Dog poisoned in AlsancakNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 28/10/2010 Posts: 52
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 09:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 33 in Discussion |
| I posted on here 2 weeks that my dog had been poisoned, well she has been poisoned again yesterday, only I wasn't at home, and I come back from a lovely day out to find her dead in the garden. God knows what she went through again, and alone. Was my dog targeted? to get poisoned once is bad enough but twice in 2 weeks. There's another dog missing in my area too, so people please be-careful when walking your dogs. Im up above escape beach, santoria village road. |

Joined: 05/05/2008 Posts: 1427
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 10:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 33 in Discussion |
| Linda, So sorry to hear about your poor dog. Cannot imagine how distressing it must have been for you. Kind regards Judy |

Joined: 16/03/2009 Posts: 1256
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 10:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 33 in Discussion |
| So sorry to hear about your poor dog, when will the government stand up and take notice of this? |

Joined: 28/10/2010 Posts: 52
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 11:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 33 in Discussion |
| Thank you, both of you. |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 11:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 33 in Discussion |
| So very sorry to hear your sad news. How awful not once but twice. When will they take notice/ |

Joined: 28/10/2010 Posts: 52
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 11:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 33 in Discussion |
| Thank you Lilli, unfortunately I just don't think it's the governments top priority, they've always had bigger problems to sort out, but how many more animals have to die? I don't think this problem, is ever going to go away! |

Joined: 04/09/2008 Posts: 450
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 21:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 33 in Discussion |
| so sad for you and sad that your dog had to suffer such a horrible end, |

Joined: 17/07/2010 Posts: 590
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 22:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 33 in Discussion |
| oh poor you and your poor dog i really feel for you it must have been awful |

Joined: 20/09/2010 Posts: 690
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 23:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 33 in Discussion |
| Have you any idea HOW the dog was poisoned ? Was it in your garden running free at the time ? Was it the back garden or front garden ? Was poisoned meat used ? Was there access to your garden ? Do you have any suspects in mind? I am so sorry for your loss and wish to protect my own dogs as I too live in Alsancak near to Escape Beach on the main road. |

Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 13/02/2011 23:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 33 in Discussion |
| So very sorry to hear about this..such a sad thing.......... Spider,X |

Joined: 16/10/2007 Posts: 183
Message Posted: 14/02/2011 07:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 33 in Discussion |
| So sorry to hear this awful news, its time something needs to be done about all this poisoning. |

Joined: 28/10/2010 Posts: 52
Message Posted: 14/02/2011 15:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 33 in Discussion |
| birdman my dogs are loose, but I don't have any close neighbors, my gates are usually open, but if they were shut they can jump over the wall, their hunting dogs, well dog, as I only have 1 now, my husband is very upset at loosing 1 of his hunting dogs, the other 1 now looks so lost, ive had her 7 years. Yes I do have a suspect,because he caused the death of over 30 animals 2 years ago, when he spread poison behind the sante fe and abaras developments, I lost 3 cats and a dog that time.We went to the police at the time but they couldn't/wouldn't do anything. I found her in my garden she had been sick, I guess the poison was in the food, which to me was deliberate, it was a mixture of pasta and tinned dog food. But I again I have no proof, there is another dog up here thats missing, that family lost 3 dogs last time. Thank you all of you for your kind words |

Joined: 09/05/2010 Posts: 525
Message Posted: 14/02/2011 21:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 33 in Discussion |
| My heart goes out to you, i have 3 dogs and they are family, the only thing i do not miss about north cyprus is the poisoining of dogs, a dispicable crime , but nothing is ever done about it, i love cyprus hate the uk but at least here i can take my dogs anywhere etc and i do not have to come home from work and find them killed,by some cruel physcopath who hates one of gods lovliest creatures ever made onthis earth, the only consulation is he will rot in hell like all the other murderers on this planet. Thinking of you xxxx |

Joined: 12/01/2009 Posts: 544
Message Posted: 14/02/2011 22:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 33 in Discussion |
| Tilley, we live on the Santa Fe site down towards Escape (not Besmil View) and are a little worried about our dog... Would you mind being in touch off board so that we could chat with you about your suspicions as to who might be responsible. Perhaps we could put together some kind of 'neighbourhood watch' for the dogs!? I think my email address is visible if you could get in touch with me... Our dog is not loose but if you think they might be putting things in gardens, then I am worried...!? It would be really good to be in touch. I am sooo sorry for you and your husband... Our dog has also been poisoned once before and survived - I will do all I can to stop it happening again... Spanna. |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 15/02/2011 01:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 33 in Discussion |
| This is all so sad, to think it can happen in your own garden. My lovely BJ died in this way. How Why . Why cant the police or authorities do anything when its proved to be on your land. God sometimes I hate this place x |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 15/02/2011 02:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 33 in Discussion |
| you shouldve taken the dog with you on your lovely day out , maybe she died of a broken heart missing you , or did you find poison , if so did you tell the police ? did the vet do an autopsy to discover what kind of poison was used , how it was administered into dogs system , or are you just assuming its another dog poisoning because its your dog ? |

Joined: 28/10/2010 Posts: 52
Message Posted: 15/02/2011 09:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 33 in Discussion |
| Spanna Your email is not visible to me, if you come up from your estate to Kazim Ozalp cadde turn right my house is on the left look forward to meeting you. rowlo I had 2 dogs, now only 1, but I went to Lefkosa to visit my son who is in the army, they don't allow you to bring dogs into the base, my son doesn't know yet. We took her to the vets as soon as we found her, the vet said it was poison, but I don't know what kind, she had been sick and it was tinned dog food mixed with pasta, someone had given her that.. Thank you everyone for your support. |

