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new student to cyprus (( famagusta )) few questions !

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Joined: 14/09/2011
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Message Posted:
14/09/2011 23:32

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hi , i am new student and also new to cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean university in famagusta , and i would like to open bank account in HSBC bank , but i have few questions :

1- i live in famagusta in the EMU dorm's , is there HSBC bank branch near me ?

2- i am confused wat bank account type suits student to receive money transfers internationally and withdraw it from ATM ,thats my purpose of bank acc from first place

3- also why most turkish pple have absolutely no english speaking skills (( nothing disrespectful but just saying )) , i am new to turkish lang my self and am trying to learn it too to be able to express and communicate with other pple well

4- why is the water taste sooo damn do i say it... ANNOYING XD i dont drink it but when i brush my teath or shower

5- is famagusta rly bad comparing to girne bec i rly thought famagusta is like girne like how it look'd on internet since its on shore side like girne

thx all in advance !


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Message Posted:
14/09/2011 23:48

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Here we go!!!

1. HSBC and many others are within twenty minutes of walking distance from the place you stated. Is that near enough sir? Otherwise you will have to get a taxi or a bicycle.

2. Simply open a Personal account.

3. This is a difficult one. Don't tell this to the English, they are much worse in foreign languages

4. You better brush your teeth with drinking water. As for the shower, you better find a girlfriend who lives somewhere else and take your shower there.

5. As far as I am concerned Famagusta is a much better place than Girne but it takes all sorts



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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 00:03

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Well done elko in reassuring this student of things Famagustian. But I would have thought that the uni had all that information at its finger tips, either from the Students Union' or fellow students who have been there longer. they can probably fill in far more than any of us.

But to Elko - a warning! Be careful what you say about we English- some of us are polyglot! But with turkish, I am afraid that it is a case of 'cok tembel' and 'zamen yok#. But there is always 'yarin'. however, my English ain't too awful!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 00:08

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Is this a wind-up post? A student that cannot string an English sentence together, what hope for the future!



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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 00:15

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I might agree it is a wind=up, but not because of the English, or lack of it. Pretty standard compared to the students I knew at GAU. However, the questions appear to be the wind=up no matter how badly written. But I was not going to say that becuase it could be genuine. But as to the water, one would expect to speak to a fellow student and be advised to buy the bottled stuff.


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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 00:17

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I think its a wind up and I answered in the same vein



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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 00:28

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3. The English are much worse AT (not "in"!) learning foreign languages! Well, generally, but there are exceptions to every rule! English and Turkish belong to different groups of languages. English is one of the "Romance" lanaguages - that means it is based on Latin like French, Italian and Spanish so they have some words in common so it is easier for English speakers to learn those languages than Turkish ,

4. Isnt the problem with the water in the Famagusta (Gazimağusa in Turkish) that it has a high salt content?

5. Better in what way? Girne has mountains above it, the land round Famagusta is flatter and Girne has a "pretty" harbour. I think more English people live in and around Girne and more Turkish people speak English in the Girne area - I dare not say whether that is better or worse! - and Girne is more "touristy" Maybe Famagusta is a nicer town and has more sandy beaches nearby but there are lots of interesting and beautiful places near Girne


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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 00:37

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I should have said "more Turkish Cypriot people speak English in............" Özür dilerim!


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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 00:40

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Look here young lady, you may be worse AT learning a foreign language but worse IN foreign languages. Same difference?

Saline water in Famagusta? Well it helps kill the bacteria and make us more virile.

Famagusta, of course a much better place. Best beaches and all free. Free from mountains and thus less humidity in the evenings. Also no smelly harbour here. Historic monuments in abundance etc. etc.



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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 00:55

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Yes, elko, thought yours was a bi of a win=up with the answer No.4! Reminds me of the advertisements of yyears ago during a water shortage 'Save water = bath with friend."

and yes, I am inclined to agree with you about Famagusta, but can't afford to move,so stay in my own pth of scruffy montainside dreaming or the day of having a house on the beac over there (or even inn the old town -magic.


