residency warning in an outs checkingNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 05/01/2011 Posts: 163
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 18:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 109 in Discussion |
| crossing border yesterday they was checking for people crossing every 90 days ive a temp stamp in mine but still wanted to know my address phone number driving licence,police told me checking in and outs to catch those with no temp residency you have been warned |

Joined: 04/04/2009 Posts: 396
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 18:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 109 in Discussion |
| hollylou, negative nick and his mates will be along shortly to assure us all that its only the fools who apply for residency, as they go across the border every 90 to get a new visa. Time for a rethink nick!!!!!!! |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 18:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 109 in Discussion |
| will be posting once we've stopped laughing............ the authorities couldn't organize a pi## up in a brewery............ |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 761
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 19:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 109 in Discussion |
| It'll be like when they search cars for a day or two before Christmas, or plan to fix something, give it a couple of days and they will have forgotten. |

Joined: 05/01/2011 Posts: 163
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 19:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 109 in Discussion |
| sorry i was only trying to help anyone not to get caught ,dont think it will only last like car checks but hey im safe are you ???????????????????????????/ |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 761
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 19:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 109 in Discussion |
| no offense intended hollylou, certainly good of you to warn people as there may be a few 'res-evaders' planning a shopping trip over the weekend, leave it till after the weekend folks. |

Joined: 29/12/2010 Posts: 69
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 19:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 109 in Discussion |
| I went over the border just before xmas to get my visa stamp as i have done for the last 18 months. I was shocked when they only gave me 5 days and told i had to do my residency. To make matters worse this was a Friday! I went to the police in Kyrenia on Tuesday & they told me i had to go back over the border as the 5 day stamp due to run out the following day wasn't enough. Back over the border & they didn't want to give me any extra days, eventually i was given another 5 days!! Good for you hollylou for warning people, i'm sure i wont be the only one to get caught out.. |

Joined: 05/01/2011 Posts: 163
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 20:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 109 in Discussion |
| i tried but some seemed to have fun at me as i say i was only warning people policeman told me that big problem in trnc with brits crossing border not to get residency i was all ok thank god but ive tried if people continue to disbelive then maybe they will be next , thanks for your nice comment thoughx |

Joined: 04/02/2009 Posts: 667
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 20:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 109 in Discussion |
| hollylou, you get used to the same ones picking faults with posts. Even requests for help or information come under fire. It was very good of you to let people know what the score is, as you said you brought it to people's attention now it's up to them - watch this space for people bleating about being stopped! |

Joined: 05/01/2011 Posts: 163
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 21:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 109 in Discussion |
| back to top |

Joined: 30/06/2010 Posts: 40
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 22:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 109 in Discussion |
| The T.R.N.C governments will just not be happy until they have TOTALLY AND UTTERLY KICKED THE GOLDEN GOOSE TO DEATH what stupid short sighted people they are. |

Joined: 29/03/2009 Posts: 1924
Message Posted: 07/01/2011 23:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 109 in Discussion |
| Come on guys. Rules is rules. Remember David and Sue Petch?> Thrown out because they tried to get continuing residency by crossing over the border. There may have bene more to the story but that is what is said. Although there are many rules which chop and change here and it is aggravating to say the least, the Government makes the rules and if you want to stay here, then think about keeping them. I admire Australia which has said on several occasions words to the effect, we have rules and if you don't like them, then you are free to leave. I think TRNC are saying the same thing in a roundabout way. And before the EU, it was nigh impossibe for a foreigner in U.K. Each country has its rules re immigrants, and as we are not yet in the EU in the north of Cyprus, we have to abide by whatever the government wants - even though sometimes it makes one go grey, tear out hair, scream, hit a cushion, swear and curse , and then remember the good things and the 'cost' of having them. |

Joined: 28/07/2009 Posts: 3829
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 06:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 109 in Discussion |
| I dont under stand why folk who live here dont get their residency. Ok it costs money but so does going south every three months ie petrol, insurance. Whats the big deal? Its not a lot of hassle now 8 years ago when i first applied it was a nightmare. |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 06:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 109 in Discussion |
| well i for one think its one big con............... it was our island in the first place......... What about our fellow Brits with blood disorders or lack of money that are unable to meet the residency criteria ?? They seem to forget what their lives / their country was like 10 years ago............. |

Joined: 23/11/2010 Posts: 187
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 06:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 109 in Discussion |
| Irrelevant you POMPOUS ARSE NICK!! Follow the rules and be OK. There is a set Residency Criteria and if you cannot adhere to it then do one! What is wrong with the TRNC stamping down on the idiots who flaunt the law, we are in their country and should abide by their laws. Get a loife and grow up!! |

Joined: 25/06/2008 Posts: 1370
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 09:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 109 in Discussion |
| Thanks for that hollylou I for one appreciate your warning; as a matter of interest is your car on Turkish Cyprus plates? Or some other plates (e.g. UK, Greek Cyprus, Turkey..) Geoff Famagusta City |

