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South Cyprus has it's problems with title deeds

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Joined: 20/02/2011
Posts: 836

Message Posted:
04/03/2011 14:22

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Message 1 of 9 in Discussion

but it seems a much safer and easier option to buy a home in the sun especially now that prices have taken a downturn.There are many homes with title deeds available though they do seem to be at a higher premium than those without.I expect prices to bottom out within the next couple of years.

Unfortunately in NC prices have dropped dramatically with no real sign of stopping and with no real and legally binding way of selling to anyone other than a fool with too much money you have to throw your hands up and keep your NC home for as long as possible or pack up your belongings and move on to start elsewhere.Am I wrong?


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Message Posted:
04/03/2011 17:45

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Message 2 of 9 in Discussion

No you are not.


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Message Posted:
04/03/2011 17:49

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Message 3 of 9 in Discussion

It takes a builder to "HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD"........


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Message Posted:
04/03/2011 20:46

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Message 4 of 9 in Discussion

One of those times I wish I was wrong.


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Message Posted:
04/03/2011 23:47

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Message 5 of 9 in Discussion

Roomy, message 1 "I expect prices to bottom out within the next couple of years."

I think they've still got a few years before prices start to increase.


Joined: 20/02/2011
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Message Posted:
04/03/2011 23:51

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Message 6 of 9 in Discussion

You might be right, it was conjecture on my part, I own a few properties here (UK) and was probably projecting my hopes.


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Message Posted:
04/03/2011 23:53

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Message 7 of 9 in Discussion

The UK property market isn't that great at the moment either - is it?


Joined: 08/11/2008
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Message Posted:
05/03/2011 07:43

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Message 8 of 9 in Discussion

Hey Roomy,

Buying in the South is still very risky or else why haven't the buyers got title deeds. There are thousands more punters waiting for deeds there then here. I don't consider myself as a fool as I did do my homework before I came over and so far it's all went well, lots of what's wrong is the legacy left from a few years ago and things are in flux but changing for the better in my mind. Good houses are still selling and we can still see people coming here to live, its a great place but I don't suppose we'll see you here so stop knocking it. There are plenty of other countries for you to invest, I'm not here to make a profit.


Joined: 20/02/2011
Posts: 836

Message Posted:
05/03/2011 12:48

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Message 9 of 9 in Discussion

I am not knocking it dekski, sorry you see it that way, can't for the life of me see how.I am asking pertinent questions and using scenarios I am familiar with as examples for comparison.

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