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Letter from Gary Robb ......(cont)

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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 13:53

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Message 1 of 125 in Discussion

The thread has closed due to 200 postings so feel free to continue here.......after all there is some interesting information emerging

This is a letter received from Gary Robb posted on the TRNC AGA BB, we have decided to publish it as many AGA Victims do not have access to this private board

WARNING Contains Bul##&*t

last post from previous thread


Joined: 08/08/2010

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Message Posted:

05/12/2010 13:06

Sorry but is wildthing bl**ding stupid bringing Kevin Moane's name in when he is the Managing Director of a building company, sorry wildthing but you must be as thick as pi*sh*t, its a wonder even Robb doesnt tell you to button it. You are the weakest link - goodbye.

It is all so incestuous.


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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 14:38

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Message 2 of 125 in Discussion

Please also note you can read the letter on North Cyprus Free Press published 30th NOV. it has had 891 hits

and 45 comments to date.

Donegal Developments, Charles and Priest Developments, what is going on? What plans are being laid? It is an almost stone cold certainty that Robb won't be allowed to finish Amaranta, would the Directors of the aforementioned companies care to commen, Mr. Smallcock, Mr. Moane, speak up, I cannot hear you.

I think it is just as well you didn't join forces and rename your company Smallcock and Moane.



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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 17:22

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Message 3 of 125 in Discussion

Perhaps they should name it: 'Norfolk & Good' - keep repeating that quickly!


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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 18:15

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Message 4 of 125 in Discussion

No idea Lilli, but this thread will keep goin' after all there are still questions that remaain answered like


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Message Posted:

01/12/2010 21:34

Reply Message 66 of 200 in Discussion

I have had second thoughts on this. If Gary Robb can finish this development without asking for another penny, other than that which is owing, but, that only to be paid when the buyers have their Kocans handed to them at the Tapu, taking into acount all the late completiion penalty money having been offset/paid to the purchasers. Then yes, if Mr. Gary Robb can comply with that, I am all for giving him his second/third/fourth/

fifth chance, whatever number it is.


I personally am awaiting Wildfires thought's on this idea


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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 18:55

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Message 5 of 125 in Discussion

Well don't hold your breath (unless blue suits you) because wildfire and original thought don't belong in the same sentence. She will have to have a new tape on' the thoughts of chairman Robb' inserted. I wonder where he fitted the tape deck.??

I really wonder what he hoped to achieve when he opened this can of worms? We have a couple of development company directors wading in, who also dabble in steel, conservatories and greeting cards, and you have to wonder what their angle is. Talk about the plot thickening, there I go again lisping, meant

sickiening. I think they all want a dip in your pockets AGA VICTIMS. My advice, sew up your pcokets before they stitch you up 'again'.

Never mind, if all esle fails, perhaps we will all order our Christmas Cards from you cardman alias Mr Stopcock, sorry Smallcock.


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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 20:40

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Message 6 of 125 in Discussion

Ref mess 66 Who know's GR is no fool he well know's that no one will cough up any more cash unless they get legal title first .As for full payment of penalty clauses.I take it that you were just being ironic?

Being realistic GR may put forward a propsal to complete I assume it would involve extra payment,I don't for a minute think that it will be motived by anything but self intrest,but he does own the valley and he would want some sort of closure to this sorry saga I would have though



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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 21:59

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Message 7 of 125 in Discussion

Mark (mess 7)

Does Gary Robb own Amaranta Valley? (or did he buy it with a brown envelope)? like everything else!

I really think no-one in their right mind will "cough up any more cash" with or without "Legal Title" (however who knows there maybe some elderly victims who still believe he is the messiah)!

Extra payment? Mark, property in the TRNC is worth diddly squat most victims have paid more to the Gary Robb Retirement Fund, than today's value of their squalid dilapidated ruins!

Robb may want some sort of closure to the sorry saga! Robb may want the 1.6 million of our money held by the UK? Robb may want a lot of things, but Mark, I couldn't give a toss was Robb wants!

Yes Mark as regards the penalty clause it is ironic, that a contract in the TRNC isn't enforceable, perhaps if victims had known that in 2003/2004/2005 they wouldn't be where they are now, no future hard working pensioners must ever be in our position it isn't good for their health!


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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 22:34

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Message 8 of 125 in Discussion


If Rob wants closure and genuinely wishes to complete the properties, then the way forward (and the only way forward) is really very simple. He completes the properties and he then arranges to meet the purchaser at the land registry, so that simultaneous deed transfer and money transfer can take place. (no deeds, no money)

It really is that simple. He completes the work, and then and only then, he gets the remainder of his money. Simultaneous handover closes the window to mortgages and memorandums and means that the deeds are in the hands of the buyer on money exchange.

However, the above is only possible, if Robb owns the land and he has sufficient funds to complete. Is this the case?