Joined: 14/05/2009 Posts: 455
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 09:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 109 in Discussion |
| Nick, the Brits stole the island from the Ottomans. Before that a King of England had it for less than a year in 1191. When was it "our" island? I'm afraid the rules are there. For more than inconveniencing someone like you, who doesn't actually live here at the moment. Many Brits on here are quick to moan about "illegal immigration" in the UK. Isn't this the same? Okay, you takes your chance. But I stick by the rules. I am legal here and hope that the police/immigration authorities do get tough. If you do one thing illegally, then you're possibly inclined to take other risks. |

Joined: 31/01/2009 Posts: 1024
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 09:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 109 in Discussion |
| Just to add fuel to the fire - and I stress now that this is only hearsay - my TC friend's nephew works for Immigration and he (the uncle) says (according to the nephew) that they are planning to tighten up on proof of income. Apparently some people are showing the same bank balance every year and working illegally to get an income. Some friends are even passing money from one to the other to have a bank balance big enough to qualify. I am told that they haven't yet worked out what to check or how - but it is coming. The back ground, and I have heard this from other sources also, is that many jobs are being lost and the government is cutting back severely on overtime payments so TC families are suffering reduced incomes. The unions are pressing the government to reduce the number of foreigners working (both legally and illegally) so that more work is available for citizens. Please don't shoot me - I have said this is unverified. |

Joined: 23/08/2009 Posts: 2874
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 09:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 109 in Discussion |
| gusanova wrote, "What is wrong with the TRNC stamping down on the idiots who flaunt the law, we are in their country and should abide by their laws." I agree with you. Trouble is, it seems that when it comes to law breaking by TCs the government is more inclined to turn a blind eye. This is especially true in the Construction Industry. Another problem with the residency rules is that if you return to the UK for medical treatment and returned one month, say, after you should have renewed, you are fined. If you didn't have residency then nothing would have happened. OK, some officials are lenient about this but the law says the fine is justified. |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 09:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 109 in Discussion |
| Post deleted for personal insult and insinuations Simbas |

Joined: 05/01/2011 Posts: 163
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 10:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 109 in Discussion |
| turkish plate |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 10:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 109 in Discussion |
| msg 18; I've said all of your msg last year,no one took noticed if not accusing me of being anti-brit.Nearly all directors,some of ministers are my generation(I shared same classroom with 'who approves/dissapproves work/residency permits')for 3 years in collage.He will not think twice about deporting someone illegal. |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 10:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 109 in Discussion |
| Post deleted for personal insults and foul language Simbas |

Joined: 14/09/2009 Posts: 450
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 10:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 109 in Discussion |
| negativenick."It was our island in he first place" like a lot of brits still living in the empire days. |

Joined: 14/05/2009 Posts: 455
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 11:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 109 in Discussion |
| Yorg and Nick, there isn't any need really, is there? It's a forum, after all. |

Joined: 09/01/2010 Posts: 338
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 11:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 109 in Discussion |
| One of the few times I agree with Nick. Must say you are finely balanced yorgozlu - all that name calling and a big chip on both shoulders. Grow up. |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 11:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 109 in Discussion |
| cypgab; "a big chip on both shoulders." Nobody forced any of you to come here.If you dont like it,let me know when you get your one way ticket and I'll give a free ride to Larnaca! msg 23-Mr Richard Head.............I did not give you that've earnt it. However,I have a neighbour that'll soon be EX,whom I had done everything since being here other then buying his house which I did not know him at that time,turned out to be .,.......... like yourself. I'll soon send him off to wherever you are too. By all means,I'd rather be on the donkey cart but not have a***h***s like you here. msg25-AnthonySmith; Apologies for my comments,cant stand the ones like 'him'(pussies) hiding behind bushes,in greek they brefer to those as MALAGA. |

Joined: 03/08/2010 Posts: 150
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 12:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 109 in Discussion |
| Cyprus may have been in charge of this this place in a moment in the the history of the world (but never belonging to the UK in the first place), this is over now now and Northern Cyprus now belong to Turkey. So your days on the crown is over and this also means you do NOT have any special rights. This is not belonging to Turkey and with a special status compared to the Greek side. So live after the rules and obay them, if you don't like them nobody stops you to go to the Greek side or go somewhere else like home. From this side I see a lot of bad words about the Turkish (its their country currently), they are the ones that makes the rules and you will comply. If you are not happy you can complain to the people in charge, but you prefer not to do that its easier to sit at home and write pages up and down on a forum. The days of the colonial times are over, so all Brits live here on EQUAL terms like other people from Germany, Russia, Denmark, USA, India and whoever is here as fore |

 Joined: 16/07/2007 Posts: 5943
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 12:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 109 in Discussion |
| msg 20 deleted for reason given Simbas |

 Joined: 16/07/2007 Posts: 5943
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 12:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 109 in Discussion |
| msg 23 deleted for reason given Simbas |

