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Letter to The People Of The TRNC-ABAG Press Release

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» North Cyprus Property Rental Guide

Aga Buyers A G

Joined: 04/10/2007
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Message Posted:
04/10/2007 17:49

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To The People of the TRNC

We are a group of British housewives, and their families, who it would appear are causing an upset to the Construction Industry in the beautiful TRNC. Well, we are here to try to explain ourselves and hope that you understand the reasoning behind our actions.

For many years now, some since 2003, we have been waiting for either our properties to be built or a refund of our monies paid. We are all the victims of AGA Development/Gary John Robb/Tahir Soycan and numerous other Directors of AGA which currently include Cafer Gurcafer, Head of the Cyprus Turkish Building Contractors Association. We were sold villas marketed by the sales team of Unwins Estate Agents. The villas were going to be built by AGA Developments. Both these companies have British and Turkish Cypriot Directors. We were all guided legally by Turkish Cypriot lawyers as to land issues, deeds, Contracts etc.

We have given these persons over 4 years now to put right the wrongs they have caused, and we have been completely ignored. Back in April 2007 we handed in a request by over 150 AGA buyers for help from Mr Soyer - we heard nothing from his office. We have put in our complaints to the Government's Property Complaints Office, but to date none of the complaints has resulted in a refund or other solution from this Government Dept. We have written thousands of letters and emails to anyone we thought would listen, and again hit a brick wall from within the Government of the TRNC. We have visited TRNC offices in the UK and Cyprus and met with lawyers and many officials only to find a wall of silence from within the TRNC. But the interesting fact is that in all this time while looking for justice, not only for ourselves but all AGA victims, we have unwittingly collated documented evidence of high level corruption which we will at some stage release into the public domain.

We are predominantly three families who are now in serious financial trouble with no light at the end of the tunnel for the return of our monies. We are not property developers, millionaires or business people, just three ordinary families who fell in love with the TRNC and wanted to put some “roots” there. We have been accused of “cashing-in” on cheap property, but, the price that we were paying at that time was no different to those in the rest of the EU. We all fell in love with the TRNC because it is unspoilt and has some of the friendliest people in the world, warm and helpful and welcoming. However, the island is a magnet to criminals and their activities, and this has been to the cost of the TRNC and its own people, not only us. Ask yourselves how these people manage to buy the biggest houses on the island and drive the most expensive cars? You do not see the average Turkish Cypriot in a Ferrari or an equally expensive 4 x 4, no, the ordinary people of Northern Cyprus struggle to find work and keep a roof over their heads - the same as ordinary people in the rest of Europe. Could this be due to the high level corruption that we have seen to exist in the TRNC? We do not wish to interrupt the business dealings of those honest business people who promote all that is good in the TRNC, but unless we make ourselves heard we will continue to be ignored and lose everything we have worked hard for in our lives. Interest rates in Britain are rising fast and we are all paying a huge amount of money every month for something that we do not have and are unlikely to have, whilst various directors of AGA take delivery of brand new cars on a regular basis.

You may ask yourselves as to why we have not taken the legal route in the TRNC. The straight answer to that is we have. One of our group actually has a Judgment, which was granted in April 2006. To date they cannot get anyone to enforce this Judgment. You have to ask why no one can enforce this Judgment?? We have


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Message Posted:
04/10/2007 18:15

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I sympathise with your plight. It must be tough for you.

It is unbelievable that the directors are still walking the streets. Surely they are not still running the same company? What about Gary Robb. Is he still in Cyprus? If so will the UK government not extradite him. They recently extradited another UK criminal. This is a step forward, the TRNC working with the UK government.

The TRNC will need to behave appropriately in this matter if the UK government is watching, if they want to get recognition.

I notice that the HBPG have stated that they are making progress with the TRNC governement. What do you think makes them say that?

Does the TRNC government have the necessary funds to pay out? I am presuming Aga and co have blown the money.

I will do as you request and let you know If I stumble on anything

Aga Buyers A G

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Message Posted:
04/10/2007 19:18

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Yes Gary is still walking freely in the TRNC and just taken delivery of a brand new car. The money is all gone we believe and maybe the HBPG make be making progress but all they are interested in is pushing for us to pospone any media interest, unfortunately we no longer have time on our side. Its OUR TIME now to be heard. Media interest is snowballing now. The gov can stop it by refunding our monies, but they are stubborn as mules and like a brick wall, so, we have to use the tools that we have - WOMEN'S NOISY VOICES !!!!!! We have collated much damning evidence and we will be using this in the media to name and shame shortly. Thanks for your support - every thing we collect is in the strictest confidence


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Message Posted:
04/10/2007 21:45

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best of luck with your campaign hope it all works out for you.


