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Joined: 14/05/2011
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Message Posted:
14/05/2011 20:42

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Message 1 of 23 in Discussion

Can any one recommend an Internet provider for our apartment /site in Lapta, we would like a wireless connection rather than a dongle type, any suggestions would be welcome, cheers.


Joined: 26/08/2008
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Message Posted:
14/05/2011 23:58

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I bought a Turkcell wireless dongle 3 years ago, buying a month internet access at a time, 75ytl if I remember rightly. I haven't used it for over a year. Is the dongle still current and if so, how much is it for a month now?


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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 04:46

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Message 3 of 23 in Discussion

This thread may be helpful to you:


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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 10:11

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Message 4 of 23 in Discussion

Hi Steve ( Mr Cool )

The internet in 'north' Cyprus is pretty average.. as it all routes via a rather limited backbone to Turkey..

Best to ask any CLOSE neighbours you have as the 'service' depends on your location.

On the 31/5 there's a new service starting via satellite internet that will BLOW the doors of ANYTHING you can get, currently..

Those parties that are involved in the biz in 'TRNC' will tell you 'it's 'illegal'...



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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 10:37

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Last time I checked, ALL internet connections in TRNC had to come via KKTC, but I am going to a barbecue today with someone that will know - I will ask them and report back.

The problem with satellite internet is latency and there's not much that you can do about that. Satellite internet is usually used for internet where there aren't any other options.

Upload bandwidth is usually the problem with satellite internet connections.

I have seen satellite companies advertising big (best effort) download speeds but the contention ratios are very high.

In any event, I think that most people would choose reliability and prefer good customer service over a bit of (expensive) download internet bandwidth.



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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 10:53

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ALL reputable internet suppliers use 2 way sat for back up - in case the CABLE connection fails...

1/ there is NO reliability problem

2/ latency is ONLY an issue if you want to 'game' - it's fine for browsing , emails and even telephone calls ....

3/ Do you KNOW what upload speeds these new Ka band services are capable of ? ...

As to the 'legality'... I haven't seen the likes of Dopi / Uran being told. "you can't upload your ( really) illegal card sharing data from 'TRNC' ......

The ONLY serious 'downside' is the cost... but given the terrible options available in 'TRNC' that isn't even an 'argument'..

A top package would set a biz back 100/GBP a month but they'd not need any phone lines and could operate from a beautiful part of the world and have the comms capability of a London office.

This market NEEDS a shake-up and this will help.....


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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 14:48

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There are pros and there are cons with satelite systems. I used a 2 way sat system in North Cyprus for over 3 years (Hughes Direcway based system). Such systems will be suitable for some and not for others. To say there are NO realibality problems with such systems is not to me entirely accurate. I would accept that on the whole they are more reliable than the alternatives available in the TRNC they do not offer 100% up time with no interuption of service, well not in my case. They can also suffer from problems that do not affect alternate systems at all or to the same degree. The KU band of frequencies is in my understanding sensitive to heavy stormy weather in a way that a DSL connection is not.

Also the issue of latency can be a real detriment to usage depending on what you use the internet for. It is not just gaming that is affected, though that is a major application that is not suited to such relatively high latency connection. I help install a 2 way sat based



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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 14:53

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system for a trader who traded in international money markets online from home. For the kind of trading he was doing there was a mterial difference in a latency of buying or selling of 1/100th of a second to half to 1 second. He could use the sat based system and it was better than nothing but it was not as good for his needs as a land based system. Whilst VoIP will work on high latency systems they will have greater delay than land based ones. If you are old enough you will recall international calls having such delays when most we routed via satelite. It works but its not as good. There is another issue with sat based systems than can undermine certain applications, to do with how may such systems will bundled packets up and them send them in a burst, rhater than just send them as a steady trickle of packets as they are being sent.

Finally on average sat based systems will have harsher fair usage polices than land based. This is realted to the basic economics of the systems [cont]


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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 14:57

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Whilst it is true that the newest generations of sat based systems reduce these fundamental differences of core cost , they do not remove them entirely. You will have a fair usage policy on any sat based system. You may not have on a land based system. On average they will be harsher of sat based than not. For many users this will make no difference but for some it will.

