Dogs poisoned by Lapta BelediyesiNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 18/04/2008 Posts: 65
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 10:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 46 in Discussion |
| A long term resident called the Lapta Belediyesi regarding a dog nuisance problem near his home. Lapta Belediyesi's solution was to lay poison near his house. A friend of mine visited him this week to find 3 dead dogs and a dead kitten very near his home. With this kind of solution taken by local Government how will a campaign to stop the unacceptable cruelty of dog poisoning ever succeed... |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 10:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 46 in Discussion |
| sorry to say it, but 3rd world country - 3rd world mentality.......... either accept it or leave - they won't change their ways............ |

Joined: 18/04/2008 Posts: 65
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 11:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 46 in Discussion |
| Sorry to see the usual unhelpful response, all societies are capable of change, it just needs time, effort and education. |

Joined: 16/03/2009 Posts: 1256
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 11:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 46 in Discussion |
| Its awful Hazel, the same thing has happened in Alsancak before now, and apparently will again soon. How can this be allowed to continue, I agree that there needs to be a solution to the strays, but this cruel and painful method of 'culling' is certainly not it. |

Joined: 04/01/2009 Posts: 89
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 11:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 46 in Discussion |
| Third world country, third world mentality......that was a constructive comment! Not a third world country (you only need to watch Comic Relief to see the difference), and the mentality can change. In fact it is changing, just very slowly, and unfortunately not everyone changes at the same rate. Hazel is very right, more than anything it's education. But change takes time. However, the local goverment poisoning is unacceptable. Horrible and cruel. And, as has been said many times already, how long until a child if affected...... |

Joined: 19/02/2011 Posts: 1151
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 12:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 46 in Discussion |
| Did the authorities remove the carcasses eventually? Tango1 |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 14:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 46 in Discussion |
| Cruel and barbaric way to kill them. At least shoot them. No wonder people are afraid to have animals. This will only put more pressure on KAR. Yet isnt it the police who said if you know of poisioning then report it. Who the hell do you report this cruel way to x |

Joined: 28/02/2009 Posts: 455
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 15:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 46 in Discussion |
| re msg 1 i would like to say on behalf of lapta belediyesi that no employee of lapta belediyesi DOES NOT go around and lay poison around peoples houses to kill any kind of pets or animals so if i were you i would get your facts straight before accusing lapta belediyesi . |

Joined: 20/08/2008 Posts: 720
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 15:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 46 in Discussion |
| there is no "humane" way to get rid of pests,which the dogs are,so get rid of them... |

Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 16:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 46 in Discussion |
| I have to agree with message 8. My neighbour works for Lapta Belediyesi, he is a dog owner and lover. I don't believe this story for one minute. |

Joined: 15/09/2010 Posts: 216
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 16:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 46 in Discussion |
| It was probably the man himself the Lapta Belediyesi probably said they couldnt help and he took it upon himself to deal with the problem |

Joined: 06/03/2011 Posts: 1816
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 17:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 46 in Discussion |
| Rumours fly and have flown for years as to how dogs are dealt with following complaints. But what does one do. Owners do not keep dogs in. They are a nuisance. Raid dustbins; bark all day and night; attagonise other dogs out for a walk with their owners, etc, etc. No one does anything until a complaint is made and then suddenly the dogs are dead. My dog NEVER goes out on her own and even then always on a lead, so that is not much fun for her, but prevention is better than cure. Why oh why don't owners keep their dogs at home. There is NO excuse at all. I know some dogs are street dogs and that is another matter,but who is meant to take responsibility for that. Our own Muhtar was accused of putting poison down a few years back. And npo one found out who REALLY was guilty, . Again I ask - 'What is the answer?' I reckon the person answering that would get a Cypriot Nobel Prize. |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 18:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 46 in Discussion |
| I think one answer Marion would be to keep a record of the purchase of the poison, or control of people selling it. |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 18:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 46 in Discussion |
| On another thread, you will see and read about the dangers of the procession caterpillar. these are EXTREMELY dangerous, and will inevitably cause death to cats and dogs. At the moment, they are rife...look up into almost any pine tree, and you will see their coconut shaped nests with dozens of these creatures wriggling around in them. Already today i have spoken to 3 separate people who's pets have died from these caterpillars.... After speaking to the forestry department, they have confessed that they are more than aware of the problem, but unfortunately they have no money to treat the trees. So, moral of the story, please do not be so quick to accuse people of poisoning...there are enough problems here as it is....check the grounds where the pet has died...there could be a poisonous plant, a snake, a spider.....a caterpillar nest!! DD |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 18:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 46 in Discussion |
| You are so right DD, I had never heard of these caterpillars until this week. Now 3 of my friends dogs have been harmed. However to find that many dead would be a very big coincidence xxx |

