thalassa beach resort legal objections-urgentNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 25/03/2011 18:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 21 in Discussion |
| Tavor Properties and Kensington developments have announced an extension to ALL purchasers possession dates until 31st MARCH 2012 with another 6 months grace i.e 31st SEPTEMBER 2012. No negotiation, no discussion. In my case for example my original possession date was 31st AUGUST 2010 after a 4 year wait, other early buyers have similar dates. The development had a stop order placed on it by the TRNC government due planning irregularities, the work has been suspended for effectively 3 months, but TAVOR have changed everyones dates by over a year, to 18 months. The contract allows for a reasonable delay to the original possession date only. Any buyer not happy with this please do the following. Check out: WWW.THALASSAOWNERS.COM for background to the dispute and email STUSIMPSON777@BTOPENWORLD.COM A legal challenge will be mounted ASAP to stop these people treating the purchasers like this, another in a long line of developers in NC. Please ACT NOW TOGETHER. S |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 25/03/2011 22:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 21 in Discussion |
| stusimpson (mess 1) I don't know your circumstances or any of the buyers at Thalassa Beach Resort! But I know I should have taken possession of my property in 2004, I and hundreds more have nothing! THEY can treat purchasers as THEY like!!!!!!! I sincerely hope you get your properties, unlike many before you :-( I must say you had a beautiful brochure |

Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 25/03/2011 23:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 21 in Discussion |
| Well this developer is no different, despite Thalassa being sold to many of us by Savills, the UK estate agent. Avoid at all costs, quite why Eurocoast , a distinguished builder wants to associate itself with this lot I'll never know. To be honest I've written off the 50k, I'm just going to spend the next 10 years making sure these crooks don't get any more. It's all very well people on here defending the TRNC but when developers consistently shaft their customers , it gets tedious, and I'm well aware TAVOR is just another in a long list of poor developers. I've had a few emails already , the more the merrier while the directors drive around in their porsches. Anyone following the forum will see I've been patient on here but now they are just taking the P..s! Stu |

Joined: 03/05/2009 Posts: 1256
Message Posted: 25/03/2011 23:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 21 in Discussion |
| well we could have been one of the " victims " but we chose sweetwaterbay . it was also a beautifull brochure and six months late on said completion its one if the the most beautiful sites in turkish cyprus . its not only the TRNC that people can make a bad choice by being blinded by the beautiful brochures and all the bull shit from busty sales girls , portugal - dubai - spain - greece -turkey - croatia and many more over the other side of the atlantic. andy |

Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 26/03/2011 12:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 21 in Discussion |
| Andy, A lucky escape by you and congratulations on finding a beautiful site, Thalassa is an overgrown promise of paradise, that has been complicated by a difficult yet very clever developer who has prayed on the goodwill of its customers. It needn't have come to this if they had been honest and transparent. They have now told us if 85% of buyers sign up to the alteration of the possession date (18 months delay) then they'll give us 900 pounds maintenance compensation !! Woooo. Anyone not signing(They'll never get 85% anyway) can just live with it and forgo every compensation/refund claim they ever had. Thalassa will become the biggest development facing a legal challenge by owners in NC. They will not be able to sell anymore apartments and the thought of buyers handing out another 50-75k to these people is beyond belief. I have a strong list of owners wishing to seek legal redress, a litigation lawyer is aware and I will be meeting with them. PLEASE ANY OWNERS EMAIL ME ASAP |

Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 26/03/2011 12:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 21 in Discussion |
| Savills are also responsible, without them 50% of owners probably would not have signed up, letters are going out today to the board, anyone wishing to help with the campaign please email me. Cheers Stu |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 26/03/2011 13:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 21 in Discussion |
| Stu, It breaks my heart to have to say this but you will get nothing from the TRNC!!! even if you win your case, I would have through your best course of action was to Sue Saville's as they are in the UK! andyf There but for the grace of god go any victims!! unlike most of the other examples given! you will not get any recompence in the TRNC! you have nowhere to go, unlike most other country's, it's completely lawless, and can treat victims as it likes! |

Joined: 08/08/2010 Posts: 1778
Message Posted: 26/03/2011 13:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 21 in Discussion |
| Sorry but I have to agree with Trnc victim - this country is morally and financially bankrupt. They have nothing because they do nothing. However stusimpson you have to try or you will always wonder. ECHR is K5's only hope. |

