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Joined: 14/09/2009 Posts: 826
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 17:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 88 in Discussion |
| I cant help noticing how many folks seem to want to be back or are returning to the UK Apart from ill health or family matters what are the other reasons. The UK is in a bad way financially like the rest of the world and it aint getting any better |

Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 17:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 88 in Discussion |
| Grass always greener on the other side - till you get there! Got here found it was green and stayed, ok it goes dry every now and then but it always comes back to green if you wait. |

Joined: 12/05/2009 Posts: 2736
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 17:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 88 in Discussion |
| Are they leaving? it was quiet in Nov/Dec, but isn't ever where in the winter?... The cost of living is very high in GB, and the sun don't shine as much .... rain, wind, rain, cold, damp,.... |

Joined: 14/09/2009 Posts: 826
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 17:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 88 in Discussion |
| I have been talking to a shipping agent employee on facebook and they say they have been inundated with requests for containers to come back to the UK Go figure |

Joined: 25/06/2009 Posts: 476
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 18:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 88 in Discussion |
| maybe some are leaving but some are coming too |

Joined: 04/05/2009 Posts: 959
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 18:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 88 in Discussion |
| Probably might be to do with interest rates Moved over at 18/20/22%,now only7/8% does`nt look so good. |

Joined: 23/06/2009 Posts: 396
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 18:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 88 in Discussion |
| Message 6....and the interest rate is what, exactly in the UK.......peanuts I think. Anyway, I think that there are lots of people staying here........not leaving, ok some are leaving, as are those who have moved to other countries, Spain, France, Croatia.....and then found it's not for them......there are all sorts of reasons for moving back to UK .... and equally all sorts of reasons not to..... at the moment we are in the second camp.....no reason at all to go back to UK. |

Joined: 08/08/2010 Posts: 1778
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 19:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 88 in Discussion |
| Very few are coming. Many are leaving. Some have just exhausted their money as they have had to pay in rent due to the fact that their properties they paid for were not finished or never even started. Some are just plain fed up with the system and some would naturally return, it isn't for everyone living in the TRNC. It would be wishful thinking if anyone expects the property market or the tourist industry to pick up any time soon. I know it is not just the TRNC but it is getting some very negative press. That said, I know they would be glad to see the back of me, but I am staying put. |

Joined: 12/03/2011 Posts: 168
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 20:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 88 in Discussion |
| i think its very sad for some people who have had bad luck with properties and i understand that some people have no choice but to go back .. but i think for the rest to be able to live in turkey or trnc you have to adapt and not treat it like a big holiday unless of course you have unlimited amounts of money which means you have nothing to worry about .The thing i have learnt is i would rather be on a limited budget in turkey than in the uk it makes you appreciate the simple things i can now make a great meal for all the family for a few lira and appreciate the simple things like a day at the beach or a walk or helping out at the animal shelter these are so important as opposed to the latest clothes and a new car |

Joined: 06/09/2010 Posts: 3001
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 20:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 88 in Discussion |
| Very well said Polly......my sentiments entirely .....My project in East Africa is almost paid for thanks to the TRNC interest rates Soon be time to retire properly to" La Belle France " |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 20:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 88 in Discussion |
| Martin what is your project, please tell us. We may be able to help you x |

Joined: 22/09/2010 Posts: 96
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 20:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 88 in Discussion |
| The reason people leaving apart from ill health and family problems is I think, People fed up been treted like second class citizen in goverment places not be able get anything done and sorted, Price of everyday things so expensive. The only reason some people still in TRNC is nice weather otherwise no expats will be in TRNC. |

Joined: 06/09/2010 Posts: 3001
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 20:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 88 in Discussion |
| It's finished lilli but thanks anyway xxxx..I am Proud that I managed to finish a "well" project in Kenya ...Nuff Said |

Joined: 31/10/2010 Posts: 1202
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 20:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 88 in Discussion |
| Well I'm going nowhere. If you will eat the fruits and veg's which are in season and grown locally you will really help your budget. Went to Guzelyurt saturday am market and wow, the stuff was soooo fresh, much nicer than Girne, bought a large cauli for one lire, 3 large leeks - one lire, a massive head of celery which weighed four kilos - one lire, one large white cabbage - one lire, beautiful beef tomatoes, absolutely solid at 90kurus per kilo, It certainly is soo fresh it will keep for a week or more in the fridge and makes lots of lovely meals and soups. We would not eat for less money in the UK, not a chance of that, when I was there at christmas I was amazed at the cost of basics like the above veg. Not leaving here, 7 years on I still love it despite the problems. |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 21:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 88 in Discussion |
| theyre missing eastenders & corrie , and the local gossip at tescos ? lmao |