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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 01:17

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YOUNG lady?! Elko you have made my day!

At is the correct usage ("learning", "speaking" etc is implied). No-one said the English language is logical!

Hey, I wasnt criticising the Famagusta water - just explaining why it might taste and even feel different.

Wow you have nearly persuaded me to move - but I love my house and have friends here.

What's wrong with a wind up - PROVIDED it is good natured

MARION Wasnt that Ted Heath?

daisy dukes

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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 07:30

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Even if it is a wind up, i think some of the questions posed are quite appropriate, and good on Elko for answering....''go shower with a girlfriend'' made me for the english being crap at learning turkLish is excellent!!



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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 10:17

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As a British linguist myself (Spanish and Farsi). I would just like to point out that English is not from the Romance group at all... It's a Germanic Language along with Dutch, German etc. Many loanwords from Latin/Norman French, but still Germanic.


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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 11:17

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Surely English is a mongrel language - it has several roots including Latin and Germanic. I was over simplifying for the sake of brevity.

To go back to the OP - it might not be a send up. Might be neither Turkish nor English is his first language , he is only just learning Turkish and more comfortable with English and the other students don't speak his native language and have less English than he. . Not a comfortable situation.

The answer to Question 4 is that the water in the Famagusta area has a lot of salt in it. That gives it the funny taste and also means you need to use more soap for washing but it is not unhealthy.

And his English is not so bad - I have read worse on this Board - but if I were teaching him I would encourage him to use less text speak.


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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 20:37

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I don't think the poor devil can understand all this and certainly not the cynism.



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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 20:43

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Message 16 of 21 in Discussion

Hi man ..

Can u give ur E-mail? i'm going to study in Famagusta soon(EMU) and i wanna know about the city and the uni please


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Message Posted:
15/09/2011 21:29

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Sadly I agree Elko. Lets hope at least part of your first post gave him some assistance.

Their first experience of University AND Cyprus can be pretty overwhelming even for some mainland Turkish students - for those from other countries with limited English and no Turkish language skills it must be really daunting!

Actually I dont understand half the posts on this Forum myself , and I have a feeling I prefer to keep it that way!


Joined: 11/10/2011
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Message Posted:
11/10/2011 06:13

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Hello. I'm also new here, and I've spent give or take ten days. So newer than you are.

As I understand it, HSBC doesn't have a reputable students personal accounting scheme, and Ish Bank is preferred re: studentship. Albeit, HSBC has international branches

1 - No idea. There's Google for that.

2 - A standard personal account should suffice, it'll take about two weeks to get the debit card.

3 - Your English literary skills are probably nothing noteworthy compared to the bits and pieces most Turks are able to string together (no offense) - shouldn't really be a problem, you can probably just wave your hands around.

4 - Try boiling your drinking water … 

5 - Bad is subjective. If you mean in terms of gambling and prostitution or as a ghost town it probably rates well in badness on both.



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Message Posted:
20/10/2011 03:08

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Message 19 of 21 in Discussion

Hi all,

especially the students reading this post;

-dont forget to take your rental agreement and residence paper (from mukhtar if living elsewhere than dorms) alongside with your passport(should have muhaceret) to the bank in order to open up an account...

always here to help, we are a stutents service and rental agent in famagusta (Rentmono) +9 0542 8502111 dont hesitate to contact.

english turkish and "non english-turkish language" speaking staff support :P



Joined: 27/06/2011
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Message Posted:
20/10/2011 12:53

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Message 20 of 21 in Discussion

Pardon me

Msg n 7 English isn't a Roman language. it belongs to the German language family unlike French, italian or Spanish. Yes, Turkish is from different language family but it just mean a little more effort is needed. Just for your general knowledge BizziLizzi


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Message Posted:
20/10/2011 14:18

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Message 21 of 21 in Discussion

Re: Msgs 7 &20,

"English is one of the "Romance" lanaguages - that means it is based on Latin like French, Italian and Spanish..."

That left me shaken (if not stirred too!

Perhaps BizziLizzi is too bizzi for the forays into linguistic studies.

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