North Cyprus Tourist Board - Management fees on your site
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Management fees on your site

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Joined: 15/05/2008
Posts: 15

Message Posted:
11/05/2011 13:48

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Message 1 of 2 in Discussion

I am presently conducting personal research on management of developments and fees

Would members be as kind to confirm how much they pay a month regarding management company fees as I am hearing conflicting amounts for the same sites.

Can you please confirm the name of the company if prospective clients wish to contact for future tendering and on a scale 0- 10 how happy you are with the service, 10 being very happy.

I thank you for any assistance you can offer.


Joined: 19/10/2009
Posts: 167

Message Posted:
11/05/2011 14:20

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Message 2 of 2 in Discussion

I hope all of you who answer this question think very carefully as it is not just a simple maths exercise.

Firstly how large is the site

How many donums of land is the garden

How many days is the site attended for pool and for garden

How large is the pool

What volume of water is the pool

Is it main drain or over flow

Does your fee include the communal bills or are they seperately charged

Are you on builders electric supply

Are there communal stair wells and windows to clean

Is your present company legal

Are clients getting confused with communal fees and personal fees

Does the fee include or exclude VAT

etc etc etc

Each and every site is different

As a professional company in my opinion it is only fair that you put invitation to tender and all who are tendering are given the exact remit and specification and then you compare your fees. Also take the time to meet with companies and see their work.

Sandra - Abode Property Management Services

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