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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 22:43

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Message 9 of 125 in Discussion

The previous thread wasn't closed by any Admin. The message said:

No Further Posts Here..

Sorry.. This thread reached its maximum limit of 200 posts.

You may post a new topic with the same title and keep going...

Hope that clears it up.


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Message Posted:
05/12/2010 22:47

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Message 10 of 125 in Discussion

What I could never understand was on the Oz Homer site behind the Catalkoy Football Club Mr Robb was building properties on land that had Army " keep off" signs on and people were buying them!


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 00:04

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Message 11 of 125 in Discussion

But that's another matter is it not? The houses when completed would mostly likely have been refused PTP.The fact remains that these properties were never finished according to contract. That would remain Robb's fault would it not?


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 01:55

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Message 12 of 125 in Discussion

Re10. No it doesn't


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 07:11

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Message 13 of 125 in Discussion

No Matehw Mark, I wasn't being ironic when I wrote message 66, Mr Robb was being ironic when he signed

the Contracts, he didn't intend to honour any part of them, honour and Mr Robb does not belong in the same sentence or even the same room.

Now it may be okay for you to part with more money, you have a thriving double glazing/conseravtory business so loads of dosh, most Aga Victims have lost everything and have no money or means of replacing their loss. Strange that all the 'reasonable' victims have building companies or work in building related industry,. I would like to think they want to 'settle' with Mr Robb because they can afford to, but then I ask myself 'why would a successful business person want to throw good money after bad on properties that have deteriorated and in a market where even completed property has lost almost 40% of its market value'?

You can see the problem with credibility. maybe, only maybe, some of the victims have joined forces with

the villiam.


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 09:03

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Message 14 of 125 in Discussion

If the government refuse to let Robb complete, then it's pretty obvious what their and their predecessor's motives were all along!

Many thinking people will be posing the question:

'Exactly, where is all the machinery that he imported nowadays?'

Without the proper tools, it's impossible to do any construction job.


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 09:43

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Message 15 of 125 in Discussion

its pointles keep gobbing off about Robb............

As i said earlier - he's taken the trouble to write to the Agg Babb lot - why not try and help him to sort the mess out.......

keep tripping up is never going to help anyone..............


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 09:54

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Message 16 of 125 in Discussion

Nick how would you help him out if you were in the buyers position ? please elaborate


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 11:44

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Message 17 of 125 in Discussion

'Exactly, where is all the machinery that he imported nowadays?'


Robb & Tahir conspired to sell off all the plant in early 2008 (we have the protocol signed by them both). The profits were to be split between them. We have put the court documents on the blog. The documents list land and vehicles and are signed by both parties.


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 12:28

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Message 18 of 125 in Discussion

The sales protocols were clearly shown, but was most of this plant actually sold for hard cash - otherwise could not merely a paper transaction have [possibly] taken place?


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 13:11

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Message 19 of 125 in Discussion


who knows what Robb & Tahir had in mind - but clearly shows that there were alot of assets they wanted to liquidate


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 16:14

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Message 20 of 125 in Discussion

The brain cells are ticking over, I remember a case being heard in court before one of my hearings, I do remember the the Judge mentioning Gary John Robb, the guy in the court was English (not Robb), he was refusing to

answer a direct question on the whereabouts of some plant and machinery and kept telling the Judge,

he had given a copy of the receipt in to the court but kept avoiding the question, anyway the Judge said

if he didnt answer he would be taken straight from the court to jail. This would have been between

Sept and Nov 2009, I remember because it was the new Judge who took over my case in Sept 09 and gave me my judgement in Nov 2009. Wish I spoke Turkish because I can only relate the English part of the exchange.l

That is the problem with the Robb Saga, no-one will ever know the full story.

Neg. Nick, I am sure if Robb accepts suggestion in Message 66, all the gobbing off will cease. These people

are reasonable, but how many chances do you give this man.


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 18:49

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Message 21 of 125 in Discussion

Message for Kevin Moane.

I have been in contact with Sandra and understand that you were double sold the same house and that you and Gary Wadhams now own that house. Sandra explained that she and Greg attached NO blame on you and Gary Wadhams. She places all blame on Gary Robb, Talat Kursat and Akan Gurkan

End of message


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 18:53

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Message 22 of 125 in Discussion

Always best to get the truth BEFORE you libel innocent people.

Still you are a "Reporter" (Tee Hee)). So why expect more


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 19:48

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Message 23 of 125 in Discussion

YENIBOB SWEETIE, Where did you get the idea I have been lying from. You have accused me before and been wrong - just bide your time and all will become clear(er) Just because I have clarified a point doesn't make me wrong. Maybe only maybe, there is more to come out. No direct accusations, just questions.

and I have made it perfectly clear Pauline is not a journalist, not a reporter, she is a blogger. Forgive me if am wrong C44 IS NOT A NEWSPAPER.

