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Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 28/07/2011 20:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 25 in Discussion |
| http://www.cyprus44.com/forums/55942.asp Apologies for coming across negative as the thread above was enough recommendation to contact them (also they are quite close to where we live) and it turned into an incomplete fiasco. Prices were agreed first (50% cash was paid at the start of work and 50% was to be paid on completion of all tasks. The job was for a fully automatic garden irrigation system that did not keep going wrong or breaking down. i.e. get it right first time. We firmly believe that if you buy cheap you pay twice and told the guy to get good quality everything including the best water pump available, we were willing to pay well for a good job. It didn't happen, not the 1st time, or 2nd or the 3rd; the guy ran out of chances but always had an excuse. He was sacked off the job & the balance wasn't paid. We are trying, five weeks later, to put everything right as the system is still not up and running. Yesterday we received a demand for payment. |

Joined: 23/08/2009 Posts: 243
Message Posted: 29/07/2011 09:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 25 in Discussion |
| He did a job for one of my neighbours which involved erecting black netting screen and tried to charge extra for the black netting. The neighbour refused the extra payment and it was quite amusing to see four men arrive at the crack of dawn one morning and in the space of 15 minutes they removed all the netting and drove off. What was amusing was the fact it had taken them the best part of a week to erect it in the first place. |

Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 29/07/2011 16:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 25 in Discussion |
| Anyone know, if this guy (Kamel) has a contact email? |

Joined: 14/05/2010 Posts: 42
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 13:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 25 in Discussion |
| I was very angry to read the posting from sid447 who has made accusations which I am aware contain not one word of truth.We have used kemel on a number of occasions and always found him to be honest and reliable although he has to deal with leave a lot to be desired!He will make a response on this forum as his reputation has been impugned in the very near future. Post edited for offensive remarks |

Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 13:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 25 in Discussion |
| Davliz, If reading a simple posting about poor service at the hands of someone who seems to be a bosom buddy of yours makes you angry; you obviously need to see a doctor about your anxiety level. I'm not sure what your agenda is, when you can without hesitation, on a public forum accuse an absolute stranger of being a liar. Your reference to ex-pat scum says more about the sort of person YOU are, than those you are trying to label. We've had three people come here independently & check your buddy's work and they all said the same thing. Perhaps you'd like to contact these three other garden companies and tell them they are talking sh*te just like the ex-pat scum you are referring to. |

Joined: 19/03/2008 Posts: 404
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 15:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 25 in Discussion |
| I too used evergreen to lay astro turf I had brought over with me & flag the surrounding area. What a farce.... They buried the astro turf onto a concrete base so it was then impossible to keep clean and the paving flags were not even grouted so weeds immediately sprung up everywhere. I held back the final payment as the job was not completed and promptly received a phone call telling me I was going to have "My head ripped off my shoulders" if I was not forthcoming with the final payment. I was actually at someones house when he rang and put my phone onto loudspeaker and they could not believe the shouting, abuse and foul language spouting forth from my mobile. Says it all really. |

Joined: 30/07/2011 Posts: 7
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 19:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 25 in Discussion |
| to SID447 my friend your accusations against kemal at evergreen garden center is not true. instead of you working over seas stay a little bit near your wife and see what she does with your money if she payed the gardeners they will not take the blinds down and you are not true to say that evergreen garden (kemal) done your ir.system your wife took the person to do it and they wanted there money and i payed them to protect your wife from there rude ness because she had no money at that time she spent it some where else and she was going to fetch it to me on the 15 of july which she has not fetched it. my freind if you want more information you know where i am come and see me you will get the information where your money goes! and on monday the 1st of august you will have the papers from the court for none payment money and plus interest! if you want to talk to me sence as you can not face me contact me on this number 05338751772 ok |

Joined: 30/07/2011 Posts: 7
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 19:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 25 in Discussion |
| who is mai100max |

Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 20:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 25 in Discussion |
| Evergreen, First please, don't tell me how to run my life, or tell me where I should work; It's none of your business. Secondly, don't talk on a public forum about my wife; that is none of your business also. Stick to the subject. The problem is, you as a service provider were given responsibility to do a job for a customer, you failed to please the customer for various reasons that I won't talk about here. It is YOUR responsibility to make the customer happy, & not expect the customer to run to you asking for appeasement. You didn't do anything to try to improve customer relations yourself, instead you sent two children here with a payment demand. Three different companies were requested to come and assess the work you did here. I have their reports and all say the same thing. You want to play games with me you are welcome. |

Joined: 30/07/2011 Posts: 4
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 21:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 25 in Discussion |
| Caroline, Kemal and there boys have always been very pleasent and helpful to my family and I and have put in some wonderful plants for me over the last five years: However about three years ago I did ask them to put up a small wind break fence which was hopeless. In there defence they had just branched off into that side of landscaping and did not charge me for it! In my absence my neighbours were looking for wood for bonfire night and decided my fence would be perfect. Haha. You know who you are! Robbie |

Joined: 30/07/2011 Posts: 7
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 21:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 25 in Discussion |
| sid447, we dont do ir.system we gave the tele number to your wife and called the people them self we have nothing to do with there ir.system they wanted there money your wife only had 1500 tl on that time and i lent the rest to your wife and she payed them. now i can not see what the fus is you know how to take the money but you dont know how to pay it back i dont give a dam where your work or what you do with your life all i want is my money back that i gave to your wife or you will face the court in cyprus and with interest on it so stop bull shitting and like a good boy pay your depts other wise you will face up ten times more that you owe me by end of next week you like the people to work for you and help your wife out but you dont like paying them |

Joined: 30/07/2011 Posts: 10
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 22:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 25 in Discussion |
| we really don't like to do this on a public forum but we have to say the work done for us by evergreen was to say the least, not good. needs to be taken down and done again actually, but we live and learn. we said as the work progressed it didn't seem to be right but he assured it was. it wasn't and when we told him he was very threatening, especially to my wife. it may of course be the case that they are good at the gardening side but should not be taking on jobs that are better left to those who are better qualified to do them. it is the angry and threatening nature that comes to the fore that is most worrying. |

Joined: 06/09/2010 Posts: 1797
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 22:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 25 in Discussion |
| There appears to be a pattern developing here. |

Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 22:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 25 in Discussion |
| Evergreen, You were the person made responsible for the job. Who you decided to use was your choice. You were paid 50% of your quotation at the start of the job with the balance to be paid on completion. Completion means the work is done to a satisfactory standard to both parties, both the service provider & the customer. You changed your initial quote during the course of your work. You even undermined the people drilling the well by saying you could do it cheaper and when you were challenged to put your money where your mouth was you backed down and changed your tune. need proof? We have it. You were requested to fit a 2.5hp good quality water pump; you provided a 1hp made in China pump that was unsuitable. You then changed it for a 1.5hp same make pump that STILL wouldn't do the job. Your charge for this pump was 350 YTL they are 130 YTL retail. The wrong electric cabling was used. This all had to be changed along with buying a PENTAX pump suitable for the job. CONT: |

Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 23:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 25 in Discussion |
| Evergreen, Your advice on the system not working was to change the leak system piping from 20mm to 32mm & this would work with the 1.5hp w/pump. It didn't. You used garden leak system piping to feed the pump and water manifold which was unsuitable for the job and kept springing leaks. You set-up the garden sprinkler system which fed 8 sprinklers on one circuit and 4 on another. The 8 system was not working properly (even I can understand this) & has had to be re-done so that each circuit has 6 on each. The person you employed to spread topsoil not only broke the swimming-pool drain pipe, but also numerous leak system nozzles too. These had to be replaced. If you honestly think you can make your case stand up in a court Wait and see what we have as written proof from three separate companies along with bills and receipts for rectification work carried out to sort your mess out. |

Joined: 30/07/2011 Posts: 10
Message Posted: 30/07/2011 23:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 25 in Discussion |
| well, can only say well done sid447 for standing your corner on this matter. in our opinion too many of us feel we have to put up and shut up with exactly that which you have done because of threats and abuse. why should we feel reluctant to name and shame? surely this is partly what this forum is about, that one is entitled to give what is their honest opinion whether it be good or bad? |

Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 31/07/2011 00:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 25 in Discussion |
| cookie49, Thanks for the moral support! Pls send email to establish comms if you feel okay about it. Some others already have. |

Joined: 30/07/2011 Posts: 7
Message Posted: 31/07/2011 11:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 25 in Discussion |
| any body talking bad about evergreen garden center as far as we concerned they are all lies because most of these people we never had a deal with them and when it comes to that sid447 he can go ask his neghbours what they are talking abocourt ut his family most of them they even want to sell there house and move from there because whats going on in that house we had no dealing with lies he is talking and yes i will take him to the court for the money i let him to pay his depts instead of saying thank you he is trying not to pay his depts and trying to make loads accusations we are sick and fed up of his bullshits and on monday we are applying to the court and we know that we dont care what he says it is money we let to his wife and we will take it back we look after 147 house and we hold 147 house keys it is only a scum like him that is trying to give us a bad name and unless he say sorry openly we will never for give him. |

Joined: 30/07/2011 Posts: 7
Message Posted: 31/07/2011 13:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 25 in Discussion |
| cookie49, i dont know who u are but as far as i am concerned i am fighting for the british rights in n.cyprus last 3 years i was the one that got arrested by police trying to protect the old age pentionors in ataturk squar and i am the one day and night fighting with northen cyprus gouverment for equal rights for the british people in n.cyprus i am the one running in police stastion and the belediye and gourverment office for the british rights when you dont know anything you should not mix up i lent this money to sid447 wife cas she was penny less to pay the people that done there ir.system all i want is my money back am i not intitled to my money back that i lent them befor you talk why dont you come in to my garden center we are british just the same as you and i am the british army translator for many years if i was your place as you dont know anything i would shut my mouth up and go face to the people face to face instead of puting your nose in i dont hide nothing at a |

Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 31/07/2011 13:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 25 in Discussion |
| Evergreen, Your allegations about LENDING money are false. Your quote "...and when it comes to that sid447 he can go ask his neghbours what they are talking abocourt ut his family most of them they even want to sell there house and move from there because whats going on in that house.." Care to have a signed petition about that from all our neighbours? ....Consider it done. When a man starts to gossip and bad-mouth people you know absolutely nothing about it's amusing. Then trying to play super-hero to the Brits..... yeah right! You were given a job to do and you messed it up & aren't even man enough to admit it. Do what you feel is best, your decision making and logic process so far is pretty poor at best, so stand by for a pretty detailed counter-claim and some very genuine people who aren't afraid of your scaremongering tactics and threatening claims. I've dealt with your sort before and will accept doing it again. |

Joined: 10/08/2011 Posts: 3
Message Posted: 10/08/2011 22:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 25 in Discussion |
| I think evergreen is one of the best family run garden centres i have ever seen, they are such polite and helping people |

Joined: 29/01/2011 Posts: 1
Message Posted: 21/08/2011 17:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 25 in Discussion |
| Just to let you know kamel came to do our friends garden, he used a hose pipe from the mains water and he said he could use the water as he has a cousin who works for the lapta municipality and would tell him when they where doing spot checks for illegal water use, we thought it was helpfull fo tell us ( what a nice guy ) needless to say we did not do it |

Joined: 05/09/2008 Posts: 3039
Message Posted: 21/08/2011 20:01 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 25 in Discussion |
| If you had a business and someone complained would it be prudent to insinuate that the customers Wife is up to something? (which is how it sounds to me). I don't think so, the best way to have gone about this would have been to say "so sorry you feel you have to complain, please ring me so we can sort this out." The way in which Evergreen have gone about this (in a threatening manner?) would certainly put me off. |

Joined: 17/01/2011 Posts: 3534
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 01:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 25 in Discussion |
| But the 2 1st time posters defended them ?? |

Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 141
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 22:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 25 in Discussion |
| Philbailey, "...But the 2 1st time posters defended them..." They are still 1st time posters. Not very obvious at all really. |
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