North Cyprus Tourist Board - Esentepe Festivali
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Esentepe Festivali

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Joined: 22/10/2008
Posts: 32

Message Posted:
22/10/2008 08:29

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As with many large events wthere would be problems some things worked others did,n't.One being the Festival golf this was a major event within the calender but did not quite work.I do have to thank the sponsor, Glencoe Trading, for that event as he put up with problems and Greg was very much aware that not everything works well the first time round and in the favourite quote on the island said" don,'t worry Peter no problem",thanks Greg.Next one will be better.

If anyone has any suggestions on the festival please let me know through festival email.

On another note the Spor Club of Esentepe is setting up a darts team and has asked me to see if anyone within the Esentepe area would like to join once again let me know through the email to join the league we must have names before November 12.

I will also post the football club fixtures soon.



Joined: 01/02/2008
Posts: 256

Message Posted:
22/10/2008 10:46

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Hi Peter,

Glad to see that you have "discovered" the local chat shop, as we have already told you, we will gladly give you and the committee any assistance possible to make this coming years festival a huge success for the Esentepe area and it's people.

Unfortunately the old eyes are no longer good enough to partake in the darts but I wish you all the success in the world.


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