Could it be that you are libelling me, by accusing me of lying and libel, now there's a thought.

I was simply relaying a message, nothing more, nothing less.


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 20:12

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Message 24 of 125 in Discussion

why does Wildfire not give her opinion on Msg 5 originally msg 66 ?


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Message Posted:
06/12/2010 21:09

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Message 25 of 125 in Discussion

Pollymarples ( mess 24)

Aga Robb is now trying to set victim against victim, Double sold against Double sold,which her honest, angelic husband/partner has been doing for the last 5 years! it was Aga Robb who mentioned Mr Moane, and no-one else!

yenibob (mess 23)

The truth about the Aga Scam? and what went on in the Aga Directors minds when they were collecting the millions of pounds and diverting it to god knows where, rather than building the properties the victims had given them the money for, will come out eventually, believe me!


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 07:25

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Message 26 of 125 in Discussion

TRNC victim, Yenibob enjoys muddying the waters, who does that remind you of?

First he accuses Pauline of being self indulgent, then sorry for herself, selfish, a liar, trying to be clever and worst of all a reporter!! She knows what she is, but she isn't so sure about you Yenibob. Are you Nigerian?

Isn't that where all the scams eminate for money laundering, you know, give me your bank account details and I will put lots of 'wanga' in for you.?

As for wildthing, I guess even Robb has worked out what a 'weak link' she is and has ordered her off here.

I am afraid the'scum' is holding the truth down at the moment, but it will surface.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 07:31

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Message 27 of 125 in Discussion


I have been re reading the protocol 2008 and a name I do not recoginise appears, Ana Gunay, I just wondered who this was? Just interested, anyone know?


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 07:42

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Message 28 of 125 in Discussion

Smears and Racism! Can you sink no further?

Are you really so insecure that if someone disagrees with you they have to be investigated?

Let me remind you......It is not against the law to disagree with Pauline!


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 08:21

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Message 29 of 125 in Discussion

Obviously you do not get the connection, Aga is Nigerian, therefore it is not racism, just asking a question of you since you do seem to want to put down anyone who has a point of view. In fact you perhaps are just an all round unhappy guy and want us all to be the same. Since Pauline is of a of mixed race, why would I be racist?

You could be sky blue pink with yellow dots for all Pauline cares, you are still an all round nasty person. I have told you, you are not being investigated (at least not by me), you are not important enough and with regard to disagreeing with Pauline, well she is in good company, you appear to disagree with everyone.

Poor Bob you do have your Y fronts in a twist this sunny morning, have a nice day.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 08:26

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Message 30 of 125 in Discussion

Being of mixed race does not preclude racism. I bet one of your mixed races is not Nigerian.

I agree about the lovely day though, just going to wash the car. Ciao.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 08:37

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Message 31 of 125 in Discussion

Your opinion, to which you are entitled. I am not racist so there you go, wrong again. No you are right that I am not part Nigerian, part Red Indian but there is a lot of African American blood in my family and I love them all equally.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 15:35

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Message 32 of 125 in Discussion

If the purpose of Gary’s letter was to get some feedback by which to make a decision I wonder if he managed to reach a conclusion?


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 15:47

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Message 33 of 125 in Discussion

I wonder, because I am sure he was testing the water. You would think by now he would realise that message 66 (message 5 here)is the only solution the majority are interested in, simply because, with one or

two exceptions, it is the only one AGA victims can afford.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 16:00

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Message 34 of 125 in Discussion

Well if he hasn't got the message now - he really is livin' in cloud cuckoo land...Msg 66 (5) is the only sensible way forward and would then leave him to get on with his life. Wonder if all the land/vehicles were sold....if so where's that money gone ? perhaps to ANA GUNEY whoever that is or has Tahir Soycan and the other monkeys pocketed it all.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 17:37

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Message 35 of 125 in Discussion

Remember 'who is sylvia' now our version is 'who is Ana Gunay'. Anyone know??


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 17:57

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Message 36 of 125 in Discussion

Poor old Ana. Someone else for Pauline to get her nasty claws into. Matters not if (s)he is innocent. If (s)he makes Pauline look good then it is Grist to the Mill.

Pauline are you going to think of a name change for Ana?.......You know the sort of thing that would appeal to your average Sun Reader?

You really do seem to be a bitter and twisted person, which is a shame because I was speaking to someone in Dipkarpaz today who knows you, and she said before you were dumped on you could be quite nice.



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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 18:27

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Message 37 of 125 in Discussion

Bob if you look at the protocol 2008 you will see the name mentioned, it is the ladies of ABAG who want to know and Pauline is merely helping. Funny that the same charge of being bitter and twisted has been used

against the ABAG ladies too so she is in good company. Your fellow gossiper in Dipkarpaz cannot possibly know her, if she did she would know Pauline has never been nice. You really should read the posts more

carefully Robert then you will see people choose their own names, if I get a little confused with the names, put it down to my age.