Joined: 12/08/2008 Posts: 540
Message Posted: 26/03/2011 21:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 21 in Discussion |
| I know the "Busty sales girl" you mean and can understand why you could easily be misled... |

Joined: 03/12/2008 Posts: 1568
Message Posted: 26/03/2011 22:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 21 in Discussion |
| Stu, We have an injunction on a developer who collectively owes 6 buyers around 250,000 we will have to go to Israel to pursue them eventhough they have assets in the TRNC. This is down to the pathetic system that exists in the TRNC sad but true |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 26/03/2011 22:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 21 in Discussion |
| RedSnapper (mess 9) Hopefully victims wouldn't be looking at the breasts of some sales rep! maybe you need to move into this century! Biackpoolfan (mess 10) sounds about right! |

Joined: 03/05/2009 Posts: 1256
Message Posted: 26/03/2011 23:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 21 in Discussion |
| stu , words fail me . . i remember thinking when we were shown the land thalassa would be built on that this development would be built no problem at all , reason i thought that was they had built turtle bay village and three families we know had bought there and all were very happy with kensington developments and how things in general had paned out . so sad to hear its gone wrong for you and all i can say is hope you get some where with your legal battle . andy |

Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 27/03/2011 19:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 21 in Discussion |
| Cheers Andy, So did all of us, I am having difficulty getting it through to my friends that they should not pay another penny to Kensington though gradually people are coming around. They would like everyone to sign a new contract extending the dates by 18 months , waiving any right to compensation/refunds and giving up the original apartment in some cases and being moved to another . Incidentally does anyone have a link to Peter wrights article? Cheers Stu |

Joined: 10/11/2008 Posts: 6023
Message Posted: 27/03/2011 20:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 21 in Discussion |
| mess 13 - Stu - Rainbow ?? |

Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 27/03/2011 21:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 21 in Discussion |
| I have now found Peter's article and commented accordingly. Nick what does Rainbow mean ? Stu |

Joined: 19/02/2011 Posts: 1151
Message Posted: 27/03/2011 22:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 21 in Discussion |
| Msg. 14 and 15 Rainbow probably means there is a "pot of gold at the end" and I don't mean for the purchasers of property. Tango1 |

Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 28/03/2011 16:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 21 in Discussion |
| He's already got a large pot of gold by all accounts, and if people decide to give them the benefit of the doubt then they will have much more. Quite why anyone would give these people any more money after the shocking way they are treating their customers is beyond me. Look out for an article in the press soon to highlight the difficulties facing the Thalassa buyers. Cheers Stu |

Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 02/04/2011 17:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 21 in Discussion |
| Anyone else not emailed me directly then please do. Thalassa is the next big development to not return monies to the purchasers, and in the case of certain block numbers , no apartment either. Contracts have been arbitrarily ripped up by Kensington/Tavor with no negotiation, the more people fight this the more publicity it will generate to warn other buyers not to touch the place until the vendor honours his side of the bargain. There is no defence for the actions of Kensington, anyone requiring a factual account of the current situation should check out: Or email me directly. Stu |

Joined: 08/01/2009 Posts: 25
Message Posted: 06/04/2011 15:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 21 in Discussion |
| Do we really need to get into referring to "busty sales girls" - how demeaning and insulting. Credit people with some sense - nobody would part with their hard earned money only because of a pretty face - be it male or female. Could do without that sort of rubbish. |

Joined: 13/08/2009 Posts: 901
Message Posted: 06/04/2011 16:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 21 in Discussion |
| i was sad to hear about yet another property development not adhering to their contractual obligations, just one in a very long line. I really believe that the TRNC Government should ensure that complete funding is in place before granting any developer permission to build! In some countries this is done, to stop half finished developments littering the countryside. I have placed a link on my front page and a mention under Construction Companies for you: |

Joined: 06/08/2007 Posts: 178
Message Posted: 07/04/2011 20:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 21 in Discussion |
| Well they mention on their blog that they have 210 apartments for new purchasers, sadly they seem to have decided to tear up the original contracts for about 50 owners as it doesnt suit them. I stand by my postings above though I differ from my colleague Beatrice, each to their own. But there is no two ways about it, they have not adhered to the contract, quite why anyone would buy from these people in the future is beyond me, if anyone ever does. All they need to do is refund a couple of early purchasers and they'd be back on track. The utter contempt of the developer towards any early purchaser wishing a refund is the reason why about 40 purchasers do not and will not pay any more money to them. Easily sorted if you were a caring developer, not so easy if you don't give a toss. Stu |
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