North Cyprus Tourist Board - Paying site maintence fees
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Paying site maintence fees

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Joined: 08/02/2009
Posts: 199

Message Posted:
05/02/2011 12:39

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Can you be forced to pay site maintence fees when no contract of agreement is in place with the management company and they are attempting to charge extortionate fees which you don't agree with.

Is there any legal recourse for the management company, and what can the person being extorted do to protect themselves.


Joined: 27/02/2010
Posts: 541

Message Posted:
05/02/2011 13:36

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Message 2 of 2 in Discussion

If you don't like the amount speak to you committee and discuss whats happening on site and why it is so much,if you don't get the answers you want I would only pay what i think is a fair amount but don't refuse to pay that only makes things worse.What site are you on is it a large site and have you contact with any other owners or the committee.Also are you in Cyprus

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