Important Conference to be held at Pia Bella Hotel Tues. 23rd AugNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 18:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 54 in Discussion |
| VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE On Tuesday 23rd August a conference entitiled "Action against Eviction" will take place at the Pia Bella Hotel starting at 3.00 p.m. A new movement called Making North Cyprus Better Movement (MNCBM) is calling the meeting . Their Committe consists of Chairman Rahmi Ozsan, Vice Chairman Attila Berberoglu, Joint Secretary Gultac Ozsan Joint Secretary Malcolm Mitcheson, Hon. Legal Adviser Boysan Boyra. More details will be in a Press Release. |

Joined: 28/01/2009 Posts: 570
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 19:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 54 in Discussion |
| thank you misunderstood, I hope the above is a success and something comes of it. Glad to see that TRNC are now taking the threat of eviction seriously and the consequences of its actions. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 19:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 54 in Discussion |
| A pity it has taken this long, still better late than never. Perhaps someone has found the antidote to HISS. Please support his group, we need all the help we can get. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 19:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 54 in Discussion |
| Press release from the group now available on NCFP. |

Joined: 14/12/2008 Posts: 1096
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 19:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 54 in Discussion |
| Misunderstood, how I hope something will come from this for you and all others in that situation. I wish you all the good fortune in the world. |

Joined: 16/08/2011 Posts: 256
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 20:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 54 in Discussion |
| Just the ticket, sounds absolutely super. Giles |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 20:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 54 in Discussion |
| Good Luck misunderstood, Let's hope it brings some relief! the TRNC certainly needs to be made better, and not just with sticking plasters! Hiss is a very difficult disease to eradicate! |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 21:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 54 in Discussion |
| Can you tell those of us, who do not know about the subject, more about what this involves please. Eviction of whom and from where? |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 21:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 54 in Discussion |
| bigoz in short the issue is people who buy property but after paying and before recieving their title deeds, mortgages and loans are taken out on the already sold properties, which are then defaulted on and the banks then seek to sell the alrerady sold properties to recover their loans and interest on them, which can be massive and be vastly more than the orginal loan. |

Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 21:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 54 in Discussion |
| Thanks erolz I personally think "Action against eviction" is not the right motto for this! |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 21:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 54 in Discussion |
| So bigOz "What" should their motto be? |

Joined: 20/09/2010 Posts: 690
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 22:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 54 in Discussion |
| I urge everyone to attend this meeting, even those who do NOT HAVE A PROBLEM with potential eviction. We are the lucky ones who, by chance, have not been placed in this desperate situation. Let us show by our attendance that those with a problem have the full support of the community. By getting these eviction orders rescinded it will also bring to an end the fraudulent practice of builders taking out new mortgages from bent banks on land that has already been sold and built on. We will then ALL benefit, as once this practice stops there will be a significant change in the property market and the price of property here will once again rise. I urge all the "stop the blackmail" members who live in TRNC to attend if at all possible. Let us all show this Government that they have pussyfooted for yoo long and we are fed up with them !!! Gerry |

Joined: 20/09/2010 Posts: 690
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 22:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 54 in Discussion |
| I urge everyone to attend this meeting, even those who do NOT HAVE A PROBLEM with potential eviction. We are the lucky ones who, by chance, have not been placed in this desperate situation. Let us show by our attendance that those with a problem have the full support of the community. By getting these eviction orders rescinded it will also bring to an end the fraudulent practice of builders taking out new mortgages from bent banks on land that has already been sold and built on. We will then ALL benefit, as once this practice stops there will be a significant change in the property market and the price of property here will once again rise. I urge all the "stop the blackmail" members who live in TRNC to attend if at all possible. Let us all show this Government that they have pussyfooted for yoo long and we are fed up with them !!! Gerry |

