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Make sure your car has mud guards

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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 13:39

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Message 1 of 30 in Discussion

Dear all,

On saturday morning I was pulled over by the police who were doing there spot checks, as all my papers were in order, he then preceded to tell me that the letters & numbers on my back number plate were too big and were illegal & that I should change them, I must admit I did ask him if he was joking and that they would be better to read, he then preceded to tell me that as I had no mud guards on the back wheels of the car that I was being fined 65tl, I told him that I had been driving the car for 6 years and that this was the first that I had heard of it.

The cost of getting the mudguards put on the car is only around 25tl, and had I known that this was illegal I would have dealt with it straight away, however they havent given me that chance and now I have received a fine, be warned as since then I have been looking and the majority of cars on the road like mine do not have mudguards on.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 13:54

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Message 2 of 30 in Discussion has been stated on the forum for a few years regarding mud flaps, i remember we got our MOT failed because one mud flap was you couldnt make it up.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 13:56

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Message 3 of 30 in Discussion

If you've been driving your car for 6 years, when did you last have an MOT? You will fail the MOT test if you don't have rear mud flaps and MOTs are supposed to be done every 3 years... They refused to do our MOT until we had new plates but it was due to (slight) staining on the plates - the characters were standard size.

Mrs G


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 14:19

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Message 4 of 30 in Discussion

Hi Mrs G

My car has had two MOTs and has passed them both with no problems, I have a low bumper at the back of my car which covers half the tyre and has mudguards fitted in them, unfortunately this time he told me that this was not acceptable, I also asked the same question how did it pass an MOT and also was never picked up on before, he just said that he was more observant!

The characters on my number plate are not big and they are not itallic they to me look standard, but I will double check at the police station.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 14:37

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Message 5 of 30 in Discussion

I was fined 150tl one mud flap missing and a crack in my rear number plate ?


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 15:04

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Message 6 of 30 in Discussion

I also have always had ony one mud flap for 5 years. My car also passed it's MOT 3 years ago, but I am due for another one this year. Do they put mud flaps on while you wait, or does the car have to go in for a while?


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 15:12

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Message 7 of 30 in Discussion

What a joke!!! With all the carnage on the roads, simple rules for a simple country!!


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 15:12

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Message 8 of 30 in Discussion

I would suggest you get the mud flaps fitted before you go for MOT.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 15:13

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Message 9 of 30 in Discussion

Does this apply to hire cars as i cannot recall the numerous I have hired having any?


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 15:14

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Message 10 of 30 in Discussion

they never even looked at my car when i went for mot in girne last week ! it was raining though.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 16:16

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Message 11 of 30 in Discussion

I lost a mud flap last year,on way to Pitstop to have new ones fitted got stopped by police for routine paper inspection, they commented on missing mud flap, told them I was on way to have a new one fixed still got fined 60tl.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 17:03

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Message 12 of 30 in Discussion

Just had an MOT done a few weeks ago, have no mudflaps - wasn't even mentioned??!!!

Gotta love 'em!!


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 17:08

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Message 13 of 30 in Discussion

Pulled into the garage this morning behind a van no back lights at all and bumper held on by wire.on way back home called in to see a cyp freind s new mazda domio guess what no mudflaps.Same old thing goverment short of money so hit the brits, they know nowt of the rules this week.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 17:23

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Message 14 of 30 in Discussion

best option buy a set of mud flaps there about 5 lira keep them in the boot if stopped or for mot say you just got them and your on your way to have them fitted always worked for me


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 17:33

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Message 15 of 30 in Discussion

Hi Stellarstar 1,

I spoke to a garage this morning and he said will only take about 10-15 mins to put them on.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 17:36

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Message 16 of 30 in Discussion

Hi Ozkent,

I am half cypriot and spoke to the police in Turkish, so not really relevant about only the Brits being hit! Mind you on my kimlik card it does show that I was born in the UK.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 17:50

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Message 17 of 30 in Discussion

If you'd been a settler on the bypass with seven of your family packed into your 25-year-old LHD Renault with not only no mud-flaps but yellow light, clear plastic brake lights - would you have been stopped?


