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cyprus on the jon gaunt show

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Joined: 12/07/2007
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Message Posted:
06/10/2008 21:44

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Just found out jon gaunt a dj on talksport radio 1089mw will be doing a show on his usual spot 10.00am to 1 pm on friday .He is buying a house in s cyprus and will be doing his show from there, he said today that he will be discussing the cyprus problem as well as buying homes abroad.I dont know wether it will be biased coming from the south but it might be worth a listen .A word of warning he is a right wing shock jock but he can be entertaining


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Message Posted:
06/10/2008 22:02

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Jon is the best presenter on talk sport and probably on the radio I do agree with him most topics although his support for fox hunting and bull fighting do concern me. He is very succesful now but has come through some tough periods in his life. Support him hes great for radio and has some strong views he may upset some of his callers but he is very good to listen to and talks sense.


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Message Posted:
06/10/2008 23:40

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well said rocky i agree hes the best radio presenter ive ever listned to, will be interesting , ill have to record it tho as i cant pick up the MW signal in my van due to my ladders caceling out the signal! regards andrew


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Message Posted:
06/10/2008 23:47

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andy for goodness sake take your ladders off you dont know what u r missing


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Message Posted:
07/10/2008 00:23

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if i do that rocky i wont make any money and if i dont make any money i wont be able to buy you a drink at SWB regards andrew


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Message Posted:
07/10/2008 10:23

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0k andy put the ladders on miss the great shows and still buy me a drink by the way I think Jon i sperforming in the South but intends to discuss the cyprus problem. Knowing him he will have a sensible solution I am waiting to see if I agree with him on this one!! Just remmeber Cyprus is really British but like most things we give them away.


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Message Posted:
07/10/2008 14:00

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wow pretty bold last sentence, how do you come to that conclustion be intrested in your view


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Message Posted:
07/10/2008 21:08

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i like jon gaunt in a i dont like him sort of way do you know what i mean


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Message Posted:
07/10/2008 22:09

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no jimbo I dont that sounds like jibberish, hes frank and honest and expresses his opinions (usually) I think he makes sense. He certainly has a better command of English than most of his talk sport colleagues..


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Message Posted:
07/10/2008 23:47

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rocky if you were a woman would you like to be married to him


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Message Posted:
08/10/2008 00:38

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Jimbo even if I was a woman I would not select a husband through a radio show. I do find him entertaining to listen to most of the time. Not sure of your genderial status although as a member you appear to be male I would question if this is correct if you can think as a woman, if indeed a woman thinks that way. Some women marry for money I guess others for other attributes. Jon does refer to his jaguar and a home in cyprus (I guess thats the South) so he must be worth a betty or two or is it a bob or two?


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Message Posted:
08/10/2008 02:31

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Are we referring to the same jon gaunt - do you mean the racist, sexist idiot who is given far too much air time already IMHO! I hesitated in responding to this post in the danger of giving this prat even more publicity. Talk sense on the Cyprus problem? No chance - his usual bigoted nonsense - absolutely!

Switch off your radios, folks!


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Message Posted:
08/10/2008 13:13

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Is Jon Gaunt a thin and bony looking chap?


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Message Posted:
08/10/2008 14:15

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daily that is unfair labelling Jon (and now Jon may have a case for libel against you) a racist what evidence have you got. You sound like the type that Jon often enters a discussion with in good faith prepared to listen to you but then shuts you up. I would rather listen to JG than read your ridiculous post. It has no substance.


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Message Posted:
08/10/2008 16:04

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I agree with you rocky

girne 29

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Message Posted:
08/10/2008 19:00

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Dont believe he is rascist or sexist just likes to pander to those that are, for the ratings,.Although I believe he too often panders to peoples prejudices,he has some good points to make.If you can ignore him constantly talking about himself in the third person,and the "I'm a patriot me!",his show is sometimes entertaining and I agree with a lot of what he says,tho think he sometimes goes beyond just right wing

At least working for Sky, The Sun, Talk Radio,you know where he is coming from politically and is honest about it.

As for his show on Friday ,I hope the north doesnt get slagged off again,but wont be surprised . The show is direct from the south so will have to have the Govt's permission to broadcast there, A lot of it will be about property purchase and I shouldnt think the property company that is paying for the show to be done in cyprus, will be happy if the property competition in the north is promoted .

Guess some of us should ring in.

Fingers crossed.


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Message Posted:
08/10/2008 20:38

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no1 doyen he is comletely the opposite he is overweight with a rather chubby face . As for his show he gets his topics from the sun newspaper so you really cannot take him seriously.And rocky he gets shut up a lot by his callers which he responds by telling anyone who does not agree with him that they are a socialist ,cuts them off and says they make him sick, but i suppose thats his job and maybe thats why i listen to him everyday

One more thing he is a bit of a hipocrit as his paper that he always reads is the guardian


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Message Posted:
08/10/2008 20:46

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No 1 Doyen,

Sallow of complexion. Sunken of eye! And some fell on stoney ground.



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Message Posted:
08/10/2008 22:06

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Message 19 of 21 in Discussion

Wyn. Spot on.

girne 29

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Message Posted:
10/10/2008 20:20

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Message 20 of 21 in Discussion

Hi Folks

John "Im a patriot me" Gaunt's show went all right.

No slagging of the north ,The GC's interviewed didnt seem to offer any malice when asked about the TRNC, and one in particular thought of the TC's as "our friends" accepted wrongs on both sides and thought the young he knew were not interested in fighting the battles of their elders. Didnt hear the term" illegal" or "occupation" used ,tho didnt hear all the show.

Put it this way if I was thinking of buying in the trnc ,I didnt hear anything much that would put me off,which I found surprising.

Not a lot about property in the north,although somebody did phone in saying he had two apartments in trnc ,and nobody rang in complaining.

They did mention that the two leaders were meeting today, so maybe nobody wanted to be too controversial.


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Message Posted:
10/10/2008 21:34

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Message 21 of 21 in Discussion

did daily listen I wonder?

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