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Growing population in TRNC and required infrastructure

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Joined: 29/01/2010
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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 12:16

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This is probably for those who have lived on the island for some time.

I noticed when I last visited the island - having been away since childhood - how much the capital had expanded and indedd how much more building there now was throughout TRNC (we used to live on the outskirts of Nicosia and now that place is well within town).

As I looked around, I could see that the only significant infrastructure development was roads - and the new airport.

My later father explained how water supplies were getting worse rather than better and how unreliable the electricity supplies were.

Has anyone noticed development plans such as , bigger reservoirs (I know most rivers run seasonally), large scale solar installations (e.g: a whole field full of panels). I know desalination was planned but the cost/benefit was deemed unsuitable.

Just a factual discussion would be interesting without politics - at least that's what I'm hoping....please?


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 12:30

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It's kind of hard to have a discussion on this matter without involving politics brother.I too was born in Nicosia(central) and altough I've been back for 3 years,still not been able to come to terms with the changes,particularly the amount of mainlanders and how run down once beautiful cypriot houses have been turned into how they'd have them in Turkey,and the thought of walking around in centre scares the daylight out of me.Unfortunately most 'real'Cypriots have been forced out to live outside Nicosia or abroad with the idea of getting away from them,but that idea didn't last very long either.They are now everywhere living in 'gecekondus'(built overnight houses/sheds),refering to US as 'ungreatful b******s'.

Might not be what you wanterd to hear brother,but thats how it is.


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 13:03

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yorgozlu: I need to be careful as you and I can probably discuss the injustices for a long time. Let's just park that aspect because we will probably agree on everything

So, apparently, there has been no visible planning for significant expansion of infrastructure to meet the demands from the rise in the population. My initial impression is that unless the natural resources such as the sunshine are utilised to generate power locally then all those new aircon units and swimming-pool pumps are going to bring the system to its knees. I don't know enought about any constant river/spring flows to imagine any sutainability of more reservoirs.


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 13:27

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Apearently they have now signed a deal over bringing water and electricity from Turkey through pipes...............then again,we started to hear those rumuors 30 odd years ago......................then again..........apearently 'they' came to bring us [piece]............perhaps with the [pipes] coming through the medeteranian.


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 13:29

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Message 5 of 13 in Discussion

Msg.4: Well, I remember my father talking about the idea of water/electricity from the mainland some 15 years ago at least.


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 17:13

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Message 6 of 13 in Discussion

Until the electricity company is privatised (currently big news) there is no incentive to look to sustainability, i.e. solar power as it would be counterproductive to the Government.


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 17:18

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Message 7 of 13 in Discussion

I remember when I was a little boy,my dad used to offer me something in return of what he'd want me todo,as a reward which hardly ever materialised.

Shame I'm no longer a little boy.

promises promises.............................


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 17:42

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Message 8 of 13 in Discussion

One major concern I have had since the mass building that has materialised over the last 6/7 years are the sanitation situation, especially out of the towns. Probably most of the soakaways just seep through the ground and with all the wells people have and no doubt some use them for domestic water supply, there is surely a cross contamination fear?


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 17:51

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Message 9 of 13 in Discussion

msg 8;

I know alot of locals who will not use their well water domesticaly........also know few Brits who do.Then again,what need is there if you live in civilised area and not out in the sticks?


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 20:52

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Message 10 of 13 in Discussion

This is just "great"- so all and sundry are having to dig wells - which in turn will lower the water table, which in turn will ultimately kill any dependent trees, which in turn will lead to soil erosion and the makings of a desert.


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 21:28

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Message 11 of 13 in Discussion

er, for fear of being shot down in flames............

what do you expect - its a 3rd world country riddled with corruption...

the gov't couldn't be botherd to water the palm trees that were planted and most died.............


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 22:43

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Message 12 of 13 in Discussion

Msg.11 Thanks for such a well-thought-out and constructive response. Contributions like your's demonstrate a wealth of knowledge about the history of this island (!). Enjoy a hearty laugh at the plight of this island while you benefit from the abundant resources in Florida.


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Message Posted:
24/02/2011 22:54

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Message 13 of 13 in Discussion

Yes brother,you hit the nail on the head.It is a chain reaction.........then there is the low life foreigners who had bought and come over to live here with £50.000 in the bank and expected to live off it for the rest of their lives,and all the while the going was good they did everything to incourage the corruption,ie.digging wells with no permission with no consideration of what'd happen 10 years time,employing foreigners(mainlanders) for cheap labouring for 60/70tl a day and claiming the locals are rip offs,and then when the going starts get tougher TRNC becomes a 3. world country.Why?Because they thought they could come here with 100/150k in their pocket,buy a villa and live off interest from the left overs.It was CHEAP.

ohhh,did you know,apearently we used to drive donkey carts until Brits arrived.

oopppps,I'm off to have a poo,but must ring the government first to come and wipe my a**e.

On a second thought,no thank you,I'm more then capable of cleaning my own mess.

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