Joined: 05/11/2008 Posts: 421
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 22:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 54 in Discussion |
| Hope it is a success and I will endeavour to attend this as I feel very important for people to stand together. As Gerry above says all of us who have deeds with no problems should still support those people who through no fault of their own, did every thing the correct way via solicitors (sic) to try and get this sorted. |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 23:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 54 in Discussion |
| rocking (mess 14) people like you and Gerry make me feel optimistic that you can at least understand how so many victims feel and are prepared to support the not so lucky! Thank you |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 18/08/2011 23:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 54 in Discussion |
| bigOz (mess 10) What should their motto be? |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 19/08/2011 07:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 54 in Discussion |
| Does it matter what the motto is? What matters is will anyone who has the power to change things listen? Talk, ergo words is cheap. Action is what counts. Easy to say the motto is wrong, well here is a challenge, come up with a better one and then show us all how to do it. We will listen, which is more than the govt. of the day will do. If you care, be there - TUesday 23rd August 2011, Pia Bella 3.00 p.m. Maybe nothing will be achieved, but better than sitting on our arses doing or worse, having our heads stuck in the sand HISS. |

Joined: 14/12/2008 Posts: 1096
Message Posted: 19/08/2011 08:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 54 in Discussion |
| Great to see messages from people with spirit above, birdman and rocking, well said. Change from the smug, self-satisfied brigade whos attitude drove me from another board in disgust. |

Joined: 19/04/2011 Posts: 92
Message Posted: 19/08/2011 10:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 54 in Discussion |
| There is strength in numbers everyone. Please make sure to tell all your neighbours and friends about this conference and urge them to attend. It affects both ex-pats and Cypriots, and the more people there for the media to report on, the better. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 19/08/2011 14:47 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 54 in Discussion |
| Hope the media get off their arses and actually do turn up Mitch68. Show little spine when it comes to Bank related issues, too scared of the Banking Laws they keep being threatened with. You can thank Akan Kursat (wanted with an EAW outstanding) and Akfinans Bank for that. Effetively emasculated the press. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 19/08/2011 19:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 54 in Discussion |
| 847 members of the Stop the Blackmail in North Cyprus facebook Group support this Conference. The vast majority are Turkish Cypriot and our membership are from the U.K., Europe, USA, Australia and of course the TRNC. Show your support by attending on Tuesday. Let us make the word ACTION mean something. |

Joined: 14/08/2011 Posts: 19
Message Posted: 19/08/2011 22:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 54 in Discussion |
| All those living out in trnc should or hope to should attend its time people started opening their eyes as to what is happening to often elderly folk its a disgrace come on people dont be shy support all TRNC folks who are in this situation and for those as yet dont know that this is common pratice Hate to say it KAR would get more support i guess! Come on people start to stand up for yourselves and for christ sake stop burying your head's in the sand Rant over |

Joined: 15/05/2009 Posts: 72
Message Posted: 19/08/2011 22:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 54 in Discussion |
| Oh if I could attend I would but I'm in the UK. I do urge as many to attend as possible for it only takes a few good people to do nothing for evil to flourish. As a life and business coach a favourite coaching phrase of mine is, ' Take MASSIVE ACTION to Achieve Great Results. ' So even if you personally haven't been affected your action and support is wanted and needed to help curtail the evil. I wish you well and a successful meeting |

Joined: 20/09/2010 Posts: 690
Message Posted: 19/08/2011 22:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 54 in Discussion |
| Maybe the Prime Minister should be sent an invite to attend as he would then see at a glance the desperation of the people who are at risk from corrupt banks / builder / lawyers. He obviously knows about the meeting and would save a lot of face by his attendance. Maybe he could even be given a platform to address those attending and explain to them WHY these illegal practices have been allowed to flourish under his rule as Prime Minister ? Don't hold your breath !!!! Gerry |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 19/08/2011 22:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 54 in Discussion |
| Gerry, The Prime Minister understood the desperation many years ago but did nothing! the whole TRNC Government know exactly what they are doing and still do nothing! neither the Prime Minister or any other TRNC Politician will do anything! there is little left for the victims! |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 20/08/2011 07:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 54 in Discussion |
| TRNC victim and Pauline Read organised a Peaceful Silent Candlelit Vigil which they tried to synchronise outside the Turkish Embassy's last October, as you know Pauline's efforts were stamped upon by the Govt. but she eventually, with the help of Ismet managed one in November, where were you all? I remember seeing a photo of TRNC VICTIM in London with a candle, looking alone and lonely. The Turkish Embassy in LOndon, promised to answer the questions presented to them - as TRNC victim wll confirm, the questions remain unanswered. For those of you who have bought but think you have no problems, think again. Whilst this continues, your home contiues to plummet in value, so that IS a problem. Join us on Tuesday and show you resognise not only YOUR problem, but all roperty related problems here in the TRNC. If you care, be there. Never give in Never give up |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 20/08/2011 12:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 54 in Discussion |
| Details of this made it on to page 4 of Cyprus Today - suppose better there than not at all. Who do they think buys their newspapers? |

