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Do we think this is true xxxxxxxx

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Joined: 21/07/2008
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Message Posted:
12/02/2011 20:20

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Message Posted:
12/02/2011 21:58

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Lilli, don't take too much notice of my cousins south of the border with dubious parentage and what they say. They do come up with these ideas just to amuse themselves because they get no other amusement on another department, if you see what I mean. Wink wink, nudge nudge say no more.

What Turkey gives to TRNC is not aid, it is rent for security establishments. If ever they pull out their forces, we'll rent to the Israelis instead or even perhaps to the Russians. The world works in a misterious way.

And then we'll see what dubious parentage lot make of that one.

Special message to my dubious parentaged friend Bill C, kiss my hairy butt you hermaphrodite offspring of Aphrodite.


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Message Posted:
12/02/2011 21:59

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Message 3 of 23 in Discussion

) ) )


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Message Posted:
12/02/2011 22:13

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YFred...."What Turkey gives to TRNC is not aid, it is rent for security establishments. If ever they pull out their forces, we'll rent to the Israelis instead or even perhaps to the Russians. "

Fred, if Turkey...your great oppressor by all accounts, had not "intervened" way back when, then you wouldn't be in any position to rent anything to anyone!

I understand where you are coming from, but this bravado sounds hollow.


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Message Posted:
12/02/2011 23:08

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Cronos, perhaps if Turkey did not interfere in Cyprus affairs in 1958, we would not be talking about this problem either.

It is not hollow bravado at all, it is realisation of realities on the ground. We needed her as much as she needed us. We used her and she used us. But as things stand, without her, we would be in the EU, so I think our need for her has never been so low as now.

What would happen if she pulled out? We could go to 1960 constitution and everyone back to their homes and land. That wouldn't be such catastrophe now that we have EU and her laws. Offer that to the Greek Cypriots and see them snatch the arm off that is offering it. If we are unhappy in the RoC in some way there is always a chance to fight from within. We could bring the RoC to its knees. It is not that difficult. Just look at what 1000 IRA men did to UK.

I just can't see Erdogan doing anything other that pay up and shut up till we can stand on our own two feet. It need not take long.


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 00:22

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Message 6 of 23 in Discussion

what is true ?? can you not put in your heading.


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 06:20

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Message 7 of 23 in Discussion

1000 IRA men, plus many Americans, and the Southern Irish Government, Libya etc


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 07:02

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Lilli, to answer your question. It is certainly likely. The government here could not pay the 13th salary (which I personally don't agree with) on time, is behind with overtime payments, has yet to pay promised subsidies in full to UK tour operators from 2009 and other monies.

It owes money to Kib-Tek and goodness knows who else, so in a different country, its debtors could take action. Look at CTA, it just raked up debts. Did we ever see any accounts? Have you ever seen any accounts of any government-run business? Kib-Tek, the Telecommunications Office? Even the "budget deficit" UBP talked of when winning the election appeared to be different figures at different times.

And Yfred, in 1958, Turkey didn't want anything to do with Cyprus. It was Britain that got it involved and then Denktas and his cronies. The relationship is somewhat worse that Britain and America, but the deal was made and with the current lot of politicians this country can't stand on its own two feet :-(


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 08:09

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Message 9 of 23 in Discussion

What in God's name is the meaning of message 7????

Must have been at the rotten Hellim again!!!



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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 09:12

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Message 10 of 23 in Discussion

The number of people purported to have attended the demonstration seems to grow like Pinocchio’s nose.


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 11:48

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Message 11 of 23 in Discussion

Dublinderm, message 7 was merely attempting to say that it was not just 1000 IRA men that brought UK to the negotiating table and forced an agreement but the Libyans and American Irish helped. Well I have no doubt that the Turkish Cypriots will also have their helpers because the usual political rules apply. Your enemy's enemy becomes your friend.

Antony, TMT was set up in 1958. who do you think set up and financed and trained Dengtash's cronies? I hope you were joking.

Prior to 1955, it is true that Turkey was not interested about Cyprus, but UK pulled them in to serve their own interests and the rest is history.


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 11:54

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Message 12 of 23 in Discussion

Are these numskulls intent on killing off the TRNC - where do they think it will leave them?


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 12:11

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Message 13 of 23 in Discussion

Troodo, TRNC isn't going anywhere. The simple fact is, Erdogan is not saying we don't want TRNC. What he is saying is we want it but this is the price we are paying for it.

Well, we all have a sense of self worth. He can put any price he likes on us but we don't have to sell. As we are the sellers than we have the last say.

Apparently he does not like the word Assikdir. Well Mr Towell head, either pay up or Assikdir. It really is not that difficult, even a religiously backward individual like yourself should be able to comprehend it.

We live in Cyprus and Living standards are different to Turkey. What applies to Turkey does not apply to any other country like TRNC.

I would like to see my decent Greek Cypriot cousins in the south to join in the demonstration. Or perhaps have one of their own in the south.


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 12:17

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Message 14 of 23 in Discussion

Lets be frank, how long have expats been saying that Turkey needs to get a tighter grip on whats really happening here.

The public sector is ridiculous and retire i beleive after 20 years work- could be wrong but not far from it.Then have a pension thats more than minimum wage!

CTA had so many staff that they did not know their jobs as they did not have one- but Uncle or Cousin got them work there, yes they need a boot up the ****

Turkey are only saying where is our money going to?

