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Smoking Ban in TRNC

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Joined: 31/03/2008
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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:19

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Message 1 of 70 in Discussion

The President Mr Talat announced smoking ban in all public places 3 weeks ago. Im not sure when to be fully implemented.

Sorry smokers, but this will be the best thing for everybody. I have lost friends and family who have died through smoking.

I have damaged lungs through passive smoking and I have various allergic reactions as soon as I come into contact with tobacco smoke.

It it a dirty distgusting habit that ruins health and kills, the best thing is if it made illegal to smoke full stop!

It is such a pleasure to go into a pub, bar or restuarant in UK and breathe smoke free air!

If you Women only knew how ugly you look when you put a bloody fag to your lips....! and to kiss somebody that is a smoker ahhhh! it is horrible.

Please give up smokers!



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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:22

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Message 2 of 70 in Discussion

they might be able to ban smoking in public places, but there are millions of smkers they will never be able to ban smoking full stop.


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:23

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Message 3 of 70 in Discussion

Well said Nunu1. As for me, I'm only kissing female non-smokers in future - with the exception of pipe and cigar smokers

Wilts Girl

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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:24

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"the best thing is if it made illegal to smoke full stop!" Never gonna happen, too much tax is charged on fags for it to be economically viable for the government to make it illegal.


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:30

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Message 5 of 70 in Discussion

I smoked for 40 years but wish i had never seen a cigarette.

Smoking killed the 71% of my lungs that no longer work.

I cannot walk more than 20 yds without being breathless.

A nice gentle stroll on the beach would be impossible.

Sex is out of the question!

The next chest infection I get may be the one that kills me.

I take 8 different medications a day because of the effects on my body of being a smoker.

I lost my teeth through being a smoker.

If you want a thousand reasons not to smoke, get in touch.

I'm not asking for pity, I know it is my own fault! No-one forced me to smoke.


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:37

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Message 6 of 70 in Discussion

Dusterbruce, thank you for sharing your health issues with us. Im sorry this has happened to you. I wish people would seriously take note on this issue.

I find a lot of smokers to be very selfish and claim its their right to smoke. No problem, but I dont BLOODY wish to breathe that shit in!

I know this will anger the smokers out there, but again they should think of others.

I physically feel sick and have an asmatic type attack when in contact with tobacco smoke.

Give up Smoking people please!



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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:41

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Bloke smoking fat cigar. Bloke smoking fat joint. I know which one I'd rather be stuck in a lift with...


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:42

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Message 8 of 70 in Discussion

As long as there was another bloke with a large selection of snack foods, that is.


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:44

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Is that a joint of beef or lamb?


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:44

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Message 10 of 70 in Discussion

drinking kills more ??? and im not giving up either


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:45

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Message 11 of 70 in Discussion


you have actually made a positive statement re. the UK! What a pleasant surprise!


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:47

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Message 12 of 70 in Discussion

dusterbruce - sorry to hear of your health problems Would it help you to live in a warm climate?


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:49

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Message 13 of 70 in Discussion

Yes thats why I am planning to live in TRNC when the builder gets his act together


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 17:52

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Message 14 of 70 in Discussion

If anyone is interested there is a blog written by a guy who is disabled by smoking


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 18:06

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Message 15 of 70 in Discussion

I have a few times apologized to people in case my food or the fresh air I was enjoying is putting them off of their cigarette, needless to say went completely over their heads.

Personally I am fully in favour of smoking if people choose to do so, and as long as it does not affect others who choose not to, it's called mutual respect (some are of course more mutual than others), and don't forget, it is after all a very efficient form of population control.

At least the people that die from it do so in the full knowledge of the risks, at least they do nowadays since information is better transmitted.

We attempt to keep ourselves and more importantly our children away from smokey areas, but are well aware that we often breath in much more dangerous fumes sitting in traffic.

Ironic thing is that under Health and Safety laws (COSHH) in the UK, cigarettes have not been outlawed, yet it is widely accepted that if cigarettes were invented today, they would not be legalised.