Seems to me Robert you have an Agenda all of your own. Keep coming up with the barbs, obviously how you get your rocks off., wouldn't want to spoil your fun. xx


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 18:28

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Message 38 of 125 in Discussion

To all decent people who lost money via the Amaranta Development lot.

Mr Sungur warned against sending this 'group' any further monies, as the development was not financially viable. Although he did make reference to a rescue package involving land at Alagadi.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 18:33

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Message 39 of 125 in Discussion

Lovely answer Pauline. Makes my point beautifully. Thank you


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 19:00

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Message 40 of 125 in Discussion

Maybe in your mind, then a lot of what you post is. Bears no resemblance to reality and adds nothing to the

thread. If you want a one to one with someone, look in the mirror.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 19:07

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Message 41 of 125 in Discussion

As ABAG's pet Dog I think you do very well Pauline.

"it is the ladies of ABAG who want to know and Pauline is merely helping"

Can't you see how bad this is making you look?

Why so much vitriol against people you have never met? Because Abag tells you is a very poor excuse (how old are you?)

When you are in a very very deep hole...Might it not be a good idea to stop digging? XXXXXXXXXX


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 19:23

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Message 42 of 125 in Discussion

Yes I agree so why dont you stop digging. Please tell me why do you so much want to stop Pauline helping ABAG

who have helped her too. Victims sticking together, is that what bothers you, or could it be you really do have an Agenda. What is it to you what she does, why is it getting you so hot and bothered? From day one you have thrown accusation after accusation at her. Is she a threat to you, dont worry to answer that one because she already knows the answer.

In short, stop wasting your time trying to drive her off the board. She knows who you are and what you are.

Save your barbs for someone who hasn't got your number.

Now Richard in the words of the common s*d off.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 19:30

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Message 43 of 125 in Discussion

Love it when you talk dirty Pauline. Getting to you am I?

Truth Hurts does it not.

I have absolutely no intention or wish to drive you from the web. You are my amusement at the moment so carry on being horrible to everyone.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 20:27

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Message 44 of 125 in Discussion


What is your problem? we are all obviously getting under your skin! is it because we fight our corner, fight to try and bring the wrongs done to so many to the general public, maybe you don't like women who speak their mind?

Well carry on amusing yourself ! the only person being horrible is you, pity your not horrible to the many villains and scam merchants in the TRNC! but then again maybe you one of em eh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 20:33

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Message 45 of 125 in Discussion

Jenny. I have no issue with ABAG and dont know enough about the issues to comment. I have a very minor problem with people who slag others off to make themselves feel/look clever.

Why do you feel Pauline needs help. Do you believe she has lost it?


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 21:08

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Message 46 of 125 in Discussion

"Hard Hat On Time"

Bob, Polly is just making a point of sticking up for us and others as victims, we are so often shouted down and at one time banned from various forums for our views and actions. To put it simply over 250 Brits were scammed by Robb with the help of the TRNC Gov and others, Polly is heliiping to uncover the others as she is more able to do than us. We are banned (or so we have been told) from the TRNC and therefore cannot carry out any groundwork - we need all the help we can get in order to uncover just what when on and who was involved. Robb has wriiten that letter in order to scam more money from victims, we are trying to ensure this doesn't happen. There have been too many deaths already caused by the AGA SAGA and its gotta stop

Luv Ya




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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 21:09

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Message 47 of 125 in Discussion

PS d'ya know who ANA GUNAY is.......?



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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 21:21

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Message 48 of 125 in Discussion

yenibob (mess46)

Pauline has no more "lost it" than you!, I don't for one minute think Pauline needs help, she's another strong lady! but from some of your posts, you sound like you need help! what has Pauline done to hurt you? there are many Aga victims who don't like Abag's or my straight approach, they think our mouths should be firmly shut, It's hard to understand why? when they have lost so much! they also think we "lost it" because we speak our minds! Yenibob most TRNC victims have lost not only their life savings, but many loved ones along the way and that's not just me! and sadly for everyone the way things are going there will be many more to come!

Please try and understand and at least have some empathy?


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 21:40

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Message 49 of 125 in Discussion

Jenny et al. I have no problem with Abag, please do not take this upon yourselves, you are just another action group.

I can empathise with all those who have lost cash in this crap property market. There are a few around the Karpaz.

I am sure Pauline can speak for herself so lets leave it to her.

My problem is about slagging others off to look clever, when all it does is make the "Slaggers" look vicious.

We all have opinions, try and empathise with mine. xxxxx


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 21:49

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Message 50 of 125 in Discussion

polly and trnc , you have been drawn in to losing most of the last 27 posts agruing with someone who has different opinions, get the thread back to Mr Robb and ignore the rest ..........