Joined: 25/08/2007 Posts: 903
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 21:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 88 in Discussion |
| I will wait for the flak.......... We never actually left the UK permantantly to live in TRNC, though we did give it some very serious thought. we even bought a business with our son and had serious thoughts about living there. Another story. Having done 'All the homework' and bought a villa off plan with all the heartaches attached (Pre 74 Turkish Title) AND we do have our Kocan, we are also trying to sell and go elsewhere for holidays. One of the reasons that I would NEVER want to live there is the attitude of our fellow Brits, you must all read the bitching of some very bitter people on this BB, no way would I personally want to live among them. The attitude of some people in the bars and supermarkets is beyond belief, I doubt that they would behave the same way in the UK and get away with it. Having said that, we have made some very real friends there that we will miss and we would come back for a holiday just to see them. |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 21:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 88 in Discussion |
| top post ballyboffin , and totally true , you see most of the stuck up snobs in the supermarkets looking down theyre noses , being rude to staff , they think they are the bees knees , half of them aint got a pot to pxxs in ? well said . |

 Joined: 04/07/2008 Posts: 16617
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 21:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 88 in Discussion |
| BallyBoffin. Good post and so true. |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 21:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 88 in Discussion |
| Bally I hope you come back, who else would make me the ulster fry that you do. However I do understand what you say. We cant wait to go. As much as we love the place some do spoil it. xx love to you all xxxxxxxxxxx |

Joined: 28/02/2011 Posts: 55
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 22:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 88 in Discussion |
| well saıd ballyboffın.very true |

Joined: 25/08/2007 Posts: 903
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 22:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 88 in Discussion |
| Lilli, See you next month D.V. Be in touch for the UF at ours. Love to you and the big lad. Pat XXXX |

Joined: 21/07/2009 Posts: 154
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 22:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 88 in Discussion |
| Msg 16 and 17 Well said typical old Brits the TRNC are well rid of em SNOBS |

Joined: 06/09/2010 Posts: 3001
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 22:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 88 in Discussion |
| msg17Rowlo,Just ignore them they are from south of the Watford Gap,and by nature consider themselves "Omnipotent"My word for them in my home language is "Merde De Chien"Take no notice |

Joined: 04/08/2009 Posts: 3283
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 22:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 88 in Discussion |
| Message 23 - the title of this thread is "Why Are So Many Leaving". Interestingly, you deride some of those who have posted on here, and yet, on another thread, you have stated that you, too, are retiring elsewhere, i.e. "La Belle France", as you rather pompously put it. I do not take kindly being referred to as "Dog S..t" either. I am, of course, including myself in that, since I from "South of the Watford Gap" - an extremely large area which you appear to have a problem with. |

Joined: 25/01/2009 Posts: 2263
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 23:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 88 in Discussion |
| Ballyboffin. We have holidays in NC and can see where you are coming from have been in supermarkets and restaurants where there have been Brits, maybe because we are tourists but we are completely ignored, could be because we are from the North, but was one of the reasons that made our minds up not to live there. When there are posts on here advertising karioke, Easter Bonnet Parade, best Fish and Chips etc., we can live without any of these. I have nothing against people who have made the decision to live there that is there choice. |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 23:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 88 in Discussion |
| and dont forget the dog missing posts woodie lmfao |

Joined: 18/11/2010 Posts: 105
Message Posted: 13/03/2011 23:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 88 in Discussion |
| I must concur with message 25, this lovely island is being blighted by the so called 'whinging Brit brigade' with their fish - n - chips etc, it may well be befitting of Benidorm but do people really want it here especially the locals, I doubt it, it is interesting to see when out and about just how many local TC frequent Brit run establishments not counting expat TC who lived all of or most of their lives in London. My opinion is the same as message 6 many came here wrongly thinking their savings would give them a good return with the high interest rates, they never thought of the time when interest rates would fall and now life is tough for them, so they think it is time to go home. |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 00:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 88 in Discussion |
| sadly for most , there is no home anymore , and they are stuck , they left behind a sxxt hole chasing paradise , and thru the bickerings and listening to hearsay , they are trapped in a self made nightmare , they try to sell theyre properties in trnc on one page , whilst on the next page they condemn everything trnc , theyre minds are more shallow than a kids paddling pool , and they want every one to agree with them , well i say you had your choise , so why did you choose trnc ? |

