery, whilst everyone concerned hopes it will end fairly and justly there is too much ill feeling and time passed for either of the two parties to come up with an acceptable and viable solution that will meet with the "peoples" acceptance.

I can not find it in my heart to blame either side for the current position and only wish that the three country's that pledged their trust to support and protect "Cyprus" and its people had acted together inside of forcing a single Nation to protect its people. Sad indeed with no end in sight.


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Message Posted:
25/11/2010 18:24

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Message 3 of 13 in Discussion

msg2...A truly fine,, well thought out post,It reflects my opinion to the letter Thank you...............


Joined: 05/10/2010
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Message Posted:
25/11/2010 18:52

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Message 4 of 13 in Discussion

thanks jimmy for pasting in the above "pessimistic" news item from The Mail

...hate to say I told you all so but I have been predicting this for years

of course, with very little common ground, and the north still blockaded,

plus the angry rejection of a possible compromise in 2004,

the current talks have been grotesquely over-hyped, on cyprus 44 if nowhere else

on balance, a workable compromise would have benefited most on the island,

including ex-pat property owners whose increased values should easily outweigh

any contribution reasonably expected of them to help pay off the other side

although what has happened is par for the course,

I do wonder what any dark hints from the un to end their missiion may mean:

it would not make a practical difference to the north if the un "cuts its losses",

and the un has a list of infinitely more desperate committments as long as your arm

...but how would the greek cypriots fare, eyeball to eyeball with the turkish army?



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Message Posted:
26/11/2010 17:05

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Message 5 of 13 in Discussion

Speaking to GCs in the past some will actually be bricking it now with the possibility of nobody standing between them and 40000 Turks armed to the teeth. Some of them have been brain washed into beleiving that this number of troops are still in TRNC just waiting to anihalate them. There areeven expats who beleive the same.

On another point what have they been paying Alexander Downer to do whilst he has been in Cyprus?


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Message Posted:
26/11/2010 18:02

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have a holiday downer eating and drinking on taxpayers expense

cushy number for the un


Joined: 19/12/2008
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Message Posted:
26/11/2010 18:10

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Message 7 of 13 in Discussion

This subject was raised yesterday, here:


Joined: 02/03/2008
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Message Posted:
26/11/2010 20:21

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Message 8 of 13 in Discussion

Turkey wont open its ports and air space to Greek Cypriots until embargoes are lifted on Northern Cyprus.Embargoes wont be lifted on Northern Cyprus until Turkey opens its ports.An absolute total stalemate.Ban ki Moon now realises how dire the situation is,after the two leaders attended a meeting in New York recently.

The two leaders,Eroglu,and Christofias,will both head to Geneva in January, to have their bottoms smacked again by Mr Moon.Little or no progress will have been made by then,so both will come back with their tails firmly between their legs.The Greek Cyprioys are quite happy for the charades to carry on indefiniteley,as they will have more to lose,but the North and Turkey would love a decision,either way,sooner rather then later.

The window of opportunity for a B Bi zonal by communal outcome dissapeared long ago.At last the U.N. have realised this,and are very close to pulling the plug.I think that the meeting in Geneva will take place,but that could be the last contd


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Message Posted:
26/11/2010 20:25

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Message 9 of 13 in Discussion

Paul. Sorry to be the one to tell you but there won't be direct flights next year. )


Joined: 02/03/2008
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Message Posted:
26/11/2010 20:34

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Message 10 of 13 in Discussion

I honestly believe that the door was firmly closed in 2004,when the Greek Cypriots rejected the Annan plan,and joined the E.U.Northern Cyprus were promised that they would be allowed to trade freely with the rest of EuropeBut it just turned out to be another broken promise.In my opinion,two states will be the only way forward,as Turkey will never remove its troops from 33% of the island.Lets not forget though why they were there in the first place.They intervened to stop the massacre of Turkish Cypriots,with permission from Britain,who incidentally are guarentors,




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Message Posted:
26/11/2010 20:36

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Message 11 of 13 in Discussion


You told me there would be and i believed you,

NOT !!!!!! have a good week-end,



Joined: 21/11/2010
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Message Posted:
27/11/2010 19:41

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Message 12 of 13 in Discussion

Very interesting comments and views.


Joined: 27/07/2009
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Message Posted:
27/11/2010 21:34

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Message 13 of 13 in Discussion

andre514/Msg 4: ...but how would the greek cypriots fare, eyeball to eyeball with the turkish army?'

There would be a lot of suddenly soiled 'boxers' and 'Y' Fronts within the GC contingent!

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