Joined: 23/11/2010 Posts: 187
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 12:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 109 in Discussion |
| It is about time the British EXPATs started to look at themseves and ask why are they living in Northern Cyprus. Most are lovely law abiding people who have come across for a peaceful way of life. Unfortunately there seems to be a growing element of 'Little Britain' creeping in and thinking that this wonderful Island owes them a living. Most of these people who keep quoting the history books , have never served the crown and do not appreciate what it is like to live overseas amongst the locals as they make no effort to even try and understand the way of life. I was in a Bar about a year ago and Expats were discussing a new road planned and one woman said --- we dont want that here! I laughed and thought that sums a lot of people up, still think they have same rights and opinions as in UK, sorry people you are in the TRNC and should remember where you are and live and abide by their rules. All those who dodge Residency I say well done and about time this has happened. |

Joined: 09/12/2010 Posts: 261
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 17:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 109 in Discussion |
| msg 28, Cyprus clearly did belong to the UK. You are also wrong to say it belongs to Turkey and would be brave to say that in front of a Turkish Cypriot. As for complaining to "the people in charge", the problem is so few Turkish army officers speak decent English. |

Joined: 01/03/2010 Posts: 21
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 17:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 109 in Discussion |
| Its horrible as a brit to view some of the absolute rubbish and utter drivel spouted by ignorant/ stupid expats who would rather abuse the system than play nicely and try to understand how things work locally - Empire days are long gone and no one cares anymore . We are visitors / guests accept that and put up with things not winge and whine and resort to gutter language which impresses no one . |

Joined: 05/01/2011 Posts: 163
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 17:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 109 in Discussion |
| wish i hadnt started this and just let those ilegal get caught |

Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 17:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 109 in Discussion |
| Hey Sal, saw in todays Cyprus Today that they have put up the price of Permanent Residency - can you ask your mates if that means we will be able to apply again now please? No joke this by the way, we came to stay and stay we will under the laws of the country we have been accepted by. |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 17:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 109 in Discussion |
| Mick,will ring him(Adnan) on monday for you and let you know by e-mail.'ve got to come over to see my animals. |

Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 18:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 109 in Discussion |
| Thanks Sal, have emailed. |

Joined: 29/03/2009 Posts: 1924
Message Posted: 08/01/2011 23:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 109 in Discussion |
| I too read the comment in Cyprus Today about the rise in Permanent Residency as an indication that maybe we can now apply, although I hear from friends that this is possibly not the case. Does anyone know what the truth it? We started last year and then dropped it because we were told it was in abeyance. Also, I believe Peramnent means renewing every two year,s in which case it is not permanent, but it would be good to have that confirmed. Thanks to anyone who can say so. Oh and one comment. To say this was belonging to Britain is the same as the Greeks saying it is their island. One has onlyto look at its history to see it has changed hands more time than a pound coin. |

Joined: 03/08/2010 Posts: 150
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 03:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 109 in Discussion |
| message 28, Denny I am aware of this was belonging to the UK a period of time, but this is over so there is none from UK that can claim any legal rights due to the past or spending time on claiming rights due to "we were here first" as this is not true! the part regarding Turkey I understand as well but still Turkey is BIG Brother that supports KKTC in many ways, if this did not happen then I think a lot of things here would be pretty bad off Second not too many people in the Government that speak good English, I would say things good for that as they would get a chock if they would read what was said on this site. I still enjoy the word expat used a lot on this site, expats is people that are send by a company with a mission to work temporary to another country, those I think there is less then 20 of here in KKTC, the rest is just people that lives here including myself. Maybe its a word that people from the UK like to use to make a distance to the local people! |

Joined: 02/02/2007 Posts: 2070
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 06:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 109 in Discussion |
| What do you want to call us 'Settlers'??? |

Joined: 14/05/2009 Posts: 455
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 08:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 109 in Discussion |
| Denny spouting rubbish again message 32. "You are also wrong to say it belongs to Turkey and would be brave to say that in front of a Turkish Cypriot." It's the Turkish Cypriots that are saying this. The latest union demonstrations held this week, the letter sent to Ankara and the calls for Erdogan and Co to keep their mitts off the TRNC are there as plain as the nose on Eroglu's face. They are saying Turkey's actions - allowing more settlers to come here, cut jobs and wages in the civil sector, will force even more Turkish Cypriots away from the island. Them, not me. |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 09:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 109 in Discussion |
| well i for one haven't changed my opinion............ give it a week and it will be "left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing" as usual........... Remember all the co-co nut palm trees that were planted a few years back - the Gov't couldn't even be bothered to water tham, so nearly every one died............ Get my drift ?? |

Joined: 27/07/2009 Posts: 4110
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 10:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 109 in Discussion |
| Re msg 43: All that precious water was used to wash Mercs, Range Rovers, Porsche Cayennes, BMW's, Hummers, etc. - oh, and house frontages and pavements - stuff the palm trees, you've got to get your priorities right! |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 11:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 109 in Discussion |
| ......blimey me govner...........I'm amazed at 'some' peoples is now officialy gardening time. Here comes Alan Titchmarsh............ anddddddddddd after that.............Jeremy Clarkson telling us who should drive/spent their money on what. However,some of us have better things to do with their time....... I'm off to wash my navara,copen,KA and my beautiful VN1500..........then I shall roast the beautiful rabbit I've just skinned. You get my drift??? |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 15:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 109 in Discussion |
| mess 45 - your poor neighbours.......... bet you've got a cockrel too............. |