Joined: 20/09/2010 Posts: 690
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 00:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 88 in Discussion |
| Rowlo, sorry to disagree with you once again. How do you know that "sadly for most" there is no home any more? What experience do you have that we are "stuck" ? What knowledge do you have that we have left behind a "sxxt hole chasing paradise"? According to your profile, you are a 17 year old married man, so what knowledge do you have about the mature decisions that have been made by those people who chose to come to live in Northern Cyprus? Who are you to say that our minds are "more shallow then a kiddies padling pool" ? You comment on many posts but don't have the courage to start a post of your own. As I have said to you before, comment on what you have experience of and can help people who come on this forum for advice. Otherwise you should keep your juvenile comments to your limited experience |

Joined: 01/07/2008 Posts: 641
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 00:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 88 in Discussion |
| There are numerous reasons for leaving the TRNC. The TRNC is pricing itself out of the market. It was renowned for being "value for money" almost 10 years ago with cheap houses and cheap cost of living and high interest rates for investors into TL. Many of the problems of the TRNC have come from within and not external or indeed anything to do with politics. The cost of living, costs of setting up a business, red tape and taxation etc means that it will never attract foreign investment for small business compared to other countries. Even getting a job as a foreigner is so not easy and worse if comparing the wages against the cost of living. There is a job on here for for a 36 hour working week for £400 per month and a 1 bedroom place for rent at £250, well out of proportion. For those that have been there longer will have seen the people who come out last 2/3 years then go back/move on. Not just ex-pats but Cypriots too |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 07:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 88 in Discussion |
| why are so many leaving ? could be there is a big difference between the dream and the reality, like: Plumeting interest rates (from 22% to 7% in a couple of years) / spirilng cost of living. 3rd world mentality / legal system / red tape lack of security in property purchase (PTP / cautions / mortgages - what a nightmare) shoddy construction quality / drainage / insulation Lack of spending by Gov't to improve infrsctructure / attractiveness to tourists litter / builders waste dumped everywhere and gov't doing feck all about it. Poor choice in supermarkets / shops homes freezing in winter and v expensive to heat Feck all to do other than lie in the sun, drink and eat out while some bloated kareoke singer "entertains" you ... July / Aug too hot to do anything apart from sitting round like a fagot. Feeling that the TRNC is going nowhere - No direct flights, international trade / recognition - and there is little chance of change Even the Mongers have had enough......... |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 07:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 88 in Discussion |
| birdman,msg 29; You must agree that 'rowlo' has a point,to some degree.Most middle aged did move over because high interest rates and in Brits cases,cheap properties,not once considering what'd happen if they went down. I couldn't,but if I had sold my other property in uk and brought all here,just as a £ I could've earned £25000 a year on interest,never mind once been converted to tl.(I thought,lovely jubbly)I didn't for blah blah blah .....reasons at the time but now have. Stubs,msg 30; TRNC is not realy pricing itself out of market,'you' are just not earning accordingly. Rental prices in Turkey are higher as well as minimum wage being half of TRNC. Rental prices in UK against minimum wage!? It boils down to 'put your head down and get ot with it',at the end of the day. |

Joined: 20/06/2008 Posts: 745
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 08:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 88 in Discussion |
| Well said stubs, re your posting , not only do we all have to try and make ends meet, but according to Cyprus today on Saturday, we can now be fined for paying a none TC for helping in the garden or around the house. How many TC do you know prepared to do this type of work!!!!!! No work permits being issued for none TC errrrrrrrrrr T |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 08:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 88 in Discussion |
| msg 33; "How many TC do you know prepared to do this type of work!!!!!! " MANY.Just not 50-60 liras a day...............and ILLEGAL! |