(By losing I mean the purpose of the thread ) not play into their hands ..........


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 21:57

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Message 51 of 125 in Discussion

Well said APC how is life in the ROC and your mission to (in your own tiny way) to de-stabilise the TRNC?


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 22:11

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Message 52 of 125 in Discussion

yenibob (mess 52)

apc2010 doesn't have de-stabilise the TRNC your doing a grand job on your own!


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 22:15

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Message 53 of 125 in Discussion

Well coming from you Jenny I will take that as a compliment.

Thankyou sweetie XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 22:49

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Message 54 of 125 in Discussion

Carry on Yenibob, continue to prove the TRNC mentality! "chuck out and get rid of the rubbish over the ravine" so it's still in your own backyard!

The TRNC will be worthless until it knows how to dispose of it's rubbish, and with you advocating for the TRNC, the rubbish below that beautiful mountain will eventually be higher than the mountain, rubbish as it gets older becomes slimy, and harder to crawl up!

Why are you on this thread Yenibob? and please don't call me sweetie, my forum name is TRNC victim!


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 22:58

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Message 55 of 125 in Discussion

Just returned from a lovely night at the casino. Hi girls and apc2010. just out of interest, who is Jenny, seems you have a new name TRNC VICTIM. It is blatantly obvious that Richard wants to cause a rift so I vote we ignore him and any posts he makes. Our goal is to let Mr. Robb understand that there is no more money in the pot even if anyone was foolish enough to want to give him any. I am not nice and don't give a rats posterior for the good opinion an obvious troublemaker (sleeper). Divide and conquer is a common ploy and to try to neutralise your contact on the factory floor as it were is just not going to happen. The only way Pauline will be silenced is permanently (any takers?).

Now down to important business, if anyone reading this knows who Ana Gunay is, would you let us know.

ABAG ladies, if I must be someone's pet dog, I would as soon it be yoursI hope top be able to 'sniff' out more information for you very soon.


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Message Posted:
07/12/2010 23:18

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Message 56 of 125 in Discussion

pollymarples (mess 56)

You sound like you had a good evening! please keep sniffing, just watch the ravine's! it's the hunting season and there's a lot of poison about!


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 06:31

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Message 57 of 125 in Discussion

I can well understand why you would not want to engage with me. As your mate in Paphos said, you are losing the argument.

Little confused as to why Pauline does not know who Jenny (or Trish) is though, or is she saying TRNC Victim lied when she gave her details on joining the site....Surely not?

I will now let you carry on with your nasty game of innuendo and slur. You never know, you might actually get something right eventually. How many people will you hurt along the way? Or does that not matter as long as you get your way?

You used the term "Birds of a Feather" recently, well it seems the Carrion Crows are gathering!


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 06:56

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Message 58 of 125 in Discussion

Morning TRNC Victim. Thanks for exlaining (e mail) about Jenny. Everyone knows my name is a figment of Pauline's imagination so no crime there. Pauline knows what it is like to receive threats too, just sorry that at your time in life you have lost so much, your husband, your dream of a life together in the sun. It takes brave people to steal everything you have and then threaten you if you complain or speak out and it speaks volumes

that the majority of their victims are the elderly and the frail.

apc2010, I do not know you and I probably never will but living in Paphos is not a crime and as a regular poster here, I have no problems with you. I will continue to ask questions and post any true information my questions reveal without fear, the truth is a powerful weapon and God is my Judge.

apc2010, perhaps you can find the two villas with pools in the South that Pauline is accused of owning (she



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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 07:16

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Message 59 of 125 in Discussion

Just in case you are unsure of APCs views


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 10:49

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Message 60 of 125 in Discussion

Aga has gone very quiet, perhaps her husband has told her to stop posting, anyhow back to the thread and Robb's inane attempt at getting the victims of his to pay more monies


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 11:08

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Message 61 of 125 in Discussion

More AGA SAGA documents sent to us in 2009 - more recent to follow soon

Who is ANA GUNAY ?????


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 12:40

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Message 62 of 125 in Discussion

Thank you for publishing that Suz, proof positive I wasn't 'trying to be clever' or talking through my anus horriblus when I gave the shareholding details of Mr Robb and Mr. Kursat. Suggest you all look at the

Directors and Secretary too!!


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 12:56

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Message 63 of 125 in Discussion

where are all the people fro steve and barbere's msn site who said rob was not a robber ?when they were warned of his dealings.


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 13:08

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Message 64 of 125 in Discussion

Lord Jim

Some are sure keeping quiet, whilst others are encouraging victims to spend more money. Is Steve & Barbara's site still available cached maybe - what was the address


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 14:12

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Message 65 of 125 in Discussion

Lord Jim, do you happen to remember the surname of Steve and Barbara?