Wilts Girl

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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 18:15

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I very much agree with the mutual respect angle and I try to avoid lighting up around people eating etc but like I said on the other similar thread you get ignorant smokers just as you get ignorant drinkers or ignorant drivers.

True smokers know what their letting themselves in for, that’s why I am drinking my liver to death before the lungs give out!


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 18:19

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Message 17 of 70 in Discussion

wilts girl ..six one half adozen of the other,or if left one dont get you the right one will....

Wilts Girl

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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 18:28

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Message 18 of 70 in Discussion

Probably, I cant help it. I am a sort of 'live for the moment' kind of gal.


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 18:37

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When I started smoking in the early 1960's the risks were not really known, apart from the cost, and if you were a teenage boy who didnt smoke you were considered to be a wimp. Those starting to smoke now have no excuse, they are the wimps for not resisting the temptation.

The only reason nowadays that this killer is not banned is because of the loss to the exchequer, in any country, but as well as this how many jobs both in cigarette manufacturing and retailing would be lost?

Wilts Girl

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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 18:47

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Very true Dusterbruce, its big business and in too many peoples interests to make illegal completely.

No-one can deny they know the risks nowadays when they take up smoking, but everyday there is something else in the news that we aren’t supposed to do because of the risks attached to it. I cant help being of the opinion that if I didn’t do everything there are risks associated with I wouldn’t do a lot!


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 18:51

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Message 21 of 70 in Discussion

I have to agree, Wilts Girl. I would never have given up smoking through choice, but at the beginning of 2003 I was given the choice of quit the weed or be dead in 6 months so my decision was obvious!


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 18:55

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Message 22 of 70 in Discussion

I have seen the fatal results of someone who smokes, I also see everyday the loved ones that are left behind (including devoted Grandchildren). Think of those you will (and I mean will!) leave behind.



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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 21:11

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Message 23 of 70 in Discussion

Dusterbruce..Like I have said in previous posts I smoked for 51years till it caught up with me.Like you I would never have given up my pipe for a lotterywin,but when push came to shove the pipe went out the window and I had my quadruple heart by pass op. 4yrs ago and never touch it since.Put a couple of stone on mind you but not go back to it.I have actually seen people in hospital when I was there, hanging out the ward windows to have a fag.Since then I have every Sympathy for people who dont wan t to smell ciggy smoke at any time cos I certainly dont like it. But by the same token those who want to go down deaths road thats there choice an facilities should be made available to them,when alls said and done we all have freedom of choice...


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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 22:42

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I would like to say good, ban it totally in public places, but the more committed smokers will never give up (unless faced with ciggies or death scenario) and some people just enjoy smoking.

So it would be better that they have a designated area where they can indulge their addiction and breathe in their first and second hand smoke to their hearts (no pun intended)content and let the rest of us dine and drink in a smoke free environment and not have to go home and put our clothes in the wash because they stink of smoke.

Wits girl I see you are a young woman and the younger generation enjoy the moment, but smoking will damage your health and it could possibly kill you, you only have to read these postings to see that what damage it does to peoples health.

If you dont fancy giving up for health give up for vanity, ruins the skin and you end up with more facial wrinkles!! (lecture over)



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Message Posted:
29/10/2008 22:53

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Message 25 of 70 in Discussion

lovelife- good post.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 08:01

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Message 26 of 70 in Discussion

No government can afford to shut down the smoking industry as the resulting loss of tax revenue would be massive. For proof look at the Dutch where smoking is banned in public places but cannabis is allowed. Cigarettes = lots of lovely tax, cannabis = nada. The tone of some of the comments on this thread is bordering on the faschistic, we all have or have had health issues but we don`t all ram them down peoples throats ad nauseum. My impression back when smoking was allowed on aircraft was that the non-smokers were far less disciplined than the smokers, it always amused me no end to see the empty duty free bottles and trash on the floor at the front end of the cabin. Still each to their own.


