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MM UK VPN - new password

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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 15:53

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I've just changed the password to :


The upper case 'I' is important

Just in case you might believe some of the daft posts on here:

1/ I do not and will never use your email address to spam you, nor give it to a third party

2/ I do NOT / will NOT pass on your IP address to a third party of use it in any inappropriate way

WHY do I do this? / What is my agenda ? .. There isn't one.... I know what it's like to miss UK TV...

and to miss F1 GP qualies/ practice, etc.

If you're an F1 fan .. 'fill your boots' .. ;)


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 15:57

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"WHY do I do this? / What is my agenda ? .. There isn't one.... I know what it's like to miss UK TV..."

BUT if you do use my free VPN, whatever you do, don't upset me by disagreeing with anything that I post on this forum otherwise, I will cut you off !


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:01

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Hi mmmmmm,

Password changed and working OK

Never had any spam either,

I'm a Corn Doggy man myself




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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:03

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Navek.........proof of the pudding


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:04

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Navek.......Pay and set yourself free or just Google "watch UK TV abroad" but you won't find mmmmmm's website on the front page


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:07

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re msg 2


>>Never had any spam<<

and you NEVER will ... perhaps some folk don't understand, so attempt to rationalise applying their character traits to 'rationalise' .. :(


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:10

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BUT then, if they've signed up with your (blackmail) free VPN how can they get spam from you? They know you !


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:20

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there is no signup - I give the same username / password - quite openly - to all - in the open - on this forum ...

Please tell us, therefore, how your 'theory' could work ? ;)


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:21

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I know, it's completely free - through a Greek Cypriot company - God knows who is monitoring the internet traffic !


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:38

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>>I know, it's completely free - through a Greek Cypriot company - God knows who is monitoring the internet traffic !<<

... ANOTHER Washerman 'howler'!!

UK TV Abroad is a UK entity - and any revenue / costs are UK centred...

The servers are naturally located in the UK - it IS a UK VPN - ( duh!) and any traffic from 'TRNC' routes through Turkey..

Now you KNOW all this.. and if you don't, you shouldn't BE in IT... and claiming any 'expertise' ..

Better you spent time responding to your earlier fibs re 'blackmail' -that were countered - before 'walking on the next punch'


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:41

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Domain name:

Registrant Contact:


Mark Smyth ()


PO Box 58346

Limassol, NONE 3733


Administrative Contact:


Mark Smyth ()

44 7092 333501


PO Box 58346

Limassol, NONE 3733


Technical Contact:


Mark Smyth ()

44 7092 333501


PO Box 58346

Limassol, NONE 3733


Status: Locked

Name Servers:

Creation date: 03 Mar 2008 18:45:56

Expiration date: 03 Mar 2012 18:45:00


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:42

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Visit this link:


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 16:57

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Washerman re msg 12 is the DOMAIN.. as I've told you - the entity is UK based.. the Bank account is at a UK Nat west... it is NOT an overseas operation ..

Now, I note you didn't comment about the obviousness of your IT related howler concerning the workings of the UK VPN and don't apologise for suggesting that a 'TRNC' based client would be routing via the 'rump' RoC.. that was plain silly

Suggest you either go back to the pool or learn to research / ask question, first... it might save 'embarrassment'


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 17:03

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Why does the money get transferred via Paypal to Limassol ?

Why does the domain registration records show that the domain is registered in Limassol ?

Squeemish, you should be !

TRNC internet traffic is being diverted through a Greek Cypriot registered web site !


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 17:25

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The money comes from paypal to the UK.. can't you read?

Why shouldn't the domain be registered in Limas(s)ol ?

>>TRNC internet traffic is being diverted through a Greek Cypriot registered web site !<<

That's nonsense and you're clearly hoping someone will believe it...

You are now repeating this IDIOTIC fib all over the board.... I expect when Erolz - or someone technically respected - points this out you will tell us all it was a 'joke'..



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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 17:26

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Where is the domain registered and why ?


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 17:32

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You know where and the why is my business .. I don't have to explain my reasoning for ( perfectly legal) locational descisions...

- Now you are persistent re this point can I ask why you are 'persistent' with your 'contention' that "traffic to the website (or via the UK VPN) is routed from 'TRNC' via the rump' RoC "

Please tell us how this is possible - I have explained it isn't true... and WHY you might make such a suggestion ?!


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 17:36

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Mark, I know that you are used to having your cake and eating it, but at 'best' it's a clerical error....if the website is UK based, it should be registered in the UK....should it not?