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 14:16

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Message 66 of 125 in Discussion

Their surname is" Harris""

I recall many years ago they told me not to believe the stories about GJR!!


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 14:22

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Message 67 of 125 in Discussion

Did you listen to them Quarmby, I hope not.


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 14:23

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he banned many people for damaging his commission chances


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 14:33

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Message 69 of 125 in Discussion

Fitted in well here then. Wonder if they sold any of the Aga properties,???


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 14:40

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Message 70 of 125 in Discussion


now whats that game called "Your getting hotter"


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 14:49

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Message 71 of 125 in Discussion

Quarmby, It is finding the right question to ask and then just keep asking. Are you game to help??

With all that rain forecast, I could do with getting hotter. You folks out there have the answers, don't you want what is rightfully yours??

girne 29

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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 15:33

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Message 72 of 125 in Discussion

Met Steve in 2003 and nearly bought a bungalow from Beydola Estates via him, luckily bearing in mind later events with that outfit, I didnt succumb to his charms .

Last saw them in 2005 ,and they were in the process of selling their lovely house in Ozankoy. Steve was a smart guy and probably timed it right in getting out,before people wised up to what was going on in NC.

The site back then was good and I met some good friends through it, informative if you ignored the clappy handies brigade who were probably mostly connected to the property market anyway.

Must have earned Steve a fortune.

Hi Steve I love your site .I am flying out soon and would like your advice . I am wanting a property in Catalkoy who do you recommend ,also will need a management company ,lawyer, hire car,furniture shop--------


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 15:36

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Message 73 of 125 in Discussion

Thanks Girne 29 - there's the name Beydola (Polar Foods/Ufuk) again - who is linked to Steve Harris who is/was linked to AGA - who else was or is he linked with ?????????


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 15:41

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Message 74 of 125 in Discussion


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I have four couples (freinds) who live near me, we all have the same builder (Beydola & Sons). They have first hand knowledge of S&B, as they brought on S&B recommendation and of course S&B got there commision, four of us are taking the builder to court.

Who was recommending the AGA villas? oh yes S&B.

Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:28 pm

Wonder if George got any joy with taking Beydola to court back in 2005 !!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 16:06

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Message 75 of 125 in Discussion

I think the most well publicised case of Beydola's is/was the Vangos. Through hard work, perseverence and at great physical and mental cost, they eventually won their Breach of Contract case, the result, they ended up

accepting a lot less than the award and had to retutn to the UK because of Mr. Vango's heart condition, allegedly developed as a result of the stress. The building industry ( I use the term loosely) has much to answer for.

I do know Marion Stokes supported them every step of the way and was a great friend to them. Strangely enough i also remember a letter in CT from Beydola trying to justify the reduction in the award and convince

us all what a good all round fellow he is. We all belived him of course!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 16:33

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Message 76 of 125 in Discussion

I have been 'sniffing' around woof woof and I am told that Ana is not a name, Gunay is. Not beyond the realms of possibility that the name on the protocol does not exist??? is it, just asking. Now I know the name Guney very well from bitter experience. Gunay, I do not believe is so common, put din on the end and you have Good morning. Gunaydin, with the little accents on the U.

I will ask around some more.


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 16:33

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Message 77 of 125 in Discussion

Msg 74

He recommended his "clients" to use Talat Kursat.


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 16:47

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Message 78 of 125 in Discussion

NOw there's another recurring name or should that be nightmare. Must be so proud of his son too.


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 17:56

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Message 79 of 125 in Discussion

There is no one of the name Ana Gunay in th TRNC telephone directory or on the electoral list. You will find this hard to believe of such honest people but I think Ana might the figment of someone's imagination.

Fancy that........a convenient name on the protocol.


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 18:05

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Message 80 of 125 in Discussion

"but I think Ana might the figment of someone's imagination"

wouldn't be in the least bit surprised, Gary Robb's speciality was inventing people:- like Jacqueline Kocak who was AGA Employee Debbie Jones - now married and called Debbie Kocak (who by the way also worked for Talat Kursat at one point). She was responsible for receiving monies for AGA Finance Ltd., who also had Akan Kursat as a Director. I have her signature on a receipt that she gave to Akan Gurkan for receipt of a large sum of money. She has signed it on behalf of AGA Finance, I also have access to a legal document from Kursa'ts office on which the signature of the non-person Jacqueline Kocak appears. Surely when this legal document was signed the lawyer noticed that the person who signed it bore more than a resemblance to his former employee


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 18:24

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Message 81 of 125 in Discussion

Now you are being picky, details details, whenever did they count in the legal profession, the ISO9001

CERITFIED, Member of the English Bar, Member of the Rep. of Cyprus bar. their attitude is 'I can be whoever

or whatever I say I am', the truth is just an inconvenience, to be disregarded, unless it is a foreigner, then, you will be prosecuted.