How about banning alcohol?...Liver protection and less punch-ups

How about banning cars?...helps the

How about banning meat?...No cows = less methane into the atmosphere

Just a thought.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 09:00

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Message 27 of 70 in Discussion

Is tax revenue loss as valid an argument as the one I made for keeping the Queen... er no, it's not!

It they stopped smoking and thereby reduced that tax revenue stream they would simply need to find something else to tax to raise the "missing" revenue... presumably one that does not place such a heavy burden on the NHS as smoking does.....

Maybe they would tax sugar and salt... to try and curb consumption of those two killers (jocular comment - not to be taken too seriously).

It would then be a win, win, win situation...

All those people in the Tobacco industry making money out of harming other people's health could get real jobs that didn't involve killing people in the name of personal freedoms...

The NHS would have to deal with less smoking related illnesses which are proportionately more expensive to treat than a lot of natural causes.

The ex-smokers might live long enough so that their grandchildren didn't need to see them coughing themselves to death.....


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 09:54

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Message 28 of 70 in Discussion

Grouch - well said!


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 10:06

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Message 29 of 70 in Discussion

Alcohol and cigarettes are two completely different entities! Although the government benefits from both of these, people can drink but only affect themselves through liver damage etc but when people smoke it is everyone else around that suffers as well.

I take offense when people say this subject is being rammed down peoples throats, its more like the smoke thats being rammed down! I choose not to smoke so I don't see why I should have to breathe in other peoples smoke and damage my health. At the same time I still wish to socialise and therefore am forced to go into smoky bars due to the lack of non-smoking ones. I was out last weekend in a small bar where everyone was smoking but I had to leave because there were no windows open and the smoke was stinging my eyes and giving me asthma.

I think that it is a personal choice to smoke but people and the government need to consider the thoughts and the health of others that do not choose to smoke.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 11:06

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Message 30 of 70 in Discussion

Rosieposie surely you knew Northern Cyprus was a 'smokers paradise' when you came here! And as for people who drink only affecting their own health - what about the dangers of drunk drivers, surely being mowed down by a car is quite bad for your health? And ask the families of alcoholics if it only affects the drinker, likewise the drunk's wife/husband who regularly gets beaten up/abused when too much alcohol has been consumed. If you wanted non smoking, sterile bars (full of drunks) you should have stayed in UK

Yes I smoke (did you guess) but only outside (even at home) unless I'm in a bar (in N Cyprus) which specifically welcomes smokers and even then I'll not light up if anyone is eating nearby. Maybe we need to add 'thoughtless & inconsiderate' to smokers when we are complaining about them - some of us are quite nice you know!


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 11:16

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Message 31 of 70 in Discussion

Groucho..I once saw a comedy show where the comics were using actual facts about how much tax they paid on there ciggies far out wayed how much was spent on smoking related illnesses and it was quite alarming to see the ratio of cost per person to tax paid.I do not condone smoking in public places where other peoples health is at risk.I sometimes wonder how smokers would react if they were told that every ime they lit up they would have to have a shot of heroin.I dont know if you can see my comparison,someone being forced to have something against their will.I know you will probably say they can always leave the bar but so could the smoker but invariably its the non smoker who leaves..well it is in my case.....


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 11:28

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Message 32 of 70 in Discussion

I believe the bars and pubs in the UK have been a much better enviroment since the smoking ban and Alcohol in moderation should not kill you in fact drinking certain drinks in moderation has been proven to be beneficial,, the same cannot be said for Cigs!! even smoking in moderation can kill !!! or at least damage your health..

I have no problem with people smoking in an deddicated smoking area where they can all affect each other and not non smokers, i believe that anyone lighting up in a restraunt has no respect for others around them and should be shown the door (external restraunts should even have a smoking area away from non smokers).. as the smoke drifts around on windy days and can still be very unpleasent.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 11:34

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maggie & bernie

Good post MSG 30 Could,nt have put it better.