Joined: 14/08/2011 Posts: 19
Message Posted: 20/08/2011 23:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 54 in Discussion |
| If only i could be there I'm sadly surprise that this is not a sticky and the lack of interest people seem to have As my nickname states I have had enough sick and fed up of being spoon fed lies time for action Me thinks, and to hell with the consequences a stand needs to be made I still remember seing the eyes of an 84 year old ex raf guy whom was being threatened with eviction I was disgusted then 2 years ago am angry now |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 21/08/2011 07:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 54 in Discussion |
| Mike is in fact 88 going on 89 shame on Akfinans. The committee of the new movement assure me that there will be press and TV coverage for Tuesday's meeting at the Pia Bella. This time the word ACTION means just that. With so many Turkish Cypriots on the committee, they are allowed to show their dissent. If you know any Turkish Cypriots who are victims or sympathetic, persuade them to attend. They have freedom to do things we cannot. Peaceful protest is the right of every human being in the free world. What does the denial of that basic right to foreigners tell you. The Human Rights of everyone threatened with eviction unjustly are being violated. Then to stop you protesting peacefully this act is yet another violation of Human Rights. |

Joined: 19/04/2011 Posts: 92
Message Posted: 21/08/2011 10:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 54 in Discussion |
| Back to the top please |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 21/08/2011 11:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 54 in Discussion |
| The only way this will go back to the top Mitch68 is by more people postiing. Is there anyone there??? |

Joined: 14/05/2009 Posts: 849
Message Posted: 21/08/2011 11:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 54 in Discussion |
| I am here and I will be coming on Tuesday with my other half and anyone else that I can bring along. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 21/08/2011 18:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 54 in Discussion |
| Good for you Julia and Paul. THanks for the link tony. All the electronic attachments with this press release are avaIlable on NCFP TOO. |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 21/08/2011 21:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 54 in Discussion |
| misunderstood, I am hopeful at least some Aga Victims will turn up to support you and us, I do understand that the Conference is about Eviction! which certainly let's 99.9% of Amaranta out of the equation,(having never lived in our homes to be evicted) however anything that makes North Cyprus a better place deserves to be supported Pauline (as I know you have supported Aga Victims) Good Luck on Tuesday! |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 07:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 54 in Discussion |
| Anyone who hasn't read the 8 point in the MNCBM Presss release, please read them. These are the points represent the changes the group want and will activley be lobbying for. They will help everyone in the Property Market scams, not just those threatened with eviction. Be there on Tuesday, show your support. Remember, people are givng their time and energy without any financial reward to help YOU |

Joined: 27/07/2009 Posts: 4110
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 08:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 54 in Discussion |
| Although I support you wholeheartedly, I am so afraid that what you are asking is tantamount to meeting with burglars and imploring them to return your stolen goods. I've already been to two Pia Bella 'do's' - lipservice paid - a story about some local yokel having his chickens stolen and how fair the TRNC judicial system was as QED! It was incredible - not a word about property scams - 'Go and get your title deeds ASAP!' we were all told! Rather like a beggar on crutches approaching you in the street, saying: 'Please, Mister, I haven't eaten for three days...' and you saying: 'Well, simply try and force yourself - now bugger off!' as you kick his crutches away and he falls under the wheels of a passing bus. Can anyone draw an analogy here............??? |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 10:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 54 in Discussion |
| Tenakoutou - reminds me of the vehicular attack on Agile, if they (Mehmet Kader and another maybe an Advocate) had succeeded, it would have been ruled as suicide. Nevertheless being the infernal optomists. we will be there (perhaps I shouldn't say, they may try again). This is definitely not HBPG. This is a new group pushing an 8 point proposal they intend to lobby the govt with. I think if you do decide to come you will realise, no one is asking you to kow tow to the govt. |

Joined: 27/07/2009 Posts: 4110
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 13:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 54 in Discussion |
| misunderstood/Msg 38: Having witnessed the selfless commitment of Marian Stokes' sterling efforts on behalf of property scam victims, coupled with her repeated appeals to government(s), backed up by her realistic proposals - a 'panacea on a plate' for TRNC, being repeatedly ignored, I sincerely wish you all the very best in your latest endeavours. As for 'kow-towing' - I can assure you that obsequiousness is NOT in my nature! |