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 19:52

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Message 18 of 30 in Discussion

Why do some English people have such a chip that they thnk it's only them that get stopped. My cypriot friend got stopped and fined for only having one mud flap. Referring to my previous message, Jock, I didn't mean I intended to ask at the MOT place to put them on, but I can see it could read like that. Thank you freespirit for reading it as I meant.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 20:02

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Message 19 of 30 in Discussion

its all about money !! the government need every source of income they can as they spend 84% on public/ government workers


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 20:07

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Message 20 of 30 in Discussion

we got fined for having a cracked number plate, which it seems didnt have a red line around it. When we asked the relevance of the red line. We were told so the cameras can read the plate.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 20:23

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Message 21 of 30 in Discussion

re message 17

yes ,

my friend who is not a settler but a t.c citizen who works and lives in the trnc was also stopped and fined for no mud flaps 2 days ago. why you think that he would be treated any differently is not beyond me. you are failing miserably in your mission without any help from me.



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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 20:57

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Message 22 of 30 in Discussion


The red line around the number plate is mandatory for TRNC registered cars/vehicles. It is so you can tell a TRNC registration from a ROC registration - slightly out of date now that the ROC is on a three letter system but years ago the majority of ROC registrations were only two letters. My motorbike in the the ROC was EF315 and I have seen a car in TRNC with the same registration, but with a red line around it!


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 21:11

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Message 23 of 30 in Discussion

yunus msg 21,

We've all seen death-trap cars being driven with impunity. The old Renaults with clear i.e. not red brake lights are among the worst. You cannot tell when they are braking. Yet they appear to pass their MoTs while lack of mudflaps on a well-maintained car fail.

Not sure what mission you refer to but I think I can detect UBP.


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Message Posted:
07/03/2011 22:41

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Message 24 of 30 in Discussion

where can I get new number plates mine are fading a bit.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2011 00:16

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Message 25 of 30 in Discussion

Jock. Stop flapping about! )


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Message Posted:
08/03/2011 01:06

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Message 26 of 30 in Discussion

I was in the police station to pay my 65tl (didn't have my driving license on me when stopped). The big bunch of women in front of me were having a laugh and a general natter with the copper. They had to pay about 400tl. God knows what they had done. They were speaking Turkish.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2011 02:49

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Message 27 of 30 in Discussion

zoots msg 23

the mot station is run by the police. if you know the right people you can achieve all sorts. my Turkish friend bought a car from a reputable gallery with a new mot on it, without mud flaps. then 3 weeks later got fined for not having mud flaps by the police and is now going to court. i was made to take off the front window tints of my car where as there are many cars around with front windows tinted. i was made to take the bull bars off the front of my car where as i have even seen a police car here with bull bars.

i do not understand what this has to do with settlers ! for your information i have never voted before and definitely will not be doing so any time soon. so how could you detect UBP ??? you need to get your detector checked out. it must be faulty as you're detecting incorrectly.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2011 05:56

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Message 28 of 30 in Discussion

msg18...No problem, I was pointing out that it would be wiser to have it done before you go for the MOT, saves another trip.


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Message Posted:
08/03/2011 07:05

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Message 29 of 30 in Discussion

This thread reminds me of an advert which appeared in the situations vacant section of the Johannesburg Star in the good old days. It went like this "Small black man wanted for mud flap, must be flexible and willing to travel"


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Message Posted:
08/03/2011 10:37

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Message 30 of 30 in Discussion

Fight back. I tried to hire a four wheel drive jeep but could only get a Ford Focker. The police stopped me and asked why I had no front bumper and I told them it had broken off and I had put it in the boot. They then walked to the rear of the car and asked where the back bumper was and I said "They come off in pairs and I told you the bumpers are in the boot". The Wildebeest (bless her) told them that they were dealing with a simpleton and they told her to take me home and then change me for another husband ! The car hire company accepted that the bumper clips were not up to the job just to get me out of their office.

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