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It rains all the blooming time !

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Joined: 03/01/2009
Posts: 5527

Message Posted:
31/01/2011 12:19

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This make me laugh It rains all the time back home,then they always say it will be a drought every summer,now they are getting stung again ! I am not saying its a bad idea far from it and some will have to take things easy and also some will find it very hard to pay for one too.



Joined: 03/01/2009
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Message Posted:
31/01/2011 12:48

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Message 2 of 6 in Discussion

Oh dear, am laughing so much, Lost the blooming link.ha,ha, £200 for a water meter.................



Joined: 16/02/2008
Posts: 526

Message Posted:
31/01/2011 13:40

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Hi Spider. Your messages could have been written by my mother - she too will read something and then come out with a statement and expect everyone in the room to follow it. Bless!!

Are you laughing at the idea that in the UK households wanting a water meter will have to pay £200?? What you have to remember is that water charges in the UK on houses built before 1990 (after 1990 new houses have water meters) are based upon the rateable value of the house . This means that a large family home, once occupied by say 5 people still has the same water charges even though there may only be one person now in there. In such cases paying £200 to have a water meter fitted is probably a good move as charges will only be made on water used. So the only person laughing will be the owner. However, what about the lost revenue to the water company? How long will it be before metered water charges in the UK rise substantially to feed the greedy companies and their share holders?


Joined: 21/09/2007
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Message Posted:
31/01/2011 14:07

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We now live in the most expensive area for water.South West Water.As i looked at this post the postman put the bill through the door.17 cubic metres £36.48.and £52.20 waste charges.


Joined: 16/02/2008
Posts: 526

Message Posted:
31/01/2011 14:18

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Message 5 of 6 in Discussion

I feel your pain, rigsby. Used to live there myself. European water regulations - don't you love 'em??


Joined: 03/01/2009
Posts: 5527

Message Posted:
31/01/2011 14:19

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Message 6 of 6 in Discussion

I said its not a bad idea far from it...what made me laugh was all the ones on the benefits. the government will be providing them ! and the fact that blooming hell what ever happens to all the rain ! they cant keep enough


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