At worst, it's deception, like the rest of your psotings about our business in the TRNC


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 18:09

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re 18

>>if the website is UK based, it should be registered in the UK....should it not? <<

I know you are hoping my responding to your fibs will provoke my inability to respond ... the answer is NO..

>>At worst, it's deception, like the rest of your psotings about our business in the TRNC<<

1/ How is it 'deception' - please be legally correct

2/ Specifically, I've point out why your part of the business that supplies 'grey market piracy' is TRULY deceiving

a) you claimed 'officialdom'

b) you have made guarantees re continued service, you know you can't possibly make as a 'grey market pirate'

I've helped advise folk get sat tv services they aren't supposed to get - I wanted you to be HONEST - ther are no guarantees - you don't even have a legal opinion of a European Court of Justice to 'help'

Just like Dopi / Uran clients - time will show who is 'deceiving'


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 18:11

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This is nothing to do with my business and all to do with your business


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 18:27

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re msg 20, Washerman

THIS thread was about a new UK VPN password

you might like to THINK ( for one) before responding ...


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 18:34

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That may have been the title of the thread appointed by you, but it ssems to have taken a turn for the worst


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 18:40

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Give it a rest washerman,, u try to intervene every time Mark posts on here.


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 19:14

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Sorry washerman , I have already posted elsewhere but I see the same things being said here. There is no requirment that a domain conatact name and address is in the same country as a business that is linked or uses that domain. The only requirement for a domains contact address is that the person or entity that registered it can be contacted via that address. Other than that it means nothing about where servers may be located, where business attatched to the domain may be located, where payments are sent to. It is what it says it is. A contact address. It is also just rubbish to say that "TRNC internet traffic is being diverted through a Greek Cypriot registered web site" in regards to Marks VPN. It just is not true. As for "God knows who is monitoring the internet traffic" I have no idea what you are trying to suggest here ? Who do YOU think is monitoriting it and to what end washerman ?


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 19:18

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Msg 24

Good lunch?!



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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 19:22

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Great lunch Richard, good food, good wine. The only down side was the drunk kiwi in the corner, but you cant have everything ;) (and no I dont mean karin) had to post the last bit for my own protection.


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 19:53

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"Just in case you might believe some of the daft posts on here: "

You mean like your VPN passwords previously that were deliberate digs and abusive to members of this board?

How childish was that.


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 19:54

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Hey, guys it's great to see how meeting face to face has brought a dose of 'bonhomie'... sounds like a great time was had by all ;)


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 20:03

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Pugwash, re msg 27

>>You mean like your VPN passwords previously that were deliberate digs and abusive to members of this board? <<

It probably escaped your attention that at the time of those passwords I was banned...

One of them (correctly) pointed out that someone was ( and still is ) telling fibs - yet seeking my removal

- and the second -

that there was a biased moderator involved in my banning ..

Neither password was in English, so thanks for taking the time to translate ...


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 20:05

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Sorry so,

"It probably escaped your attention that at the time of those passwords I was banned..."

That is an excuse to be rude and abusive?


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 20:08

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re 30, Pugwash

Again, as you clearly can't have read..

What is 'rude or abusive' about expressing fact in a password ?

It was my only way to make myself 'heard' at a time when certain posters thought they could fib ( these fibs will cost members real money) with impunity ...


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 20:30

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During your ban and Mark's, I was posting the new ones until you both returned. When banned, you are still allowed all member privileges except to post, so what's the problem of 'keeping up' with the information you needed?



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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 20:42

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in some posts, today you 'alluded' to possible 'deceit' - on my part - re my biz affairs and locations...

I just remembered that my CY account was limited as paypal insisted that I complied with an EU derived biz law to confirm my biz status, banks accounts and location(s)

I had to PROVE this to them to prevent my not being able to withdraw money - as you really know.. Paypal are VERY fussy about security - sometimes to the point of being annoying..

I received this email from them:

"Dear Mark Smyth,

We understand that your PayPal account may have been temporarily limited due to questions or concerns by our Account Review team. Thank you very much for your cooperation during this process. We are pleased that your account has now been reinstated.

As part of PayPal's Commitment to excellence, we would like to ask you to take just a few minutes to answer questions about PayPal's account limitation process..."

This email is dated 01/06/11

( cont)


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 20:55

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My point is that Paypal are in a far better position to judge my honesty than you - and I confirm that I've NEVER had a charge back in 5.5 years of using them - as our card merchant in CY in 5.5 years and the UK for 2.5 years

Naturally, you might disbelieve the authenticity of the email or it's date - what would you need to 'prove' that yet another of your 'contentions is so much 'hot air' and simply another attempt to deflect from your own 'shortcomings' in the truthfulness stakes ?