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Message Posted:
05/10/2007 00:18

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hi there aga group

im sorry to hear what happened to you all (words are not good enuf)

and i just hope you get some results because it gives me shame that these people call themselves TURKISH CYPRIOTS!!!!! with their helpers british bullies

and its great news that now your voices are being heard!!!

But one thing i dont agree on (no offence made)

is that your group go and protest at a property exhibition where there was many law obiding builders and agents trying hard not to just to sell houses but for north cyprus to get noticed to get some publicity to be heard and once north cyprus does get heard then maybe we will have some sort of housing regulator that these so called builders/agents will be banished

even thou you guys had the best of intention to show your case you prob scared a lot of people away from buying in to the dream of owning a home in the best part of cyprus and showed that turkish cypriots are cowboys with help from some dodgy brits

i know some of my fellow posters wont agree with my view but im not alone in thinking this

ive always been taught always make a negative into a postive and in this case after all the sh.t you guys have been thru you are starting to being heard and hopefully you will get a result but please do it in as postive way which does not put north cyprus in a negative way



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Message Posted:
05/10/2007 08:06

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Totally agree ukturk - positive press has got to be the best way forward. Good luck aga group, but try and remember why you wanted to live here in the first place - not everyone is the same.


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Message Posted:
05/10/2007 09:31

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I think the Aga buyers have been more than patient, four years is in anyone's world enough time for a government/ builders union/ council or anyone else in authority to sort out a mess like this.

The sad fact is that the population of the TRNC is no more than that of a middle size city in the UK or elsewhere, and if any authority anywhere else were seen to be acting the way this government is over promotion of it's assets they would not be in power for long.

Surely the powers that be, must now be seeing the negative effect all of this stramash is having on their economy, and the wave will surely become tidal as more and more negative publicity is brought to the fore.

Aga are the biggest concern, but there are many more small builders plots lying with half built and half paid for homes, mainly Brits but other nationalities as well, these people are slowly pulling together and pooling resources and information and it is only a matter of time till things come to a head.

People hear what ukturk is saying about not hurting the genuine builders etc and positives and the like, but if these 'GENUINE' people were to exert 'GENUINE' pressure where it matters then I am sure that a 'GENUINE' solution could be easily found.

The law in this small country is so antiquated with so many loopholes that cunning criminal minds make a mockery of it and us.

Positive press, unfortunately, 'live the dream' will not help the many who have suffered at the hands of these unscrupulous people, only hurting these people financially and putting them behind bars will help, and, unfortunately it would seem that the powers that be, after all this time procrastinating have been given ample time to find a solution, so now the innocent may well also have to suffer as a result, until 'GENUINE' changes for the better occur


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Message Posted:
05/10/2007 14:59

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The 'positive press' would be that the government has tackled the above crime effectively. This would send a strong message to the world. It woud show the watching eyes that the TRNC can run itself succesfully and should be granted the status of International recognition.

A successful economy is built on solid laws and the proper enforcement of that law. Improper law means the 'Wild West'.

With sound law enforcement people become conditioned to understanding that honesty is the best way to conduct business. Honesty leads to a strong reputation, which then leads to recommendations. It's a tough lesson but the TRNC needs to go through it.

I can understand the AGA groups policy. Scare of potential buyers to hurt their fragile economy. I wonder if this will work. Remember the TRNC is used to having sanctions being levied against them.

Talking of the wild west, perhaps we British need to set up a kangaroo court in the TRNC and convict the British person who has been mentioned above. What do you think the punishment should be?