Joined: 21/09/2008 Posts: 297
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 16:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 109 in Discussion |
| Actually NN we love his animals.....its part of the cyprus we came here for! A close neighbour. |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 17:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 48 of 109 in Discussion |
| Thank you MAMA,we love you,you know. |

Joined: 29/12/2010 Posts: 69
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 18:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 49 of 109 in Discussion |
| Msg 43 NN - a week is very generous, i'd say they don't have a clue from the word go. Let us know how you get on next time you have to cross, maybe your charm/cheek will get you 90 days I don't see any Brits breaking the laws, as i was advised by customs & police to pop over the border whenever necessary. All i see is Brits bringing lots of money to the place! I think the people they are out to get are the one's who come here & just stay put, when they do leave, they leave behind their fines & have no intentions on coming back, these are the people that can't even afford a box to live in!! I don't care who's island it has been, i care about the land i now stand on is mine, therefore, i should be given as much time as i want to stay here, whether that is 6 months or 6 years, its not like i want to claim any benefits for the privilege! |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 19:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 50 of 109 in Discussion |
| msg 49; You sound like another typical Brit that didn't bother to enquire about the rules of staying in TRNC.Count yourselves luck that I don't work at home office.I'd have had the likes of you deported long by now.I have some expiriance from UK home office when I interpreted few times. Who do you think you are,just because you've got few pounds in your pocket?You should be privileged for living in a beautiful island like Cyprus,not the other way round. I care whose island Cyprus is,and it aint yours.My dad fought for 'your' queen to become a British citizen,what've you done for TRNC?.........................ooopppsss I forgot,you got money!!!! |

Joined: 15/09/2008 Posts: 975
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 21:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 51 of 109 in Discussion |
| yorgo what do you think the expats should do for the TRNC to bring benefit to it? |

Joined: 02/03/2007 Posts: 1272
Message Posted: 09/01/2011 22:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 52 of 109 in Discussion |
| Message 43 NN get your facts right befopre you post such rubbish the palm trees were nothing to do with the TRNC government. I suggest you do some research before you post such stupid rubbish |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 00:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 53 of 109 in Discussion |
| Quarmby; "yorgo" is a Greek name,my forum name is "yorgozlu"...... I'm not saying expats 'should' do anything to bring benefit to TRNC. 'You' did not come here for TRNCs benefit but your own.'You' also came here with full knowkedge of TRNCs situation.If you didn't,you should have done.None of you were forced to live here,you all did it at your own will.'Your' status when you arrived here were visitor and unles there'll be changes to give you right for citizenship,you'll always be a visitor. However,you could always argue for TRNCs recognition with your own government which in return may give you rights in TRNC,even as none citizen.Then again that would not suit most of you,would it? All the while self-gain is a piority,there'll be no general benefit to any of us. All above also applies to Turkish mainlanders,because I'm not Turkish or an expat,I AM TURKISH CYPRIOT. |

Joined: 14/05/2009 Posts: 455
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 07:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 54 of 109 in Discussion |
| Yorgozlu, great sentiment, but I would say self-gain being a priority also applies to Turkish Cypriots. Perhaps more so. |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 07:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 55 of 109 in Discussion |
| mess 53 - i rest my case.............. i think his donkey car was possibly a red one................ |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 07:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 56 of 109 in Discussion |
| Yorg The biggest problem is that ex-pats do not accept that they are second class citizens out here in the TRNC. In fact most countries that I have lived and worked I have always been a second class citizen. I am even now regarded as a second class citizen in my country of birth. Expats should accept that fact and then they might have a different outlook on life. AJ (the real one) |

Joined: 14/03/2009 Posts: 46
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 07:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 57 of 109 in Discussion |
| Can anyone advise exactly what the temporary residency criteria is please. I have heard conflicting stories. Some people say that you have to have a large amount of cash in your TRNC bank and others say you have to have a steady income only. |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 08:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 58 of 109 in Discussion |
| AnthonySmith; All the while self-gain is a piority,there'll be no general benefit to any of >>>us.< << |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 08:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 59 of 109 in Discussion |
| flopsy; Having a steady (ie.pension)income is a proof that you do not need to work in TRNC whilst residing here to provide for yourself,and for that reason it is more benefitial for you when appliying for temp. residency. The 'large amount of cash' has been invented by expats whom are under the retirement age. If you are a pensioner or you have a steady income from another country,it is in fact very easy to gain temp. residency. |

Joined: 14/03/2009 Posts: 46
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 08:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 60 of 109 in Discussion |
| thank you for clarifying that yorgozlu. I am sure that will help a lot of people. Do you know what the cost of obtaining residency is? |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 08:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 61 of 109 in Discussion |
| I do not know the amount flopsie,perhaps other expats could clarify that for you.Or you could get it from the police station. ps.If you need any help 0533 8739181 is my number. |

