North Cyprus Tourist Board - Disappointed - Saint Tropez Restaurant
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Disappointed - Saint Tropez Restaurant

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Joined: 24/12/2006
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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 09:11

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Wnet to saint-tropez last night

Very dissapointing, Why ?


Whole mushrooms in a rich garlic and Parsley butter

Frozen mushrooms used not fresh Reult they were soggy !

Told the matre d who explained they can not get fresh mushrooms !!

At this stage I would have expected her to ask did I wish to change my main course as that also had mushrooms and of course they were not fresh ( she did not ) and I bottled it.

Steak came smothered in non fresh soggy sliced mushrooms ( scraped them off ) steak was delicious.

Husseın came to ask if all was ok we explained we did not expect frozen veg his responce was we can not get fresh green beans or brocholi the carots cabbage and onions are fresh though.

When the bill came I paid it and wrote across it we were disapointed with frozen veg and frozen mushrooms not what you expect from a reteraunt of this class.

No one said a word having read it.

fresh seasonal would be so nice.

Moderator Note:

Nigel - please do not use one-word generic subject line.

if you are disappointed, please type what you are disappointed about in the subject line too.

Subject changed from "Dissapointed" to current one.

Chris and Sue

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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 09:32

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No excuse for that Nigel! lovely fresh mushrooms in Starling at the moment.

Chris & I had the same problem at El Sabor in town. Tin carrots of all things! can you believe that.

It's a shame that we have to ask before ordering if the veg is fresh. Will you go back?



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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 09:43

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Chris and Sue the ambience was nice the prices were ok ( if the veg had been fresh )

The presentation was ok although to many mushrooms and to much sauce ( in my opinion).

The service was good.



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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 11:51

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You should have sent him to Hos Bes Nige as they manage to get fresh mushrooms. I also bought fresh green beans at Dolmaci last week. Absolutely no excuse for a restaurant of this (supposed) class or any restaurant for that matter. If you can't (be bothered to) get fresh mushrooms then don't serve a dish with mushrooms in it - is my opinion.

I've never been to St Tropez but had been thinking of going. I won't bother now. I'd rather drive to Errols at Ozankoy for a fillet steak.


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 12:01

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100% agree with joandjelly "

If you can't (be bothered to) get fresh mushrooms then don't serve a dish with mushrooms in it - is my opinion "


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 12:05

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Total and utter crap from St Tropez... fresh button and field mushrooms are on sale in several outlets here... no excuse and the chef should be ashamed.

The fresh broccoli is good just now and I really despair of a chef who won't go and source the right goods...


don't go back...

Baspinar Bob

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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 13:16

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Could you let us know the cost of this gastranomic delight.



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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 13:22

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125ytl incuding 1 large bottle of water and 1 bottle of angora white wine @29 ytl !!

Check out the website



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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 13:38

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Message 9 of 20 in Discussion

sorry to hear about the meal at Saint Tropez we were there last week and really enjoyed it , the food was excellent although I must say that my husband ordered a kidney dish and got liver ! but he enjoyed it all the same , also went to Figeros wasnt good and the service awful in as much as you were frightened to put down cutlery as the plate was whipped away while the other person was still eating ! ..I really hate that ! more exspensive than Saint Tropez as well


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 13:59

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Shoud have gone to guidos i know but am not that keen on pasta.


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 14:38

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Message 11 of 20 in Discussion

Hi Nige,

Sorry to hear your birthday meal was disapponting. As you say you really would expect better from an establishment like St Tropez, especially when you know full well that fresh mushrooms are available at the moment.

Such a shame.

K x


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 15:18

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hi littlenige so right you should have come to guidos. we dont just do pasta, friday nights we get fresh live lobsrer, vongole,langostine and irish mussels also have steak and pork most days. We do not use frozen veg at all and sunday lunch is served with fresh parsnips, sweed brocoli and carrots, Pork has real crackling. You know we will always get what what you require just a little notice is required. Hope it didnt spoil your birthday . See you soon Lilli


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 16:17

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Thanks to my lovly wife I had a fantastic day , the evening went pear shaped though, I fancied spare ribs and a chinese so went to the mecure .oops no pork no ribs ok had seen a post on here re ribs and saint tropez so went there no ribs , hmm ok had seen good reports on the steaks so ok we ordered !!

The attitude when we mentioned frozen / tinned products irked us both " it's cyprus" we cannot get fresh .. well you can and i knew that.

The steaks were delicious, shame about the attitude and frozen stuff, having spoken in person to others today frozen mushroms are a regular feature at saint tropez !!

We then went on to sams bar, another mistake, no draught efes, no a& g whiskey , no lord jim gin , no santiago white rum, mixers only available by the tin or bottle.

Great girl behind the bar but we could not drink the drinks we ordered they were VILE.

We left.

Hey ho stick to what you KNOW IS GOOD seems to be the rule here.


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 16:41

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Actually Nige, I bet they were tinned... tinned mushrooms are widely used on the island and whilst sometimes the fresh ones are not available or not of sufficient quality they are now in good fettle in the shops and should be being used....

fire starter

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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 16:55

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i think menu's should be seasonally adapted. that way the food should always be fresh not frozen.


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 17:02

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Groucho i did ask were they tinned and was told they were FROZEN s FRESH MUSHROOMS ARE NOT AVAILABLE !!


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 19:52

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Have to say that my last visit to St Tropez last June was a disappointment. Starter of cheese with artichoke, awful. Fillet steak with garlic, like eating cardboard. Put me off fillet steak since. Considering the cost, not good. I was surprised because the quality previously has been excellent. A place to eat as a special occasion. Has quality suffered because of the downturn in customers?


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 21:12

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We stopped going to the golf club near Aligadi because all the veg were frozen.

When we complained the waiter shrugged his shoulders, as did the manager when we brought it to his attention.

Call it lazy, call it greed, but dont call it a good food.

Might try it again next year, though probably not.


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 21:26

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Nige, with the bits of rain n the last few days, the fields should now be abundant with wild 'shrooms. Also, they are not a seasonal thing, they are grown year round .

A restaurant gimmick for stuffed mushrooms, they get stuffed ahead of time, if they are not served that day, they are frozen.

Frozen , not acceptable in a restaurant of that caliber.


"People must think I am a mushroom, they feed me bullshit and keep me in the dark"


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Message Posted:
25/10/2008 21:30

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sometimes the fresh ones on offer are pretty poor to look at and past their best... I realise that in the UK mushrooms are available all year round but they do seem to come and go here... certainly the quality is variable

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