North Cyprus Tourist Board - Parents Beware - LEMAR Park Karakum
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Parents Beware - LEMAR Park Karakum

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Joined: 03/09/2010
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Message Posted:
09/06/2011 23:48

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3 weeks ago my son was seriously injured at the Lemar park in Karakum. There are spiral steps either side of the park that leads to a platform, the steps should be secured and held in place by pins but it is not and is extremely unsafe. My 3 year old son climbed the said steps and was swung around on the top step which in turn smashed his head into the metal platform and crashed him to the floor, this resulted in a 2 inch hole in the back of his head almost knocking him unconscious and 6 stitches to his head at the A&E. It could have been fatal. After the event I informed the manager of Lemar (with the help of my older son who speaks Turkish) who looked at the faulty steps and sent a colleague off to get the pins that hold the whole thing together from "upstairs" ! Why they were taken out in the first place I will never know. Anyway, 3 weeks later and two more visits to the manager the pins have still not been replaced and the steps are still a hazard. What next? any suggestions?


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 00:01

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shop elsewhere


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 00:11

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I would try the belediyer but I am not sure which department. You could also try and get some newspapers interested. If this play area is a risk to children then something should be done to force them to rectify the issues urgently or close it down.


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 00:18

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I take it you're talking about the play area which sounds unsafe for children to play. im not sure weather lemar has a head office but i would certainly go to the belediyer,it might be a good idea to take someone with you who speaks good turkish,

I hope your little one is ok now


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 00:25

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Disgraceful! Unfortunately the attitude may well be, 'he's not dead, what's the problem'! Why didn't you go and report the incident to the Police?



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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 06:58

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Lemar head office used to behind the Lemar in Lefkosa, maybe worth a visit?


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 07:04

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Msg 1, I also meant to say that the owners do speak english.

Also there was a chap recently interviewed in one of the free magazine called Huseyin Ergil, and he speaks excellent english - maybe you could find out who to approach via him.


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 07:45

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mess 1 - sorry to say - 3rd world country with 3rd world mentality................

They don't give a kippers about the brits that invested here...................


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 08:46

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The only way to force them to take notice is to sue them for damages. I know, that is another can of worms



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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 09:21

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Foreigners are only 'a necessary evil' - otherwise expendable; that's, obviously and demonstrably, their attitude!


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 09:44

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Sue and be poor Ismet? I think not. The only winners in a legal suit would be the legal profession.

If you complain they will probably issue you with a ban!


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 10:42

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Message 12 of 21 in Discussion

join their facebook page put photos if you have any on there ??


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 13:17

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Message 13 of 21 in Discussion

Thanks for all your comments. My son has had his stitches out now and thankfully has fully recovered. I did visit Lemar park again this morning and to my surprise they have put pins in a few of the steps on one side but not the other (the one my son injured himself on!). I did call Cyprus Today newspaper but still awaiting a reporter to contact me. As you say, 3rd world country 3rd world mentality! They should really take the steps out completely to prevent any further accidents - I can't believe it has been left in a really dangerous state.


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 13:25

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Levent Foods LTD LEMAR Head Office

YZB.Tekin Yurdabak Cad,






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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 19:19

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Message 15 of 21 in Discussion

Thank you Omaintenance.


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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 19:35

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cyprus today has gone down hill BIG STYLE since Ian Shepherd left .



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Message Posted:
10/06/2011 23:51

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I'm not buying it any more either. What a useless load of old twaddle it is nowadays. Where did Ian Shepherd go anyway?

Hope your little one is OK now.


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Message Posted:
12/06/2011 09:02

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why dont you report it to Kibris newspaper. Im sure they would do an interview with you and not only inform the general public but also Lemar owners.

I hope your little one is feeling much better.

Please do not stay quiet about this. As a mother you should warn other parents about the park and Lemar have to fix it and I believe compensate your poor son.


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Message Posted:
12/06/2011 11:13

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Sorry to hear about your son but I'm glad he's on the mend. I'm replying to bring this back to the top so that other parents can see it.

The standard of some of these units is unbelievable. I am a registerd Play Inspector and to be honest I wouldn't let my grand kids go on most of them. There are European Directives but of course..........

One visit I went to the Lemar in Bogaz where they had some new play equipment fitted. I took photos and showed them to the lads back here - the laughing didn't stop for hours.

Sometimes you get the thought that if they don't care about their kids - what do they care about?


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Message Posted:
12/06/2011 11:39

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Perhaps its not a question of not caring but of lack of knowledge, lack of specifications etc

The company that is producing this equipment should make sure what they are selling is of a certain standard or according to world safety directives.

Its like a case of getting food poisoning and then saying that the country doesnt care about the cleanliness and safety of their food- when in fact its either the restaurants or the suppliers fault.

Please make Lemar aware of this incident. If they do nothing to change their equipment and dont say their sorry about what happened, then they get the blame.

I do not believe that they would order substandard equipment after going through the trouble to actually create these play areas.


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Message Posted:
12/06/2011 12:08

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Message 21 of 21 in Discussion

A thread like this is a good start, if enough people hear about it hopefully the park will suffer and close as a result.

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