I smoke my Husband does not, but he does not go around condeming those that do.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 11:47

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Message 34 of 70 in Discussion

Chick..I dont condemn people who smoke being an ex-smoker myself, but I think what people are condeming is,I woulwhere they smokei.e. in restraunts lounge bars etc..I would never light up in a restruant even when I used to smoke in consideration for those who were stilldining.

saucy boy..yes the pubs are better off for smokers and non smokers alike.The p

ub I go to with my smoking mates has a very good outside smoking facility...


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 12:01

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Message 35 of 70 in Discussion

Its called the great outdoors...

Wilts Girl

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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 12:10

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Message 36 of 70 in Discussion

I am a bit biased as my local has just closed, indirectly due to the smoking ban. They hadn’t got the money or the space for a swanky smoking shelter and so people were just standing on the street smoking, this caused loads of complaints from the neighbours and eventually a loss in trade.

They were a traditional smoking pub and didn’t serve food so once their drinking clientele left they slowly folded. They had two rooms one side of the door was the smoking room and the other side wasn’t it worked well for years.

I don’t believe smokers should be able to light up everywhere and totally agree with restaurants not allowing smoking but I still cant see the problem with a dedicated well ventilated smoking room or allowing smoking in bars which chose to be smoking bars.

As for the cost to the NHS argument, if I don’t drink for the rest of my life and stay in shape by eating healthily does that entitle me to treatment (IF) I suffer any ill effects from smoking in later life? If


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 13:34

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Message 37 of 70 in Discussion

RosiePosie and Groucho good postings!

If I may add something, smoking and drinking alcohol are two very different issues.

While smokers are awake, they will have a ciggie every say 15 mins for example. The only time they stop is when they go to bed to sleep.

Apart from alchoholics, the average drinker is going to go to a bar/pub for several hours at a time.......But generally not drink all the time they are awake!

If you are next to a smoker and you are a non smoker you have to endure and suffer the horrible smoke. If you a sitting in a bar with non smokers, but they are drinking alchol and you are not, all the non smoker and non drinker has to do is listen to somebody that gets louder and talks ballshit for several hours!

Back to smoking......its horrible and SELFISH for making non smokers have to breathe that poison in.



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 14:14

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Message 38 of 70 in Discussion

Groucho..the landlord spent a fair bit on the structure outsde,its enclosed with tables and chairs so you can enjoy fag in peace,which every body is happy withHe dosent seem to have lost any custom,but then I only go on SAT.and its always quite busy then.Perhaps a few more ought to follow suit if they want to stay in business...


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 14:46

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Message 39 of 70 in Discussion


"While smokers are awake, they will have a ciggie every say 15 mins for example. The only time they stop is when they go to bed to sleep."

What utter codswallap!! So what you're saying is, given they sleep for 8 hours a night, smokers will smoke 64 cigarettes a day??? I consider myself to be quite a heavy smoker and seldom get through more than 20 a day!

Reading your posts and those of your 'lets persecute the smokers little fan club' I don't know why you bother going into bars at all - they are for happy people!!

As for Northern Cyprus well none of you had to come here - a good proportion of the locals smoke (just look in the government offices).

Well that's me gone off on one now but really - some people just look for the next thing to moan about.

I am only happy to smoke where it doesn't affect any whinging non/ex smokers, otherwise I wouldn't enjoy a ciggy being scowled at all the time.

Whinge over - have a nice day!



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 15:30

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Message 40 of 70 in Discussion

lol!!!!!! i notice that smokers always justify their habits by saying comments such as message 30 " what about the dangers of drink driving " - this is a completely seperate issue - get a taxi !!!!!!

However the issue of smoking in public places is 1 that i believe needs addressing - especially as mentioned in government offices - just because at the moment it is allowed / happens ( not sure if it is actually ok for government offices to be smoked in????) within the trnc for workers to smoke in their offices - does this mean it is correct?????