Joined: 25/08/2007 Posts: 903
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 12:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 88 in Discussion |
| There is also a new 'Breed' of Brits coming to live there. The advice given on here by many is to 'Rent, Rent, Rent', hence so many agents looking for rental properties. For the same cost of the rental of a small flat in the UK, you can rent a furnished villa with a pool! Lots of people are coming on an 'extended holiday' and are trying to find jobs. Not to mention the 'Tradesmen' who the Brits will employ rather than a local and will charge UK prices for the (illegal) job. How many of us know of people who have rented their homes to folk who have left them in a dreadful state, so much so that whatever rent they earned had to go back in to put the property back as it was. Let's not even mention the dogs/cats they 'adopt' and then when they go back to the UK are looking for homes for them, or worse just leave them to roam. Woodspeckie, I know what you mean by the attitude. A lot think they are superior because they live there & are part of the Cilque, I am treated the same. |

Joined: 15/02/2009 Posts: 152
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 12:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 88 in Discussion |
| I think a lot of people are missing the point here: There are 3 or 4 key reasons people return: - not right for them in the first place - not retired/young and need to work - nigh impossible to do legally and to expensive/to many barriers to set up business - falling interest rates have caught many out, but not issue if on pension - No benefits here or free NHS These are the key reasons |

Joined: 06/09/2010 Posts: 3001
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 13:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 88 in Discussion |
| msg35 I think you will find Estate Agents have no choice ..Villa sales are very thin on the ground..Rentals are their only hope... But I know what you mean about the "Clique", .."Kippers and Curtains" |

Joined: 11/03/2011 Posts: 44
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 13:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 88 in Discussion |
| lots of pampas grass in north cyprus. |

Joined: 20/06/2008 Posts: 745
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 13:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 88 in Discussion |
| message 34........ sticky at top of page offering a job for 36 hours per week 6 hours per day, for £400 a month in my book works out to about 42 TL per day!!! Please advice me if I am wrong....... as I am not always that good at maths........ 12x £400=£4,800 divided by 52 as in weeks =£92 per week divide by 36 hours =£2.56 per hour! x 2.55TL to £ =6.5TL per hour = 40 tl per day............ Is this not the normal rate of pay for any work here in TRNC, Not being Argumentative I am just interested.... |

Joined: 21/03/2010 Posts: 184
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 13:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 88 in Discussion |
| Maybe TRNC is the poor mans paradise? Might explain this attitude meantioned? |

Joined: 06/09/2010 Posts: 3001
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 19:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 88 in Discussion |
| It's more like "Eastbourne in the Sun",Cheap "Bling" and Cropped Hair ,and the Men are worse |

Joined: 15/03/2009 Posts: 514
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 19:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 88 in Discussion |
| Instead of rehashing complaints about the TRNC and this thread becoming the same old same old, let's try approaching from a different angle and examine one common denominator:- PEOPLE. and the way things affect their attitude. 1. Wrong Expectations, xx% did not do their homework and found that what they got was not what was written on THEIR tin.- A multitude of reasons for leaving will actually fit under this heading. 2. Circumstances Changed.Whether it is failing health,or people being so naive as to expect lira interest rates to remain at ridiculous levels,there are several reasons to be lodged here leading to discontent. 3. Natural Migration.True expats are adventurers,if it don't suit they will rewrite the plan and migrate to where it does,regardless of the obstacles. Even if they like it here,they may choose to move on elsewhere. 4.Emotional Unease. May be the pull of the grand-kids,network or family,even not liking retirement with your partner. Any views ? TonyE |

Joined: 08/08/2010 Posts: 1778
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 19:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 88 in Discussion |
| martin D41 You do make me laugh. Perhaps they got fed up with the same old crowd singing Karaoke. |

Joined: 25/06/2009 Posts: 476
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 20:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 88 in Discussion |
| Ever asked yourselfs,why are so many leaving the uk? maybe not to cyprus,but leaving to live in another country |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 20:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 88 in Discussion |
| msg 39; You tell me! 'You' are the ones accepting and also paying it,are 'you' not? I also know few few agencies (estate,rental) whom are also doing home maintenance,"employing" non-citizens (not mainlanders) with an advert of,professinal house maintenance!.......and driving his and hers range rovers,changing them every year...........so on........ None of the above are TCs or mainlanders,so don't go round blaming TCs for the things 'you' have thought them how to do. |