Joined: 10/04/2008 Posts: 488
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 19:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 46 in Discussion |
| DD Do you know how to treat these trees as we have a small tree that has nests from last year so would expect them again this year? We don't have any pets on the site but there is a stray cat that does the rounds. Thanks jj |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 19:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 46 in Discussion |
| more hearsay from people with nothing better to do with theyre time , get a life msg1, enjoy the sun sea and sands, these posts are really boring and pointless . Don't read them then ******* Simbas |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 46 in Discussion |
| Rols Im so sorry to feel that way but so many dogs and people have been affected this week. |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 46 in Discussion |
| kids are dying all over the world , and all expats care about is ferrul dogs being poisoned , why take them in ? they are wild , they will have an instinct to roam , leave them be , you are doing them more harm than good , |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 46 in Discussion |
| Janjin, i am afraid that i do not know the correct poison for these creatures, however, you can call the forestry department and ask for their advice on the best insecticide to use, but they may tell you cut the tree down and burn it, as this is the most effective way to rid them. I shall do some more investigating on these caterpillars and best ways to treat infected (pine) trees. DD |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 46 in Discussion |
| Daisy had you ever come across these before. In 6 years I had never heard of them. Now Im scared to take my lot far x |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 46 in Discussion |
| Rowlo....feral dogs, feral cats and any other wild animal i not compare to human suffering in the slightest, however, this thread is about poisoning, and the affects it can have on humans, as well as animals, the way you try to handle your argument does not do yourself or your ideals any favours. Perhaps you should open your own thread on morality issues between the animal kingdom and humans, instead of spouting inane crap that is designed to simply wind up the animal lovers of Cyprus. Your feelings on these matters are crystal clear (once waded through the bad spelling) and do not need to be repeated over and over and so upsetting the people who have lost a beloved pet due to poison! DD |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 46 in Discussion |
| berkeh2001 Re your message 8. Without wanting to cause any controversy I would like to ask you two questions: It is a fact that Lapta Belediyesi (as with all other Belediyesi) have a stock of poison, yes? It is a fact that this poison is available to all livestock owners to protect their livestock, yes? Although I agree with you that Belediyesi employees are not (or not have been) responsible for laying poison, it is still the Belediyese's responsibility for dispensing poison to live stock owners. I am trying to play devils advocate here because I understand the need for livestock owners to protect their stock and some people that do not accept what is happening do not understand the damage that feral dogs do to goats and sheep that are carrying young. Your honest answers would be much appreciated. |

 Joined: 04/07/2008 Posts: 16617
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 46 in Discussion |
| Rowlo. Message 19 - totally agree. |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 46 in Discussion |
| I have heard of them before, but like you, i was never actually aware of how dangerous they really are. I was in Karmi today, and the amount of nests in the pine trees there were truly un-countable...they were simply everywhere...a really frightening feeling looking at all these potential was akin to walking through a minefield...eeew, horrible! DD |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 46 in Discussion |
| no morals here , i just dont think the local council would subscribe to mass poisoning , do you ? |

Joined: 04/08/2009 Posts: 3283
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 46 in Discussion |
| Just had a quick read about these caterpillars and apparently one nest can contain up to 300 of them. Not a pleasant thought. |

Joined: 28/02/2009 Posts: 455
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 20:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 46 in Discussion |
| alsancak jack i will try and answer your questions as best i can lapta belediyesi does NOT stock any poison at all to kill pets or animals (dogs) any one can get poison if they want to unfortunately ( that includes livestock owners ) everyone is responsible for their own actions but it is illegal to lay poison any where at all it is a criminal offence and the belediye and the police will be involved . lapta belediyesi does not dispense poison to any one or livestock owners i hope i have been able to answer your questions . |

Joined: 14/08/2008 Posts: 5762
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 21:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 46 in Discussion |
| berkeh2001 Thank you for your reply. Just so that people are better informed can you tell us who would sell this poison and what safeguards these 'sellers' have in place to make sure that it is not sold to anyone that wants to buy. I am well aware that this poison can be bought in the South quite easily even though it is illegal to do so. But I guess we all want a better understanding of what is happening here in the TRNC. Thank you for your help and understanding. |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 21:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 46 in Discussion |
| AJ I understood that is was illegal south and they came here to buy it. I just wish guidelines could be in place to record the transactions of those who buy it and controls on whom sell it |

Joined: 28/08/2008 Posts: 2037
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 21:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 46 in Discussion |
| Rowlo, how much time per year do spend in NC? |

Joined: 28/08/2008 Posts: 2037
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 21:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 46 in Discussion |
| Why do you all think it comes from the south. Its banned in the EU.. Ok. So would you not think it may come from TURKEY? |

Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 21:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 46 in Discussion |
| When you say livestock I guess your referring to the heardsmen who have livestock of their own and most have dogs..why is it that so many people seem to think breeders of Goats would put this on the ground where their goats and dogs go sniffing about..I am at a loss to think this is the case..maybe I am very wrong ? Spider,X |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 21:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 46 in Discussion |
| So am I spider, do you remember jack and jill, When the farmer thought they took they ckicken the wanted to kill them with their bare hands, no poision. In the end they shot Jill x No poison. Now that would have been the esay option. x |
daisy dukes

Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 21:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 46 in Discussion |
| The poison is usually put into some sort of meat like spam....sheep and goats are vegetarian, and are not likely to eat it...i haven't seen shepherds with guarding dogs here, although in Turkey this is more normal. DD |

Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 21:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 46 in Discussion |
| We have one beside us and he was out tonight with his goats and dogs too....The little baby goats looked wonderful I was even able to pat the all I would just love to bottle feed one..Its on my wish list Spider,X |

Joined: 22/10/2010 Posts: 75
Message Posted: 19/03/2011 22:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 46 in Discussion |
| Rowlo, can I just say you don't actually live in Northern Cyprus so what do you know? You lie about your age, and if your career is dog catching then you are clearly not well educated, so stop winding distressed people up just for your own amusement. |

Joined: 06/03/2011 Posts: 1816
Message Posted: 20/03/2011 00:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 46 in Discussion |
| Maybe not everyone reading this Forum is aware, but about 3 years ago KAR and another group of people presented petitions to the Government to ask the sale of poisons to be controlled. Poisons can be bought over the counter, and at the time it was proven that the poisons often used are (as stated above) illegal in the EU, and are brought into this country form Turkey,. Presumably the same situation exists today. So far the government has not had time to do anything following the petitions, and in any case there has been a change of government. Didn't know about these caterpillars before. Now I am REALLY terrified to take my dog for a walk! They sound horrible. It seems that as soon as we start to win on one level there is something else, BUT for all that, I am personally very grateful to be living here and not other parts of the world such as (my beloved) Australia, New Zealand or Japan. |

Joined: 04/01/2009 Posts: 989
Message Posted: 20/03/2011 03:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 46 in Discussion |
| I have never heard of these creatures, but the above link appears to say the most foolproof method is burning the nest, TAKING EXTREME CARE, as the hairs which cause the problem, if blown in the wind, not only harms animals, but also humans. Different methods are suggested; spraying with aerosol and igniting the nest after CAREFULLY cutting the relevant branch and bringing it down to ground level, seems the best. It also makes the valid point, it would be easier to kill the harmless (to animals and humans) Processionay Moth - the link has a picture - which after all, is the parent of these caterpillars - the moth being the final stage in the process. |

Joined: 07/11/2008 Posts: 916
Message Posted: 20/03/2011 07:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 46 in Discussion |
| Over 17,000 pets were poisened in the uk last year,many by the owners who fed their pets paracetemol/ibruproven etc,type in pet poisening in uk |

Joined: 16/12/2008 Posts: 423
Message Posted: 20/03/2011 08:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 46 in Discussion |
| I was visiting friends in Karaoğlanoğlu last week and as I was leaving I saw a dead kitten by the side of the road. On closer inspection it seemed that the kitten had been poisoned and not hit by a car (VERY quiet road). I then noticed a very large dead dog lying about 4 metres away in long grass. I immediately informed my friend as he has 4 dogs and a cat and he told me he had already seen 4 dead cats/kittens in the last few days. He also seems to think it was the Beladeysi that had scattered poison around. He is or course keeping his animals home now. All I can think is how barbaric and inhumane this action is, whoever is guilty. The agonising deaths these poor innocent animals have had to suffer really makes me think twice about living here and "supporting" the economy. Sickening! |

Joined: 02/07/2008 Posts: 1519
Message Posted: 20/03/2011 08:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 46 in Discussion |
| What are the symptoms of caterpillar poisoning. Is it quick or slow, as one of my beautiful cats suddenly lost over a kilo in weight in 3 days and Pertev took blood and said his liver had packed up, probably through ingesting toxins somehow. Although he went on a drip for a week, Pertev couldn't save him. While I know he didn't eat the poison that is put down for some animals, I wish I knew what had caused his liver to fail. 5 years ago I bought 5 beautiful maine coons from England, and in the last 1 1/2 years, 3 have died, maybe I should have stayed in England with them. Sorry, am feeling very sorry for myself. |

Joined: 10/04/2008 Posts: 488
Message Posted: 20/03/2011 13:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 46 in Discussion |
| Thanks for the link MsGarnet message 39 |

Joined: 21/01/2011 Posts: 368
Message Posted: 20/03/2011 14:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 46 in Discussion |
| This is just not acceptable for this to be happening in North Cyprus, these poor animals haven't got a voice someone has to do something, our three legged cat was poisoned two years ago she never bothered anyone & what a horrid way to die! It is disgusting, I wish the vets had more power to do something about this. |

Joined: 21/07/2008 Posts: 13081
Message Posted: 20/03/2011 17:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 46 in Discussion |
| I heard today from customers that lapta did kill the dogs, although he did say by shooting x |

Joined: 12/10/2008 Posts: 4796
Message Posted: 20/03/2011 21:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 46 in Discussion |
| msg37 , and you are , well educated , an expert on the subject , dont judge a book by its cover ? as ma auld grannie used to say , never argue with a fool people might not be able to tell the difference ? |
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