As a non smoker I do not see why i should be forced to inhale the smoke from others cigarettes when for example - taxing my car, renewing my driving licence, getting my work permit renewed, reporting an incident to the police ..... need i go on.........because as we know these procedures can take some time and could result in me passive smoking a whole packet of cigarettes!!!!


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 15:41

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Message 41 of 70 in Discussion

Smoking is for mugs.... as is drinking to excess on a regular basis...

Cigarettes And Whisky Words and music by Red Ingle

Cigarettes and whisky and wild, wild women

They'll drive you crazy, they'll drive you insane

Cigarettes and whisky and wild, wild women

They'll drive you crazy, they'll drive you insane

Once I was happy and I had a good wife

I had enough money to last me for life

I met Hamish and Muriel and we went on the spree

And they taught me to smoke and drink whisky

Cigarettes are a curse on the whole human race

A man is a monkey with one in his face

Take warning dear sister, take warning dear brother

There's a fire on one end and a fool on the other

Now I am broken, weary with age

The lines on my face make a well-written page

Write this on my headstone, write this on my grave

To whisky and women this man was a slave


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 15:54

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Message 42 of 70 in Discussion

newscoop,message 26,

I think you are missing Nanu1 point.

Everybody shares the smoke,not so with booze


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 15:56

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Message 43 of 70 in Discussion

Groucho ..Some would say it was the women and not the fags...

Wilts Girl

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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 17:25

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Message 44 of 70 in Discussion

“could result in me passive smoking a whole packet of cigarettes!!!!”

Why do I bother paying for them if its possible to just passive smoke a whole packet in one visit to the local government office?!

“While smokers are awake, they will have a ciggie every say 15 mins for example.”

I must go now, I am due for my 3rd fag of the hour!


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 18:22

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Message 45 of 70 in Discussion

Yeah well said wilts girl.....I suppose we could smoke two at once! Passive smokers should by their own and stop sponging ours (joke)


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 18:26

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Message 46 of 70 in Discussion

Stop smoking, stop drinking, eat healthy, stay out of the sun.......don't think we'll live any'll just seem longer! then again could get run over by a truck tomorrow! ha ha


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 18:29

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Message 47 of 70 in Discussion

Wilts Girl and M&B..There are more women than men treated for heart dissease through smoking, just a little snippet of useless info for you...


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 19:54

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Message 48 of 70 in Discussion

I am a non smoker and really, really hate it - but I have to join forces with message 36 - I am glad that smoking has been banned in restaurants but it does seem weird going into a pub without smoke - I mean how dare the government tell people how to run their businesses - a dedicated space for smokers would keep everyone happy.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:04

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Message 49 of 70 in Discussion

Went in a pub in Lancaster recently and it smelt of stale beer, sweat and worst of all, urine from the gents toilet yuck! - give me some smoke any day. Even though I am a smoker I think the ban in restaurants is a good thing but surely pubs should be able to choose. Oh and before someone mentions the staff issue - I've often waited to be served as the barmaid/barman has been out the back having a quick fag.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:14

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Message 50 of 70 in Discussion

maggie and Bernie,

Message 36. I agree.

Cut out smoking, drinking alcohol, unhealthy eating, take plenty of healthy excersise.

My wife has.......................she will make a merry widow!



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:37

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Message 51 of 70 in Discussion

i am a firm believer in being able to do what you want to your own body but it is clear that smoke damages others as well ! i have found it a much nicer experience going out for a meal or just a drink in the UK without having to shower and put my clothes in a bin after an evening out ! its amazing how you get use to a non smoking environment and found some eating places on our last visit to trnc a bit unpleasant but not enough to put us off moving there next year ! i drink too much and dont drive so i wont be harming anyone with my vice and am sure smokers wish they could do the same !! (not drive harm others )


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:03

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Message 52 of 70 in Discussion

I think this could go on forever,I only hope that those smokers who have to have medical treatment will remember what they said on this forum, if not then I hope they do give up and live alittle longer like I am...


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:15

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Message 53 of 70 in Discussion

Smokers, like other addicts have the choice to do or not to do.