If an advocate is so busy he has two Contracts going through on the same property at the same time for two different purchasers, he doesn't notice - not his fault. NO duty of care to his client. Then he takes the purchase price from both, but NEVER returns, the money taken BY 'mistake'. Not his fault he has all this surplus, he puts it in the safest place, his bank account.

You Couldn't Make It Up.


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Message Posted:
08/12/2010 22:55

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Message 82 of 125 in Discussion

pollymarples mess (82)

You couldn't make it up?

Gary Robb along with co directors Kutsul Tokatlioglu, Tahir Soycan, Cafer Gurcafer, and Mert Guclu, with Shareholders Gary Robb and Akan Kursat?

They all made it up!

Where is Kutsul Tokatlioglu, Tahir Soycan, Cafer Gurcafer, Mert Guclu, and Akan Kursat?

We know where Gary Robb is! where are all the others?

Why have they not been prosecuted? why are they still walking the streets of the TRNC? or have they all disappeared to Turkey?


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 00:28

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"why have they not been prosecuted"

They are probably all Cypriot Turks and or Turkish. I do not believe that the authorities in the TRNC have the stomach to prosecute their compatriots over Foreigners. Until the whole system is cleansed there will never be any justice for Foreigners.


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 07:15

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Message 84 of 125 in Discussion

Quarmby, I think those of us living here know what it is like to be a second or maybe even third class citizen.

'why have they not been prosecuted' how can you prosecute your brother, sister, aunt, cousin, benefactor??

It is only wrong here if a poor foreigner does it. I find it incredible that some victims will STILL NOT STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. HISS is an ugly disease.

I think you will have to look outside the TRNC for Justice, just as K5 have.


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 14:27

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Not only do they not prosecute the villans they don't enforce judgements !


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 17:03

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Message 86 of 125 in Discussion

Attention all Aga Victims. I am interested in finding out which Advocate you used and just how many different ones were used and how saitisfied you were/are with them. Anyone care to tell?


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 17:05

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Message 87 of 125 in Discussion

Sorry, continuation of the above, did you source your advocate yourself , were they a recommendation and. if so. who recommended them??


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 17:50

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Message 88 of 125 in Discussion

There's a few I know of polly




PEYMAN ERGINAL - The only one that appears on the FCO List

Munur Doratli

Gunesh Mentesh


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 18:11

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Message 89 of 125 in Discussion

We were told by Unwins that our lawyer was Talat Kursat - after a year we found out that this was not the case and we had been given the wrong info - our £1000 had been sent to Gurkan & Gurkan who was our actual lawyer, but we had to find out this info ourselves - No-one told us.


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 18:23

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Message 90 of 125 in Discussion

BOth Talat and Akan Kursat qualified in Britiain and boast of the fact, it is a toial NO NO in Britain for the

solicitor(Advocate) to act for the Builder and the Purchaser, how quickly they adandoned their ethics.

Surely it also unethical to act for the purchaser when you have a financial stake in the Building Company of the house you are purchasing - were any of the Aga buyers made aware of this conflict of interest during the purchase process??


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 18:41

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We didnt know that Kursat was Robbs lawyer until we had to have a change in the contract, that is when we found out and looked for another lawyer, we were recommended Gurkan & Gurkan and on our 1st meeting he said he already had a file on us dating back to June 04, this was May 05........but it took till Feb 08 find the £1000 that he had received from Unwins. But we have heard nothing from them since January 10, but ho-hum what can they do with the mess that is the AGA SAGA


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 19:03

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Message 92 of 125 in Discussion

There are more twist and turns here than a racing circuit. There has got to be a best selling novel in this. you just Couldn't Make It Up.


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 22:55

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My Lawyer was Munir Akil, the name address and telephone number given to me by Unwins Estate Agents, we naively, went to him paid him our £1,000.00 and assumed he would do his duty of care!


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 23:09

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Message 94 of 125 in Discussion

Now I wonder who really owns Amaranta Valley?


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Message Posted:
09/12/2010 23:13

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polly can you email me please as i have some news that may interest you, your email is not shown understandaby so xxx


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Message Posted:
10/12/2010 09:10

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Karma could be taking its toll.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2010 09:40

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Who owns Amaranta Valley - not hard to find out really, someone with a farily straight Advocate who is a victim could get their Advocate to do a search. Or someone who is a victim here, take your Contract plus a photocopy to the land registry, ask them to do a search, they will keep the photocopy,need Kocan number which should be on the photocopy, charge is under 40 Lire and usually takes about 15 days. You will then have details from the horses mouth of the exact status. Unfortunately because I have no interest in it they will not do it for me or I would most certainly do it for you.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2010 14:58

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Message 98 of 125 in Discussion

For what it is worth, Gary once told me that he had bought the valley for £12k with the intention of building a house for himself there. I had no reason to believe he was lying at the time but he has aquired a bit of form for it since then.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2010 15:46

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Message 99 of 125 in Discussion

I really only know what Mr Robb has form for here. Did he have a criminal record in Britain, I mean before he

jumped bail.


