North Cyprus Tourist Board - Poison above Savion Village - 14/6/2010
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Poison above Savion Village - 14/6/2010

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Joined: 29/11/2008
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Message Posted:
25/06/2011 12:42

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I noticed this alert on the Poison Alert board at the vet's this morning. Could anyone let me know whereabouts "above" Savion Village this took place please?

I am concerned as I walk both my pointer dogs up the mountain tracks and over the top of the ridge above Savion Village on a regular basis. Many thanks for any information you can provide.

Please don't start an alternate thread on dog care and muzzels and leads as I am well aware of the many methods of proper animal control, thank you for your concern.


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Message Posted:
25/06/2011 18:25

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BTT just in case anyone knows more information - thanks.


Joined: 21/11/2008
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Message Posted:
25/06/2011 23:44

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I saw this on Cyprus 44 and posted in on my facebook page called Pets Against Poison, this was the reply that someone gave:

The poisoning actually took place at Savyon. Come to Savyon, make the first turn right "Sulun Sokak" go to the last pylon, in front of that is some scrub ground and overlooks a dirt track where Korman's huts are , this is where the happened. I know because I live on that road and my next door's cats were poisoned there. Incidentally, the day that lady's dog was poisoned, 4 x 6 week old puppy's were found, it makes you wonder if some "F.. ing B" dumped the puppies and then put poison down???


Joined: 29/11/2008
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Message Posted:
26/06/2011 06:03

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Many thanks for that information. We start our mountain walks well above that spot - turn up into Savyon and keep going up off the tarmac and onto the rough road for about another 600 mtrs to the small parking spot at the top on the right (just past where some very helpful, lazy, cheapskate, builder has dumped rubbish) - so well away from there.

The dumping of the puppy's followed by the poison sounds about right for the gutless mentality that seems to abound here. Thanks again for the information, not walking them today but off up the same tracks to see if I can find any trace of more poison.


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Message Posted:
26/06/2011 07:15

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I posted the info re msg 3. I am the owner of Bob. Many friends/neighbours at Savyon walk their dogs at the very top of Savyon, and whilst I agree that there is a load of rubbish there, having lived here for a number of years, have not known of any animals being poisoned at that spot..whomsoever is putting down the poison clearly cannot be bothered to go up that far, so I think you may be safe....


Joined: 29/11/2008
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Message Posted:
26/06/2011 07:55

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Thanks, I have the old blue Pajero you may often see up there. May start going up the track a bit further to the first Belapais track and parking there before letting the "hounds" out. We normally walk up to and above and beyond the old quarry on the top (the one past where the abandoned truck is) but have not yet quite made it to the flag! Guess that will have to wait for the winter again this year - an hour and a half is enough for the pair of them or I end up carrying one back down on my shoulders and I am getting to old for that. Thanks again, have not seen any poison about so far but will let you know if I spot any.


Joined: 21/11/2008
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Message Posted:
26/06/2011 13:16

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Waddo please be careful as you get further towards Bellapais right up in the mountains there is someone who lays down poison in animal fat and then wraps it in tin foil packets, I picked up 17 packets over a 3 mile radius. I think it is someone trying to protect their goat herd. Unfortunately I have had to muzzle my dogs, as I am so scared about it. Very depressing!


Joined: 23/05/2009
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Message Posted:
27/06/2011 01:40

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how sad this is :(


Joined: 17/05/2011
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Message Posted:
28/06/2011 00:34

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