Joined: 26/07/2008 Posts: 2012
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 08:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 62 of 109 in Discussion |
| Flopsie the new charges are printed in Saturdays Cyprus Today |

Joined: 14/03/2009 Posts: 46
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 08:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 63 of 109 in Discussion |
| Thanks for being so helpful yorgozlu and Maggie - not forgetting Bernie of course |
Dixie Normus

Joined: 22/02/2008 Posts: 820
Message Posted: 10/01/2011 19:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 64 of 109 in Discussion |
| All seems back to normal now, been back n forth a few times today picking up flat screen TVs and bottled gas got 90 day visa no prob, been here 7 years and had no bother regards residency, its just another cash generator for the corrupt to keep their family's employed by the goverment. D.N |

Joined: 25/06/2010 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 00:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 65 of 109 in Discussion |
| Close to where I live we have an English traveller who has been here over 4 years now. His entry was by way of the South using a now "ex"companion who owns a villa at Armou. He works here, and lives in a villa on a site of which six of the villas are owned by an English company.He has been "shopped" some two years ago when the work permit office was in Girne. The Manager "Ismail" asked if I was after his Job!? He was given a DVD showing how this illiterate person was abusing the country's rules but still ignored the fact that this person was working and staying here. He has a motorcycle registered in the South (here 4 Years Greek plates) and a Blue Ford Explorer 4 X 4 Pickup (here 4 Years Greek plates KRE 492). He denies he lives here and uses the inverse of the temp.res dodgers as is way of entry, exit. The vehicles are of course Greek plated (the alibi) so he sails by without further questioning. Its annoying because of the hassle and money we have to pay to live here. |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 06:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 66 of 109 in Discussion |
| wings, Just because you don't live in UK anymore,you should not expect not to see 'pikeys'.You'll find that,those are the first to knock the system here in TRNC without realising the corruption within oneself.They were no different in UK and are no different here.Take msg 64 as an example!There must be a reason why 'he/she' is still here!wink I got to learn a saying in UK."Once a pikey,always a pikey". |

Joined: 26/04/2008 Posts: 7993
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 07:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 67 of 109 in Discussion |
| Ah persecute the Gypsies... where have we heard that before? Oh yeah... I'm starting to despair of some folks ability to learn from history. Wings is we turfed out all the illiterate half of the Uk would be on the move... What ever happened to live and let live? |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 09:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 68 of 109 in Discussion |
| mess 64 is living proof that this whole residency think is just a way of extorting more money out of the poor brits........... Dixie - maybe good idea to post some prices of TV deals you're doing ?? |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 10:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 69 of 109 in Discussion |
| Groucho "Wings is we turfed out all the illiterate half of the Uk would be on the move... " are refering to 'other half of brits'... "What ever happened to live and let live? " Does that qualify for the illegal ones? Wrong or right,rules are rules.They are made up for us to abide in the best interest for the estate.Ones that don't like it does not have to be here,nor are forced to live here.I took nearly £70.000 cut off to sell my last property in UK because I longer want to be there. |

Joined: 25/06/2010 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 10:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 70 of 109 in Discussion |
| Groucho. Live and let Live? You might want to. We who "pay" for permits do not have the same sentiment. If you pay good for you. Tell me about the history. You know like the Post Office robberies in East Anglia in the 90's where post masters and families were shot at and one killed with a sawn off shot gun. Ever heard of the Shepherd's? Tell us about the ringing, the drug dealing, where cars were cut and shut and hidden in a large field behind bails of straw for resale and shipping abroad. Where communities are burgled day in day out from nearby "sites". The disgusting mess they make and the advantage they take of the welfare benefits. Then the aliases to try and hide the identities? You dont know the half of it Mr. But then it seems clear from your comments which side of the fence you stand. |

Joined: 26/04/2008 Posts: 7993
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 15:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 71 of 109 in Discussion |
| Well let's see.... I worked in Social Security for 11 years of 23 years of my Civil Service career and was assigned to dealing with gypsy encampment claimants for a large part of that, so I'm pretty well versed in most aspects of what gypsies do and don't do, claim and don't claim, steal and don't steal.... I will grant you that many do flout the laws and attempt to claim beyond proper entitlements. This thread however was about those people who risk residency problems by flouting a particular rule in the TRNC. Really nothing to do with gypsies as an ethnic group. But it's a good opportunity to bring forward ones prejudices is it not.... I make it my business to ensure that I comply fully with the laws pertaining to residency and was hoping to obtain permanent residency until the goal posts moved even though the relevant laws did not. As for the red herrings of various crimes you attribute to gypsies, they are nothing more than many non-gypsy criminals commit... |

Joined: 23/10/2007 Posts: 865
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 16:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 72 of 109 in Discussion |
| Just as a matter of interest - having residency what are you entitled to (if anything) do you get to vote for instance. Or does it mean that you don't have to leave the country after 90 days in order to get a renewed visa stamp. Just wondering that's all. |