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Message Posted:
10/12/2010 15:49

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Message 100 of 125 in Discussion

how can you say that ...polly..?? He did not even know drugs were being sold in his nightclub.........the one that sold no alcohol ......


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Message Posted:
10/12/2010 15:52

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Do you mean those ones that make you need lots and lots of water.....

Truly, I really would be interested in his previous form. For the book you know.


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Message Posted:
11/12/2010 09:53

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Message 102 of 125 in Discussion

o you have any ida how many victims of Gary Robb live in the TRNC??


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Message Posted:
11/12/2010 11:28

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not that many, most are in the uk


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Message Posted:
11/12/2010 11:36

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Pity, some feedback on the ground would have been useful. I can understand why the majority are back in the U.K. My heart goes out to them, but please, do not give any more money to Gary Robb no matter where you are. I t would be good money following bad.


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Message Posted:
11/12/2010 14:18

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polly was it you who tried to shoot him ....????


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Message Posted:
11/12/2010 15:40

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not my style, talk him to death maybe. You've been peeking at my Christmas wish for a pump action shotgun.

haven't you apc2010.


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Message Posted:
12/12/2010 10:09

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seems apc2010 got a little bored and decided to resurrect a lot of old threads - now this one is important

so keep sending in info.


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Message Posted:
13/12/2010 18:26

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Message 108 of 125 in Discussion

in reply to msg 99 , polly yes it appears he had a criminal record before.......

Mr Gary Robb is the former owner of the Blue Monkey, a Teeside nightclub / rave joint. He was arrested by the Cleveland police in 1996 after some 200 police in full riot gear carried out a drugs raid on the premises. He was charged with conspiracy to supply Ecstasy and amphetamines.

His brother, James Robb, was convicted and given a 10 year sentence after a raid on the Colosseum club in Stockton. Apparently the brothers either owned or controlled 5 clubs in the North East of England. He had apparently faced Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) charges on several occasions during the course of his career


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Message Posted:
14/12/2010 07:56

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Obviously a boy a mother would be proud to call 'son'. I just cannot get my head around this country allowing him to become a citizen when people cannot buy a house here without a 'clean' Scotland Yard reference.

Seems money, even dirty money, can buy anything.

Our mistake was living an honest life, if we hadn't, we would have had a 'record', and not been allowed to buy, so wouldn't be in the mess we are in. FUNNY OLD WORLD.

Thanks for the info apc2010


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 09:47

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If the 'rumours' now circulating prove to be true then the letter 'testing the waters' may prove to be premature.

Three times yesterday I was told that the ROC are attempting to extradite Mr Robb for building on Greek land.

I stress these are rumours as yet, but should they prove to be true, how bizarre would this be.??


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 13:10

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another test case maybe..???


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 13:25

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Well they know where he can be found, they know that he is already a convicted criminal. It would be a good test case but there is a strong argument that Gary would not receive the fair trial that he deserves in the ROC. Although he would receive a better level of justice there than he afforded to his victims. They should go for a conspiracy and get his accomplices in the bag. Outing a few dodgy mayors and ministers in the north should have more appeal.


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 13:28

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I think there is an arrest warant lodged with interpol already from the roc ....from a few years ago ..???


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 13:43

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Fair or not, being E.U. THE roc have a right to request extradition and if there is an arrest warrant then his release in July would be the time to 'pick him up' before he runs somewhere else without an extradition treaty.

With all the Appeal procedures available to him in the EU, I am sure that if the trial in the ROC is deemed to be unfair, he will make use of the appeal system available to him. Of course this is all supposition at present.

Of course the ROC could be referred to the IPC.


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 14:13

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But once they get Robb won't that open the floodgates for extraditing other estate agents in TRNC? And then one or two customers?


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 14:25

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They won't target TC agents and builders just British.


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 14:40

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That's what I suspect as well.


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 14:43

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They cannot extradite anyone ...but if they return to another country technically they can .


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 16:50

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Would a European Arrest Warrant not be as good as extradition?


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 16:52

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nobody can be extradited from n/cyprus ...........


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 17:23

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It has happened!


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 17:24

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who the knife guy ..???


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Message Posted:
18/12/2010 18:54

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Well thy kicked Mr Robb out of the TRNC.


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Message Posted:
19/12/2010 11:04

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will make a call tmoz and see what I can come up with



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Message Posted:
19/12/2010 11:19

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Good cannot wait for the outcome...........

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