Joined: 12/05/2009 Posts: 2736
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 20:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 88 in Discussion |
| Well said yorgozlu, think perhaps there is too much negativity with a lot of posts on here, me and hubby cant wait to get back and enjoy the peace and quiet and the SUN... Migration has been with us since the day dot. And yes you are right, about the brits charging more than need be, another reason we have used a local hardware store in Lapta for his recommendations of NCypriots. |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 22:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 48 of 88 in Discussion |
| ok birdman , they miss the fish & chips , weekend stabbings , murders ,rapes , and the free bus pass , and if they are really lucky the icing on the cake , you got it the free TV license ? most could hardly afford to pitch a tent in uk . |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 22:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 49 of 88 in Discussion |
| Why would anyone want to stay in such a corrupt country? complete with Fish & Chips! Karaoke, and the icing on the cake "2nd class citizenship"? I can afford to pitch my tent rowlo! |

Joined: 01/07/2008 Posts: 641
Message Posted: 14/03/2011 23:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 50 of 88 in Discussion |
| Salih Re msg 32 The cost of living and wages in the TRNC are vastly disproportionate. The min wage in the UK is £5.93 per hour which is more than double the wages of a job advertised on here. Weigh that up against the cost of living in the TRNC, which is certainly not half of what the cost of living is in the UK. People are "putting their heads down and getting on with it" just not in the TRNC anymore |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 08:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 51 of 88 in Discussion |
| mess 42 - point 1. Tony, like a good many, i came over 5 years ago and the place was "buzzing" - met wiih numerous brits who had bought off plan 18 months before and were living the dream in a completed "under 100k villa, with a pool"... The lawyers made the whole buying process seem like a piece of cake an the estate agents made promises that the Gov't would support purchasers in the event of problems (as they were so keen for the trnc to become an established property market).. so - what more "research" could have been done ?? and as to the people we met initially who were "living the dream" - it was like the blind leading the blind...... if you are happy in the trnc - all well and good - but its probably that you have very low expectations and are burying your head in the sand about the future of your property "investment" and the future of the trnc as a whole... with dissolutioned brits leaving by the coach load there is only one way the place can go - and it |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 08:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 52 of 88 in Discussion |
| ain't up..................................... Even the Mongers have had enough............ |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 08:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 53 of 88 in Discussion |
| The world will never run short of oportunists!!! |

Joined: 15/03/2009 Posts: 514
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 16:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 54 of 88 in Discussion |
| Nick replies... "if you are happy in the trnc - all well and good - but its probably that you have very low expectations and are burying your head in the sand about the future of your property "investment" and the future of the trnc as a whole... Nick, I could take that as quite an insult, but seeing as this is the 44 board, and one has to expect S**t if one dares to post anything remotely resembling a sensible comment in contrast to the continuous "bleat bleat bleat", I won't. The trouble is that you have to keep on carping even when one tries to move the argument to some other way of examining the situation, and then start in with the insults...I despair of this forum, it used to be for sensible discussion, now it largely diatribe. You and several others assume too much. You assume that the majority here are unhappy...they are not. You assume that we who are happy, are some sort of plebs who know nothing better? Like too many posters here, you have got it totally wrong. TonyE |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 21:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 55 of 88 in Discussion |
| Stubs,re msg 50; So you reckon,you can live on minimum wage in uk now then? Even if you shop in tesco,buying all tesco value products it is impossible.Saying that,I would not go to work for £400 a month,which is the whole point of recent demonsrations regarding foreign work force,mainly mainlanders and other (ie.Brits) foreigners whom are here for easier life but bored,not enough money to live on..........etc,doing a bit of work without any contrubutions to estate. Lets see how much longer these people,companies are going to be able to advertise these jobs for so little payment,once the work permits for foreign workes run out! |

Joined: 01/07/2008 Posts: 641
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 22:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 56 of 88 in Discussion |
| Salih You are missing the point. The cost of living and wages in the TRNC are vastly disproportionate. Even if compared to the UK like you have done earlier the cost of living the TRNC is almost on a par with the UK. However wages in the TRNC are more than half of that in the UK. There is many in the UK who do not only survive on min wage but help via working tax credits, family tax credits etc so it is not just about wages. We have spoke about this before there is very little if any incentive for any foreign investment in the TRNC either on a small scale or a larger one. The taxation rules and rates as well as the red tape involved make other countries far more attractive to any investment. |

