New quarantine rules and how it affects TRNCNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 13/02/2008 Posts: 637
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 12:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 24 in Discussion |
| Hye There has been some confusion as to how the new rules regarding taking pets from TRNC to UK will apply to TRNC. From TRNC to UK Animals will require a Microchip, Rabies Vacc, Rabies seriological pass one month from the last rabies vacc. Frontline and Wormer treatment, Health Certificate and Export Certificate. The animal can travel into the UK three months after the date of the seriological test. N Cyprus has been approved to send animals in this way into the EU for the past few years but not into the UK. As from 1 Jan 2012 N Cyprus has been approved to travel to the UK without a Pet Passport and without quarantine. It is not clear at this stage as to how they can travel into the UK as previously only approved carriers/airlines could be used and to date we have not any approved carriers from the TRNC. If i (or my friend Hamish) finds anything else out i will post it on here. Alternatively you can call KAR (0533 8694098) for further advise/info. |

Joined: 24/06/2011 Posts: 193
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 13:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 24 in Discussion |
| most interesting what is your source please ? |

Joined: 28/07/2008 Posts: 1332
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 13:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 24 in Discussion |
| araneae. Just log into Defra in your search engine. it`s all there in black and white. Quite simple if you read it all properly. As far as we are concerned, it`s a big step forward and a weight off a lot of peoples backs. This comes into force after 1st January 2012 |

Joined: 25/01/2009 Posts: 2263
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 14:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 24 in Discussion |
| I read the Defra document online but took it as South Cyprus marked with a 1 denoting a note at the end of the list no quarantine but from North Cyprus 6 months quarantine still required. |

Joined: 17/05/2010 Posts: 360
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 14:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 24 in Discussion |
| Message 5. Yes this is how the Defra message reads. You also cannot go via Turkey as they still have to complete full quarantine from there. Message 1. I suggest you recheck your facts and stop raising peoples hopes. |

Joined: 15/07/2008 Posts: 1070
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 15:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 24 in Discussion |
| Well sorry. I agree with the writer of message 1. Any animal from countries on the non approved list will now be able to enter the UK. from Jan 2012, provided the rules in Part B are adhered to. This press release makes this clear, as far as I'm concerned, & even refers to the practice of putting animals through 6 mths quarantine as now no longer necessary now that Rabies jabs are improved. So as far as I'm concerned, better late than never. |

Joined: 25/01/2009 Posts: 2263
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 15:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 24 in Discussion |
| Having read further on in the document you are right msg 6. Non approved countries animals must have, Microchip. Vaccinated against rabies. Blood sample taken by an authorised vet at least 30 days after vaccination and three months before travelling. Clear blood result from EU-approved laboratory. Have a certificate by an official vet confirming compliance with the regulations. |

Joined: 13/02/2008 Posts: 637
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 15:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 24 in Discussion |
| message 5. i too initially read it as you did - however a source at KAR (Margaret) who regularly advises on import and export of animals to/from TRNC has passed the new info on - which she has checked. The DEFRA site info is confusing but that is the info as understood by Margaret. No doubt she will confirm it and explain the interpretation if anyone wants to contact her. It is not a case of "raising peoples hopes" - simply passing info on. There has always been confusion about how/if/which route animals can go to UK. Perhaps there still is. The more info that is available the better. It seems as if these new rules need further exploring and explaining. The advise that i gave in message 1 is the current interpretation and is the advise already being given to pet owners. If it is incorrect then i will find out from KAR and will ammend it on here. |

Joined: 02/07/2008 Posts: 1519
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 15:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 24 in Discussion |
| Well, I have read it all through twice, and as far as I can see, after the 31st December, providing your animals has all the jabs etc, and have spent the necessary 3 months waiting time, after blood sample taken, they can now enter the UK without quarantine. It even states it is not necessary to go to an approved country to do the 6 months waiting period. |

Joined: 28/07/2008 Posts: 1332
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 15:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 24 in Discussion |
| Woodspeckie. Sorry I have posted a reply to you on the other thread by mistake. "New Quarantine laws and how it affects the TRNC. Woodspeckie. This is why I said read it ALL. The list you are looking at is all EU countries where Cyprus is listed Cyprus 1. Then below it there is a list of non EU countries. Below that is UNLISTED. Click on UNLISTED and it explains quite clearly the situation. it will give you options before and after 31st December. Cick on AFTER. What you need to do if you are travelling after the 31 December 2011 Dogs and cats resident in an unlisted country entering the UK direct or via an non-EU country Under the new rules a pet from an UNLISTED country, whether directly or via a non-EU country, will be allowed to enter the UK without quarantine as long as they meet the EU entry requirements: •be identified by a microchip •be vaccinated against rabies •have a blood sample taken by an authorised veterinarian at least 30 days after vaccinat |