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 21:22

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"fact"is only what you yourself in this instance believe Mark or mmmmmm it was provocative and childish.


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Message Posted:
05/06/2011 21:27

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Okay Capt. just for you!



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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 13:40

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Getting this one back on track,

Thanks Mark, I have used Marks free VPN for a long while now and rarely from TRNC a lot of the time from Paris or Russia as I use it when battened down in Hotels where there is no UK TV.

I have never had a problem with it and it has never let me down as I have been a long time user of this free service I contacted Mark and informed him that if this becomes a subscription service I would happily pay.

To this date we still get free password updates for a trouble free UK VPN.

So who else is giving you anything for free that's worth anything these days? don't knock it appreciate it.

Thanks Mark


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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 13:50

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Hi mmmmmm How do i get on to this site , it sounds like magic.


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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 16:19

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Thanks for the link Mark, was great I watched Emmerdale this afternoon for the first time this year. (sad ain't it, the sun shining and me watching Emmerdale)



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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 16:48

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Hi nurseawful,

Just think, you'll be able to watch the countdown to the bells on STV's

Hogmanay Show,

if you're still awake



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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 16:54

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That is one thing I really don't miss, those awful programmes at the 'Bells' with Stanley Baxter.



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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 21:37

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How to get it :

If you know how to set up a VPN:

the host / server name is

username: Smyth_Mark

password : Its4free

Usually the automatic settings in Windows / Macs / Ubuntu work ( you can simply search under help in Windows / Mac and enter VPN - a wizard will ask questions and the three settings listed above are the main requirements )

You need to call the VPN something...

You could call it MMs VPN or Pugwash for President... anything will do ;)

Once connected visit ( yes, only one d ) you should now appear to be in the UK ;)


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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 21:38

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To all those getting 'joy' from this I'm genuinely pleased... I started this off for F1 fans ;)


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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 22:28

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you got my vote mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

does the vpn work with channel 4 / 5

and how does one revert back to th old settings if a problem ??


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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 22:54

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NN (for windows) once you have set up the VPN detials you basically connect to the connection (whatever name you gave it) and disconnect , like old 'modem' connections.

You can get streaming content (not download) for channel 4 and 5 from these urls


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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 22:59

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Washerman when are you going to give up. You are really such a sad person.


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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 23:07

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If confused or ignorant like me! Contact Mark via Skype and he'll 'take over' your computer and do it for you. Erol, maybe also has the ability to do the same thing.



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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 23:09

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Yeah I can take over peoples computers remotely to help, only with their consent of course, and am willing to do so. Zoots got any PC problems by any chance ? ;)


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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 23:17

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That's how Mark did mine. A code number punched in (life span of only a few hours) and control handed over. One has to inherently trust the person and everything hunky-dory!



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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 23:20

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Yeah Richard, I too use such a system to support friends and family machines remotely. It does require the person on the other end to install a small program and then run it and as you say pass codes to grant temporary access. THere are variou systems but the one I like is called teamviewer, is free for non commercial use.


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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 23:26

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No idea, I was speaking live to Mark on Skype and he just told me what numbers to punch in. I didn't down-load anything, from memory.



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Message Posted:
06/06/2011 23:29

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Windows does have its own in built facility to do this , without any extra software, I just prefer the teamviewer version personaly.


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Message Posted:
07/06/2011 07:57

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Message 53 of 55 in Discussion

To reiterate a previous post of mine.....

''Good to see 6 M's back on the forum again and a word of thanks to Mark for his generous support. It works fine with Kibrisonline.''

Mark ''Veritas vincit.''


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Message Posted:
29/06/2011 14:35

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Hi 6 M's. Just wanted to add my thanks to you for allowing us to use your free VPN.

Very much appreciated and for your sound comments on the forum.


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Message Posted:
29/06/2011 15:50

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Thanks folks.. I will be changing the password next week.

I'm now going to ask folks wanting to continue to use it to email me at:

Sadly, it was abused by someone wanting to download a pirated movie on a BiTtorrent and *I* got the blame :(

Anyone wanting to use the service from next week will have to request it so I'd request that the password is not posted in the open - you have my assurance that your email will not be used by third parties or passed on - "NO agendas... "

Those already on the "update username / password" mailing list don't need to request to be added, but if you aren't sure - it's not going to be an issue...

Thanks in anticipation ;)

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