Joined: 04/08/2009 Posts: 3283
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 22:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 57 of 88 in Discussion |
| Hello again Stubs. re: Your message 56, second sentence. Did you mean to say "However wages in the TRNC are LESS than half of that...........................? Just pre-empting Sal's response J |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 23:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 58 of 88 in Discussion |
| live & let live people , if you find you cant live in TRNC anymore , dont knock it , just leave , we bought our place to pass on to our son , meantime we can holiday in it whenever we want , if in the future he wants to sell it so be it , its his really , better than a caravan in clacton , or seton sands ? |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 23:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 59 of 88 in Discussion |
| Stubs,re 56; Litre of petrol in uk,I guess.......£1.30,in TRNC less then £1 Packet of cigarettes in UK,I guess....£7,in TRNC less then £3 (I smoke..........before and after ) Local produce.......be silly to compare BENEFITS??? I wouldn't know anything about that.Always worked for my living. Investment!I remember being offered a whole street of 19 houses (3 bed) at £10.000 each in Manchester,no longer then 5-6 years ago! Then..........s**t happened,I got divorced,in UK,and here I'm now searching for those that work for £400 a month to chase them off. Of course,one can't argue of the fact that there are far more opportunities in UK in respect of finding job that pays good,then again there are 70 millon population in UK against 2-300.000 in TRNC,with at least that many illegal ones. I watched a programme on ADA tv last night,TDP leader CAKICI being interviewed.1/3 of education and health budget is being spent on illegal populatin. |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 23:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 60 of 88 in Discussion |
| To answer message 1 "Why would anyone want to stay"? rowlo "if in the future he wants to sell it so be it" who the hell would he sell it to "yet another victim"? |

Joined: 01/07/2008 Posts: 641
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 23:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 61 of 88 in Discussion |
| Hi Jeannie Thanks for pointing out my obvious typo. Hopefully he will see what point I'm trying to make |

Joined: 28/02/2011 Posts: 55
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 23:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 62 of 88 in Discussion |
| trnc vıctım message 60 .just because you may of been a vıctım (by one of your own) dosnt mean to say everyone lıvıng here has. ıf you read the forum you.ll see there are a lot of happy people here.but stıll you carry on poısonıng peoples mınds. Rowlo.you have a very lucky son. |

Joined: 01/07/2008 Posts: 641
Message Posted: 15/03/2011 23:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 63 of 88 in Discussion |
| Sal cigarettes and petrol are only 2 comparisons, what about electricity?? We both could cherry pick items out to back up each of our arguements and probably never agree. As people are voting with their feet you will find that a huge factor in that is finances as well as various other factors with regards the TRNC and its weird and wonderful workings. As for the benefits part people are entitled to them, up to the individual if they want to claim them. As an example a one child family who earn £10k pa ( 2 posts of the job advertised on here) are entitled to £6340 pa in tax credits as well as family allowance. It would be very difficult to have much in way of quality of life on minimium wage in the TRNC. |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 00:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 64 of 88 in Discussion |
| Stubs, I've never denied above mentioned facts,nor I intend to take it the level of argument.But surely you must agree that you can't have the same in TRNC,which is my point of making a comment of "putting their heads down and getting on with it",if not,one abviously made a wrong choice. I will bear all in mind,if and when I go back to UK one day once I've convinced the great British justice of the cock up they've made by giving the right to operate of the bussiness to my ex,but still in my name. |

Joined: 06/09/2010 Posts: 3001
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 10:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 65 of 88 in Discussion |
| msg58."Better than a Caravan in Clacton".......Only Just |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 11:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 66 of 88 in Discussion |
| havali (mess 62) I wish I was the only victim there are hundreds and hundreds of us (and not all by Gary Robb) there are so many more! If you can't understand that at least try to understand why we feel the way we do! I understand that not everyone feels the same way, and some of you are happy! and to the ones that are I wish you well! Nevertheless hundreds of us will continue to poison future victims minds with the truth, until the poison from the TRNC has gone! the poison has touched so many, it's still there, deep within the infrastructure! and certainly within it's Government! Enjoy the fruits of your labour havali! just don't expect the TRNC's victims to walk away, shut their mouths whilst the TRNC is gathering it's future victims! as I have said before as long as people know exactly what they are letting themselves in for! thats fine! Now where's that bottle of arsenic I'm sure you would like me to drink it!!! |