Joined: 28/07/2008 Posts: 1332
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 15:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 24 in Discussion |
| I`m also sorry, all that I copied did not come out. But please do everybody take another look at the whole site. |

Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 16:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 24 in Discussion |
| I have emailed DEFRA and asked for them to clarify the situation with regards to the TRNC from Jan 2012. I did get a reply saying they aim to answer all emails within 15 days. So lets wait and see what they have to say before getting excited. My worry is that even if the above looks like our dogs can leave the TRNC and enter the UK without quarantine, we still may not have an approved carrier or an approved route. |

Joined: 23/12/2008 Posts: 1374
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 18:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 24 in Discussion |
| Yippeeeeeee |

Joined: 24/06/2011 Posts: 193
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 19:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 24 in Discussion |
| still have to use an " approved route !" |

Joined: 28/07/2008 Posts: 1332
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 19:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 24 in Discussion |
| An approved route is a ferry or the channel tunnel in France if all else fails. |

Joined: 06/03/2011 Posts: 1816
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 23:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 24 in Discussion |
| This is great news. I have said all along that I could not understand why dogs from here with Passports and the required mic rochip and rabies injections should be penalised. What was the biggest joke to me was that the blood to be tested for rabies (post innoculation) went to Scotland. So in effect what was being said is that Scotland could not be trusted! Glad to know now that they will be from 1st January. It also means that for a lot of people they can now take their pets back happily. I know my dog would not survive a 6 months quarantine so when and if Iget the money to go back (or maybe even for a long holiday) Dudu can come too. As message No. 13 says 'yipeeeeeeee' |

Joined: 21/01/2009 Posts: 529
Message Posted: 05/07/2011 23:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 24 in Discussion |
| If this is the case then dogs with the correct paperwork, etc should be allowed into the South from the North. They can then travel with B.A. or Cyprus Airways. |

Joined: 06/03/2011 Posts: 1816
Message Posted: 06/07/2011 00:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 24 in Discussion |
| That's an interesting thought sideways. I would love to take my dog over shopping with me (don't go often, mainly because I don't have anywhere to leave my dlog). Logic says that if U.K will accept dogs from here, and both U.K and the South are in the EU, how can the south deny the same facilities. It will merely mean showing the dog's passport at the border as well as my own! Maybe further questions should be asked. of course it would be interesting to know if this is an EU ruling! Oh, I am getting quite excited now! |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 06/07/2011 01:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 24 in Discussion |
| I think you will find that the 'Green Line' regulations are in 'addition' to the 'normal' ones for movement of pets into and out of the EU. These specificaly prohibit the movement of animals , pets or not, as far as I know. |

Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 06/07/2011 10:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 24 in Discussion |
| Erolz, We have legally brought dogs from the south to the north. It has been possible since around this time last year. Our boy was the first dog legally to cross the green line. I have asked a friend to clarify the situation re dogs going back the other way. I do know in the south the Kennel Club have been working on this, so hopefully something will give shortly. I don't see why if the dogs have the correct paperwork that this couldn't be possible? |

Joined: 19/02/2011 Posts: 1151
Message Posted: 06/07/2011 13:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 24 in Discussion |
| If this information is absolutely correct, then I suspect there are a lot of people in the TRNC who will now head back to the UK, because it was the huge cost of putting animals into quarantine which was the only thing keeping them here. Tango1 |

Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 06/07/2011 13:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 24 in Discussion |
| It may also help with the dump a dog situation. But don't lets get excited yet until we know for sure. |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 06/07/2011 14:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 24 in Discussion |
| Blade the 'Green Line' regulations are set by the EU for movment from North to South. Generally the TRNC 'mirrors' these regulations back the other way, but is not required to do so and does maintain some differences, one of which is allowing pets from South to North , another being not having increased the value of goods from 135 € to 260 € that the EU changed in 2008. In terms of getting pets back to the UK it is therefore movement of animlas from North to South that is relevant and these are defined by the EU regulation COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 866/2004 of 29 April 2004 and the ammendments made to it since. This can be seen here!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&lg=en&numdoc=304R0866R(01) Article 4 section 9 reads "9. The movement of live animals and animal products across the line shall be prohibited." This is what would need to be ammended to allow pets to cross from North to South. |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 06/07/2011 14:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 24 in Discussion |
| [cont] There have been several ammendments since the orginal green line regs in 2004 but they have not changed article 4 section 9 and until this is changed you will not be able to take animals from North to South. Many people mistakenly think the Green Line regulations work both ways and are binding both ways. They do not. THey are binding only on the RoC for goods crossing INTO the EU from the green line. THe TRNC generaly choses to mirror these EU regs for movment the other way, but is not obliged to do so and does make some excpetions where they do not mirror them. |
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