They want some form of accountability and who can blame them.

Look at the construction industry- supposed to be a golden egg- now its a pouison chalice as its in crisis due to nepotism and corruption.

I do not blame Turkey and do think that after the latest round of peace talks stall, that they should get more involved in the running of the whole island and teach the TCs the meaning of democracy and how to run a country.

Lets be honest would we be worse off????


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 12:35

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Message 15 of 23 in Discussion

Gusanova, when Turkey learns the meaning of democracy they can perhaps teach us but while they have a democratic system that is as undemocratic as it can be, we have nothing to learn from them.

Our democracy has only been undemocratic in so far as Turkish attempts to control the voting by importing Turks by the boat load to swinging the vote to UBP. Except for the last 2 ellections, I do not believe they did that. The Turkish Cypriots do not need lessons on democracy, what they need is economic opportunity to stand on their own feet. Stuck between the RoC and Turkey we have no other choice but to be spoon fed by one or the other.

When these two swines get fed up with us and release us, we can then stand on our on two feet in the mean time we shall fight our corner because we are right.

And I am unanimous in that.


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 12:45

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Message 16 of 23 in Discussion

You have proved that you cannot stand on your own feet!!

Where would you be without Turkish Aid-a sense an ungracious person exactly what Turkey is talking about.

This country is nothing without Turkey and you all know it!!

But because they want some accountability you all cry that they are being unfair!

Spoilt brats come to mind!!


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 12:57

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Message 17 of 23 in Discussion

I can't believe what is being written here. What does Turkey pay her Civil Servants in London. Is it London wages or is it Ankara wages?

It has nothing to do with being a spoil sport.

It is really very simple, either pay up or get out. You can't rent a place and then tell the landlord afterwords the the price you are willing to pay.

The rules about retirement which includes trebling the time served under certain circumstances were introduced by Dengtash with Turkish support. The 13th wage is a Cypriot thing which I believe also gets paid in the south.

What I can't understand is this. Turkey has a 400 million problem in Cyprus and 14 Billion problem with the Kurds. Surely it makes more sense to solve that Kurdish problem. The cost of the Cypriot Problem is chicken feed compared to the Kurdish one.

The Turkish Cypriots will be in the streets till Erdogan is removed. The question is how long will he last before he is volunteered to spend more time in the mosque and his fami


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 13:41

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Message 18 of 23 in Discussion

Am I reading you right, YFred, you are comparing London wages with what should be paid in the TRNC.

How many of our puffed up government workers do you supose could hold down a job anywhere else - as for retirement .........


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 16:25

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Message 19 of 23 in Discussion

Yfred, re: TMT, I apologise if I have got it wrong, but speaking to TMT people a couple of years ago, as well as the Martyrs and Families Association, the impression they gave me was that TMT was very much started here, and they pushed and prodded Ankara for its support - which, again, they suggested, not me, that it was difficult to win.

Turkey was not stumbling over itself in its rush to help what were then known as the Turks of Cyprus or the Turkish community.


Joined: 22/02/2009
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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 19:11

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Message 20 of 23 in Discussion

one question I ask is why the TC dont demonstrate about the fraud and corruption going on in the country re property bla bla bla but suppose thats not important but would be a good start as affects them as well .Suppose your answer is we shouldnt have bought here but you certainly wanted our money along with the rest of the money foreigners have brought in. its gone to making many TCs in profit namely the estate agents ,legal system bla bla bla because the government cannot or will not put their house in order

Why shouldnt Turkey ask for accountability and why do turks need work permits to work in a country that comes under their wing. Its not as if they drain the state as in the UK the majority are just used to work for as little as possible for as long as possible and frequently not paid and the employers reluctant to get work permits.

I had the umost regard for this country. 6 years on I have to day it is its own worse enemy


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 19:29

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Message 21 of 23 in Discussion

Can I ask please do Turkish people living here in Cyprus get to vote? I was puzzled by YFred's comment that turkey brought in boatloads to sway the vote.

I am amazed if this is the case when they are only 'visitors' like us Brits and need a permit to stay here.

Can someone explain please?

The 13th salary which is so contentious is easy to solve - add the 13 payments together and divide by 12 monthly payments and hey presto, problem is gone. Why would even the unions object to this? Cyprus needs to come into the modern world.


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 19:37

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Message 22 of 23 in Discussion

Playing devils advocate;

It is rumoured that there may be up to 400,000 mainlanders here, so is $400million dollars to cover free healthcare, education, etc, really a lot of money?

It would cost a lot more to keep them in Turkey, or am I wrong?


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Message Posted:
13/02/2011 21:33

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Message 23 of 23 in Discussion

Antony, There is no doubt that TMT was set up by a special to this day secret organisation from Ankara which was financed by the CIA. Even the Prime Minister was not aware of what was going on. No good looking for proof you will find it.

As to Boat loads of people, I was referring to 80s and 90s when Turkey needed Dengtash and UBP in power. CTP was getting stronger which worried Ankara to no end. This was common knowledge that they would be brought over, given citizenship in days and the right to vote. I do believe that the last t elections as well thew Annan was as fair as these things can be.

The problem is not just the 13th Salary, it also includes a wage cut of 50%. I may be wrong on the percentage but definitely correct on the wage cut.

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