Joined: 14/12/2008 Posts: 1096
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 11:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 67 of 88 in Discussion |
| Havali - "but stıll you carry on poısonıng peoples mınds.". She has no need to do that. Your honourable fellow-citizens will continue to do that extremely well for themselves! |

Joined: 17/02/2008 Posts: 2793
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 11:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 68 of 88 in Discussion |
| Elkiton, message 54. Those are my thoughts exactly and I too thought NN was insulting in his comments. As we know everyone has different likes and dislikes etc, I happen to love TRNC, what I cannot understand is if NN dislikes the place so much and is living the life of Riley in the Philipines why does he bother coming on to this bulletin board, do they not have them there ? As for the value of my house, well it doesn't really bother me, it's my home and when we pop our clogs our kids will get what they can for it or else keep it as a holiday home, it won't affect us either way will it. I have to add that if the only thing of value we do leave for our children is a place in the sun then we have done a pretty lousy job of parenting. |

Joined: 28/02/2011 Posts: 55
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 11:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 69 of 88 in Discussion |
| trnc vıctım no please dont drınk ıt ı do feel for you and the others but are you not partly to blame too.unfortunatly there ar crooks all over the world .ın cyprus we use to do deals by just shakıng your hand.nothıng ever went bad but then everyone started to come here and there were so many cheats cashıng ın.the people of cypruswere just not use to that. ıts how the uk was years ago.people trusted each other more then.ıts not lıke that now and maybe the uk are more aware of the crooks these days.cyprus was just not ready for that.ı do understand how you feel ı was conned out of a busıness ın the uk because ı trusted too much ın people but ı moved on and dıdnt let ıt make me bıtter and as for crooks. they wıll contınue to carry on here.there and everywhere ın the world |

Joined: 19/05/2009 Posts: 229
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 13:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 70 of 88 in Discussion |
| If so many are leaving and no one coming to N Cyprus what is happening to all the building of houses and the unsold properties ? The large housing estates in previously beautiful land is stopping the tourists. The type of tourist who used to visit for the beauty and flora and fauna no longer come. The types who want candy floss, English breakfast ,karaoke and beer go to Spain or S Cyprus. Fortunately. |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 14:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 71 of 88 in Discussion |
| mess 68 -thanks hatty i am in naples, florida at the present - missing the shite dumped everywhere, but what the hell........... i visit CY44 because i still have financial interests in the trnc (part own bar and own 4 apartments) and ultimately will be back later this year....... Your comment that "you ain't that bothered about your investment, cos you ain't selling" - God forbid, but if you become seriously ill you may have to leave and need to sell ad re-coup your money, you might then have to take a reality check......... And as regards your flippant comment about what fortune you are leaving your kids - Warren Buffet is leaving his kids nothing................ |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 14:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 72 of 88 in Discussion |
| mess 70 - spot on........ 10 years ago visitors came because it was an unspoilt beauty spot -fast forward 10 years, its just spoilt and what are the Gov't doing to jolly the place up to attract the tourists ? - feck all............. And what are the gov't doining to protect people who have bought here ? - you guessed it........ So disgruntled brits are moving away and few are moving here - and with tourist numbers on the decline - how can the country survive - ah yes - get more money off Turkey - but what happens when Turkey decides to kick this lame duck into touch ? |

Joined: 17/02/2008 Posts: 2793
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 14:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 73 of 88 in Discussion |
| No Know all Nick, I did not say " ain't bothered because I ain't selling", that is your interpretation, I bought a home, it was never an investment. If we ever have to leave we are fully prepared for that so the value of our home is not the be all and end all and I am not going to spend my last years on this earth worrying about what could happen. Again I will say that I don't really give a toss about leaving a fortune for my children, they will manage without anything I could leave for them, money is not the main thing in our lives, and that is not being flippant. I understand that things didn't go as planned for you with your property dealings and I can understand your anger but things went alright for us, while I sympathise with you and the others who have suffered I am not going to apologise for being happy with my lot. |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 16:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 74 of 88 in Discussion |
| mess 73 - i don't know everything- that distinctive pleasure is held by garry monger's missus - who does indeed know everything.................. |

