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100's of friends on can this be ok...

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Joined: 01/09/2010
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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 22:22

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what ever happened to the old adage "do not talk to strangers"..........I asked my friend's teenage children how many friends they had on facebook and the average was about 200....the most was 600....These children do not know all these people, some are aquaintences and others are just friends of friends.......yet all these people have access to their private lives eg. when their houses are empty (on holiday!)......... ideal for burglars!! Surely parents should stop grandson wouldnt let his mum be a friend on facebook, worried he had something to hide she has now stopped him accessing the home computer unless she is present....It worries me that all these kids are talking to people they do not know.....


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 22:24

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and how many murders from there


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 22:30

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Our granddaughter is on facebook but happy to say her mother is also on her friends list, as am I and also a few of her good friends too. But when I read things like this link, yes its such a worry.



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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 22:50

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Yes, I agree it is a worry that things go on like this...


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 23:04

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I think it is a worry and sometimes nasty comments are posted when friends fall out and have arguments. This is a big problem and causes a lot of upset and animosity. I work in a secondary school and this does happen out of school hours and then causes problems when pupils are too upset or frightened to come into school.


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 23:12

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Taking the bullying out of the school and continuing into the home...............................


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 23:12

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parents should limit their childs internet


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 23:15

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Msg 6 Shrimp - I agree - unless parents can monitor the usage it is hard to deal with. Children should feel safe at home and not a target.


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 23:19

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I just thank god my grandchildren are not allowed to sign up for it. Someone signed me up for it but I never use it as first I dont understand it, second Who are all these people who want to enter or re enter my life. I think its sad we cant just speak to people normally. When I first was signed up for it the first thing I saw was my sons profile and on that he said I only hope my mother never reads this. So from then on I wont go on it x


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 23:24

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Lilli, I am on facebook but only have true friends and my family on it....Luckily my children are grown up now so I know what they are up to on a daily basis......but I refuse to accept requests from anyone other than people I am in touch with on a regular basis.....also my security is very high which means that no one other than people I choose to, can glean any info about me..........It is good for seeing photos of my grandchildren, kids holidays it does have it's good points but I think there are more bad points generally!!


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 23:31

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Hi Shrimp how are you. I am so computor illliterate that i would get myself into more trouble. Everyday I get names I do not know wanting to be my friend. If there is a safety system where I can get what you say then I will look into that . I got real grief from my son xmas time. Post from here is hit and miss so I send electronic cards. I got I work with computors all day and all I wanted was a real card from you. Cant win sometimes but understood his point. Its his birthday next week and thank god a lovely customer is going back tuesday so she took his card to post. x


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Message Posted:
22/01/2011 23:40

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I joined facebook years ago because someone from TRNC wanted to keep in touch!

Needless to say I haven't heard from them since...and didn't bother with it for a long time.

People kept asking me to be their friends so I attempted to remember user name and passwords and stuff.

I do go on to facebook - but only if someone sends me a message. It is easy to edit 'friends', hide them or delete them.

It's a good social network....that far too often gets abused!


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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 00:18

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Facebook when used responsibly is a superb tool, and there is the crunch,, a tool is only as good as the person using it. Our entire extended family in on it, we communicate daily via pictures and comments, and this is enhanced by Skype when we have need to use the spoken word. One person on our net has over 1,000 "friends", the second highest is 675, and so on. We have ill members of our family who reply on the computer for communication, those that travel, and those that live at home. In my opinion, the problems associated with Facebook are largely through bad parenting. If you allow your child unmonitored access to the web, you are irresponsible.

Somebody once said "Cars don't kill, drivers do". Its the same with the networking sites, give a kid a computer as a babysitter and you take the responsibility for any abuse that occurs.


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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 00:24

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Lilli 11065 posts to date

" I think its sad we cant just speak to people normally"

How can you state that, have you set an example to your grandchildren ?


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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 00:31

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I agree with you up to a point elkiton, but apparantly anyone can log onto facebook under a sudoname, my friends daughter went under a name that was nothing like her name just so her family wouldnt be able to find her or trace her on it she was only 12 at the time......apparantly this is happening over and over again.....parents completely unaware that indeed their child have a facebook account at all.....


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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 01:28

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Hi Shrimp, yes, like dating sites, there you can pretend to be what you are not......I am not defending Facebook......"Open facilities" will always be abused by the "criminal"element. I hear a lot of bad things said about Facebook, but as part of a community of "heavy" Facebook users, I can say it has given us (our family) a good medium for keeping in touch, and as responsible adult users we have no problems with it. Again I say, it is bad parenting that allows chlid users both to abuse, and be abused through uncontrolled and unsupervised web access. Perhaps all parents should be obliged enroll on a computer literacy course before buying a PC, a bit like a driving test ?



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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 01:38

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Facebook an C44 are similar are they not, both can have hidden identities. So no good examples being set here is there ?


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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 01:44

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elkiton, like you I use facebook on a daily basis to keep in touch with my children who live in canada and in london, it is invaluable to me.....and yes good idea for parents to take more responsibility, I am sure that many parents do not know what is going on with their children.....

Rosie64.....................completely different to C44, people on this forum are not prying on no comparison I am afraid..........


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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 01:55

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Shrimp yeh understand what you say, but how can adults preach to their children to be responsible pc users on line, when they see what goes on here ?


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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 12:51

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I would like to know how I can stop seeing people's messages that they put on there own walls, that then show up on mine, without deleting them as friends. I hardly ever go on facebook, but when I do, I have to read all their messages to other people, that I am not interested in. A while ago, I did delete lots of people because of this, but then they asked me why I had deleted them as friends. It would be good if I didn't have to read everyone's comments, and only go on their walls if I wanted to. Any hints?


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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 14:37

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Stellasstar1, if you click on the x next to the message, it gives an option of deleting that message, or deleting the person from view all together, but not deleting them as friends in your list so you are not troubled with reading all their postings .... if you decide to delete them completely you have to go into friends and actually delete them from the list. I have done this with a couple of people that seemed to post on facebook as a past time, if occasionally I want to see what they have been up to or send them a message you can just search for them in the box at the top of the page.....simples.....


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Message Posted:
23/01/2011 18:34

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Message 22 of 22 in Discussion

Maybe Facebook is just an up to date, wonderful technological way of having Pen Pals as people did in the past. You told them what you wanted, and they did you, but it was a link around the globe with people one might not otherwise meet. Part of the current globalisation taking place.

Like everything else, it has potential for good and potential for bad. Use it to the good and it is a great tool. Use it, and don't let it use you.

I love my contacts on Facebook - the only way I get news from some of my 'lazy' friends who can't and won't and don't have time to write more than one line!

Trust yourn kids. If they have been taught well by you, then you have nothing much to fear. If they are loved and happy, they won't be led astray by 'perverts'.

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