Joined: 25/06/2010 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 16:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 73 of 109 in Discussion |
| "Ah persecute the Gypsies... where have we heard that before?" Did you say that? (message 67). I haven't implied predjudice by the word "traveller". I think you did dont you. Those crimes I have mentioned are real and the predjudice as you put it is the fact that they do not comply to the rules which you and I abide by. He is an example. The thread is about residency, whether or not the person of the traveller fraternity and people in compliance with the laws governing th country where one lives. So dont try and twist the subject, because you think you know something. To "pull up the sandbag" as you have done. I perhaps may have had a little more access than thou to the crimes committed in the UK for my profession was for 10 years of my career in a certain Police Service as a Force Intelligence Bureau Intelligence Analyst. One of the first four of the UKs serious crime pattern analysts. Linked to cross border and national intel networks as a part of my roll in assoc. with NCIS |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 19:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 74 of 109 in Discussion |
| mess 71 - bet having a name like "Gavin" didn't help much either, eh Groucho ;0) |

Joined: 09/12/2010 Posts: 261
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 20:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 75 of 109 in Discussion |
| AnthonySmith msg 42 Denny wrote: "You are also wrong to say it (north Cyprus) belongs to Turkey and would be brave to say that in front of a Turkish Cypriot." AnthonySmith wrote: "It's the Turkish Cypriots that are saying this. The latest union demonstrations held this week, the letter sent to Ankara and the calls for Erdogan and Co to keep their mitts off the TRNC are there as plain as the nose on Eroglu's face." They are saying Turkey's actions - allowing more settlers to come here, cut jobs and wages in the civil sector, will force even more Turkish Cypriots away from the island. Why accuse me of "spouting rubbish" when you just backed up what I said above? Read us both again. Surely you can comprehend plain English? Let's see if you apologise... |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 21:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 76 of 109 in Discussion |
| i shall be back in the TRNC in a few months and i for one wont be applying for residency... if border hopping is good enough for Dixie Normous - then its good enough for me............... |

Joined: 29/12/2010 Posts: 69
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 21:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 77 of 109 in Discussion |
| Yorgo msg 50: Who rattled your cage? oh was it me, sorry, quick get me deported, your gettin ya feathers in a fluff over nothing, please re-read. This thread was drifting slightly, so i merely pointed out 'i don't care who's island it has BEEN' NOT is!! Where do i state that I yes ME has lots of money??? cus i aint got a bean pal! Chill out, its just my opinion, everyone's entitled to including you. If you don't understand the difference between 'been' & 'is' i pitty whomever you interpreted for. |

Joined: 26/04/2008 Posts: 7993
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 22:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 78 of 109 in Discussion |
| Wings. you reacted to my post about persecution of gypsies but I never referred to your post as such. It followed "Once a pikey, always a pikey". I'm not trying to twist the subject matter, I'm asking that we don't use the thread about a general subject of adherence to the residency regulations to stigmatise any ethnic group. I didn't bring up the subject of travellers, pikeys or gypsies. |

Joined: 04/11/2008 Posts: 356
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 22:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 79 of 109 in Discussion |
| As a temporary resident you are entited to nothing, as a permanant resident nothing as a citizen you can vote otherwise nothing. to get anything you have to have paid into their social security for 15 years then you get a pension. Those who go across the border to get 90 days visa means nothing here. i have personally known 4 people who did that but they got caught and got deported. is it worth it. you may think these people are slow and silly but they get you in the end. If you do your residency and then go away for over 3 months you have to start again. how ever if over 60 things are ok to a point. Emigration admitted that at 65 no residency is needed but when asked why people still have to pay, they said no one had ever challenged them. You can not win. just enjoy the island and give something back now and again, we are only guests here after all. |
Dixie Normus