Joined: 27/07/2009 Posts: 4110
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 16:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 75 of 88 in Discussion |
| NN/Msg 74: .............which is why Garry sold his beautiful, full set of 'Encyclopaedia Brittanica'.....cos, as his missus knew everything, it was 'surplus to requirements'! |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 18:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 76 of 88 in Discussion |
| >>>>>>i visit CY44 because i still have financial interests in the trnc (part own bar and own 4 apartments)<<<<<< who said foreigners couldn't own more then 1 property in TRNC? I want it all.....I want it all.....I want it all.........and I want it now!.......by QUEEN/Freddy Mercury................bless his soul. |

Joined: 14/12/2008 Posts: 1096
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 18:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 77 of 88 in Discussion |
| Sal - "part own". Get it? Probably got a TC 'partner'. Jeez, you have a terrible voice! Try Bohemian Rhapsody! |

Joined: 14/12/2008 Posts: 1096
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 18:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 78 of 88 in Discussion |
| Sorry, couldn't resist. Maybe the apartments are in different names. Actually, I thought the restriction was on the amount of land? Who knows, what was law last year may be totally different this year. |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 18:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 79 of 88 in Discussion |
| kaiserphil; Only a lawyer or ex would know how to do that. Hammer to fall.........................my favorite. |

Joined: 26/06/2008 Posts: 1352
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 19:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 80 of 88 in Discussion |
| pointless ,pointless ,pointless. cyprus is beautiful place ,live here ,holiday here or whatever here ,like rowlo says if you do not want too live or holiday or whatever here then leave and live and live ,it,s no secret some people bought for financial gain and it backfired on them and with no back up plan have been left struggling to swim back to shore . anyway who showed these corrupt cypriots the way to these property scams in the begining , i think you should be looking closer to home for that answer . as the joker of cyprus 44 NN has already given an example ,true or not ,however the concept is there ,GREED . you only buy multiple cheap properties for one reason and only one reason ,PROFIT ,so i think you lot should go and cry somewhere else and once again i say live and let live. musin long live the kktc |

Joined: 16/06/2009 Posts: 4437
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 19:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 81 of 88 in Discussion |
| my favorite number.,.................81 |

Joined: 26/06/2008 Posts: 1352
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 19:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 82 of 88 in Discussion |
| salahi my favourite number is 82 ' musin long live the kktc |

Joined: 28/02/2011 Posts: 55
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 19:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 83 of 88 in Discussion |
| my favorıte msg.no 80 musın.well saıd spot on. yorgozlu. ı need fresh eggs to buy not from supermarket.any ıdea were ı can buy some. |

Joined: 14/09/2009 Posts: 826
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 20:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 84 of 88 in Discussion |
| Some quite interesting reading, some people missed the thread and when off on one as usual But thanks for the comments keep em comming |

Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 20:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 85 of 88 in Discussion |
| RE msg 84, Mity: (...) But thanks for the comments keep em comming (...) ▶ Why the question in msg 1?! Or re: msg 84: and then WHAT?! You're happy now? Or sad? |

Joined: 14/09/2009 Posts: 826
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 20:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 86 of 88 in Discussion |
| Happy of course Just curious Im staying put love the place |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 21:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 87 of 88 in Discussion |
| me to , and my son does , he says he will never sell it , and i believe him . |

Joined: 03/09/2010 Posts: 240
Message Posted: 16/03/2011 21:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 88 of 88 in Discussion |
| Elkiton Msg 42. Hattkins Msg 73. Couldn't agree with you more. I bought here cos i love the place and will reside here permanently soon, not for profit. I've made some great friends, I have though bought well within my means so if the country goes t-ts up (which i am confidant it won't), i can walk away no problen. Also haven't burnt my bridges and still have property in Durban SA. I sympathise with the other people who lost money or leaving for whatever reasons? but at least they gave it a go. i go back to the UK for two reasons: 1. To see reatives and friends. 2. A reality check to remind me of the reason we left in the first place. Looking forward to our next visit. |
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