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Message Posted:
05/10/2007 15:24

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hi there guys

i fully understand that the group wants to protest to be heard

and to do this if these companies were present at the show then i would be there to help myself but these companies were not even there

like i said and ilc agrees postive press is the way forward without being negative towards n cyprus

in my eyes not everyone is fit to be a property developer there should be some sort of restrictions on who can enter and operate in this industry, cyprus has got a housing regulator the north cyprus building contractors association but they do need to be more active in upholding the law and they should work more closer with the ministry for internal affairs to be more ruthless in dealing with these dishonest companies and individuals

like i have said before its all about connections and these people are connected legally and illegally and it actually runs deeper than the housing market (me being a turk cypriot i know what goes on under the covers)

its not the wild west more like the godfather


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Message Posted:
05/10/2007 16:10

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Yeah ukturk , godfather is a better metaphor than the wild west. I have read that places like Egypt etc run on this type of code. Very very difficult to break.

Mind you in reading the paper today it made me wonder if the US operates in a similar way. Do you know that if Hilary Clinton gets in to power then there would have been just two families in presidential power since 1988 through to 2013 - the Bushes and the Clintons. Thats startling for a country that advocates to carry the banner of democracy.


Joined: 28/09/2007
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Message Posted:
05/10/2007 21:28

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hi, i've resently joined the forum, and finding all the subjects and topics very interesting and helpful, recently bought (earlier in the year) in essentepe on the denizi vista site, near the new golf course, from coastal properties. Can anybody give me any information, good or bad, and on how the development is progessing.Also any future developments on the coast road for any shops, bars ect.


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Message Posted:
05/10/2007 21:46

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'Dalek' totally agree that the unscrupulous builders etc. need to be hurt financially and put behind bars but really the only way people can stop being ripped off financially is not to give over large sums of money so trustingly - you wouldn't do it in the UK without seeing for yourself that things were going as they should, I know I wouldn't.


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Message Posted:
07/10/2007 03:55

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It would seem that the police in the UK are taking an interest in our little forum, an anon post with no contact details giving details of one of the ways to contact the right people who may well be able to help to smash these gangsters, the more information they get the better


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Message Posted:
07/10/2007 04:05

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hi dalek i should not have posted i know what these people get up to because im a turk cypriot l.o.l l.o.l

they are actually not the police they have been set up by the government and funded by them they do have the power of arrest and they have the same power of the customs and i know they go over to diffrent countries but they have no power in north cyprus what they do is go undercover and follow these dodgy people and make a file on them and report back to the u.k i have seen them and always thought they were interpoll

we should be carefull wha we write from now on l.o.l


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Message Posted:
07/10/2007 21:33

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im going in ukturk cover me


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Message Posted:
07/10/2007 23:02

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i got you covered dont worry im connected!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
07/10/2007 23:18

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cant say to much i think my gaff is bugged,if this is the last time we correspond please tell my wife i love her.


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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 08:47

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Daft BUG-gers !!!!


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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 12:07

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dont worry ill inform your wife!!!!

you are very paranoid is it because you are the dodgy dodger from near doncaster

thats it your new i.d name D-D-D

L.O.L- L.O.L


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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 12:46

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Message 20 of 36 in Discussion

Hi all,

WOW- Whats happening???

Theres a guy on topix too who reacons hes the secret service aswell???

Kepps threating that he has special powers and watches everyone- hes greek of course but from usa???

Anyway the more the merrier!!!

Hope they catch some REAL criminals??

Take care -D


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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 13:03

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hi davidoff

if you remember when i said i was going to invite gc's to join in our discussion and i was told to f..k off well topix is the forum i must say this forum makes me laugh and also gets on my nerves because most of the threads are all bullsh.t belive you me no-one has special powers of arrest in north cyprus all they can do is go undercover and just report on their actions i know and heard off a lot of people who have run away from the u.k for one thing or another and nothing has happened to them for example asil nadir owner of polly-pek who nearly brought down the government in the late 80's - early 90's

also what gets up my nose is these so called greek cypriots who waffle on about cyprus and the poor plight of the greeks at the hands of the turks are not even from cyprus or no no-one from there like that greek you said from the u.s i bet he has not even seen cyprus not alone to comment about it

you tell him from me to concentrate on the biggest criminals the good old U.S

and the biggest godfather of them all Mr Bush!!!!!


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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 13:13

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what also makes me think this guy is speaking the biggest bullsh.t is because if you were in the secret service or secret police would you go around these forums and post that you work for them warning dodgy people to be carefull of him!!!!!!!!!!

This guy is speaking out of the wrong end of his body his arse!!!!



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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 17:37

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Hi uk turk,

I know it makes me laugh the the people on this site are impossible!!

They are truely brainwashed!!

