North Cyprus Tourist Board - Missing Box containing Christmas items
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Missing Box containing Christmas items

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Joined: 10/05/2010
Posts: 79

Message Posted:
06/01/2011 14:30

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When unpacking our Christmas decorations it was apparent that there was a box missing. The box contained a lot of personal memories from when my daughter was young, ie. stockings baubles decorations etc. Did anyone out there receive an additional box containing christmas items, possibly after a delivery of their boxes from Olay transport. If you have please contact me as there are a lot of memories in that box that cannot be replaced.


Jenny 278


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Message Posted:
06/01/2011 16:59

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I know how you feel, when we moved out here we didn't realise, until Christmas that our box of Childrens home made Christmas items had been missed by our packers and left in our L shaped loft in the UK. When my neighbour went to retrieve it for us the new owner had cleared it all out to the bin men. Hope you are luckier than we were. I still get sad about it each Christmas!


Joined: 10/05/2010
Posts: 79

Message Posted:
07/01/2011 12:47

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Dear Panchocat.

Thank you for your kind thoughts, the most important lose is the christmas stockings that Becca had when a child plus many other of her bits and pieces I have also lost dozens of hand made baubles some that I still have the patterns for but others were ones I designed without patterns and I dont even have photos to attempt to re-make, it isn't a cheap hobby either, Still you never know someone may return the box.

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