 Joined: 16/07/2007 Posts: 5943
Message Posted: 15/02/2011 09:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 33 in Discussion |
| Goodness rowlo , you can be a bit insensitive at times . Hope it never happens to you Simbas |

Joined: 20/09/2010 Posts: 690
Message Posted: 15/02/2011 09:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 33 in Discussion |
| Tilley, Thank you for your reply. Is it not posible to keep Atropine ?( I think that's what it's caled) to administer to the dog on suspicion of poisoning? I'm sure this will reduce the suffering until you can get the dog to a vet.? (Those last two statements are questions as I don't know the answer). I'm sure that vets will suply antidotes on request for us to keep at home or to take out with us when we take our dogs for walks. |

Joined: 16/03/2009 Posts: 1256
Message Posted: 15/02/2011 09:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 33 in Discussion |
| Just thinking the same thing is distressing and devastating having your animal poisoned, am positive Tilley is feeling bad enough without your input Rowlo. |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 15/02/2011 12:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 33 in Discussion |
| birdman...The dog needs to be alive to have an atropine shot.... Tilley, i'm so sorry for your loss, i do not know what i would do if it happened to my own dogs. You need to stay strong and be (more?) vigilant, i do hope the animal that has done this will soon be found out! DD |

Joined: 12/01/2009 Posts: 544
Message Posted: 15/02/2011 21:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 33 in Discussion |
| Hi Tilley - I'll pop up in the next day or so... Thinking of you. xxxx |

Joined: 17/05/2010 Posts: 360
Message Posted: 15/02/2011 22:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 33 in Discussion |
| Late post I know but all my sympathy. |

Joined: 17/09/2008 Posts: 1277
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 00:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 33 in Discussion |
| Tilley, I fear the reprocussions I will get, but...................... I do not have a dog, been there , done that....... I do have a God dog, which I am passionate about, and also am a nanna to another dog. You say you went out for a lovely day, did you ever ask your neighbours how your dog behaves when you are out???? I have a problem with dog lovers where I live. They walk their dogs in the summer time at 6.0clock in the morning. I worked for 30 years getting up at ridiculous hours, retired here, and do not expect to be woken at 6 oclock by barking dogs. Why do people have to walk their dogs at 6 in the morning,, 6 in the evening would not upset anyone. All I'm asking is, when you go out, does your dog, sorry, did your dog upset your neighbours, barking all the time?. If they have to get up early for work, could have been the problem ? |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 00:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 33 in Discussion |
| at last a person with common sense ,flowerfairy you are correct , if people have dogs thats fine , but you must also respect thy neighbour , barking at all hours is the most irritating noise especially at night , i also believe that if you feed your dog properly it will not go elsewhere for food , scraps , etc . |

 Joined: 16/07/2007 Posts: 5943
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 05:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 33 in Discussion |
| Msg 28 , even if that was the case , still no reason to poison a dog Simbas |

Joined: 23/03/2009 Posts: 337
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 08:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 33 in Discussion |
| I wanted to stay out of this except for offering my condolances to Linda and Ali but your comments are disgusting when people are having their much loved pets killed. We live nearby and we are well aware of the situation in this area ...... as you Rollo are not. There are many people up here who have had enough of this individual and now are in the process of taking another line of action. You do not know the layout of this area and therefore your comments etc are invalid, unless of course it is how sorry you are for what this peson has done. He poisons indiscriminately and has a long history of killing animals (in prevoius villages where he has lived) As far as I am concerned one day he will poison someones animal and that person will then have revenge. It is all well and good making comments but you need to know the FULL facts before you do. |

Joined: 20/09/2010 Posts: 690
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 09:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 33 in Discussion |
| Ref message 21 DD Of course the animal needs to be alive to give it a shot of Atropine ! Giving it to an aready dead animal would be totally pointless ! What an absolutly pointless/negative comment! |

Joined: 28/10/2010 Posts: 52
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 09:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 33 in Discussion |
| Flowerfairy and rowlo I appreciate your comments, but you know dogs bark. They bark for a reason, all my neighbors closest to me and the nearest is over 50 metres away, all have dogs, I can hear their dogs bark, and I know they can hear mine. I have had my house here for 13 years and have lived here for 8 years, and have had dogs the whole time. Now there was nothing here then,just fields, mine was the only house, so they were my guard dogs too, my husband at work,kids at school, and me at home, if anyone approached the house they would warn me, they were there for my safety.Gradually it has built up around here but still there my guard dogs. Thank you Jackie, she is right people up here know who he is, something awful will happen if this situation carries on, and by the way this individual lives at least 500metres away from me. Thank you everyone else,when I first put this up it was to warn others whilst out walking their dogs, I did not realize it would cause this much of a s |

Joined: 28/10/2010 Posts: 52
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 09:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 33 in Discussion |
| It missed my last word "I did not realize it would cause this much of a stir" |

 Joined: 16/07/2007 Posts: 5943
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 10:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 33 in Discussion |
| Don't fret yourself tilly Simbas |

Joined: 17/09/2008 Posts: 1277
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 10:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 33 in Discussion |
| Tilley, my sincere condolences. The reason I posted was in an earlier post, I think you mentioned this is the second time this has happened to your pets. I was just wondering why yours are being targeted. Tatum, point taken. I was not aware that you know who is doing this, and that he has done it many times before. What a b''''''''''''. |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 16/02/2011 11:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 33 in Discussion |
| Birdman, my post about using Atropine was in response to your comment in msg 19, when the original poster had already quite clearly stated that she came home to find the dog already dead, therefore an Atropine shot would have been quite useless. Therefore, not quite as useless and negative! DD |
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