Joined: 22/02/2008 Posts: 820
Message Posted: 11/01/2011 23:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 80 of 109 in Discussion |
| Yes, just look at residency as a sun tax, unfortunatly the sun is shining on a wonderfull joint that is is full of interbread corrupt hillbillies, play the game and squeel like a piggy. D.N |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 06:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 81 of 109 in Discussion |
| mess 77 - you have to take yog zulu'a comments with a pinch of salt - he's happy taking casy of us brits fro sticking gravel down, but loves to torment us for having been skanked buying property on devils island............... Bet he didn't ride a Jamajacki 1500 before the brits bought en mass ! maybe a donkey 1hp ?? |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 06:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 82 of 109 in Discussion |
| mess 79 - you have known 4 people who crossed the border repeatidly - personally - who got deported ! Sorry, but i don't believe you........... mess 80 - As usual Dixie - wise words - if people want to keep haemoriging money into the system - that's their own choice......... The TRNC has decided it is a diferent country to the South of Cyprus, so if one wants to leave the TRNC by this method, then one should get another stamp when you return.......... the TRNC authorities can't have it both ways.............. Perhaps they should have spent more time watering the bleedin palm trees - at least that was productive........... |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 06:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 83 of 109 in Discussion |
| msg 77; >>Where do i state that I yes ME has lots of money??? cus i aint got a bean pal! << >> i care about the land i now stand on is mine<< Someone gave it to you for nothing? >>All i see is Brits bringing lots of money to the place!<< What,by using southern airports or shopping in orphanides,lidl,ikea........or by seing temp residency as something not neccesary or is it by moaning for not getting your 25 kurus change back at LOCAL markets? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course,everyone is entitled to their opinion,but not by knocking the place down constantly and still insisting of living here.Take msg 80 as an example......................sorry estate of some of 'you' that IS. By the way,you'll find that my english is %100 better then your turkish. ........things you get to learn whilst riding a donkey! |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 06:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 84 of 109 in Discussion |
| >>>The TRNC has decided it is a diferent country to the South of Cyprus<<< .....that made you see an opportunity for a gold rush............until it turned sour with the RoC being in EU! |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 07:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 85 of 109 in Discussion |
| yog, it all turned sour when we realised what a complete farce buying in the TRNC is.............. And its getting worse............. So with Brits leaving hand over fist and hardly anyone buying - there is only one way the place can go - and thats down hill....... you should be helping the brits, not continually taking the micky out of them.......... ps: nice bike by the way............... |

Joined: 06/02/2009 Posts: 5934
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 07:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 86 of 109 in Discussion |
| Message 82 I think you are being a bit unfair on message 79 as I also know of people who have been thrown of the island for border hopping and I may be many things but not a liar! Also as regards to citizenship I believe that you are also entitled to increased health services as well as given the vote. Chris |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 08:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 87 of 109 in Discussion |
| mess 86 - but to know FOUR people personally - i think not............. |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 10:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 88 of 109 in Discussion |
| I DO help the brits as much as I can,but I cant help the ones keep insisting to live in denial......... flat tvs and bottled gas from if........... as for property sales in TRNC,it might sound strange to you but people are still buying,even Brits............. |

Joined: 09/01/2010 Posts: 338
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 11:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 89 of 109 in Discussion |
| Give some examples of how you have helped Brits. |

Joined: 05/02/2009 Posts: 1653
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 12:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 90 of 109 in Discussion |
| cypgab yorgozlu helped me with customs advise on importing a car and registering it first time he also quite often helps people on the forum His write up on his holiday Hatay in a 44 post resulted in me and others having a good holiday in a place we would not have normally gone to Nice guy |

Joined: 06/02/2009 Posts: 5934
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 12:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 91 of 109 in Discussion |
| Yorgozlu has moved wheelschairs etc for me and at no cost.. When we had a problem with neighbours he offered to come along and sort them out. Plus I know of quite a few other people he has helped in the past. Chris |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 14:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 92 of 109 in Discussion |
| msg 89; Whom exactly are you,may I ask? I live in Lapta,my e-mail is in my profile,I'm who you see on the picture(minus the beard),I often put my phone number on here. Thank you for nice comments about me all, but please ignore him/her. I do NOT need to prove anything about myself to anyone on the forum.Face to face,I might consider. |

Joined: 21/09/2008 Posts: 297
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 18:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 94 of 109 in Discussion |
| I know,I know,you didn't need this , , , , , , , Yorgozlu is passionate about the country of his birth,how is that wrong,many of us are passionate about TRNC who were not born here. He is a knowledgable ,helpful ,humorous man who doesn't suffer fools gladly,many don't,and i could list endlessly ways he has helped our family,both with sound advice and rolling his sleeves and getting stuck in , , , , , , , , and i just love his farm ;-) |

Joined: 26/04/2008 Posts: 7993
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 19:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 95 of 109 in Discussion |
| Yeah well Wanderer, what do you expect? I mean a journalist... got to be an undesirable... |

Joined: 09/12/2010 Posts: 261
Message Posted: 12/01/2011 19:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 96 of 109 in Discussion |
| Of course his expulsion has everything to do with a one-month lapsed work permit and nothing whatsoever to do with his being a Kurd who dared to criticise the Turkish regime. |

Joined: 04/11/2008 Posts: 356
Message Posted: 15/01/2011 23:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 97 of 109 in Discussion |
| This is for negativenick. Please do not call me a liar. i said i knew 4 people personally who were deported and i do. or did, but to give out their names would be unfair to them. As far as the Palm trees are concerned, it is a shame they have mainly died but this is not an Island for Palm trees. If you are so against this island then just leave it. no one is holding a gun to your head to stay here. I was advised by my father in 1986 if i want to live on this Island do not buy. i took him at his word and have rented since i came here neary 9 years ago. If you live here you should live by their rules. Nurseawful I have a friend who is a citizen she had been here 20 years she has been in hospital, operations, and has to buy £150 worth of drugs every month for her health. She only has the right to vote. no medical help at all. Emergency treatment you can get at state hospitals how ever long you have been here. cost nothing. |