I have used in cyprus 2 way sat based internet, DSl based internet and wifi based interent services. There is no universal one size fits all best alternative technology as far as I am conncered.


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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 16:54

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Message 10 of 23 in Discussion

Hi ErolZ

In most markets we have cabled / wireless alternatives that render these discussions irrelevant as they'd be the preferred choice, but this is 'TRNC'....

I've sold Ku band business commitment ( Level of Service 99.7% ) 2 way comms services since 1997 and unreliability is not an issue.

In Cyprus we may get heavy rain, but if you have the correct dish size this shouldn't affect your service.

Most voIP calls ARE routed by Satellite ....

You have raised a good point re 'Fair Usage Polices'.. the amount of data one can use, and IF you rely on the internet to download video content then, this alternative is NOT for those watching the wallet

IF, However you just want to be able to make a Skype call, and send an email and browse the web - without the frequency of service problems I read of on here.... then 2 way say.. especially on the new Ka band birds IS worth looking at..


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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 17:49

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Message 11 of 23 in Discussion

I totaly agree that satelite is worth looking at. I myself used such a service for over three years. In fact I also 'sold' such services to a limited extent, I just did it without making any profit or markup for myself. It certainly has a place in the market of alternative solutions and where that place is is indeed impacted by the quality of alternatives on offer. I dont contest any of that. In my experince KU band sat services CAN be affected by extreme weather, even with a correctly sized and aligned dish. And the weather can be at the downlink end as well and nothing to do with the customer end. I definately had brief interuptions in sat service on two occasions over three and bit years of usage that were attributed to extreme weather in Germany were my service downlinked. The only point I was making is that there is no single 'best' technology for internet access in general or in the TRNC, nor a definative best provider for that matter.


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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 22:04

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Message 12 of 23 in Discussion

Hi ErolZ

The modern Sat TV services are digital.. all or nothing re getting a decent TV picture and its the same with Sat data ( internet ) .. The uplinks for the new Ka band services are from Goonhilly in Cornwall and I'm sure that they have taken into account the 'moist' weather at THAT end ;)

Most Ku band internet services in CY used birds aimed at Central to W. Europe and were on the edge of the footprint.. I can honestly say that a back up service we have in L'sol on Hellsat has NEVER been down - save for scheduled maintenance - short periods over night.

" there is no single 'best' technology for internet access in general or in the TRNC, nor a definative best provider for that matter."

;) Here we differ.. the backbone connection to TR is flaky' and MY point is that it is time to look at more robust connections to W.Europe backbones.. ;)


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Message Posted:
15/05/2011 22:22

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Well again we will have to agree to differ. I have personal experienced service interuption on 2 way sat due to extreme weather conditions. Google for pros and cons of sat based internet and you will see it come up again and again as a cons. Look on skype support and they advise not using sat based connections for skype usage. Hopwever you are entitled to your opinion. The TR backbone does have problems from time to time but for me in balanced having used both sat based systems and land based in TRNC and for my usage type I am happy with the non sat based connection I have. I could restore my sat based service tomorrow, the dish and all hardware is still there and paid for. Maybe I am a fool when it comes to internet access but I don't feel like one. I am not without some experience in these matters, at least historicaly.


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Message Posted:
16/05/2011 06:02

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Message 14 of 23 in Discussion

Erolz.....I am with you on this one.

I too have operated a Sat based internet system in Northern Cyprus in fact, 5-6 years ago, it was our only source of internet. I too, still have the Prodelin 2.4m dish, receiver and equipment, but haven't once felt the urge to set it up - and weather was a problem

There's nothing happening in the market-place that would make me want to.

I have ssen some companies advertise 24Mb download links by satellite, but as soon as you start to talk to them about up-links (two-way) and contention ratios, their claims don't stack up.

As I said in message 5 " The problem with satellite internet is latency and there's not much that you can do about that. Satellite internet is usually used for internet where there aren't any other options."

