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2 Lovely cats need UK homes, can you help

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Joined: 14/05/2009
Posts: 867

Message Posted:
16/03/2011 13:51

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OK shoot me down for using 44 to do this.

I left our 2 family cats with my son when we came here. His marriage has recently broken down and he now has to move out of his home and cant take the cats with him.

Do any 44'ers know of anyone in the UK who could take them on. We will travel as far as you need for a good home.

Trixy is 12, a gorgeous tabby lap cat who likes nothing more than to sit on your book or newspaper when you are trying to read and Fidget who is younger (we rescued her from some folk who thought it was hilarious to switch the hoover onto her and then see how far they could fling her).Who would rather sit behind on the back of the sofa. They are used to both litter tray and outside so would be happy in a flat as they are now.

Could you lovely folk put the word out for me. Please I am so gutted for them, no wise words or lectures please.


Joined: 28/08/2008
Posts: 1536

Message Posted:
16/03/2011 14:04

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Contact your local branch of Cats Protection in the UK, I don't think they ever refuse a cat. My friend is a cat fosterer, taking care of cats until excellent homes are found. You would not believe the luxury conditions these lucky pussies live in. The CPL are very fussy about who they re-home to so you will be in good hands. People do take elderly cats.

Good luck!


Joined: 04/08/2009
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Message Posted:
16/03/2011 14:11

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Vidal - I would wholeheartedly agree with Pogle's message re: CPL. We have had cats from this wonderful organisation before.

Pogle - would agree, the moggies in their care live better than I do

Good luck.


Joined: 14/05/2009
Posts: 867

Message Posted:
16/03/2011 14:13

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Message 4 of 4 in Discussion

Thanks so much Pogle, My son is on the phone to them as we speak.

Obviously I would rather find them a home, hand them over etc,

They dont want much cats do they, just a sunny windowsill and a chin scratch now and then.

Trixy is the most amazing 'daddy-long-legs' hunter ever!

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