Joined: 06/03/2011 Posts: 1816
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 14:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 54 in Discussion |
| Hopefully, Fevzi Hussein, former Chairman of embargoed! will be joining us He is here on holiday, but feels this is important enough for him to leave his family around the pool to lend support. Maybe he can contribute some helpful comments! |

Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 16:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 54 in Discussion |
| Action against eviction? You want action against eviction but fail to remember that not so long ago you were happy to buy a property where the previous owner was evicted. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 18:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 54 in Discussion |
| Yes Marion, I have spoken with Fevzi too and he is keen to be at the Conference. Yes blade Action against Eviction. If you don't like it, dont read this thread and please do not be at the Conference. It is for people with problems, not people who want to cause problems. We were not around 37 years ago and those that feel unjustly treated at that time have the IPC to take their problem to. We are just trying to help oursleves. If you don't approve, that is your problem, don't make it ours. |

Joined: 21/08/2011 Posts: 34
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 18:44 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 54 in Discussion |
| Tenakoutou hope to see you there Gadaffi thought he was immune to change and has found out the hard way. it is time for change in TRNC and NOW IS THE TIME |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 18:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 54 in Discussion |
| Amen to that Chef99. Tenatoutou, I was not saying you would kow tow, I was just saying, there will be no kow towing. As for Marion, no one has been so persistent as she has. I may not agree with paying any extra above the Contract price, but there are those who have and have been happy with the outcome. |

Joined: 27/07/2009 Posts: 4110
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 19:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 54 in Discussion |
| misunderstood/Msg 44: ' I may not agree with paying any extra above the Contract price, but there are those who have and have been happy with the outcome.' Neither do I agree - but when faced with unscrupulous builders, many, most likely in cahoots with 'no duty of care' advocates, who advise their clients to pay up, those who have 'coughed up', obviously, were prepared to accept blackmail to obtain 'closure'. In any civilised society, such practice(s) would be a criminal offence - obviously not in TRNC, or RoC, along with all the other 'legal' swindles for which there is no accountability. |

Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 1417
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 22:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 54 in Discussion |
| misunderstood Hope all goes well tomorrow! and the "Action against Eviction Conference" can find a way forward for all victims! |

Joined: 21/08/2011 Posts: 34
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 22:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 54 in Discussion |
| Tenakoutou once you give in to blackmail when do you stop paying . pay once continue to pay ...obtain closure yea till the next time so,me ones cousin uncle or minister wants a few bob. |

  Joined: 24/07/2007 Posts: 4400
Message Posted: 22/08/2011 23:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 48 of 54 in Discussion |
| Good luck with the meeting tomorrow. I will have to do without my afternoon sleep and hope to make it by three. See you all there. ismet |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 06:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 49 of 54 in Discussion |
| Ismet, that will be wonderful. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 06:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 50 of 54 in Discussion |
| Tenoukatou - Totally agree with you and agree to the right of those who do go along the pay for peace of mind route. I even recognise the right of the one younger couple on K5 who did allegedly pay off the Bank. I would not do it and in case you are wondering, I did receive the same offer as the rest £55,000 on the 23rd July 2010 I said no and my vlla was forcibly taken on the 31st July 2010 A twenty year mortgage, do me a favour!!! A blackmailer rarely, if ever only asks once, having established you will pay when asked, he usually comes back with more outrageous demands. Also a pattern of giving in to demands makes it bad for others. Today's efforts might end up like a damp squib, but we will never know if we do not try. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 06:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 51 of 54 in Discussion |
| Fevzi Hussein former Chair of Embargoed! will be there. Fevzi alsa attended the Silent Peaceful Candlelit Vigil in November last year. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 07:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 52 of 54 in Discussion |
| also not alsa - my body is sitting at the lap top, my head is still on the pillow. Please attend this meeting if you can, we really need the numbers today. |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 13:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 53 of 54 in Discussion |
| Just topped 900 members on the Stop the Blackmail in North Cyprus facebook Group. What does that tell this 'out of touch' regime? |

Joined: 08/04/2011 Posts: 1004
Message Posted: 23/08/2011 20:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 54 of 54 in Discussion |
| Should be on Ada TV tonight. |
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