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dopi t.v now what to do???

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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 17:20

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Just back from trip home and see message from Dopi to say he wants more money to now put right the service we having been paying for and not getting for ages now what are your ideas guys who is doing what and why?? is there a better service from any one else have you paid dopi and did you get what you wanted ??????? welcome your postings


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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 17:24

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Give it up.


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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 17:33

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why give them more money for something that's not working, am having a problem with another TV supplier but am sure as hell ain't going to part with a single kurus until its back and working as it was meant to do when i bought the service


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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 17:33

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I thought most people already had given it up.


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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 17:38

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Going to give them a chance, great email from Namek, trying to explain the problems and what they are trying to do to rectify them. What else is available that can do better. Let's face it, if it works we think it is our best option. Understand why they are asking for help in the costs of changing the satellites, otherwise would take forever to change over. You will have to decide whether the investment is worth it or not, to us it is and we have hope that the system will work well. We have been a user for over 3 years now and althought like most we have had the problems and frustrations but we still believe there is nothing better out there for the money.


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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 17:46

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Tricky one that;

As I understand it dopi want their customers to pay 50TL towards both a software upgrade and a home call to reposition the dish (es) to a different satellite. The assurance is that this will give a top notch service plus the return of Show.

It comes down to this; If the claims are justified and the service gets back to where it was two years ago then it may be worth a gamble, particularly for those who may be due to renew in the next 3-4 months. 50 TL against a big new outlay?

If it all goes belly up then you're 50TL out of pocket, if it works then you've saved a big outlay.



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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 17:50

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so why don't 2-3 of you get together, split the cost and have one house done as a weeks trial, if it works, then the others can get theirs done and sort the money form there, only a smaller gamble that way, but you all get the answer.


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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 19:05

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Perhaps Namek should offer monthly payments rather than 12 months in advance then theres less to lose. I'm pretty sure he wont entertain this but if he is confident in the new system why not?


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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 19:06

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In my case it's only rhetorical, but would people really bother splitting 50TL 2-3ish ways?


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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 20:33

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OMG...Lally are you totally gullible..? YES, gullible.. :(

Don't DO IT .. Dopi are simply BS ing AGAIN...

IF they move satellite ( which I foretold they'd have to do) they will have the same issues in the future...

The end is nigh for the card-sharing pirates- their costs are B'all and they have the cheek to ask clients for money to 'move birds' to receive illegal decryption codes ... form increasingly less channels they can 'crack'

This is akin to a thief asking for fuel to drive a stolen car home..

The ONLY thing that should be happening is a promise to refund clients who paid to receive a service they could NEVER hope to maintain and to allow monthly payments..


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Message Posted:
05/01/2011 21:53

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Been managing with free to air for some time now. Dopi phoned in November wanting my subs. Can't believe they had the cheek. Now got a text saying everything gonna be ok. Dunno whether to take a chance, second to none when working. Mind you, some of these ads are great for multicultural understanding, and it's 20 odd channels for nowt.

And ya can get videos a penny each at Amandas.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 00:06

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Extract from con artists' rule book.

1. Get them to want to give you the money to buy a product that sounds too good to be true (especially if there's a hint that the transaction is illegal)

2. Convince them to give you more for an upgraded product. Hint that this time the product isn't illegal, at least not here as the law doesn't apply.

4. When the product doesn't work, convince them it wasn't your fault. Explain that, sadly, a refund is against company policy, but if they give you more money things will improve.

5. When they don't improve, ask them to give you more money anyway. It just might work!


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 10:56

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I may be gullible, even totally guillible, but until there is a system in the North for the same kind of cost, with the same range of channels then that's what I will be until proved otherwise, maybe again. But its a free world and we all pay our money and take our chances. We have been in touch with Dopi again for an update and they are starting area by area upgrading next Tuesday, so the proof of the pudding is imminent...... He is talking about in excess of another 20 Hotbird channels including the Orange sports system and other BBC channels also being available. Like some of the comments on this board we feel that 50tl is not a huge investment and if the end result is not all its meant to be then that's life.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 11:19

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there is a group of West Africans want to get in touch with you to share 25million dollars left in a deceased client account if you help them to get it out of Burkina Faso , i'll tell them to email you, must be genuine, one of the guys was the son of a former tribal cheif and minister.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 12:28

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Oh been there and done that, that's old hat, can't you think of something a little more original?


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 12:34

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Come on guys, keep the thread on topic.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 13:35

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Been cardsharing for over five years dont use anyone from Cyprus but i get everything that is available in europe occasionally there is a freeze for a nano second but this is mainly to do with internet. I have been using cardsharing in the UK for a long time with no probs.

If I am not mistaken dopi system can be modified to receive cardsharing.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 13:45

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msg 13 are right whats 50tl .......................

oh wait 50tl x approx 1000 subscribers................

nice late xmas present for someone...............


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 15:08

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Hi, Ataturk

As you've been card sharing 'with no problems' - I wonder why folks keep having to check out forums to get around 'problems' - like channels no longer being available ? ;)

re Dopi.. Yes..the box is already a receiver for pirated card sharing - it's 'problem' is apparently 'only' the satellite where it receives the illegal decryption codes and 'all will fine' if folks pay to move their dishes... Wher in 'TRNC' will folk get reliable internet to receive the decryption to make this work reliably - it doesn't exist ...


