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Elco2 Ismet I saw this and thought of you

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Joined: 05/02/2009
Posts: 1653

Message Posted:
15/02/2011 20:43

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Its a bit like the kids song Never smile at a Crocodile or make a rude sign

This cocky motorcyclist gives one finger to the law as he speeds down a 30mph road at 48mph - thinking he was immune from prosecution.

Paul Collins, 26, was zapped by a roadside speed camera breaking the limit but because he had no front numberplate he thought officers wouldn't know where to send the ticket.

But the image was clear enough f

Read more:


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
15/02/2011 20:57

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Message 2 of 10 in Discussion


Good one but there are critical differences:

1. I never drive past the speed cameras over the limit deliberately. Its more like forgetfulness.

2. Either I pay up without a charge or I plead not guilty. I have never pleaded "guilty" in court in my life and always found "not guilty".



Joined: 05/02/2009
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Message Posted:
15/02/2011 21:03

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Good luck with your case the article amused me I was drawing no comparisons at all as we all know that you are totally law abiding and courteous to all including the law ) ) )


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Message Posted:
15/02/2011 21:11

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Message 4 of 10 in Discussion

What a pr!ck....


Joined: 24/10/2010
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Message Posted:
15/02/2011 21:28

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I think there is more than one pr1ck here

pride comes before a fall even in the TRNC


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
16/02/2011 16:44

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Message 6 of 10 in Discussion

Thank you IbrahimAbi for your considered thoughts on the matter. However I will not be deterred from challenging the authorities when

a) they do not send a photo with the speeding ticket,

b) they do not calibrate and maintain the speed cameras properly and

c) they put up speed limit signs and speed cameras as they please with total disregard to the stipulations of the law.



Joined: 21/08/2009
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Message Posted:
16/02/2011 17:47

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Message 7 of 10 in Discussion

Elko2 (Ismet). We have admired you from afar over the past couple of years whilst on cy.44. The time has come to ask: why are you not President of the TRNC ? Have you never had political ambitions, when you so clearly wish to right so many wrongs - and are fiercely protective of the rights of others ? Obviously, this is a light-hearted question but nonetheless, what a turnaround there would be in the fortunes of NC if you would put yourself forward as a serious candidate at the next major elections. And no, we don't think you're too old at 69 or 70 ! Go for it, Ismet !

the Swannees


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
16/02/2011 21:00

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Message 8 of 10 in Discussion


It is bad enough as it is. Even the lowest of the low consider it fair play to insult the politicians. No thank you



Joined: 24/10/2010
Posts: 245

Message Posted:
16/02/2011 21:35

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Message 9 of 10 in Discussion


Have you actually taken court action to challenge these illegal actions by the authorities, or is it just passive resistance by not answering the charges?


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
16/02/2011 22:16

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Message 10 of 10 in Discussion


Obviously you know very little about these matters. If you refuse to answer a charge, it is taken as pleading "not guilty". That is no passive resistance. They go ahead with the trial and clobber you if you do not defend yourself.

I have done speeding trials based on radars a few times and I have shown them their weaknesses but they are not capable of learning from their past mistakes. Indeed during my last trial the Attorney General filed "nolle prosequei" which means withdrawing the case which he was entitled to do under Chapter 155 Criminal Proceedure Law. I objected to it and took it to the Constitutional Court and had this curtailed. Now "nolle" is subject to the approval of the court. After the Constitutional Court we carried on with the trial and I obtained a proper acquittal. I know what I am talking about. The next trial is scheduled for 21st March, strikes permitting. I advise you to come and watch it if you can find room from the advocates.


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