Joined: 07/10/2009 Posts: 1679
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 00:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 98 of 109 in Discussion |
| I go over the border from time to time, mainly to pick up or drop my dad off at the airport (Ercan isn't a viable option for him) or to get a little bit of shopping like a couple of Hovis or Kingsmill loaves etc. The last couple of times they have only given me 30 days even though I have applied for residency. I think it's because a jobsworth official thought I was working illegally as a taxi driver one time at 4am in the morning (if she had looked at our passports properly she would have seen I was just going through with my father) P.S. Don't have lunch at Debenhams if you go over, it's sh*t |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 00:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 99 of 109 in Discussion |
| Mike,re 98; It is because you have now been here over 3 months(90 days) and by law you are now required to have your temp. residency.If you don't get it by the time your 30 days over you'll be given 10 days next time. |

Joined: 07/10/2009 Posts: 1679
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 00:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 100 of 109 in Discussion |
| Sal, actually been here over 6 months, they normally just give me 90 days every time, even when they look on their computer and look at my white slip of paper. My mother has been here exactly the same length of time (we flew out together) and she got 90 days the other day and I got 30 days The reason we have taken so long to apply for residency is because we have only managed to get all the correct paperwork this week. (Builder 'lost' some of the paperwork) |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 07:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 101 of 109 in Discussion |
| Mke;it's the age difference.Your mum is not seen as a risk of needing a job in TRNC. |

Joined: 11/01/2011 Posts: 26
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 08:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 102 of 109 in Discussion |
| ok ı have to ask a few questıons... ıv been here for a year and a half ı lıve wıth my turkısh fıancee and currently 6 months pregnant so ı dont work but ı have... ı was just wantıng to know.... to claım resıdency ıs ıt true u have to have a certıan amount of money ın ur bank bcoz ı for 1 dont even have a bank ın use... as all the money made out here ıs gıven cash ın hand... n ım not that old to have made savıngs bla bla whatever.. so say ı go to do my resıdency ıts not goıng to look very good as ı dont have the so called 1000 lıra ın the bank or however much ıt ıs and ı dont have a job (lıned up ın there thoughts) so do my chances of beıng accepted as a resıdent drop? all ı want to do ıs lıve here lıke ı have been the past however long. but lıke ı state |

Joined: 02/07/2008 Posts: 1519
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 13:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 103 of 109 in Discussion |
| As we are not in an EU country, and have to apply for temporary residency, why do people expect to have the rights of a citizen. There are many countries where you have to get visa's, and unlike the TRNC cannot keep renewing them, and stay indefinitely, but have to leave the country. I remember when I lived in America, I was able to renew my 6 month visa twice, and that was it. I had to leave, not on an overnighter, but leave full stop. Ok, I could go back again at some point on a hoiday visa for 1 month, but not a 6 month visa in that year. If we want to live here, then we should be grateful that we are able to stay here as long as we like, just by renewing our residency yearly. If you don't like the system go and live somewhere else, it's simple. |

Joined: 03/08/2010 Posts: 150
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 13:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 104 of 109 in Discussion |
| Stella you are totally right, can we please close this link as there is nothing more to say |

Joined: 04/11/2008 Posts: 356
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 13:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 105 of 109 in Discussion |
| It is a very difficult situation. We do our residency every year, well two years now so due again 2012, We do not have a bank account here at all. we get money from ATM's from our bank in the UK. They queried it last year, and the year before i had a row with immegration as the rules change every year. But they wanted proof that we could support ourselves, we had to photcopy our pension papers and take them back to them. when we did they just looked at my husbands because his pension is more than the basic wage so they didn't bother with mine. Now I also Know someone who has an 18 year old son. She supports him because he can not get a job, the government here says he can not stay because he has no money, even though his mum keeps him. Turkish workers wives now have to have residency. Go to Police Station and ask about what you need to stay here, rather tha break the law, it just is not worth it. |

Joined: 09/01/2010 Posts: 338
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 13:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 106 of 109 in Discussion |
| Message 90 - thanks that answers the question. Message 92 - you seem a little twitchy? I asked a straighforward question - you did the same with a residency question. They are not trick questions! |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 16/01/2011 21:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 107 of 109 in Discussion |
| msg 106- "Give some examples of how you have helped Brits." your question.... >>>>>>>>>>>>Whom exactly are you,may I ask? I live in Lapta,my e-mail is in my profile,I'm who you see on the picture(minus the beard),I often put my phone number on here.<<<<<<<<<<< answer,re-92 Did you want to know my exact address as well?If so,no problem,once you've declered who you are. not tricky at fact,rather simple! |

Joined: 09/01/2010 Posts: 338
Message Posted: 02/02/2011 14:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 108 of 109 in Discussion |
| You've deliberately misunderstood. You obviously do help others but why are you so twitchy? |

Joined: 17/05/2010 Posts: 360
Message Posted: 02/02/2011 14:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 109 of 109 in Discussion |
| Went South yesterday. On my return was asked very politely if I was going to apply for residency soon.( Arrived in September). I said yes and had a 90 day visa given. |
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