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 15:34

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APC I think you will find they claim over 2000 customers!

Sorry but I am with Mr M on this one.

As a Dopi user what do you think about it Alsancakjack


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 15:41

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Dopi is rubbish and has been for ages anyone that gives them another kurus is,....................well work it out yourselves.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 18:54

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Has anyone paid their 50tl and upgraded yet? Would be very interested to know what the

outcome is.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 19:13

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I took 6xM's advice in 2008 and I am not Dopi I am Happy with another system


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 19:35

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and which system is that please saints


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 20:26

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Hi Ricky

Mark knew that I lived in Dubai for a while therefore the Free to air Nilesat package would be good enough for me and with a motorised dish we also catch the FTA Russian and CIS channels for my wife, just bought the kit paid for installation and no extra payments we are happy with it, never been one much for tele and definately do not miss UK TV anyway as I have spent so much time out of the UK so more than enough channels for us.

Glad you asked though as I needed to contact you about some work I need doing next time we are over, need a glass door fitting on the on suite shower and one over the bath in the family bathroom and maybe some other stuff.

Will get in touch just before we come back so we can get something in place.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 20:43

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MMMMMM I know you dont approve of cardsharing and you have been saying for quite a while nnow that its days are numbered but I think quite the opposite. Just recently OSN went and now it is back. Sky Italia also went down but soon cam back up. The fact of the matter is this cat and mouse game will never end. I can remember the dragon cams 15 years ago which we used to crack Sky TV then they went digital and now we have card sharing.

With so much choice if one provider goes down we have 20 more to watch. OSN in all honesty was something I didnt watch as they never had any HD channels and with regards to internet I am now running 4mb with 1 mb upload and can honestly tell you that the cardsharing is better than ever.


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 21:00

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I cannot believe that consumers in this day and age choose to card share. It's simply stealing.

Do people not realise that the likes of Mr Murdoch have invested huge amounts to offer us what we have today. Now we steal from him.

This whole sydrome starts with people downloading expat shield or using VPN to watch BBC without paying license fees in the UK. Absolutely dispicable I say.

Its the same with those who download music. Those poor artists with very little money, slaving away just so people can download music.

Then we have people living in non-recognised states. What is this world coming too.


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Message Posted:
07/01/2011 13:13

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Hi Ataturk

I don't 'approve' of card sharing as it is THEFT.

Yes, I've been saying the days are numbered and I know I'll be proved correct.. one of the worst countries for piracy ( Russia ) has pirates licked and SKY cards need to go back in the correct box once a month or they go to sleep..

The pay tv cos are 'wising-up' and issuing receivers for free / at low cost in their designated countries that are going to make life even harder.

Don'y you think that if it was 'easy' Dopi and DS wouldn't be peeing off clients ?


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Message Posted:
07/01/2011 20:24

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ok il ;ook forward to seein you and thnks for the system advice


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 14:05

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I am not selling or promoting (mmmmmm please note) I am simply reporting what I have found to help people decide.

Today I spent 2 hours at Uran's premises (Dopi is an agent for Uran) watching the old and new systems side by side. The new system did not flicker once whereas the old system had some 'Scrambled Channels' that we are all familiar with. I am invited back any evening between 9 and 11 to watch the new system during what has been the worst times. I won't bother because I have known Halil Uran for many years and I believe him.

It was explained to me that there had been 2 problems ongoing for 6 months now and both are cured by the new set-up. Firstly, Uran have moved to a new satellite which is why they have to reposition one of the dishes. This also involves loading the receiver with new software. The second problem was the poor quality internet link which was used to transmit the data up to the satellite - that is also changed for the new set-up.



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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 14:06

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As to channels there are certainly more channels including 6 BBC channels, also AXN and others I don't recall or was not interested in. OSN is not available. Certainly I watched it for a time but they are not yet happy with the quality of the 'crack' - they believe they can solve it but it is not promised as part of the package. This does not personally worry me.

Based on what I saw I have paid my 50tl and my system will be upgraded next week. I will report further after I have had it for a week.


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 14:16

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I appreciate all you say but...

1/ the 'issues' that Uran / Dopi had were mainly of their own creation... WHY didn't they move the route / sat that they use to send the data decryption before, eh ?

2/ They will have the VERY same issues again and you WILL be posting on here that you were right, MM ;)

3/ the number of decent channels available will go down...


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Message Posted:
15/01/2011 08:56

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Has anyone had there Dopi system upgraded yet,and if so what is the reception like ?.


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Message Posted:
15/01/2011 15:45

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has any one tried it yet ???????????????


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Message Posted:
16/01/2011 06:51

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had mine seen to on friday.No problem,everything honky dory.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2011 10:59

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Message 36 of 36 in Discussion

So no reason to have any delay, just change to DIGITURK. Cheap and it WORKS

We still celebrate the funeral day of our dopi receiver!!!!

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