This topic is a red herring. IMHO readers would better spend their time searching out a supplier that gives exceptional customer service and is available 7 days a week:


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Message Posted:
16/05/2011 06:13

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Message 15 of 23 in Discussion

Oh, Blimey Erolz.....and I forgot to add.

We went to the barbecue at the picnic area in Guzelyurt and after a few hours, we got totally rained on, but not before, we had eaten our fill, shared a few glasses (you will have to go a long way to equal Turkish Cypriot hospitality) and our men's team won the Tug-of-war.

I asked a few people, just to be sure, AND I can confirm that all Internet connections in the TRNC (still) must go through KKTC


Joined: 15/04/2008
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Message Posted:
16/05/2011 07:14

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Message 16 of 23 in Discussion

Why is it that any question on this forum about internet very rapidly deteriorates into convoluted technical arguments about systems which most of us mere mortals don't even understand? What most of us want is simply a reliable connection at a reasonable price so that we can deal with our e-mails etc. My advice to you, message 1, is to go and talk to Unal at Haypem down on the main road, almost opp. Green Garage. He supplies both ADSL and wireless via Xrealnet. He's local, very well priced and, if you have a problem, his blokes can be out to you in ten minutes. What more does anybody want?


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Message Posted:
16/05/2011 08:15

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nostradamus part of the problem is it is not an easy question to answer. It seems easy but the reality is there is no simple answer. It is like asking 'whats the best form of transport for me in north cyprus, I want reliability and speed at a reasonable cost'. Some might say buy this car, others a different car, other a motorbike, hire a car, others suggest use taxis and buses. It seems like a simple question but there is no simple one size fits all answer. I believe this is also true of internet access which was the point I was trying to get accross.


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Message Posted:
16/05/2011 08:54

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nostradamus.....I think that you are echoing the point that I made originally - good customers service is the most important thing.

Please don't criticise Erolz and I for offering a balanced view. One sided arguments usually come from an ulterior motive.

In any event, members can read (if they want to) and make their own minds up.

Look at a suppliers track record and seek out reccomendation (for the moment) is my final word on this:


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Message Posted:
16/05/2011 08:57

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Message 19 of 23 in Discussion



Joined: 19/12/2008
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Message Posted:
16/05/2011 09:46

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Message 20 of 23 in Discussion

Hi ErolZ

As ever, it is good to have a reasoned civilised discussion - while we are discussing 'motives' - I have indeed installed such kit as a FAVOUR for folk - a bit like you - and they NEVER had problems using SKYPE or reported outages in service like I see reported on here. It was a VERY RELIABLE tool for internet and emailing - This is something many folk would DIE for...

IF you have the opportunity to try a Ka band service - and I would respect your opinion - the opportunity to re-evaluate - I hope you would try it .. indeed I'll try to organise for you to have a unit to evaluate - when the launch rush is passed.

As to 'legality' of the use such kit - ;))

Sorry to the mr cool2 and nostradamus for the straying from the original question.


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 06:07

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Message 21 of 23 in Discussion

thanks to all that have replied to my post, sorry it has caused a argument, I will keep looking, but thanks to all. Steve


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 09:33

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Message 22 of 23 in Discussion

Hi Mr Cool, Steve

no worries.. I'm glad you asked the question, actually - it gave ErolZ and I the opportunity to air our 'techie' viewpoints..;)

@ ErolZ

Having seen 4 of these installations and I'm going to oversee another one - today - just outside Oxford - I can confirm that SKYPE works just GREAT ! .. If we have time I'm going to test vonage ( the voIP telco package I use ) to see if calls to land-line numbers work as well ( or better!) than SKYPE..

I'm hoping they do.. as if so - aside of the limitations for downloading a large volume of video aside - this would make the Ks band sat systems extremely beneficial - as a reliable alternative to the current 'hit and miss' systems many people put up with.

I'll report back - whether it's good (or bad !)


Joined: 10/06/2011
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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 10:41

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Message 23 of 23 in Discussion

I would Also be very interested in dongle info can you get pay as you go dongle in trnc ?

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