After many years in research on smoking I have absolutely no doubt of its destructive powers.

Do not let the legality of this addiction provide comfort to smokers.

Smoking is a killer. Smoking will effect your health and the health of others close to you. Smoking is an expensive solution to an early death.

Shame on tobacco capitalists.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 23:02

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Message 54 of 70 in Discussion

Strange.....................................when I think of all those I have known who have died from cancer have been non-smokers........................yet my father-in-law who smokes like a trooper is 93yrs of age!


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 23:55

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Message 55 of 70 in Discussion

Thank you Kicking K! My Grandma died of lung cancer - she had never smoked in her life and wouldn't let anyone in the house smoke. My husbands Gran passed away a couple of years ago at 92 and swore by 20 Craven A per day and a couple of tots of Stones Green ginger wine!

I KNOW they are bad for me but some days the only thing between me & a murder charge is a cigarette! One day I'll pack em in but when I do I'll do it for me - not the whinging moaning anti-smoking brigade!


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 23:57

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Message 56 of 70 in Discussion

Hi smokers and non smokers. I think I have started a subject/topic that could go on for ever!

Just for the record and clarification, I do not discriminate or have a problem with Smokers, however I think it is fair to say that non smokers should not have to put up with or breathe in the poison smoke!

Like a fellow meber said smokers always get ratty and have to justify their habit! Again, a lot of my freinds are smokers, and in mid conversation the NIC OTINE Devil kicks in and they have to dissappear for an oily. (oily rag..Fag)

My example of a smoker having a ciggie every 15 mins was an example......but smokers consistanly will smoke whilst they are awake.

PLEASE smokers I am trying to be kind and put a point across, it is VERY injurious to health.

My Nephew is 13 years old, His best friend is the same age. My Nephews friend has a very bad respiratory problem along with glue ear. THIS is due to his selfish Parents that constantly SMOKE!!!!!!!!

So, is That Fair? !!!


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 09:42

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Message 57 of 70 in Discussion

If you don`t want smokers to get ratty do as i do and don`t patronise them. As for segregated sections in bars how about setting up a small area for the non smokers so they can stimulate each other with their witty repartee and or tales of woe.


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 11:33

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Message 58 of 70 in Discussion

Referring to message 5

My dad had the same condition that I have but his was worse and 20 years ago the drugs that I take were not available to him apart from salbutamol.

He died in the hospital in Nicosia in 1987.

On the day he died he begged the doctors to stop treating him. He said that he was struggling so much to breathe that he did not want to stay alive in that condition.

He was also a smoker, as was my mother. She died 10 years later from lung cancer. They are both in the cemetery in Kyrenia.

Their headstone should read 'killed by smoking'


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 11:43

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Message 59 of 70 in Discussion

I don't think the non smokers are telling us smokers anything we haven't heard 1000 times already. The tuts, the glares, the warnings on the packets and today, a new advertising campaign on UK TV. Why not just make smoking illegal? like other drugs? That way most of us would just have to concede that the game is over though I'm sure there would follow a lucrative black market/illegal trade in cigarettes as some really 'hardened' smokers would find a way to continue. In the meantime, they ARE LEGAL! and as long as we follow the rules about not smoking in forbidden areas, Why not just give it a rest and leave us alone!

fire starter

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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 12:05

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Message 60 of 70 in Discussion

as brits you may abide by a smoking ban.

but can you honestly say that the cypriots and turkish will do the same?

when was the law regarding wearing a seatbelt in the car introduced? does everyone abide by that rule? no!

rules are made to be broken!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 12:06

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Message 61 of 70 in Discussion

My parents gave it a rest. A Rest in Peace!


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 12:08

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Message 62 of 70 in Discussion

firestarter..rules are for the guidance of wise men and the down fall of fools or some thing like that!!!


Joined: 20/05/2008
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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 12:12

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Message 63 of 70 in Discussion

Ninu: "My Nephews friend has a very bad respiratory problem along with glue ear. THIS is due to his selfish Parents that constantly SMOKE!!!!!!!!"