They only worship the ground they walk on and will not accept both sides of the story- they deny they ever played a role in this mess!!

Anyway I ve had my fun and will leave this forum alone now before I loose my sanity like the rest of them on there!!

See ya D


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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 21:48

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As seen in the UK press! - It 's Monday night at The SCAM CLUB


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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 22:03

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dodgy dodger from doncaster i like that ukturk cant say to much for obvious reasons what i will say is "tigers can swim but are sometimes foolhardy"


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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 22:27

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hi d-d-d (l.o.l)

wink wink nudge nudge say no more!!!!


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Message Posted:
08/10/2007 22:34

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mums the word


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Message Posted:
25/10/2007 13:01

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This is encouraging news

Cyprus Times 25/10/2007 11:44:40

At last after more than 2 years of waiting patiently, the AGA Developments buyers of Hz Omer Site at Catalkoy witnessed plant machinery moving back on to site Monday morning . Buyers who never gave up hope can once again begin to plan for the future. Completion of the infrastructure may only be the first stage on the ladder but we will work hard to climb that ladder in order that all buyers have the home they dreamed of.

"Along the way we will face many obstacles which have already been detailed in the press but with the ongoing support of the Government, these obsta¬cles will be addressed and overcome. We realise that the Government has much greater issues to deal with outside of the Aga situa¬tion and we are grateful that they have expressed approval regarding the Working Protocol that we have put in place. Now the real work begins for all parties involved" Aga Buyers Hz. Omer Committee members underlined.

Committee members said that Hz Omer was only a small site compared to Amaranta Valley and should therefore be completed inside a 3 month period which is achievable if everyone works together.

"The Hz Omer Group cannot achieve success on their own and we rely on the Government and the legal professions for help" stated the Committee members continuing "Let us not forget, however, that there are hundreds of other buyers outside of Hz Omer and Amaranta Valley, some in real isolation, who need help and support and they should be encouraged to use the excellent services provided by Tugce Volkan at the Complaints Office"


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Message Posted:
10/01/2008 17:27

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I wish I had read this site before buying property in Northern Cyprus, it was a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig mistake. Misty


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Message Posted:
10/01/2008 17:33

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What has been your experience?



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Message Posted:
10/01/2008 19:19

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Maybe a solution is to have contracts signed in such a manner (in two countries) so they are enforceable in countries other than the TRNC. In other countries contractors are OBLIGATED to provide certified bank guarantees to all purchasers of new homes. We know their is a problem in the TRNC and that buyers have to ber very careful. Trying to ignore this is to no avail.

The question is if either of the above solutions would work.

Forum Buddies -- do you think the above two solutions, or a combination of both would work.

As for the writers of this thread -- I remain speechless, shocked and sorry for what you have endured.

Aga Buyers A G

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Message Posted:
10/01/2008 20:15

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Hi Tim

A good idea - but the fatal flaw is the the TRNC is unrecognised - you cannot enforce any UK (or other county) legal action against the "scum" as they in a "non" country (it doesn't exist - when it suits !) apart from Turkey and their lawyers do not want to touch the lawless society of North Cyprus with a "barge-pole"

Aga Buyers Action Group



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Message Posted:
10/01/2008 21:54

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AGA Buyers AG,

What I meant was to have a non-TRNC entity on the contract who can be sued in their country of origin.



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Message Posted:
10/01/2008 22:04

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Message 34 of 36 in Discussion

Hi Aga Buyers Action Group,

I echo evrybodies sentiments in your current, plight and I hope 2008 is the year you see a solution.

In last weeks Cyprus times there were AGA buyers celebrating with a glass of champagne with Garry Robb I think. Is this seen as positive for you?

Aga Buyers A G

Joined: 04/10/2007
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Message Posted:
10/01/2008 22:36

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Message 35 of 36 in Discussion

Hi James

Thanks for you kind sentiments

Of you read our new blog - you will see what we think





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Message Posted:
11/01/2008 08:14

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Message 36 of 36 in Discussion

While I totally feel for the AGA clients, I have the feeling that compared to others they might be lucky as it looks like they will get there houses in the end. How about all those others who did not!

While I can not and will not justify the TRNC government and judicial system as per the treatment of foreign investors (that leaves them to the absolute mercy of developers [good and bad]), the AGA group may do well to look at the half full glass of water than the half empty. Sometimes this is what makes our lives fuller or empty.

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