And we can add to that the countless numbers of little babies who have died suddenly in their cots as a direct - or highly probable - result of their parents smoking. Would anyone object if I describe any adult who subjects a child to their smoke in this way as low-life, trailer trash scum who should suffer for the rest of their days and beyond?


Joined: 13/05/2008
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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 13:07

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Message 64 of 70 in Discussion

PP: I smoke but no, I would not have any objection to your description! Could we extend it, perhaps, to include people who drive cars that have various noxious substances billowing out as they can't be bothered to have an emissions test or correct any problem that exists?

I am sure we could find inumerable other examples for categorisation.

I have to say, that I welcome the lack of smoke in any establishments I visit.


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 13:22

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Message 65 of 70 in Discussion

Maggie and Bernie...I do not object to you smoking,you are agrown adult and it is your choice to smoke or not to smoke and being an ex- smoker I can see where you are coming from withyour reasoning.MY only request is that you see our point of view as well. unfortunately there are the unreasonable ones in every walk of life who dont give adamn about there actions have on other people, this is why some people get very angry about this topic. Enjoy your ciggies and I hope every thing goes well for the future.


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 13:36

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Message 66 of 70 in Discussion

Coachie, My husband had a heart attack 5 years ago and I have never smoked in his company or indoors since. Last year I built a smoking shelter at the back of my house in the UK and no one is permitted to smoke in the house. I have never smoked in restaurants or pubs where people are eating. I have 4 children and 7 grandchildren and never smoke in their company. I carry one of those portable ashtrays in my handbag so I can dispose of cigarette ends while I'm out. So, I don't see how I can be any more reasonable. I would enjoy my ciggies, the few that I have, if I wasn't continuously being reminded of what a filthy, selfish, dangerous thing it was I was doing. How about having a go at litter louts, drunks, people who use foul language in front of kids, anybody but us smokers - please give us a break!


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 14:48

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Message 67 of 70 in Discussion

Maggie..I hope you dont think I was saying you were unreasonable or selfish cos I wasnt.I was merely saying there were some who were.I certeainly agree withyou about foul language, litter louts, and drunks,etc..You confront a drunk now and you are just as likely to get stabbed to death or beaten severely.I think its something that all smokers are going to have to put up with.I had it for 3o yrs from her indoors and it was not her got meto stop it was a surgeon....


Joined: 28/01/2008
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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 17:08

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Message 68 of 70 in Discussion

If as I believe,most of us appreciate democracy,and the majority of adults

living in N.Cyprus are smokers;then it must follow, that to impose the will

of the minority of non-smokers on smokers would be undemocratic.

A possible solution that might satisfy the most ardent non-smokers who

wish to socialise,would be to entertain their fellow "antis" in each others


This would ensure purity of air to a greater extent,and help reduce their blood

pressure by not having to take to task those who have habits they

disagree with.


Joined: 04/07/2008
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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 17:45

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Message 69 of 70 in Discussion

In a School science class four worms were placed into four separate jars.

The first worm was put into a jar of alcohol.

The second worm was put into a jar of cigarette smoke.

The third worm was put into a jar of sperm.

The fourth worm was put into a jar of soil.

After one day, these were the results:

The first worm in alcohol --- dead.

The second worm in cigarette smoke --- dead.

The third worm in sperm --- dead.

The fourth worm in soil --- alive.

So the science teacher asked the class --- "What can you learn from this experiment."

Little Johnny quickly raised his hand and said. "As long as you drink, smoke and have sex, you won't have worms."


Joined: 23/12/2007
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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 00:56

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Message 70 of 70 in Discussion

So Pikey is suddenly an expert on all things medical, the connection between cot deaths and smoking is tenuous at best. No medical professional will be tied down to a specific cause because quite simply there is none. What there is is conjecture, nothing more. It`s the Casablanca syndrome at work, if in doubt bring in "the usual suspects"

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